This morning I was in a bit of a bad mood and got the idea that I needed to do some exercise again. I had taken a break for a week due to a cold. I also wanted to get out a bit because the weather was good. Then it was a spontaneous but perfect decision to go for a bike ride agai … | Continue reading
Robert Alexander built a pretty cool Blogroll Network Map. Based on scraped blogrolls, it builds and visualizes a map of blogs. It contains almost 500 feeds, a lot to explore for boring days! | Continue reading
Unexpectedly, I found a seemingly not so new app (it was first released in 2022) that I wish I had known about earlier. Google’s app Reading mode. | Continue reading
You know, I’ve found a pretty effective way to reduce my addiction to certain websites: blocking them at the DNS level using NextDNS. It’s a trick I picked up after realizing I was spending far too much time on Hacker News (my addiction to that is gone for quite some time already … | Continue reading
I had Tor support in GoBlog for over three years now, but I decided to disable it on my blog (and the GoBlog blog) for now. Several times, Tor randomly started using a lot of memory on my VPS and even crashed my block one or two times. It could have been the Go library used to in … | Continue reading
Feeling extra special at 25 with this amazing strawberry cake made by my girlfriend. Grateful for her love and culinary skills on my birthday! 🍓✨ | Continue reading
From my father, there’s still an old Commodore 64 he used when he was young. I kept it since I thought I might try some retro-computing. But now (some years later) in the process of cleaning up my flat and throwing out things I no longer need, I tried to connect it to the TV, but … | Continue reading
New month, new monthly review. This time for April. And a short review, because not much exciting has happened. | Continue reading
I have written a lot already about my search for the perfect 5G router. It’s time for a new update, as I think I have finally found a great solution. | Continue reading
A few sheep are mowing the lawn in the park. And there is at least one lamb too! 🐑🐑🐑 “määähhh” | Continue reading
What a week! This week I was on vacation, but I didn’t relax at all. I worked harder than on workdays. Since my mother and I finally emptied all the furniture from the apartment I grew up in and moved out of two years ago (I even moved again after it). | Continue reading
Looking at the commit history of Tailscale’s tailscale-android repository on GitHub, there are plenty of hints that a revamped Tailscale Android app (even with dark mode!) is coming soon. 👀 | Continue reading
In the summer of ‘22 I upgraded my perfectly working soundcore Liberty 2 Pro to the Liberty 3 Pro because they have ANC and have been using them ever since. But since the L2P are still working perfectly, I connected them to my phone again and use them sometimes. Too sad to let th … | Continue reading
With March, another month and even the first quarter of 2024 are now over. So it’s time to take a quick look back. What happened in my March 2024? | Continue reading
Telegram Premium allows you to convert voice messages to text. But Telegram Premium isn’t officially available in Germany. So why not develop your own solution? That’s exactly what I did this morning: I created a Telegram bot that takes the voice message and transcribes it using … | Continue reading
Today, I woke up and noticed that my home server, located in my second flat, and also the router, all behind a 5G connection (that was showing as working fine on the provider’s website), were offline. No VPN connection anymore, and also Tailscale showed the nodes as being offline … | Continue reading
Nice weather, good mood. 😌 Spring is definitely my favorite season! 🌷 | Continue reading
Scaleway continues to build a European AWS alternative. Today, I tried one of its new products: Serverless Jobs. | Continue reading
Due to OpenAI’s move to prepaid billing, I (finally) had to pay for using the OpenAI API. But this also allows me to finally use the gpt-4-turbo-preview model as I have reached tier 1. Now the AI-generated summaries on this blog will be created using this new model. 😄 | Continue reading
Reading about Freenom and .tk domains brings back memories: The first domains I registered were free .tk domains because I was too cheap to pay for domains as a high school student and also had no credit card to do so. | Continue reading
I realized recently that I wrote some cringe (to put it mildly) posts in my late adolescent phase. On the one hand, I would of course like to banish these posts from my blog, after all, my opinion has changed completely in some cases since then. But on the other hand, it would be … | Continue reading
Four years ago on this day, the government decided to close all schools and universities because of Covid-19. It was hard to get toilet paper or pasta because people started hoarding. Crazy what happened in those four years. | Continue reading
I recently complained about domain registrars. But I also recently registered a new domain: A numeronym of my first name. And the .me TLD to show that I am a person. (And it is a short domain that was available.) | Continue reading
I received my blood results last week and have since been taking high dose vitamin D pills (also B12 and folic acid once a week) to improve my extremely low levels (~9 ng/ml). | Continue reading
Recently, I came across A blog directory that lists blogs from all sorts of categories. (My blog is listed there, too). | Continue reading
I’ve tried a few shaving methods since I started growing a beard in puberty. I started with a Gillette Mach 3, various no-name shavers because the cartridges are cheaper, and two electric shavers. | Continue reading
Today I learned that there is furniture made of cardboard! What a crazy idea… | Continue reading
February has come to an end. It’s time to take a brief look back. | Continue reading
Why is there no pure domain registrar? | Continue reading
I was just looking at SSD prices and wow, have they gone up! Last year in May I ordered a Crucial P5 Plus with 1 TB for 79,99 €. In the late summer of last year, the price was as low as 59,90 €. But now the lowest price I can find is 92,81 €, the second lowest is 134,28 €. Seems … | Continue reading
My English pronunciation can be improved — a lot. But now I can use Microsoft’s Reading Coach. This is a new AI tool for practicing reading (in English). | Continue reading
Using non-Apple hardware usually has one big advantage: Much better upgradeability. | Continue reading
Some time ago, I somewhere read about, a new player in the domain registration business, and registered an account to try it out. Some things kept me from transferring any domains to it (don’t really remember anymore, though), but it was also still in the beta phase … | Continue reading
And now January of 2024 is over. Time to take a quick look back. | Continue reading
The last few days, I dived into a new topic in my spare time: Archiving videos from old Hi8 and Digital8 videotapes onto my hard drive. | Continue reading
I can’t really explain why this is happening, but I noticed that my home server is now idling at 7 watts instead of 13 watts as before. I checked powertop, and it seems that the CPU is staying at C7 (pc7) for about 85% of the time, which seems to be the most power efficient state … | Continue reading
It was a bit cold and quite windy today, but otherwise the weather was beautiful with a clear and sunny sky. | Continue reading
Everything in the park is covered under the white magic! ❄️ | Continue reading
I’ve made the sad observation that numerous people started to blog during the pandemic, but stopped in 2021 or 2022. Today, I cleaned up my feed subscriptions in Miniflux and removed many feeds that saw no activity for a long time. At least, I can’t remember of a site I subscribe … | Continue reading
My ideals of using open-source software are fading a bit, and I’ve been using OneDrive to synchronize my files for quite some time now. It’s cheap and works reliable at least. | Continue reading
The water is still frozen and there’s some snow on top of the ice. ❄️ | Continue reading
Seeing a video like this from Jeff Geerling about the MNT Reform Laptop, I am both amazed and puzzled. It’s probably a cool project to work on such an open hardware and source project as a hobby. And it’s great that there’s still the alternative to proprietary hardware. But has t … | Continue reading
This Christmas, I got a cool gift – a door pull-up bar. I wanted it because I do (Freeletics) workouts two or three times per week without any equipment (except some resistance bands I got a while ago), and I thought pull-ups would add some variety. Plus, I heard they’re good for … | Continue reading
I just noticed that I can cancel my annual Amazon Prime subscription and get the remaining time refunded. It was a very hidden option, but I just chose it. Delivery to package stations is still free. Let’s see if I can survive without Prime. In the last 12 months, the only Prime … | Continue reading