It all only increases security concerns about President Trump's cell phone usage. | Continue reading
Chip design company claims performance comparable to Intel's Kaby Lake. | Continue reading
Nitrogen fixation seems to involve a painful tradeoff. | Continue reading
A few of our favorite games from the big new board gaming convention. | Continue reading
Apple is expected to focus on software and stability at this year's keynote. | Continue reading
Cutting-edge hack exploited newly added graphics feature until it was patched. | Continue reading
When it comes to self-driving cars, there's Waymo and then there's everyone else. | Continue reading
A-10 Advanced Wing Continuation Kit buy will deliver 112 new wing sets, keeping A-10 in air through 2022 | Continue reading
Mesas. Chasms. Icy poles. River-like features. Mars is both alien and familiar. | Continue reading
"If your company is valued at $62B, you can afford to give your workers health care." | Continue reading
Move puts California's air-quality independence in crosshair. | Continue reading
The stereotypes aren't justified any more. | Continue reading
Over-the-air update improves Model 3 braking distance by up to 20 feet. | Continue reading
This landscape is both familiar and deeply weird. | Continue reading
Trump doesn't want to see Mercedes-Benzs on Fifth Avenue anymore. | Continue reading
The high cost of repairs has made the Model S the most expensive car to insure. | Continue reading
Lawyers told gCaptain to save money and "remove the items to comply with the request." | Continue reading
The end product is worth more than the electricity that drives the process. | Continue reading
Lawyers told gCaptain to save money and "remove the items to comply with the request." | Continue reading
New memory offers huge capacities and persistence, but fits in a DDR4 slot. | Continue reading
Raspberry-Pi-on-a-cartridge wizardry gets newer games running on older console. | Continue reading
Driverless car testing is shrouded in secrecy. Two senators want to change that. | Continue reading
Sounds played over off-the-shelf or embedded speakers often require a reboot. | Continue reading
Will debut in two versions; and, sure, you can buy a $50 Pokéball controller for either. | Continue reading
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos himself made the announcement at a space conference. | Continue reading
iCloud storage for messages and their attachments also comes with iOS 11.4. | Continue reading
From the archives—One PC user ponders switching sides as Windows seems to lose its "wow." | Continue reading
From the archives—Windows disappoint led to an earnest look at the Mac, "my mistake." | Continue reading
Activation site leaked passwords in plain text to anyone with an account number. | Continue reading
This go-anywhere vehicle goes on sale next year. | Continue reading
Engineers married genetic and electrical circuitry for this gulp-able sensor. | Continue reading
Harnessing wind in the Balkans and Scandinavia would get Europe consistent power. | Continue reading
A chipset that combines Intel's CPU with AMD's GPU makes the XPS 15 thinner. | Continue reading
The sequel to mega-hit Pandemic: Legacy is finally here. | Continue reading
Andy Rubin's smartphone company is no longer making smartphones. | Continue reading
Report: President Trump clings to his Twitter phone, reluctant to allow security checks. | Continue reading
Motivations include lots of government warnings and media coverage of disasters. | Continue reading
Also, some scoop on Bezos maybe trying to outdo Musk. | Continue reading
The call that started it all: "Unplug your Alexa devices right now." | Continue reading
"They're moving quickly to address the shortcomings." | Continue reading
Gamers charged with obstruction for deleting possibly incriminating messages. | Continue reading
Denial cites "business conflicts" despite approval of other desktop sharing apps. | Continue reading
"Ridiculously optimistic" machine learning algorithm is "completely bullshit," says expert. | Continue reading
The call that started it all: "Unplug your Alexa devices right now." | Continue reading
A possible route to fusion makes a very impressive start. | Continue reading
Driver says she was looking at an Uber touchscreen, not a smartphone, before crash. | Continue reading
The "interactive space" around Trump tweets is a public forum, judge rules. | Continue reading
Never mention "change over time" by its name. | Continue reading