Regional Universities Educate for Merit—It’s too Bad Our Elites Just Want Prestige

The Varsity Blues parents didn’t really care if their children learned anything; they were concerned that they got their ticket to success stamped by the right institution. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Pedestrian Pleasures

“Why do need to go to the Holy Land? You have an altar in your church?” | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Culture and the Front Porch

What is culture? What hath attachment to do with culture? Why are front porches necessary for culture? Culture is something vibrant. Something living. Something that runs through the veins of living men and women and moves them to sing songs to the sun; of praise and | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Time and Place in Eugene Vodolazkin’s Imagination

We occupants of the Porch can profitably read Vodolazkin in light of our own concern to acknowledge human limitations and find ways to live well and more fully in our own communities. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Back Row America, Marilynne Robinson, and Peter Maurin

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The Most Polarized Era Ever?

In selecting reading material, the average reader might not immediately reach for a book about Congress in the nineteenth century. That would be a mistake, as Joanne Freeman’s book The Field of Blood: Violence in Congress and the Road to Civil War is an historical highlight from … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Imagining Humane (Household) Economies

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On Being Watched, and Remembered

“Don’t take my gun, Nightlife!” Tol called, trying to sound not too much concerned, and yet unable to keep the tone of pleading entirely out of his voice. “I’m liable to need it!”This dialogue begins the real action of Wendell Berry’s “Watch with Me.” Tol Proudfoot, in his garden … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

The Monkey in the Margin: History, Tradition, and Transgression

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“Who’s going to take care of these people?”

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Underrating Humans, John Lukacs, and the Digital Town Square

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Robo-umps and Us

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The Yankee Southern Agrarian

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Bringing Wendell Berry (and Business) to Sterling

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Aaron Wolf, Kansas, and a Treasonous Meritocrat?

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Tourism as Urban Savior?

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A Case for Shame

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Solar’s Dirty Secret

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Underland, 737 Max, and Earth Day

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Taxes from the Porch

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“Ora et Anti-Labora”? Kathryn Tanner on Finance Capitalism

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Notre Dame and the Need for the Past

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Salvaging: Boat Trailers, T.S. Eliot, and Resurrection

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English Land Ownership, The Overstory, and Artificial Intelligence

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The Leased of These

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Confucius–A Man for All Seasons

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Conservatism and the Ecological Crisis

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Madeleine L’Engle, Slow Media, and Populism

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The Porch in Practice

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Wanderlust Keeps us From Leading Meaningful Lives: Ralph Waldo Emerson and the Stoics

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Fighting Demons, Liberal and Otherwise

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Monsanto, the Heartland Forum, and Becoming Creaturely

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Toward a Somewhere Suburb

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From Dogs to Fur Babies–and Back Again

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Found: The Perfect FPR Presidential Candidate!

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The Table, Topsoil, and the Midwest

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What Urban Liberals Might Learn From Rural Rebels

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Reading Seed Catalogs for Pleasure and Profit

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Why Heidegger Stayed in the Provinces—and Why it is Not Time for the ‘Robert Penn Warren Option’

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Dairy Farmers, Nebraska, and the Common Good

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American Conservatism, and the Socialist Specter Which Haunts It Still

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The Power of Place

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The Promise of the Green New Deal

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Caretaking, Decadence, and Widow Places

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Being Present on the Porch

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And Then Begin Again With What Remains: A 10-Year FPR Retrospective

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Front Porch Republic at 10

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The Original Front Porch

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