Featured video: Researchers discuss queer visibility in academia

“Scientific InQueery” features LGBTQ+ MIT faculty and graduate students discussing finding community and living their authentic lives in the research enterprise. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 2 months ago

Scientists preserve DNA in an amber-like polymer

With their “T-REX” method, DNA embedded in the polymer could be used for long-term storage of genomes or digital data such as photos and music. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 2 months ago

Bob Prior: A deep legacy of cultivating books at the MIT Press

After 36 years and hundreds of titles, the executive editor reflects on his career as a “champion of rigorous and brilliant scholarship.” | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 2 months ago

Symposium highlights scale of mental health crisis and novel methods of diagnosis and treatment

Co-hosted by the McGovern Institute, MIT Open Learning, and others, the symposium stressed emerging technologies in advancing understanding of mental health and neurological conditions. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 2 months ago

Just thinking about a location activates mental maps in the brain

MIT neuroscientists have found that the brain uses the same cognitive representations whether navigating through space physically or mentally. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 2 months ago

Nancy Kanwisher, Robert Langer, and Sara Seager named Kavli Prize Laureates

MIT scientists honored in each of the three Kavli Prize categories: neuroscience, nanoscience, and astrophysics, respectively. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 2 months ago

Researchers use large language models to help robots navigate

The method uses language-based inputs instead of costly visual data to direct a robot through a multistep navigation task. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 2 months ago

Making climate models relevant for local decision-makers

A new downscaling method leverages machine learning to speed up climate model simulations at finer resolutions, making them usable on local levels. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 2 months ago

New algorithm discovers language just by watching videos

DenseAV, developed at MIT, learns to parse and understand the meaning of language just by watching videos of people talking, with potential applications in multimedia search, language learning, and robotics. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 2 months ago

New computer vision method helps speed up screening of electronic materials

The technique characterizes a material’s electronic properties 85 times faster than conventional methods. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 2 months ago

MIT Faculty Founder Initiative announces three winners of entrepreneurship awards

Twelve finalists participated in initiative and 2023-24 MIT-Royalty Pharma Prize Competition, designed to support female biotech pioneers. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 2 months ago

How a quantum scientist, a nurse, and an economist are joining the fight against global poverty

The MITx MicroMasters in Data, Economics, and Design of Policy program educates learners around the world using its data-driven approach to poverty alleviation. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 2 months ago

Catalyst Symposium helps lower “activation barriers” for rising biology researchers

Second annual assembly, sponsored by the Department of Biology and Picower Institute, invited postdocs from across the country to meet with faculty, present their work to the MIT community, and build relationships. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 2 months ago

Protein study could help researchers develop new antibiotics

Researchers created a water-soluble version of an important bacterial enzyme, which can now be used in drug screens to identify new antibiotics. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 2 months ago

Through econometrics, Isaiah Andrews is making research more robust

“I would like to understand the extent to which we understand things,” the MIT economist says. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

Students research pathways for MIT to reach decarbonization goals

A class this semester challenged students to evaluate technologies to help MIT decarbonize — with implications for organizations across the globe. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

Improving working environments amid environmental distress

Namrata Kala’s wide-ranging research shows how climate change and other factors affect companies and their employees. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

A data-driven approach to making better choices

In the new economics course 14.163 (Algorithms and Behavioral Science), students investigate the deployment of machine-learning tools and their potential to understand people, reduce bias, and improve society. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

Paying it forward

Professors Erik Lin-Greenberg and Tracy Slatyer are honored as “Committed to Caring.” | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

Researchers demonstrate the first chip-based 3D printer

Smaller than a coin, this optical device could enable rapid prototyping on the go. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

Exotic black holes could be a byproduct of dark matter

In the first quintillionth of a second, the universe may have sprouted microscopic black holes with enormous amounts of nuclear charge, MIT physicists propose. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

The unexpected origins of a modern finance tool

Discounting calculations are ubiquitous today — thanks partly to the English clergy who spread them amid turmoil in the 1600s, an MIT scholar shows. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

Nuh Gedik receives 2024 National Brown Investigator Award

Physics professor will use the award to develop a new kind of microscopy. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

Reducing carbon emissions from long-haul trucks

MIT researchers show a promising plan for using clean-burning hydrogen in place of the diesel fuel now used in most freight-transport trucks. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

Mouth-based touchpad enables people living with paralysis to interact with computers

The startup Augmental allows users to operate phones and other devices using their tongue, mouth, and head gestures. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

Advocating for science funding on Capitol Hill

During the MIT Science Policy Initiative’s Congressional Visit Days, PhD students and postdocs met with legislators to share expertise and advocate for science agency funding. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

Unique professional development course prepares students for future careers

The Undergraduate Practice Opportunities Program (UPOP) helps second-year MIT students looking to build career readiness skills. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

New technique reveals how gene transcription is coordinated in cells

By capturing short-lived RNA molecules, scientists can map relationships between genes and the regulatory elements that control them. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

QS ranks MIT the world’s No. 1 university for 2024-25

Ranking at the top for the 13th year in a row, the Institute also places first in 11 subject areas. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

Physicists create five-lane superhighway for electrons

The work could lead to ultra-efficient electronics and more. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

Study models how ketamine’s molecular action leads to its effects on the brain

New research addresses a gap in understanding how ketamine’s impact on individual neurons leads to pervasive and profound changes in brain network function. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

SPURS Fellowships offer time out to reflect, learn, and connect

The MIT Special Program for Urban and Regional Studies has hosted more than 750 mid-career individuals from 135 nations who are or will be shaping policy in their home countries. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

All in the family

New studies show that caste and ethnic identity play an outsize role in how business interacts with government in developing countries. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

Ultrasound offers a new way to perform deep brain stimulation

MIT engineers’ new implantable device could become an alternative to the electrodes now used to treat Parkinson’s and other diseases. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

Ten with MIT connections win 2024 Hertz Foundation Fellowships

The fellowships provide five years of funding to doctoral students in applied science, engineering, and mathematics who have “the extraordinary creativity and principled leadership necessary to tackle problems others can’t solve.” | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

Helping robots grasp the unpredictable

MIT CSAIL’s frugal deep-learning model infers the hidden physical properties of objects, then adapts to find the most stable grasps for robots in unstructured environments like homes and fulfillment centers. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

A technique for more effective multipurpose robots

With generative AI models, researchers combined robotics data from different sources to help robots learn better. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

MIT Corporation elects 10 term members, two life members

The term members will serve between one and five years on MIT’s board of trustees. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

Diane Hoskins ’79: How going off-track can lead new SA+P graduates to become integrators of ideas

“Design is not a luxury,” the Gensler global co-chair told advanced degree recipients. “It’s for everyone, everywhere.” | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

Chancellor Melissa Nobles’ address to MIT’s undergraduate Class of 2024

“You’ll continue to inspire and give to others that follow,” Nobles told this year’s graduating class. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

Noubar Afeyan PhD ’87 gives new MIT graduates a special assignment

The inventor, entrepreneur, and philanthropist encourages the Class of 2024 to “accept impossible missions” and “lead with imagination” in uncertain times. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

Commencement address by Noubar Afeyan PhD ’87

“Welcome long odds,” the biotechnology leader urged the Class of 2024. “Embrace uncertainty, and lead with imagination.” | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

President Sally Kornbluth’s charge to the Class of 2024

“I have never seen a community quite like this one,” Kornbluth told graduates. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

Microscopic defects in ice influence how massive glaciers flow, study shows

The findings should help scientists refine predictions of future sea-level rise. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

Scientists identify mechanism behind drug resistance in malaria parasite

SMART researchers find a cellular process called transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA) modification influences the malaria parasite’s ability to develop resistance. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

Getting to systemic sustainability

At the 2024 Earth Day Colloquium, World Resource Institute President and CEO Ani Dasgupta says systemic changes in a handful of countries will be critical to meeting global emissions goals. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

New MIT-LUMA Lab created to address climate challenges in the Mediterranean region

Collaborative scholarship and research will draw on conservation, design, and technology. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago

MIT Press releases Direct to Open impact report

Open-access monographs receive significantly more use and citations than non-open counterparts, and are more successful at reaching audiences beyond academia. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 3 months ago