Keeping web-browsing data safe from hackers

MIT researchers analyzed a powerful machine-learning-assisted cyberattack and uncovered a security vulnerability that an attacker can exploit to predict the website a user is browsing with almost perfect accuracy. Then, they developed two mitigation strategies that dramatically r … | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Molecules found in mucus can thwart fungal infection

MIT researchers identified components of mucus that can interact with the fungus Candida albicans and prevent it from causing infection. These glycans molecules are a major constituent of mucins, the gel-forming polymers that make up mucus. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Study: Trade can worsen income inequality

International trade exacerbates domestic income inequality, according to new research using Ecuador as a case study and co-authored by MIT economists. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Faster computing results without fear of errors

A new technique can dramatically accelerate programs known as shell scripts, through a process called parallelization, while ensuring the programs return accurate results. The work comes from an international team led by researchers in the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Inte … | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Hallucinating to Better Text Translation

A machine learning model called VALHALLA uses a trained neural network to understand and digest a source sentence in one language, hallucinate an image of what that sentence describes, and translate into a target language. The work was led by researchers from MIT, IBM, and UC San … | Continue reading | 2 years ago

How the brain responds to surprising events

MIT researchers find that one key role of the neuromodulator noradrenaline, produced by the locus coeruleus, is to help the brain learn from surprising outcomes. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Questions: Ariel Ekblaw on building beautiful architecture in space

MIT’s futuristic space architecture project TESSERAE has flown on the first fully private mission to International Space Station. Ariel Ekblaw discusses how TESSERAE fared, and what the future of space habitats might hold. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Peter Shor receives 2022-2023 Killian Award

Renowned mathematician and quantum computing pioneer Peter W. Shor PhD ’85 has been named the recipient of MIT’s 2022-2023 James R. Killian Jr. Faculty Achievement Award, the highest honor the Institute faculty can bestow upon one of its members each academic year. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Unpacking black-box models

MIT researchers created a mathematical framework to formally quantify and evaluate the understandability of explanations that seek to describe the behavior of a machine-learning model. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Search reveals eight new sources of black hole echoes

MIT astronomers discovered eight new echoing black hole binaries in our galaxy, enabling them to piece together a general picture of how a black hole evolves during an outburst. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

A Single Memory Is Stored Across Many Connected Brain Regions

The mammalian brain stores a single memory across a widely distributed, functionally connected complex spanning many brain regions, rather than in just one or even a few places. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Learning to think critically about machine learning

Graduate students are helping to infuse ethical computing content into MIT’s largest machine learning course, as part of the Social and Ethical Responsibilities of Computing initiative. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

From seawater to drinking water, with the push of a button

MIT researchers created a portable desalination unit that can remove particles and salts simultaneously to generate drinking water. The user-friendly unit, which weighs less than 10 kilograms and does not require filters, can be powered by a small, portable solar panel. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

MIT researchers created an ultrathin loudspeaker that can turn any rigid surface into a high-quality, active audio source. The fabrication process can enable the thin-film devices to be produced at scale. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

MIT researchers develop a paper thin loudspeaker

MIT researchers created an ultrathin loudspeaker that can turn any rigid surface into a high-quality, active audio source. The fabrication process can enable the thin-film devices to be produced at scale. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Estimating the Informativeness of Data

MIT researchers discovered a new way to estimate the amount of information contained in a piece of data using probabilistic programming and probabilistic inference. The breakthrough entropy estimators open up new applications in medicine, scientific discovery, cognitive science, … | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Game-theory logic underpins many of our seemingly odd and irrational decisions

Erez Yoeli of the MIT Sloan School of Management is the co-author of “Hidden Games,” a new book explaining how game theory applies to everyday situations. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

A new state of the art for unsupervised vision

MIT CSAIL scientists created an algorithm called STEGO to solve one of the hardest tasks in computer vision: assigning every pixel in the world a label without any human supervision. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Engineered bacteria could help protect “good” gut microbes from antibiotics

MIT researchers engineered a strain of bacteria that can help protect the natural flora of the human digestive tract from antibiotics and curb the emergence of antimicrobial resistance. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Reversing hearing loss with regenerative therapy

The MIT spinout Frequency Therapeutics uses a new kind of druggable regenerative therapy that targets progenitor cells to create hair cells of the inner ear and reverse hearing loss. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

A new heat engine with no moving parts is as efficient as a steam turbine

Engineers at MIT and NREL have developed a heat engine with no moving parts that is as efficient as a steam turbine. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Study reveals the dynamics of human milk production

MIT researchers performed a large-scale, high resolution study of the cells in human breast milk, allowing them to track how these cells change over time in nursing mothers. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Security tool guarantees privacy in surveillance footage

Privid is a new system that provides better privacy in video footage from surveillance cameras. The system, developed out of MIT CSAIL, lets analysts submit video data queries, and adds a bit of noise to the end result to ensure an individual can’t be identified. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

The Sahara swung between lush and desert conditions every 20k years (2019)

An MIT analysis of Saharan dust records over last 240,000 years reveals a new “pacemaker” of North African climate. The results show Sahara swung between wet and dry conditions every 20,000 years, in synch with changes in monsoon activity. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

TspDB, a system to make highly accurate predictions on multi-time-series data

By adapting a powerful algorithm, MIT researchers created a user-friendly tool that enables a nonexpert to make predictions with high accuracy using time-series data with just a few keystrokes and in a matter of seconds. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Thesan Simulations: How the first stars evolved, immediately after the Big Bang

Thesan is a new universe simulation that models the first billion years of the universe with the highest resolution, over the largest volume, to date. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Making quantum circuits more robust

A new technique identifies parameterized quantum circuits that are more robust to noise. The work could improve the accuracy of quantum machine learning and quantum chemistry tasks, while using less computational resources in the circuit design process. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

How the MIT mini cheetah learns to run

MIT CSAIL scientists came up with a learning pipeline for the four-legged MIT mini cheetah robot that learns to run and adapt to new terrains entirely by trial and error in simulation. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

A fabric that “hears” your heart's sounds

Inspired by the human ear, a new acoustic fabric converts audible sounds into electrical signals. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Microbes and minerals may have set off Earth's oxygenation

Around 2.3 billion years ago, oxygen began building up in the atmosphere, eventually reaching the life-sustaining levels we breathe today. A new hypothesis proposed by MIT scientists suggests a mechanism for how this may have happened. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Size matters in particle treatments of traumatic injuries

MIT chemical engineers tested how different-sized polymer nanoparticles circulate in the body and interact with platelets, the cells that promote blood clotting. Such particles could be used to help stop internal bleeding after traumatic injuries. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

The benefits of peripheral vision for machines

New research from MIT suggests that a certain type of computer vision model that is trained to be robust to imperceptible noise added to image data encodes visual representations similarly to the way humans do using peripheral vision. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Robotic cubes shapeshift in outer space

ElectroVoxels are self-reconfiguring robot blocks, developed at MIT using embedded electromagnets to test applications for space exploration. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Deep-learning technique predicts clinical treatment outcomes

MIT and IBM researchers develop a new deep learning methodology that simulates counterfactual, time-varying and dynamic treatment strategies for critically ill patients, allowing doctors to choose the best course of action. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Injecting fairness into machine-learning models

MIT researchers have found that, if a certain type of machine learning model is trained using an unbalanced dataset, the bias that it learns is impossible to fix after the fact. They developed a technique that induces fairness directly into the model, no matter how unbalanced the … | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Solar-powered system offers a route to inexpensive desalination

MIT researchers developed a desalination system that is more efficient and less expensive than previous methods. In addition to providing fresh water, the process could be used to treat contaminated wastewater or generate steam for sterilizing medical instruments, all without req … | Continue reading | 2 years ago

What makes a bestselling textbook?

The millionth sale of “Introduction to Algorithms” prompts a Q&A with two of its authors, Charles Leiserson and Tom Cormen, to look back at the creation and legacy of the bestselling foundational textbook, now in its fourth edition. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

A security technique to fool would-be cyber attackers

MIT researchers developed a technique that effectively protects computer programs’ secret information from memory-timing side channel attacks, while enabling faster computation than other security schemes. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

A “hot Jupiter's” dark side is revealed in detail for first time

MIT astronomers have obtained the clearest view yet of the perpetual dark side of an exoplanet that is “tidally locked” to its star. The planet is WASP-121b, a massive gas giant nearly twice the size of Jupiter. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Demystifying Machine-Learning Systems

MIT researchers created a technique that can automatically describe the roles of individual neurons in a neural network with natural language, helping machine learning practitioners better understand how their model will behave in the real world. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

A new programming language for high-performance computers

Researchers at MIT CSAIL developed a new programming language specifically for high-performance computing. With the prototype, says PhD student Amanda Liu, “speed and correctness do not have to compete ... they can go together, hand-in-hand.” | Continue reading | 2 years ago

New plant-derived composite is tough as bone and hard as aluminum

A new woody composite engineered by an MIT team is tough as bone and hard as aluminum, and might pave way for naturally derived plastics. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Deploying machine learning to improve mental health

MIT Professor Rosalind Picard and MGH clinical psychologist Paola Pedrelli are using machine learning and wearable sensors to detect major depressive disorder symptoms in patients. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Invisible machine-readable labels to identify and track 3D printed objects

InfraredTags are invisible tags that can be embedded within the interior of objects fabricated on standard 3D printers. These tags, developed by Mustafa Doga Dogan, Stefanie Mueller, and colleagues at MIT CSAIL, could provide metadata for physical objects the way it is now availa … | Continue reading | 2 years ago

MIT experts test technical research for a central bank digital currency

In collaboration with the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, MIT experts have begun designing and testing a technical framework through which Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) research can be performed in the U.S. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Fast-tracking the search for energy-efficient materials

MIT PhD student Nina Andrejevic is training her machine-learning models to hunt for new and useful traits in materials. With her twin sister Jovana, she has developed a method for testing material samples to predict the presence of topological characteristics that is faster and m … | Continue reading | 2 years ago

New lightweight material is stronger than steel

MIT chemical engineers have created a new material that is stronger than steel, as light as plastic, and can be easily manufactured in large quantities. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Exploring how hidden biases in medical data could compromise AI approaches

MIT Associate Professor Marzyeh Ghassemi offers a cautionary note about the prospects for AI in medicine: “If used carefully, this technology could improve performance in health care and potentially reduce inequities. But if we’re not actually careful, technology could worsen car … | Continue reading | 2 years ago