In a 2022 Orca Security study of security practitioners, 55% say they are missing critical alerts, often weekly and even daily. Considering 59% receive more than 500 public cloud security alerts per day, missing critical alerts and reacting too slowly are serious risks from alert … | Continue reading
Proper patch management policies could have kept systems worldwide a whole lot more secure from exploitations of the Log4j vulnerability. The post Patch Management Policies Can Put Java Users at Risk appeared first on Azul | Better Java Performance, Superior Java Support. | Continue reading
The mainframe application ecosystem is a source of crippling technical debt and not a platform for innovation. Heirloom Computing can help. The post Attacking Technical Debt for a Healthier Balance Sheet appeared first on Azul | Better Java Performance, Superior Java Support. | Continue reading
Another six months have passed; and with predictable reliability, we have another release of the core Java platform, JDK 19. The post JDK 19 and What Java Users Should Know About It appeared first on Azul | Better Java Performance, Superior Java Support. | Continue reading
A CIO’s guide to cost optimization without sacrificing business impact during a downturn. Let’s face it. The recession isn’t on the horizon; it’s already here, lightning illuminating darkening storm clouds. Market uncertainty can strike at any time. Political pendulums in the U … | Continue reading
No one wants to hand a bloated cloud bill to the CFO. Here are five ways CIOs can optimize cloud costs successfully. The post How CIOs Can Optimize Cloud Costs appeared first on Azul | Better Java Performance, Superior Java Support. | Continue reading
When CVE detection tools find vulnerabilities that exist in an application but are not running in production, they produce false positives. The post The False Positives Problem with CVE Detection appeared first on Azul | Better Java Performance, Superior Java Support. | Continue reading
Today’s CFO must be a strategic leader for cloud cost optimization investing in growth. The post The CFO Takes a Strategic Look at Cloud Cost Optimization appeared first on Azul | Better Java Performance, Superior Java Support. | Continue reading
Many businesses are at risk since Oracle ended support for Java 7. We consulted an expert for ways to reduce risk exposure. The post You Have Support Options for JDK 7 appeared first on Azul | Better Java Performance, Superior Java Support. | Continue reading
This article explores how new pattern matching features in JDK 18 can make your code more concise without losing readability. The post Use Pattern Matching to Simplify Java appeared first on Azul | Better Java Performance, Superior Java Support. | Continue reading
We’ve been running a lot of Kafka on Azul Platform Prime lately, gauging the max Kafka throughput on Azul Platform Prime vs OpenJDK and measuring the practical ROI of running workloads on Azul Platform Prime. And along the way we’ve learned a few things about getting the most out … | Continue reading
You probably heard of Java’s new Project Panama APIs that can access native libraries written in C, but what about libraries written in other languages such as C++ or Rust? Check out these series of articles that will show you how. The post Accessing Foreign Programming Languages … | Continue reading
Engaging in cloud migration can mean rehosting, refactoring, or rearchitecting. Each path has merit depending on your company's situation. The post Cloud Migration or Application Optimization appeared first on Azul | Better Java Performance, Superior Java Support. | Continue reading
On July 7th, 2011, eleven years ago, JDK 7 was released. In some ways, it was one of the more significant releases of Java. Indeed, there were some excellent technical features: Project Coin gave us things like try-with-resources, strings in switch and multi-catch. However, it … | Continue reading
In answering why cloud cost is important, the question isn’t whether to move to the cloud but how to move to the cloud. The post Why Cloud Cost Is Important appeared first on Azul | Better Java Performance, Superior Java Support. | Continue reading
Most developers don’t think much about Embedded Java. But from planes and cars to phones and printers, you might be surprised at the places where it is still used. The original goal for Java was to provide a development and runtime environment for the Star7, essentially a precurs … | Continue reading
It’s now twenty-seven years since Java was first released, and it continues to be one of the most popular platforms for applications, especially on servers. One of the reasons for this is the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This provides a managed runtime environment that removes th … | Continue reading
TLDR: For scalable data workloads like Cassandra, performance and capacity are simply a matter of cost. JVM choice and configuration can dramatically impact that cost. The Azul Platform Prime JVM significantly improves Cassandra performance and reduces the cost of Cassandra clust … | Continue reading
Building real-time data pipelines and streaming applications just got more cost-effective. Kafka is great because it’s horizontally scalable, fault-tolerant, and runs in production for thousands of companies – and we figured out how to help you get more mileage out of it. How We … | Continue reading
During the pandemic we were all adjusting to a new normal. Working remotely affords us the opportunity to work from home and attend virtual meetings and conferences. Even though this can be super convenient, developing a tool that can help us to be mindful of others (my coworkers … | Continue reading
We have a new resource for Branch Chiefs available for free download called “The Branch Chief’s Guide to Java Security.” This blog explains why you need it and how to get it. Are you an expert in Java security already? Do you know all you need to know about keeping your agency’s … | Continue reading
In a series of in-depth articles over at you will learn the fundamentals on how to access native libraries using Project Panama and without resorting to JNI (Java Native Interface) or JNA (Java Native Access). The post Accessing Native Code in Java with Project Panama a … | Continue reading
Welcome to getting started with Azul Platform Prime and Apache Kafka. In this article you will learn how to switch between two different Java runtime environments to run an Apache Kafka instance. In later articles this will allow you to compare runtime performance benchmarks. Bef … | Continue reading
As Java turned 25 in May 2020 amidst the pandemic, the lynchpin of robust, resilient systems that managed extra digital load caused by the crises, it was also undergoing changes which had nothing to do with the pandemic but everything to do with Oracle. Until 2019, Oracle allowed … | Continue reading
More big changes to how Azul licenses Azul Platform Prime are here. Following our changes to Azul Platform Prime pricing, we are now changing our licensing terms to make Stream Builds of Azul Platform Prime free for evaluation and development. Here are the new evaluation terms f … | Continue reading
In the first article of this blog series, we looked at how JVM-based applications use a virtual instruction set in the form of bytecodes to create a platform-neutral application. The JVM converts these bytecodes at runtime into the instructions for the platform the application i … | Continue reading
Recently, I was in discussion with a Java user in the finance industry about the possibilities of using Azul Platform Core to run a range of applications. One of the most significant advantages for mission-critical enterprise applications is knowing that you have access to the l … | Continue reading
Azul Platform Prime (formerly called Zing) has been developed to address the performance-related issues that result from the managed runtime environment provided by the JVM. These fall into three specific areas: Application response latency caused by the garbage collector (GC) pa … | Continue reading
When I was at university, one of my favourite Computer Science courses was compiler theory. Something about how you convert from a human-readable programming language to machine and operating system specific instructions seems particularly intriguing. For the Java platform, comp … | Continue reading
Anyone who works in IT will, by now, be acutely aware of the critical security vulnerability that was revealed in the Log4J library last week. It’s even being reported in mainstream media with headlines like “The internet is on fire!” (Which seems a little unlikely). The vulner … | Continue reading
Across the industry, companies are trying to rein in runaway cloud costs by squeezing more carrying capacity out of the instances they run in the cloud. Especially in the Java space, developers are trying to fit workloads into smaller and smaller instances and utilize server reso … | Continue reading
Today we continue in our series of articles measuring performance of Azul Platform Prime against vanilla OpenJDK. In past articles, we have looked at Renaissance benchmark and Solr. Today, we look at Kafka, one of the most popular event streaming platforms in the community today. … | Continue reading
I talk to many people about how they use Java, and I find there is a high level of misunderstanding about what OpenJDK is. The idea of this post is to provide a clear description of what OpenJDK is and isn’t. Let’s start with some history. Back in 2006, the management of Sun Mi … | Continue reading
At Azul, we have been measuring the performance of popular Java open-source projects on our optimized Azul Zulu Prime Builds of OpenJDK (Azul Zulu Prime) versus vanilla Azul Zulu Builds of OpenJDK (Azul Zulu). Today we look at throughput measurements with Solr, a popular open-sou … | Continue reading
The Renaissance Suite is an increasingly popular Java benchmark and one of the many benchmarks that Azul uses internally to measure performance of Azul Platform Prime from release to release and against OpenJDK. In this blog, we will look at how we run Renaissance and how Azul Pl … | Continue reading
It’s been more than 2 years since Oracle required subscription-based licensing for Java 8 and 11 support, the versions in production by the majority of Java users. Throughout this realignment, some enterprises embraced support, either from Oracle or from alternative providers, w … | Continue reading
It’s always interesting to see the results from surveys of developers to see who’s using what and how. Of course, the first thing to remember before even looking at the details is that there are “lies, damn lies and statistics”. That’s not to say that surveys are being delibera … | Continue reading
It’s incredible that, twenty-six years after it was first released, Java is still one of, if not the most, popular software platforms in the world. One reason that has helped drive its success over the last few years is the change to a time-based six-month release cadence for th … | Continue reading
The more things change, the more they stay the same. There’s some truth in that truism, and the launch of “the New Azul” last month is a perfect example. We have a new logo, new product names, and a new platform, but our focus remains the same even through this major rebranding e … | Continue reading
Download Zulu OpenJDK. Download Java 11, Java 8, Java 13. Open Source implementations of Java SE. Supported JDK platforms include Linux, Windows & macOS. | Continue reading
Why Java is an ideal platform for developing microservices? Learn about Microservices Implementation in Java, the challenges and how to overcome them. | Continue reading
Java has evolved over the last 25 years. Take a look at how the core Java platform has changed over time. Happy Birthday, Java! | Continue reading
Java development is happening faster than ever. Incubator modules and preview features enable the platform to evolve to best meet developer's needs. | Continue reading
Maintaining the new six-month release cadence for the JDK, we now have JDK 13. Less new feature rich than some, there are still some useful additions. | Continue reading
Keeping Network Traffic Safe in JDK 8 with TLS 1.3 Java SE 8 open source transport layer security IETF OpenJDK SSL cryptographic algorithms | Continue reading
Developers both love and hate Java, while others, apparently, regret learning ot code in Java. Evolving the OpenJDK so that everyone is happy is hard. | Continue reading
Updates to Java have changed and you now have more choice than ever for where to get your JDK. This doesn't mean there will be divergent versions, though. | Continue reading
The next scheduled update to Java is released next week. However, there will no free public update for either JDK 8 or JDK 11 from Oracle. | Continue reading