Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long (https://twitter.com/starbuxman) talks to Spring Integration lead Artem Bilan (https://twitter.com/artem_bilan) about the latest and greatest in Spring Integration. Spring Integration makes it easier to connect an increasingly large … | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of A Bootiful Podcast! In this installment, Josh Long talks to longtime Apache Tomcat contributor extraordinaire Mark Thomas - I wrote a white paper on using Spring Boot 3 AOT and GraalVM https://tanzu.vmware.com/content/white-paper … | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of _A Bootiful Podcast_! In this installment, [Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to Spring Batch lead Mahmoud Ben Hassine (@FMBENHASSINE) about the latest and greatest in Spring Batch. - Submit your talk to SpringOne@Explore, being held … | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to Google Cloud Java advocate Aaron Wanjala (@ AaronMDubya) about Spring Framework for Google Cloud | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of a bootiful podcast! in this installment, our pal Oleg Zhurakousky (https://twitter.com/z_oleg), lead of Spring Cloud Stream and Spring Cloud Function and Spring and messaging luminary, rejoins the show to discuss the latest and g … | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! Today [Josh Long (@starbuxman)](https://twitter.com/starbuxman) talks to Atlanta JUG, Devnexus, Spring Cloud Task, Spring Integration, Spring Cloud Dataflow luminary, and the living embodiment of the word "joy:" [Glenn Renfro (@cppwfs)](https://twitter.com/cppwfs … | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to Kumaresan Muthaliar (https://www.linkedin.com/in/kumaresan-muthaliar), senior technical lead, about GraphQL in the heavily regulated, data-intensive domain of tax | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long (https://twitter.com/starbuxman) talks to Abel Salgado Romero (https://twitter.com/abelsromero) about open source, Kubernetes, and building Kubernetes controllers with Spring Boot and GraalVM native images my new youtube channel: ht … | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks Moderne (@moderneinc) founder Jon Schneider (@jon_k_schneider) on OpenRewrite, modernizing code bases _en masse_, freedom and responsibility, and more | Continue reading
Liiiive from New York, it's a Bootiful Podcast! This week I talk to Developer Advocate for GraalVM at Oracle Labs (and legend) Alina Yurenko | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks with Gradle developer advocate Dr. Amanda Martin (@DrAmandaLMartin) | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this episode, [Josh Long (@starbuxman)](https://twitter.com/starbuxman) talks to Drools lead [Mario Fusco (@mariofusco)](https://twitter.com/mariofusco) about the rules engine Drools and its integrations with Spring, Olivetti computers, lambdas in Java, and so … | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to Spring and cloud legend, Clay Tip, and LearnRaga.com creator, Ramnivas Laddad | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! this episode, we turn it to 11 and ring in the new year with a fantastic human being, father, friend, engineer, and fellow Spring Developer Advocate: DaShaun Carter (@dashaun). Happy new year! | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans, and happy holidays!! In this installment, Josh Long talks to Field CTO and Chief Evangelist at Gradle Justin Reock. | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to Microsoft's Brian Benz (@bbenz) | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to Vaadin's Marcus Hellberg (@marcushellberg) about rich UIs, Vaadin Flow, the new Hilla Framework, GraalVM native image compilation, and so much more | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long talks to Java Champion Gunnar Morling about messaging middleware, Debezium, and more. | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to Java Champion, legendary engineer, and teacher Trisha Gee (@trisha_gee) about her extraordinary career working at organizations like LMAX, MongoDB, Jetbrains, and her new books, "Heads First Java," and "Gettin … | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this episode, [Josh Long (@starbuxman)](https://twitter.com/starbuxman) talks to RabbitMQ engineer [Arnaud Cogoluègnes (@acogoluegnes)](https://mobile.twitter.com/acogoluegnes) on the new and novel in RabbitMQ | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to Java Champion, legend, and prolific open source contributor Andres Almiray (@aalmiray) | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to Spring mad scientist Andy Clement (@andy_clement) about the new native support in Spring Boot 3, SpringOne 2022, and Azure Spring Apps, among other things. | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long (@starbuxma) talks to his friend, Microsoft's Asir Selvasingh (@asirselvasingh), about Azure Spring Apps, Java at Microsoft, Spring, application security, and more. Want to learn more? Join us at SpringOne (6-8 December 2022)! | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment Josh Long (@starbuxman) looks at the latest and greatest in Spring Boot 3 AOT, then talks to Google's Josh Suereth (@jsuereth) about observability with OpenTelemetry, building better build tools, and so much more. | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to longtime Spring community member and legend Marten Deinum (@mdeinum) about scuba diving, software, Spring, community, and more Also: I think I fixed the weird silence in the middle of the podcast! | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to his friend Chris Richardson (@crichardson), who helped articulate and advance cloud computing, reactive programming, microservices, domain-driven design, event sourcing, and so much more years before the zeit … | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to his friend, fellow Java Champion, and director of developer relations and strategy at Couchbase, Laurent Doguin (@ldoguin) | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to big data legend, former Pivot, and friend to the Spring community, Tim Spann (@PaaSDev), about big data, StreamNative, and Apache Pulsar. Get your notebooks ready for this one, class! | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this episode, Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to Hashicorp Developer Advocate Rosemary Wang (@joatmon08) about a few Hashicorp technologies and their integrations with Spring Boot. | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this episode Josh Long talks to Dr. Kris De Volder, a longtime member of the Spring Tools team, about all the cool stuff he's worked on and is going to work on. And then we get knee deep into a discussion around building IDE integrations. | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to fellow Java Champion and TimescaleDB developer advocate Christoph Engelbert (@noctarius2k) about PostgreSQL, Java, time series databases, observability, and so much more. | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to Flowable founder Joram Barrez (@jbarrez) about workflow, business process management (BPM), decision management, rules, and so much more | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long talks to the good Dr. Venkat Subramaniam about the art of writing software, his latest projects, and more | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to Spring observability guru Jonatan Ivanov (@jonatan_ivanov) | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to a very busy rabbit-herder on the RabbitMQ team, Dan Carwin (@dcarwin) | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this episode, Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to a person who knows more than most about the awesome implications of both the words "Spring" and "Cloud," Spring Cloud Kubernetes ninja Ryan Baxter (@ryanjbaxter). | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to his friend, teammate, and architect extraordinaire, Nate Schutta (@ntschutta) | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment [Josh Long (@starbuxman)]( https://twitter.com/starbuxman) talks to fellow teammate and Kubernetes ecosystem legend [Leigh Capili (@capileigh)](https://twitter.com/capileigh) about Gitops, Kubernetes, Puppet/Chef, continuous delivery, how zoom … | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to fellow Spring Developer Advocate Dan Vega (@therealdanvega) | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, [I (@starbuxman)](https://twitter.com/starbuxman) talk to my old friend, world-famous polyglot, code curmudgeon, software philosopher, industry veteran, and legend of ecosystems aplenty, [Ted Neward (@tedneward)](https://twitter.com/tedneward … | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to Spring Framework contributor Sébastien Deleuze (@sdeleuze) on GraalVM, AOT, project Leyden, and WebAssembly. | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to Kubernetes legend and fellow Tanzu Developer Advocate Cora Iberkleid (@ciberkleid) about Kubernetes and Cartographer supply chains. | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! At long last, against all odds, Josh Long (@starbuxman) finally gets to talk to Spring I/O founder and more-than-a-decade-long friend Sergi Almar (@sergialmar) about an edition of Spring I/O after 2019! | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long talks to Spring Boot and Spring Cloud luminary, the good Dr. @David_Syer, about the latest and greatest on Spring and Kubernetes | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, [Josh Long (@starbuxman)](https://twitter.com/starbuxman) talks to Devoxx UK organizer and Voxxed Days cofounder [Mark Hazell (@mrhazell)](https://twitter.com/mrhazell). | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this episode, Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to fellow Java Champion, EasyMock engineer, and Java luminary, JUG leader, and legend Henri Tremblay (@henri_tremblay) | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to fellow Java Champion and Java ecosystem luminary Chandra Guntur (@cguntur) about Java, Spring, and the Spring Katas, among other things. | Continue reading
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, [Josh Long (@starbuxman)](https://twitter.com/starbuxman) talks to Azul Deputy CTO and Java's own mad scientist and luminary [Simon Ritter (@speakjava)](https://twitter.com/SpeakJava) | Continue reading