Against the Florida-fication of the World

And this progression from the raw, unabated natural Florida to the ever-more artificial Florida, has grave consequences for both the geographical locale and the people who inhabit it. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Don’t Bite the Hand That Taketh Away

God is perverted in our minds from a giver into an imminent enemy. He becomes the all-knowing one who alone reads our hearts’ desires and who alone, in His power, can prevent their satisfaction. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Speaking Responsibly about Religion and Politics: A Review of Who’s Afraid of Christian Nationalism?

This driving principle of love and human flourishing, rooted in the Christian understanding of humanity being made in the image of God, has spurred the great social and political reform movements in American history like abolitionism and civil rights. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Math, Antitrust, and Work

“Computers Can’t Do Math.” David Schaengold has a clear and provocative essay on the differences between computer “thinking” and human thinking: “we can be sure there are world states beyond the comprehension of any AI. And I suspect those world states will not necessarily be one … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

A Son’s Journey to His Father

Men often reflect on their relationship with their fathers during these coincidences of milestones; a similar thing often happens when a son reaches the age his father was when the son was born. | Continue reading | 4 months ago


The healthy sorrow of our most melancholy president | Continue reading | 4 months ago

The False Promise of 3D Printers

As is clear to see, Business Insider's portrayal of 3D printing as a panacea for America's housing crisis falls short upon closer examination. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Scenes From a Stolen Childhood: A Review of Kinderszenen

Only in Israel, I think in retrospect, would twelve-year-olds be this intimately familiar with the history of the Holocaust, the violence and suffering of oppression in the Warsaw Ghetto, and the horrifying events of the uprising and the final destruction of the ghetto. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Working the Soil in American Literature: A Review of Ethan Mannon’s Georgic Mode

Do we love the soil and the creatures put in our stead, or do we prefer the images our devices project at us? While the choice is not always so cut and dry, Mannon’s book can help us begin to retool our imaginations and ennoble common labor again. | Continue reading | 4 months ago


“The Cultural Roots of Our Demographic Ennui.” Patrick Brown argues that affluence—what regular FPR contributor John de Graaf labeled “affluenza”—lies behind many of our cultural ills: “A world of creature comforts is not one that demands sacrifice. And with greater wealth comes … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

One Hundred Years of Obscurity

Eloquent and nuanced, never pompous, The Rector’s Daughter sets before us the inexhaustible mystery of persons and the ways they manage to live together. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Pentecost and AI: Being Human in a World of Disabling Algorithms

Rather than empowering us to live in humble confidence in relationship with others and our maker, AI offers us a choice similar to that which confronted Esau. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

“An Indissoluble Union Between Virtue and Happiness”: A Review of The Pursuit of Happiness

Rosen contends that we have lost touch with a classical understanding of happiness, in part because of a shift of cultural emphasis from “being good to feeling good.” Fortunately, social and behavioral psycho | Continue reading | 4 months ago

98.6 Percent of Us Sense of Dead

We’re not crazy — and we’re not alone | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Lobsters, Resilience, and Scouting

“DIY.” Bud Smith details the joys of fixing anything that’s broken with the help of the Internet: “YouTube has all the right answers and all the wrong answers. All you have to do is scroll down and look for the worst one. The one with the worst sound and video quality has the bes … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Every Day Do Something that Won’t Compute

How has your intellectual practice prepared you not just for success but also for failure? | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Localism and Justice: A Review of The Story of Clyde Kennard

Kennard himself, though worrying about his legacy during his last illness, seemed remarkably free of bitterness. Concerning a prison guard who had abused him, he thought that the abuse had harmed the guard more than himself. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Stability as Spiritual Formation

“They see us as deeply lonely people,” Barry told Fred, “and one of the reasons we’re lonely is that we’ve cut ourselves off from the nonhuman world and have called this ‘progress.’” Maturity in Christ is not escape but presence. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Winter Rabbits

And so the shotgun sits in our home like a quiet benediction. It dreams—as I do—of long walks in the valleys of my youth and whispers of future pastures that are untrod and unspoiled. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Patriotism, Realtors, and Men

“The Big AI Risk Not Enough People Are Seeing.” Tyler Austin Harper draws on Ivan Illich to distinguish between technologies that empower us and those that erode our human nature: “we need to adopt a more sophisticated approach to artificial intelligence, one that allows us to di … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Review of Holston

That’s the great cultural task now: to relearn this old language, to keep it from dying out, to nurture it and refine and expand it, to develop new idioms and accents. Holston’s book is part of that project. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

My Failed Wild Garden and Inner Utopian

Rational ideas create hell on earth. Just ask a kulak. Or just ask the lettuce plants in my garden. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Hand-Cranked Ice Cream Against Despair

Whether the experience goes beautifully or our best-laid plans go awry, hand cranking ice cream with a few dozen kids is a whole lot more powerful than dithering in paralyzing despair. As always, and as we so often forget, the light wins out. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

No Good without Evil: G.W. Leibniz’s Reconciliation of Animal Suffering with God

A robin or chicken that seems to die in a totally senseless way is viewed by humans only in its individuality, without seeing the universal order underlying this suffering. | Continue reading | 4 months ago


But there is something more going on. We also face a new “transcendent reality,” as Klass puts it, in which we see the spiritual world with new eyes. This may include changed views of the sacred, nature, and time itself. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Reading, Undset, and Tariffs

“Hope for the Organization Kid.” Joshua Hochschild revisits David Brooks’ classic 2004 essay on college students and considers what’s changed in the two decades since: “I doubt that the keenest college students will embrace AI as another shortcut to thinking. Twenty-three years a … | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Andrew Petiprin On Popcorn With the Pope

Andrew Petiprin is co-author of a new book from Word on Fire called Popcorn With the Pope, which examines all the movies on the 1995 Vatican movie list. Did you know there was a 1995 Vatican movie list? Me, either! Andrew is a former fellow at Word on Fire, a co-founder of the Sp … | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Toward a Politics of Beauty

This talk was delivered earlier this year at a conference on wellbeing held at the Sorbonne. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Rendering Me into We: A Review of The Crisis of Narration

Disagreements aside, however, Byung-Chul's argument remains a valuable one: the cultures of consumption that rule the modern world are death to the cultures of community that give life meaning. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Enchanting Axioms: The Snake Oil in the Water We Drink

As-Long-As-Your’re-Happy . . . Follow-Your-Heart . . . Be-True-To-Yourself . . . Believe-In-Yourself . . . Live-Your-Truth . . . Be-Your-Best-Self . . . Do-What-You-Love — the aphorisms of our day are elegant. They sound like beautiful advice. They’re certainly enticing. Who woul … | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Bjartur and Berry: Contrasting Visions of Community and Affection

Seen through his most redemptive lens, Bjartur stands as a cautionary tale for those who would pursue independence as an end in itself. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Working for the Life Beyond Words

In his brief and not altogether satisfying rejoinder to the question, “why write?” Berry says, “To serve that triumph I have done all the rest,” and he ends the poem there. “That triumph” is the triumph of the way of love, the life of silence. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Reading, Chatbots, and Home

“Our Draymond Green Problem.” Elizabeth Stice draws on Draymond Green and Hannah Arendt to consider what responsibilities we might have for our allies: “What we need then is not exactly less politics, it is more “civic virtue,” which will involve a kind of politics. We actually h … | Continue reading | 5 months ago

The Hidden Sorrow of Mother’s Day

Our mothers and our children will always be part of our lives, in life and death. Surprisingly, grief does not dominate our existence, it informs it. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

On the Need to Reactivate Our Right Hemispheres

In our daily lives, we need activities that aren’t driven by our left hemispheres. We need leisure (as understood by Josef Pieper). We need to waste time. We need to do nothing . . . a thing that rankles the left hemisphere’s productive disposition. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

The Liberal Arts: Take it or Leave it

Let’s point to the wiser and the well off and ask people if they want what those people have–often they do. Many times, those people have a love for the liberal arts. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Modern Architecture: Designed to Demoralize?

Arched doorways, private courtyards, personal craftsmanship, a sense of place, and almost everything else we love about buildings has been taken away by the modernist ethos intent on depriving the public of a choice, as architects are left unchecked to focus more on how their bui … | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Ghost Stories with Nancy French

Longtime ghostwriter Nancy French tells her own tale in the Ghosted: An American Life. French was raised in rural Tennessee and would later provide the words behind famous talking heads but found her own enchanting voice amid political and personal tumult. Highlights 1:15 Mud pie … | Continue reading | 5 months ago

My Father’s CV

Reading for the shape of a life can be medicinal, especially when we allow that life to diagnose and heal ourselves. And maybe then that understanding can encourage doctors of all kinds–but especially scholars of the humanities–to think differently about their life. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Hipsters, Cellphones, and Mondragón

“Is Ethical Shopping Only for Hipsters?” Kate Lucky wrestles with ethical shopping, effective charity, and the upside down extravagance of the Kingdom of God: “We anticipate an abundant new earth, and pray for its arrival. Also, we accommodate the world we have now. I aim to give … | Continue reading | 5 months ago

A Passage to — and a Message from — India

What We Can Learn from a Society Where Community Still Matters | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Work and Leisure: A Pieper Primer

I am convinced that the busyness of our age detracts from our ability to see the worthy work we do, to see ourselves as whole persons. Filling our days does not necessarily lead to fulfillment. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Do our products own us?

Dodging deceptive design in the age of Big everything | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Beyond the Mechanism: An Economist Grapples with Statesmanship

When we refuse to engage our fellow citizens, we are also taking a public position. There is such a thing as non-partisan economics. But there is no such thing as non-political economics. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Limitless Wishing and its Discontents

Perhaps we need nothing more and nothing less than a continual return to the Gospel, via all the means already available to us. We could start with St. Paul’s reminder that “covetousness . . . is idolatry” (Col. 3:5) | Continue reading | 5 months ago

The Midwest, Adderall, and Avian Flu

“Ending Agriculture isn’t the Climate-Crisis Solution Some Think It Is.” Taras Grescoe weighs in on the debate about lab-grown protein and makes a sensible defense of farming: “we need to forget about techno-mirages. Lab-grown protein, like the hyperloop and flying cars, will pro … | Continue reading | 5 months ago

From the Editor

There is something Augustinian in Lukacs’ view of the past—that in a real sense, or at least in a manner of speaking, it exists only in the present, for it is only in the present that by remembering we call the past from nothingness into being. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

For Nancy French-ism

This is the story of a bruised soul touched by grace but still frustrated by the passivity that others continue to show in response to the unspeakable. | Continue reading | 5 months ago