Dismantling the Dogmas of Life and Death: How the Forgotten Prodigy William James Sidis Presaged the Quantum Undoing of Time and Thermodynamics

"There is no way of telling whether we are living organisms in a positive universe, or pseudo-living organisms in a negative universe.. The difference is really one merely between the two directions of time, and, though those two directions are opposite to each other, they have n … | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

Hermann Hesse on Trees and the Meaning of Life

"It was the great and eternal made visible: a confluence of opposites, their fusing together in the fire of reality. It meant nothing... or, rather, it meant everything... and it was beautiful, it was happiness and meaning... like an earful of Bach or an eyeful of Cézanne." | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

Consciousness and the Constellations: Cognitive Scientist Alexandra Horowitz Reads and Reflects on Robert Frost

“You’ll wait a long, long time for anything much to happen…” | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

The Power of the Bittersweet: Susan Cain on Longing as the Fulcrum of Creativity

In search of the most transcendent solution to “the problem of being alive in a deeply flawed yet stubbornly beautiful world.” | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

The Cello and the Nightingales: How the World’s First Fake News United Humanity in Our First Collective Experience of Empathy for Nature

An improbable celebration of the three most interesting things in life, the things that make it worth living: nature, human nature, and their cross-pollination in music. | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

The Age of the Possible

The poetry of perspective, in unimagined shades of blue. | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

The Stoic Key to Kindness

“Suppose someone standing by a clear, sweet spring were to curse it: it just keeps right on bringing drinkable water bubbling up to the surface.” | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

Poet Mark Doty on Connection and Creativity

"We are all co-extensive, and our work is to move toward union... We must know our fellows in order for everything to move forward; it is our spiritual imperative to connect, or else the destiny of the world cannot be completed." | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

Haunting Cyanotype Portraits of Flowers by Artist Rosalind Hobley

Roses are blue, violets are ultraviolet, and beauty is made of chemistry and light. | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

Catching the Light of the World: The Entwined History of Vision and Consciousness

“The light of the mind must flow into and marry with the light of nature to bring forth a world… To see, to hear, to be human requires… our ceaseless participation.” | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

Iris Murdoch’s Pocket History of the Five Phases of Freedom, in Literature and Life

“Freedom is our ability to rise out of history and grasp a universal idea of order which we then apply to the sensible world.” | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

How to Live with Fear and What It Means to Love: A Tender Meditation in Ink, Watercolor, and Wonder

“Nothing beats kindness… It sits quietly beyond all things.” | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

Your Brain on Grief, Your Heart on Healing

"Grief is a heart-wrenchingly painful problem for the brain to solve, and grieving necessitates learning to live in the world with the absence of someone you love deeply, who is ingrained in your understanding of the world... For the brain, your loved one is simultaneously gone a … | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

So I Danced Again: A Vibrant Animated Meditation on the Limits of Words and the Power of Embodied Music in our Search for Meaning

Sound, color, and wonderment where the body meets the soul. | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

A Design History of Childhood (2013)

“Children help us to mediate between the ideal and the real.” | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

The Healing Power of Flowers, Light, and Variety: Florence Nightingale’s Remedy for Physical Breakdown and Psychological Burnout

“People say the effect is only on the mind. It is no such thing. The effect is on the body, too.” | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

Trees at Night: Rebecca Solnit Reads and Reflects on a Stunning Century-Old Poem by the Young Harlem Renaissance Poet Helene Johnson

An eighteen-year-old prodigy’s song of praise for the eternal consolation of trees. | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

Torment and Triumph: The Remarkable Story Behind Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy”

A hymn of rage, a hymn of redemption, and a timeless love letter to the possible. | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

The Faith of the Naturist: John Burroughs’s Superb Century-Old Manifesto for Spirituality in the Age of Science

"Communing with God is communing with our own hearts, our own best selves, not with something foreign and accidental. Saints and devotees have gone into the wilderness to find God; of course they took God with them." | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

Things to Look Forward to: An Illustrated Celebration of Living with Presence in Uncertain Times, Disguised as a Love Letter to the Future

Love, laundry, and the miraculous in the mundane. | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

The Science of Working Out the Body and the Soul: How the Art of Exercise Was Born, Lost, and Rediscovered

“A history of exercise is not really — or certainly not only — a history of the body. It is, equally, perhaps even primarily, a history of the mind.” | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

200 Years of Great Writers and Artists on the Creative and Spiritual Rewards of Gardening

Emily Dickinson, Virginia Woolf, Oliver Sacks, Rebecca Solnit, Bronson Alcott, Michael Pollan, Jamaica Kincaid, and more. | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

Biking Through Time: Brooklyn Youth Chorus Sings Composer Paola Prestini’s Anthem for Women’s Freedom of Body and Mind

A two-wheel romp through the topography of progress from Victorian times to rural Spain to twentieth-century America. | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

Finn’s Feather: A Tender Illustrated Meditation on Rediscovering the Joy of Aliveness on the Other Side of Loss

Because grief, too, is a thing with feathers. | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

The Ever-Present Origin: Swiss Poet, Philosopher, and Linguist Jean Gebser’s Prescient 1949 Vision for the Evolution of Consciousness

"Origin is ever-present. It is not a beginning, since all beginning is linked with time... not just the 'now'... or a unit of time. It is ever-originating, an achievement of full integration and continuous renewal." | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

Kosmos: Artist Dustin Yellin Reads Walt Whitman’s Timeless Hymn to Human Nature as a Miniature of the Universe

A song of praise for that place in us housing “the past, the future, dwelling there, like space, inseparable together.” | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

Hermann Hesse on Little Joys (2017)

“The high value put upon every minute of time, the idea of hurry-hurry as the most important objective of living, is unquestionably the most dangerous enemy of joy.” | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

Fixed vs. Growth: The Two Basic Mindsets That Shape Our Lives

How to fine-tune the internal monologue that scores every aspect of our lives, from leadership to love. | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

You Are a Wonder, You Are a Nobody, You Are an Ever-Drifting Ship: Melville on the Mystery of What Makes Us Who We Are

“There is no steady unretracing progress in this life; we do not advance through fixed gradations, and at the last one pause… We trace the round again; and are… Ifs eternally.R… | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

Emily Dickinson’s Botanical Inspiration: Stunning 19th-Century Flower Paintings by the Forgotten Artist and Poet Clarissa Munger Badger

A vibrant celebration of flowers as “brilliant hopes, all woven in gorgeous tissues,” as “stars… wherein we read our history.” | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

Atoms with Consciousness: Yo-Yo Ma Performs Richard Feynman’s Ode to the Wonder of Life, Animated

“Out of the cradle onto the dry land… here it is standing… atoms with consciousness… matter with curiosity… I… a universe of atoms… an atom in the universe… | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

How to Change a World: The Radical Russian Prince Turned Anarchist and Pioneering Scientist Peter Kropotkin’s Advice to the Talented Young

“Courage, devotion, the spirit of sacrifice, are as contagious as cowardice, submission, and panic.” | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

Octopus Empire: An Animated Poem

A playful and poignant what-if for the planet. | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

We Are Made of Music, We Are Made of Time: Violinist Natalie Hodges on the Poetic Science of Sound and Feeling

“Time renders most individual moments meaningless… but it is only through the passage of time that life acquires its meaning. And that meaning itself is constantly in flux.” | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

On Children: Poignant Parenting Advice from Kahlil Gibran

In the final years of his long life, which encompassed world wars and assassinations and numerous terrors, the great cellist and human rights advocate Pablo Casals urged humanity to "make this world worthy of its children."(themarginalian.org) | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

Illustrations from Elizabeth Blackwell’s Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants

Time-travel to the dawn of modern medical science via the stunning art of a self-taught woman illustrator and botanist. | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

The More Loving One: The Science of Entropy and the Art of Alternative Endings

“If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving one be me.” | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

How to Face the Centuries with Confidence: The Mystery of the World’s Most Majestic Tree

“The calm deposition of the rings… has gone on millimeter by millimeter for millennium after millennium — advancing ripples in the tide of time.” | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

Hope, Love, and the Remedy for Despair, from Gabriel Marcel to Nick Cave

“To love anybody is to expect something from him, something which can neither be defined nor foreseen; it is at the same time in someway to make it possible for him to fulfill this expectatio… | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

The Art of Choosing Love Over Not-Love: Rumi’s Antidote to Our Human Tragedy

“You’ll long for me when I’m gone… You’ll kiss the headstone of my grave… Kiss my face instead!” | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

Against the Gods: Iris Murdoch on Truth, the Meaning of Goodness, and How Attention Unmasks the Universe

"When we really know something we feel we’ve always known it. Yet also it’s terribly distant, farther than any star… beyond the world, not in the clouds or in heaven, but a light that shows the world, this world, as it really is." | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

Margaret Wise Brown and the Puzzle of What Makes a Thing Itself (or You Yourself)

Aristotle, Alice, and a back flap. | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

Dirge Without Music: Emmy Noether, Symmetry, and the Conservation of Energy (Amanda Palmer Reads Edna St. Vincent Millay, Animated by Sophie Blackall)

“Lovers and thinkers, into the earth with you. Be one with the dull, the indiscriminate dust.” | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

We Can Be Different: David Byrne’s Illustrated History of the Future

“The way things were, the way we made things, it turns out, none of it was inevitable — none of it is the way things have to be.” | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

The Magpie in the Mind: The Emerging Science of Thinking with the Whole World Beyond the Brain

"By reaching beyond the brain... we are able to focus more intently, comprehend more deeply, and create more imaginatively — to entertain ideas that would be literally unthinkable by the brain alone." | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

Wonder, Hungry Wolves, and the Whimsy of Resilience: Arthur Rackham’s Haunting 1920 Illustrations for Irish Fairy Tales

A lyrical reminder that our terror and our tenderness spring from the same source. | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

How Aubrey Beardsley's Visionary Illustrations for Oscar Wilde's "Salome" Subverted Victorian Gender Norms and Revolutionized the Graphic Arts

In his short life, Aubrey Beardsley (August 21, 1872-March 16, 1898) became a pioneer of the Art Nouveau movement and forever changed the course of the graphic arts. He was an artist of elegant and unsentimental exaggeration, and yet beneath his grotesque aesthetic lay a subtle s … | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago

Cosmic Consolation for Human Hardship: The Great Naturalist John Burroughs on How to Live with Life

"We share in the slow optimistic tendency of the universe... We have life and health and wholeness on the same terms as the trees, the flowers, the grass, the animals have, and pay the same price for our well-being, in struggle and effort, that they pay. That is our good fortune. … | Continue reading

@themarginalian.org | 2 years ago