I was cleaning my freezer the other day. I like to do it about every six months or so. It helps me to keep an eye on what is stored in there and to remind me of things I may have forgotten and gives me a chance to use them up before their best by date. I hate waste and it is easy … | Continue reading
I am excited to share this quick and easy recipe with you today for a delicious breakfast, brunch or light supper egg bake. I had seen photos of something similar to this on Pinterest and it looked really delicious, but try as I might I could not find the actual source of the rec … | Continue reading
I have always wanted to make these Lunch Lady Brownies. Today was finally the day that I got it done! I have always wondered what all the hoopla was about and now I know. They are quire simply easy to make and incredibly delicious! There are many recipes for them online. I chose … | Continue reading
Occasionally I will have a day where I know I am going to be really busy and am not going to have a lot of time to cook. Rather than eat a ready-meal or frozen dinner, I will often throw something into the crockpot or slow cooker, as it is also known. I have a really tiny one. It … | Continue reading
Hi there! It's Sunday and if you have been reading me for any amount of time you will know that on Sunday's I like to share my main meals along with their menus that I have enjoyed over the previous week/seven days! One of the main reasons I started doing this was because I found … | Continue reading
We are almost at the tail-end of wild blueberry season here in Nova Scotia, Canada. I thought I better get in at least one blueberry recipe while I still have fresh wild blueberries available to use! When I first move over to the U.K. I really missed blueberries. They were not to … | Continue reading
It won't be long now before the children all go back to school. The shops are full of school supplies and the kids are getting excited at the prospect. I was always a child that really looked forward to the beginning of the school year and I loved the smell of new pencils, crayon … | Continue reading
I would be the first one to admit that I am not familiar in the least with Persian food, but when I saw this recipe on Pinterest the other day I was immediately drawn to it. It had a beautiful color and used very simple store cupboard ingredients. I adapted this recipe from one I … | Continue reading
I am not a person who eats a lot of red meat. It is a once in a blue moon treat for me, or it is something I eat when I go to my sister's for supper. She is fond of doing a roast for Sunday dinner and I will have beef then. I eat mostly chicken, fish or vegetarian meals. (I am no … | Continue reading
I was really craving some cookies at the weekend. I am a bona-fide cookie monster. That's why I don't bake them very often. When I do bake them, I cannot leave them alone. Especially when they are as delicious as this Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Raisin Cookie Recipe! I adapted this re … | Continue reading
I had seen this recipe for a Tuna Wrap Melt the other day on a blog called Nibble and Dine. It looked really delicious and I do love tuna anything, and I love wraps. I had been thinking about it ever since I had seen it on Pinterest. It just looked really simple and really good. … | Continue reading
Hi everyone! Here we are, another Sunday, another Meals of the Week post! Every Sunday I like to share with you, my dear readers, my meals of the week. Everything delicious that I have cooked and or eaten for my main meals over the past seven days! Because I live on my own, feedi … | Continue reading
My father was coming over for supper last night. I was really looking forward to having him. It is not something that I get to do very often. He lives with my sister now and she feeds him very well. Occasionally however, she has a night off and goes somewhere with her husband and … | Continue reading
Earlier this week I did a new video on my You Tube Channel, Marie Cooks up a New Life. It was how to spatchcock a whole chicken and then cook/roast it. I spatchcocked one before the video and had it roasting while I was filming the video so that I would have an already cooked chi … | Continue reading
It won't be long now before Apple season will be starting. I have seen a few early varieties beginning now, but come September they will almost all be ripe and ready for the picking. Last year my sister and I found some beautiful cooking apples that were pink fleshed. They made t … | Continue reading
When I was growing up, every Friday night was hot dog night. You could bank on it and my mom made the best hot dogs in the world. All of our friends wanted to be invited to supper on hot dog night. Mom used to use an old fashioned electric grill that was probably very similar to … | Continue reading
I had purchased a center cut ham steak the last time I went out shopping with my sister. She did as well. We find that they are a really great and economical option when it comes to making meals. Usually you can get away with only using a half a steak (depending on what you are c … | Continue reading
I had some leftover cooked roast chicken in the refrigerator that I wanted to use up and I wanted to try something new rather than the usual casserole or fried rice. Don't get me wrong. I love both of those things. I just fancied something different as we all do from time to time … | Continue reading
Hello all! I am back again with another Meals of the Week post! I sure missed doing these while my blog was down. I missed doing everything and it feels really good to be back up and running and able to share with you again! I didn't just rest on my laurels while I was off howeve … | Continue reading
Peanut Butter Cup Ritz Crackers. Have you seen these around the WWW? I would be very surprised if you hadn't. As soon as I saw them, I think it was on Pinterest, I knew that they were something I wanted to make. Peanut Butter Cups? Ritz Crackers? Where do I sign up! Two simple in … | Continue reading
I am really happy to share this quick and easy air fryer crispy roasted onion potatoes recipe with you today. A small batch recipe, it makes only two servings, although you could certainly double it to serve more people! It uses very few ingredients and goes together very quickly … | Continue reading
This recipe today is for something I have been wanting to make for months now, ever since I saw someone doing it on TikTok. It is a One Pan Egg Toast Omelet, and it is sort of like a combination of an omelet and French toast! I like both of those things, so I thought this was som … | Continue reading
I have a really wonderful recipe to share with you today. Lemon & Poppyseed Pull Apart Bread! Its amazing and I think you are going to love it! In fact, if you like lemon, I KNOW you are going to love it! I recently got a baking book entitled, 100 Morning Treats, by Sarah Kieffer … | Continue reading
Oh boy what a week it has been with my blog having been down and not accessible. I am happy to say that it seems to be all working fine now and things can get back to normal around here! It was pretty scary for a while, I don't mind saying, but with loads of hope and faith and th … | Continue reading
I grew up with a soup making mother! My mother always made big beautiful pots of soup after every roast dinner. Be it turkey, ham, chicken or beef, we always knew that mom was going to make soup from some of the leftovers, especially if there were any bones involved. One of our f … | Continue reading
I was feeling very nostalgic about the beautiful fish that I used to get in the U.K. the other day and so I picked up myself some frozen Wild Pacific Cod at the grocery store. When I lived in England I used to be able to get the most beautiful Icelandic wild cod. It was quite sim … | Continue reading
I found myself with some things in my refrigerator that I wanted to use up today and so I decided to make myself some Quesadillas for my dinner. I had leftover chicken from Sunday night and a piece of a green pepper and a piece of an onion. I really hate waste. As a person living … | Continue reading
I keep seeing new recipes that I want to try out. This is a sandwich that I saw on the Simply Recipes page the other day. The Grilled Cheese BLT Sandwich. I thought what a novel idea! A tasty mash of two classic favorites, rolled into one very delicious sounding and looking sandw … | Continue reading
I was scrolling through Instagram the other day and came across a reel by Simply Recipes which was for the most delicious looking garlic bread I had ever seen. It looked amazing. Attributed to Guy Fieri, it was quite unlike any garlic bread I had ever seen before. It was loaded w … | Continue reading
Hello everyone! Welcome to my weekly Meals of the Week post! Every Sunday I take the opportunity to share with you, my dear readers, all of the delicious main meals that I have enjoyed over the past seven days! I started doing this about a year and a half or so ago now. (Time fli … | Continue reading
One of the things I always enjoyed doing when I lived in the U.K. on weekends or long weekends was to visit the National Trust Properties around where I was living at any given time, or even if we were away on Holiday in the U.K. They were an organization which owned a large numb … | Continue reading
Last month when I was with my sister to The Running Man, I picked up a box of Tempura Chicken Tenders. This is the closest thing we have to a Costco here in the Valley and my sister and I take a trip up to it about once a month or so. We hardly ever get into the city which is wer … | Continue reading
What a day I had yesterday. I think I spent half of the day on the telephone in a queue waiting to talk to the Government's tax department. Why is anything to do with the government so complicated?? Am I wrong?? I was in four different queues with a forty five minute wait in each … | Continue reading
Fresh Green Beans are plentiful at the farmer's market at the moment and if you have any growing in the garden, I am sure you have them coming out your ears by now. I adore fresh green beans. They are one of my favorite vegetables. I could eat them every day when they are in seas … | Continue reading
This Roasted Almond Chicken with the Lemon Mayo is very similar to a recipe I tried a while back from a Hello Fresh Box. I took the best parts of that recipe which I enjoyed and combined it with inspiration from this recipe that I had bookmarked from a site named The Kitchen Fair … | Continue reading
I fancied a steak the other day and I happened to have two smallish sirloin steaks in the freezer. I am always looking for new ways to cook things. The ADHD in me loves exploring different tastes and flavors when it comes to cooking and eating. I never want my food to be boring! … | Continue reading
Hello everyone! Welcome to my weekly Sunday Meals of the Week Post! Every Sunday I like to do a recap of all of the main meals that I have cooked and or enjoyed over the past seven days! All of the delicious main dishes that have graced my table. It is a post that I really enjoy … | Continue reading
On days when I don't have a lot of time to cook, I can be somewhat of a Breakfast For Supper kind of a gal. I don't often eat eggs in the morning, but I do find that when it comes to creating a quick and easy supper, you can't beat a good egg! In omelets, in sandwiches, fried, et … | Continue reading
I have always loved Coleslaw. My mother made the best coleslaw on the planet. I have very fond memories of watching her make it in our family kitchen. Mom did not use a grater for anything. She stood at the counter, hand chopping and grating all of the vegetables. Her dressing wa … | Continue reading
All week I have been dreaming about the Peanut Buster Parfaits that we used to get at Dairy Queen. They were always so yummy. Lots of soft vanilla ice cream layered in a tall parfait glass with hot fudge sauce and loaded with roasted Spanish peanuts. I am sure its been at least 2 … | Continue reading
I have been trying to use up the chicken breasts I have in my freezer before I buy any more. I tend to buy large packs of breasts and then I individually wrap them and pack them all into a large zip lock baggie, ready to take out as many or as few as I need at any given time. My … | Continue reading
Can you ever have too many potato salad recipes up your sleeve? I think not and I was very keen to add Ina Garten's Potato salad recipe to my repertoire this week. I had picked up some lovely new potatoes and the weather had turned stinking hot so a good potato salad was in order … | Continue reading
I had some mushrooms that I needed to use up and so I went on the hunt for some type of sauce that I could use them in. I spied this recipe for Mushroom Alfredo Sauce with Pasta on a page called The Live in Kitchen. It looked fabulously delicious. I am a person who actually prefe … | Continue reading
Here we are, another Sunday and we all know what that means by now. Its time for my weekly, Meals of the Week post. The one where I share with you, my readers, all of the deliciousness that I have enjoyed over the past seven days for my main meals each day! As a person living on … | Continue reading
One thing which I have always wanted to try doing it to make my own Vanilla Extract. When I was staying at my sisters right after I moved back to Canada she had her own homemade Vanilla Extract and I enjoyed using it when I was baking at hers. Homemade Vanilla extract tastes a ba … | Continue reading
As those of you who read me regularly know, I picked up some lovely new potatoes at the Farm Market last weekend. I could not wait to enjoy them. I boiled some for my supper one night earlier this week. Simply in the skins. They were delicious broken up and tossed with some butte … | Continue reading
If you are a fan of oatmeal cookies, hang onto your hats because these Oatmeal Chocolate Chip S'more Cookies are going to literally blow you away! I love oatmeal cookies. After peanut butter or chocolate chip cookies, they are my absolute favorite kind of cookie. These oatmeal co … | Continue reading
One thing which I really missed when I first moved over to the U.K. was fresh blueberries, especially wild blueberries. Mind you that was in the year 2000 and blueberries were never seen there. They are very common now, cultivated ones and many people grow their own. We did. I gr … | Continue reading