Joint Speech Recognition and Speaker Diarization via Sequence Transduction

Speech applications dealing with conversations require not only recognizingthe spoken words, but also determining who spoke when. The task of assigningwords to speakers is typically addressed by... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Improving Neural Relation Extraction with Implicit Mutual Relations

Relation extraction (RE) aims at extracting the relation between two entitiesfrom the text corpora. It is a crucial task for Knowledge Graph (KG)construction. Most existing methods predict the... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Can Genetic Programming Do Manifold Learning Too?

Exploratory data analysis is a fundamental aspect of knowledge discovery thataims to find the main characteristics of a dataset. Dimensionality reduction,such as manifold learning, is often used... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Multilingual Neural Machine Translation in the Wild

We introduce our efforts towards building a universal neural machinetranslation (NMT) system capable of translating between any language pair. Weset a milestone towards this goal by building a... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Self-Regulated Interactive Sequence-to-Sequence Learning

Not all types of supervision signals are created equal: Different types offeedback have different costs and effects on learning. We show howself-regulation strategies that decide when to ask for... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

MeetUp a Corpus of Joint Activity Dialogues in a Visual Environment

Building computer systems that can converse about their visual environment isone of the oldest concerns of research in Artificial Intelligence andComputational Linguistics (see, for example,... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Can Unconditional Language Models Recover Arbitrary Sentences?

Neural network-based generative language models like ELMo and BERT can workeffectively as general purpose sentence encoders in text classification withoutfurther fine-tuning. Is it possible to... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Reward Advancement: Transforming Policy Under Maximum Causal Entropy Principle

Many real-world human behaviors can be characterized as a sequential decisionmaking processes, such as urban travelers choices of transport modes and routes(Wu et al. 2017). Differing from... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Model-Based Reinforcement Learning for Atari

Model-free reinforcement learning (RL) can be used to learn effectivepolicies for complex tasks, such as Atari games, even from image observations.However, this typically requires very large... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

An Empirical Study on the Practical Impact of Prior Beliefs over Policy Types

Many multiagent applications require an agent to learn quickly how tointeract with previously unknown other agents. To address this problem,researchers have studied learning algorithms which... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Vision-and-Dialog Navigation

Robots navigating in human environments should use language to ask forassistance and be able to understand human responses. To study this challenge,we introduce Cooperative Vision-and-Dialog... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Topic Modeling in Embedding Spaces

Topic modeling analyzes documents to learn meaningful patterns of words.However, existing topic models fail to learn interpretable topics when workingwith large and heavy-tailed vocabularies. To... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Adversarial Objects Against Lidar-Based Autonomous Driving Systems

Deep neural networks (DNNs) are found to be vulnerable against adversarialexamples, which are carefully crafted inputs with a small magnitude ofperturbation aiming to induce arbitrarily... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Striving for Simplicity in Off-Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning

Reflecting on the advances of off-policy deep reinforcement learning (RL)algorithms since the development of DQN in 2013, it is important to ask: arethe complexities of recent off-policy methods... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Quantifying the pathways to life using assembly spaces

We have developed the concept of pathway assembly to explore the amount ofextrinsic information required to build an object. To quantify this informationin an agnostic way, we present a method... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Differentiable Probabilistic Logic Networks

Probabilistic logic reasoning is a central component of such cognitivearchitectures as OpenCog. However, as an integrative architecture, OpenCogfacilitates cognitive synergy via hybridization of... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Sparse Networks from Scratch: Faster Training Without Losing Performance

We demonstrate the possibility of what we call sparse learning: acceleratedtraining of deep neural networks that maintain sparse weights throughouttraining while achieving performance levels... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

No experimental evidence for the significant anthropogenic climate change

In this paper we will prove that GCM-models used in IPCC report AR5 fail tocalculate the influences of the low cloud cover changes on the globaltemperature. That is why those models give a very... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Neural Input Search for Large Scale Recommendation Models

Recommendation problems with large numbers of discrete items, such asproducts, webpages, or videos, are ubiquitous in the technology industry. Deepneural networks are being increasingly used for... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Cross-Domain Generalization of Neural Constituency Parsers

Neural parsers obtain state-of-the-art results on benchmark treebanks forconstituency parsing -- but to what degree do they generalize to other domains?We present three results about the... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Gender inequality in scientific careers across countries and disciplines

There is extensive, yet fragmented, evidence of gender differences inacademia suggesting that women are under-represented in most scientificdisciplines, publish fewer articles throughout a... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Bam Born-Again Multi-Task Networks for Natural Language Understanding

It can be challenging to train multi-task neural networks that outperform oreven match their single-task counterparts. To help address this, we proposeusing knowledge distillation where... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

A Scheme for Dynamic Risk-Sensitive Sequential Decision Making

We present a scheme for sequential decision making with a risk-sensitiveobjective and constraints in a dynamic environment. A neural network is trainedas an approximator of the mapping from... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

On the Semantic Interpretability of Artificial Intelligence Models

Artificial Intelligence models are becoming increasingly more powerful andaccurate, supporting or even replacing humans' decision making. But withincreased power and accuracy also comes higher... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Diverse Agents for Ad-Hoc Cooperation in Hanabi

In complex scenarios where a model of other actors is necessary to predictand interpret their actions, it is often desirable that the model works wellwith a wide variety of previously unknown... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

The Referential Reader: A Recurrent Entity Network for Anaphora Resolution

We present a new architecture for storing and accessing entity mentionsduring online text processing. While reading the text, entity references areidentified, and may be stored by either... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Visualizing and Measuring the Geometry of Bert

Transformer architectures show significant promise for natural languageprocessing. Given that a single pretrained model can be fine-tuned to performwell on many different tasks, these networks... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Ballooning spiders: The case for electrostatic flight (2013)

We consider general aspects of the physics underlying the flight of Gossamerspiders, also known as ballooning spiders. We show that existing observationsand the physics of spider silk in the... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Depth with Nonlinearity Creates No Bad Local Minima in ResNets

In this paper, we prove that depth with nonlinearity creates no bad localminima in a type of arbitrarily deep ResNets with arbitrary nonlinearactivation functions, in the sense that the values... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Noisy Networks for Exploration

We introduce NoisyNet, a deep reinforcement learning agent with parametricnoise added to its weights, and show that the induced stochasticity of theagent's policy can be used to aid efficient... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Metalens with Artificial Focus Pattern

Metalens as one of the most popular applications of emmerging opticalmetasurfaces has raised widspread interest recently. With nano structures fullycontrolling phase, polarization and... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Continuous Integration Theater

Background: Continuous Integration (CI) systems are now the bedrock ofseveral software development practices. Several tools such as TravisCI,CircleCI, and Hudson, that implement CI practices,... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

A Metric for Evaluating Music Enhancement Algorithms

We propose the Fréchet Audio Distance (FAD), a novel, reference-freeevaluation metric for music enhancement algorithms. We demonstrate how typicalevaluation metrics for speech enhancement and... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Learning by Abstraction: The Neural State Machine

We introduce the Neural State Machine, seeking to bridge the gap between theneural and symbolic views of AI and integrate their complementary strengths forthe task of visual reasoning. Given an... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Evolutionary Algorithm for Sinhala to English Translation

Machine Translation (MT) is an area in natural language processing, whichfocus on translating from one language to another. Many approaches ranging fromstatistical methods to deep learning... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Applying a Pre-Trained Language Model to Spanish Twitter Humor Prediction

Our entry into the HAHA 2019 Challenge placed $3^{rd}$ in the classificationtask and $2^{nd}$ in the regression task. We describe our system andinnovations, as well as comparing our results to a... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Best Practices for Learning Domain-Specific Cross-Lingual Embeddings

Cross-lingual embeddings aim to represent words in multiple languages in ashared vector space by capturing semantic similarities across languages. Theyare a crucial component for scaling tasks... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Anetac: Arabic Named Entity Transliteration and Classification Dataset

In this paper, we make freely accessible ANETAC our English-Arabic namedentity transliteration and classification dataset that we built from freelyavailable parallel translation corpora. The... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Infotheory: A C++/Python package for multivariate information theoretic analysis

This paper introduces \texttt{infotheory}: a package written in C++ andusable from Python and C++, for multivariate information theoretic analyses ofdiscrete and continuous data. This package... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Models of Consciousness

The scientific study of consciousness is a new field which has emerged as aresponse to groundbreaking developments in neuroscience, cognitive psychologyand analytic philosophy. Its aim is to... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Towards Universal Dialogue Act Tagging for Task-Oriented Dialogues

Machine learning approaches for building task-oriented dialogue systemsrequire large conversational datasets with labels to train on. We areinterested in building task-oriented dialogue systems... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

A generic finite element framework on parallel tree-based adaptive meshes

We present highly scalable parallel distributed-memory algorithms andassociated data structures for a generic finite element framework that supports$h$-adaptivity on computational domains... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

MetaAnalysis of Methods for Scaling Blockchain Technology for Automotive Uses

The automotive industry has seen an increased need for connectivity, both asa result of the advent of autonomous driving and the rise of connected cars andtruck fleets. This shift has led to... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Security Implications of Compiler Optimizations on Cryptography – A Review

When implementing secure software, developers must ensure certainrequirements, such as the erasure of secret data after its use and execution inreal time. Such requirements are not explicitly... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Multi-Lingual Intent Detection and Slot Filling in a Joint Bert-Based Model

Intent Detection and Slot Filling are two pillar tasks in Spoken NaturalLanguage Understanding. Common approaches adopt joint Deep Learningarchitectures in attention-based recurrent frameworks.... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar Parsing on Penn Treebank

Head-driven phrase structure grammar (HPSG) enjoys a uniform formalismrepresenting rich contextual syntactic and even semantic meanings. This papermakes the first attempt to formulate a... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Application of Transfer Learning for Automatic Triage of Social Media Posts

Mental illness affects a significant portion of the worldwide population.Online mental health forums can provide a supportive environment for thoseafflicted and also generate a large amount of... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Procedural Generation of Initial States of Sokoban

Procedural generation of initial states of state-space search problems haveapplications in human and machine learning as well as in the evaluation ofplanning systems. In this paper we deal with... | Continue reading | 4 years ago