The Uglification of Michigan Lake Towns

America is known for its English-Protestant roots, for the pilgrims who settled the Eastern seaboard and the Anglos who descended from them. But America has a French-Catholic history, too, and Northern Michigan is a central location in that history. | Continue reading | 2 days ago

Restoring the Long Run as a Practice of Virtue

As she engages ultimate questions about human life, Little models the pursuit of virtue and the concomitant wrestling with vice involved in this pursuit. | Continue reading | 3 days ago

A Rural White American’s Reflection of White Rural Rage: Resentment is Toxic

Despite Trump’s own divisive rhetoric, he makes rural Americans feel heard in ways neither majority party has in decades. Any politician or scholar who actually wants to address the root causes of polarization needs to reckon seriously with this reality. | Continue reading | 4 days ago

Medieval Hillbilly Kings, Priests, Pagans, and Poets: Beowulf, Johnny Cash, and Trent Reznor

Cash may as well be situated in an Anglo-Saxon mead hall, a broken ring-giver, a pagan, who for all his good intentions, cannot heal that which infects his people and himself. | Continue reading | 5 days ago

Volunteering, Urban Farms, and Grocery Stores

We’ve now posted the FPR conference schedule. It’s shaping up to be a great weekend of conversation, and a time to make new acquaintances and renew old friendships. Do consider joining us. “Why I Changed my Mind about Volunteering.” When confronted with large issues like homeless … | Continue reading | 7 days ago

Seeing the Stars: A Review of The Anxious Generation

If the sky clears above is, we won’t suddenly find ourselves saints. But at least, perhaps, we’ll be able to see the stars. | Continue reading | 8 days ago

Kirk Center Visit after FPR Conference

Russell Kirk, perhaps more than any self-described conservative thinker of the past century, celebrated the virtues of place, limits, and liberty. His ancestral estate in Mecosta, MI has long been a center not only for the downtrodden and oppressed, but for the fomenting of local … | Continue reading | 9 days ago

Who Has Children Anymore Anyway?

Without God, a spiraling fertility rate seems certain. But on spiritual grounds, there’s always room for hope and renewal. When the seed is sown on the good soil, it bears thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold. | Continue reading | 9 days ago

Sacramental Ontology in a Christian School

To gaze upon creation through a sacramental lens is to admit that God is God and we are not; it is an antidote to the poison of Genesis 3. | Continue reading | 10 days ago

Boom Towns Go Bust

Civil society relies on common spaces where people of all backgrounds can meet, but states and cities have been pursuing semi-privatization of public spaces. | Continue reading | 11 days ago

Sigmund Freud’s Grief

In expressing his love through epistolary lament, it may be that Freud discovered the precise meaning he felt he had lost. | Continue reading | 12 days ago

Contrary U, New Verse Review, and Vinyl Records

“Captive Users.” Alexander Stern pens a thoughtful review essay that puts Cory Doctorow’s The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation in conversation with Antón Barba-Kay’s A Web of Our Own Making: The Nature of Digital Formation to try to identify better ways of buil … | Continue reading | 14 days ago

American Holland and Dutch America: On the Exoticization of Culture

Culture is the ever-evolving play that takes place on that stage, as new props come and old props are replaced, even as the theater remains the same. Of course, the play is influenced by the stage and interacts with it. | Continue reading | 15 days ago

Manual Training for All

Jobs in construction, health care, and manufacturing technology need not lead to dead ends... | Continue reading | 17 days ago

How to Have a Baby in the Apocalypse

It’s ironic that this whole Impossible Question — whether to have children in this age of climate change — springs from the same mentality underpinning the forces tearing the world apart, the idea that humans are in charge. | Continue reading | 18 days ago

Past, Future, and Breeding Out of Captivity

Perhaps in the coming decades we shall have, so to speak, not a straightforward demographic slope downward, but more of a dip and a levelling off in the next century. | Continue reading | 19 days ago

Nisbet, Fact-Checking, and Leopold

“Robert Nisbet for the Present Age.” Kirstin Birkhaug describes the experience of teaching Robert Nisbet’s The Present Age and watching her students respond to his analysis of America’s twinned statism and individualism: “My students do not want to feel rootless. They do not want … | Continue reading | 21 days ago

On Beating Dead Horses

But I wonder: as it strains to get over Christ, will the West survive without noticing all the other beaten horses of the world? Or will it one day break its supposed sanity and collapse back into a foregone pity? | Continue reading | 23 days ago

Paranoia and Perfect Love

It would be easy to dismiss my argument as a simple platitude: “Trust God.” But it is trust in the infinite that allows us to trust finite beings. | Continue reading | 24 days ago

Marie Antoinette and the Stories We Prefer to Tell

The execution of Marie Antoinette and the treatment of her family is nothing for France to be proud of. Her punishment is the first evidence of a revolution run amok. | Continue reading | 25 days ago

An Introductory Course in Apicultural Science: Tracy Farone’s Honey Bee Vet

But even a novice like me—hobbled by an ignorance of veterinarian science and perennially pulled toward too many projects—found the book interesting and useful. | Continue reading | 26 days ago

Wendell Berry, the Pioneer Fire, and Idols

“‘Your Friend, Wendell’: A 90th Birthday Tribute to Wendell Berry.” To mark Wendell Berry’s 90th birthday, The Library of America published a set of reflections by several of the people he’s influenced over the years. Here’s a taste of Andrew Peterson’s: “the Wendell Berry I’ve e … | Continue reading | 28 days ago

Flannery O’Connor, Incarnational Writer: A Review of Damian Ference’s Understanding the Hillbilly Thomist

...the real artist, for both O’Connor and Ference, is one who sees and expresses gratitude for what is already there, and deals with it in such a way as to reveal aspects of it that may not be visible at first glance. | Continue reading | 29 days ago

Politics Beyond Thunderdome: Yuval Levin’s American Covenant

We cannot give into the temptation of thinking that our times are so different that basic civility must be cast aside. Once we have done that, we are lost. | Continue reading | 1 month ago

Safe at Last

As the sun rises over the Nile or my daughter’s grave, it occurs to me that the ancient Egyptians may have been onto something. Jess lives on, her soul soars to heaven, yet she returns each day, as close as a whispered web or a patient beetle on my boots. | Continue reading | 1 month ago

Thoughts on Dallmayr and a Different Post-Liberalism

[Cross-posted to In Medias Res] Donald Trump’s selection of J.D. Vance as his vice presidential running mate has put “postliberalism” back in the news, assuming it had ever left. Vance’s embrace of postliberalism and the Trumpist cause of “national conservatism” will no doubt con … | Continue reading | 1 month ago

The Light Eaters

Plant biology seems to be revolutionizing our understanding of what a plant is and can be. This is a gift that may help us grow in wisdom, in reverence, and in care for our world. | Continue reading | 1 month ago

The Jigsaw Revolution: Finding Peace, Piece by Piece

The way of the puzzler is not about reaching a certain goal. If it were, the perfectly fine image would never have been broken up to begin with. The way of the puzzler is about the puzzling itself. | Continue reading | 1 month ago

The Heartbreak behind the EEG

Modern physicians use Hans Berger’s invention to save lives every day | Continue reading | 1 month ago

Reasonable People Can Disagree

People often cannot always bridge differing intellectual and political positions, even with people they agree with about most intellectual questions and political issues. | Continue reading | 1 month ago

I Can Hear Music

As C.S. Lewis noted in The Abolition of Man, the souls of our youth are not jungles that need pruning but deserts that need irrigation. We could start by getting them to hear music. | Continue reading | 1 month ago

The Streak: A Legendary Semester

Our participation streak brought forward more diversity of opinion and expression in the classroom while forming the students into a team with a shared objective. | Continue reading | 1 month ago

A Challenge in Charity: A Review of Deep Reading

To counter dogmatic worldviews, we should read prudently and widely across time periods and cultures and not avoid difficult content because of fear. | Continue reading | 1 month ago

Sisyphus, Don’t Go it Alone

A Non-Believer Ponders Life, Death, and Staring into the Abyss | Continue reading | 1 month ago

From Culture Warriors to Agrarians

Can the rest of us afford such inaction? Yes—and that’s the point. For the travesty of modernity is its constant demand—from left or right—for action, control, and efficiency. But the first step into an agrarian attitude is to step back from such demands. | Continue reading | 1 month ago

The Consolation of Silence

Your presence is needed. Hush. Stay. Show your love by letting them grieve. | Continue reading | 1 month ago

The Epic England Never Had: A Review of eÞanðun

But I reckon that eÞanðun can mix with Beowulf and Paradise Lost and not feel out of place. | Continue reading | 1 month ago

Chicago Style Citation: False Futures and Utopias

The Chicago Manual of Style is not to blame for any of these trends. The editors’ decision does not shape as much as reflect our culture. | Continue reading | 1 month ago

The Wild of God in Waterloo Township, Michigan

I found it to be profound and moving, the work of an author who is not lost in flights of fancy but who is deeply receptive to the world and its God. | Continue reading | 1 month ago

It Takes a Lot of Tape to Raise Kids

Behind this type of play, though, is a genuine longing for beauty—a desire not only to appreciate the beautiful things one has seen or read or heard, but also to attempt to replicate them somehow. | Continue reading | 1 month ago

Grief in Eternity

Yet at times, if only for a moment, I feel the shadow over my days is transformed into pure spirit. Such thoughts give me a surprising sense of quiet joy. | Continue reading | 1 month ago

The Census Taker in a Church Pew, part 6

This rural mountain church continues to be good because it continues to do what is necessary. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

The Final Prayer of Jim Barry  

—it took 40 years for me to begin to realize these words Jim silently put into my hands on that last day of class were a prayer. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Remembering Family History: A Mess, a Murderer, and a Matriarch

Knowing your family’s past fugitives and pretty boys is the kind of localism anyone can aspire toward and practice. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Great Balls of Fire

With a clear sky above us, no one restricting our movements, we learned—sometimes flailingly, like chickens with our heads cut off—how to marvel. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

A SNOOT’s Dream Deferred: A Review of Dictionary of Fine Distinctions

I suppose when it comes to discussions of the English language, I prefer sterner stuff. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

A Garden of Children

If you understand that a child’s growth comes from a spark within, just as does the growth of a flower, a crystal, or a mighty oak, you might take a more trusting view of a child’s growth. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Medicine Wheel for the Planet: A Review

There ought not be unnecessary opposition between Indigenous and Christian perspectives. The creative work of caring for our ecology is hard enough; let us not also misunderstand one another. | Continue reading | 2 months ago