A water-powered electric bandage can heal serious wounds 30% quicker than conventional treatments, according to a new study. The inexpensive bandages use an electric field to promote healing in chronic wounds, which are slow to heal, if they heal at all—like sores that occur in s … | Continue reading
A new spray that protects tomatoes from a deadly bacteria has been dubbed the ‘aroma of resistance’ because it allows plants to ‘sniff out’ the danger naturally. Spanish scientists found that an aromatic compound called alpha-terpineol effectively protects plants from Pseudomonas … | Continue reading
Astrophysicists recently put one of the great hallmarks of science fiction culture to the test, and used it to identify 7 stars that may harbor an alien civilization. The 7 stars are glowing with infrared radiation in a way that cannot be explained by naturally occurring phenomen … | Continue reading
The most prolific meteor shower of the year will be at its peak on the morning of August 12th, when 150 shooting stars can be seen per hour in the Northern Hemisphere. The meteors are called the Perseids because they appear from the general direction of the constellation Perseus, … | Continue reading
Is the above image the future of medicine? In it, Dr. Luo Qingquan uses a sophisticated control center to guide a set of robotic surgery tools to remove a tumor from a patient’s lung 3,000 miles away. Dr. Luo was seated in the Shanghai Chest Hospital on China’s Pacific Coast, whi … | Continue reading
At Georgia Tech, an incredible piece of biotechnology has cured one lucky child in a groundbreaking new treatment for a rare birth defect of the windpipe. Partnering with Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, the invention is a 3D-printed tracheal splint, which has allowed 4-year-old … | Continue reading
A team at Northwestern University has come up with the term “dancing molecules” to describe an invention of synthetic nanofibers which they say have the potential to quicken the regeneration of cartilage damage beyond what our body is capable of. The moniker was coined back in No … | Continue reading
A 520-million-year-old worm fossil has solved the mystery of how modern insects, spiders and crabs evolved. The “incredibly rare and detailed” fossil, named Youti yuanshi, offered a peek inside one of the earliest ancestors of many species today, as it dates back to the Cambrian … | Continue reading
A bi-disciplinary scientific study has revealed the likely presence of a layer of diamonds 11 miles thick at the boundary layer of Mercury’s core and mantle. It was a remarkable finding, and came from what is the least understood planet in the solar system, despite being one of t … | Continue reading
In a highly-anticipated world-first, the Texas Heart Institute has successfully implanted an artificial titanium heart that uses the same technology as bullet trains to pump blood mechanically throughout the body. Called the Total Artificial Heart (TAH), the feat is seen as a maj … | Continue reading
A surprise discovery from the University of Birmingham shows that we may be significantly underestimating the potential of trees to regulate the variables of climate change. That’s because they found microbes living inside trees’ bark absorb the greenhouse gas methane about as si … | Continue reading
A team from MIT has discovered a fascinating chemical reaction that could allow ships or submarines to power themselves with zero-emissions hydrogen via a combination of aluminum pellets and the seawater through which they sail. Several clever tweaks allowed for this process to g … | Continue reading
When the call went out seeking assistance for a puppy requiring special care, a faculty member at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and a recent graduate were “all in.” A month ago, a tiny Chihuahua weighing just 2.5-pounds captured the hearts of animal shelter staff eve … | Continue reading
Over 200 plants will have their species name changed to remove an offensive South African apartheid-era racial slur after the results of a vote from the International Botanical Congress. In a thoroughly debated session in the recent meeting in Madrid, the vote passed 351 to 205 t … | Continue reading
A life-saving blood test that can detect sepsis in under ten minutes by squeezing white blood cells could be available in as many as 11 US states by the end of the year. While you won’t hear many news headlines about sepsis, US researchers have hailed the development as one of th … | Continue reading
A team of scientists from Northwestern Medicine and Brigham and Women’s Hospital have identified the cause of lupus, a devastating autoimmune disease that affects 1.5 million Americans. In doing so they also believe they’ve found a cure, or at least a more sophisticated treatment … | Continue reading
NASA’s old but still kickin’ Curiosity rover drove over a boulder, which crumbled to reveal yellow sulfur crystals. Rocks made of pure sulfur have never been seen before on the Red Planet, and scientists say the conditions in which such crystals form aren’t associated with the lo … | Continue reading
An innovative bat-like drone can fly straight into a tree and perch there, folding its wings around the trunk to hug it and keep it in place. The glider robot, called PercHug, can also latch onto poles and could be used for inspection, maintenance, and biodiversity conservation. … | Continue reading
A cosmic penguin sparkling in space alongside an egg is marking the second anniversary of the James Webb Space Telescope. The duo of interacting galaxies commemorates the NASA spacecraft that specializes in capturing infrared light—which is beyond what our own eyes can detect. Th … | Continue reading
Scientists have developed a way to dramatically reduce the cost of recycling certain electronic waste by using whey protein. Their method allows for the easy recovery of gold from circuit boards at a cost of energy and materials amounting to 50 times less than the price of the go … | Continue reading
A new drug tested in mouse models of type 1 and 2 diabetes septupled the number of beta cells in the pancreas, reversing the symptoms of diabetes until the disease was gone. This has never been achieved before in drug development, and the scientists behind the breakthrough are ca … | Continue reading
A first-of-its-kind report has discovered that altering the ingredients list or manufacturing methods of widely used medication can really cut back on carbon emissions. They found a reduction of 26 million tons, enough to cancel out the whole carbon footprint of the city of Genev … | Continue reading
An ancient temple and theater has been identified in Peru as dating back 4,000 years, placing it among the oldest man-made structures in Peru. Located in the northern Peruvian town of Zaña, archaeologists had been alerted by authorities of looting taking place at a site called La … | Continue reading
An intriguing new image captured by the James Webb Space Telescope shows a quasar sparkling in the cosmos. Quasars are the blazing centers of active galaxies, and are powered by supermassive black holes feeding on titanic quantities of gas. Astronomers were able to observe the qu … | Continue reading
Paleontologists recently identified a dinosaur that is believed to have lived at least partially underground—demonstrating that dinosaurs successfully exploited every kind of habitat available to them. Fona herzogae lived 99 million years ago and possesses a skeleton that bears m … | Continue reading
In humans, sauna use is so beneficial that some medical researchers are attempting to add it to the standard of care for those at high risk of heart disease. Well, researchers in Australia have found that this same leisure activity can save certain species of frogs from the ongoi … | Continue reading
While current autonomous robots utilize rangefinders, cameras, and lasers to navigate, the addition of whiskers could be a cheap addition that prevents some seriously expensive collisions. Whiskers aren’t only wielded by cats and mice—hundreds of mammals have them, including all … | Continue reading
At the Univ. of Delaware, materials engineers have devised a chemical recycling method to separate artificial fibers like nylon from natural ones like cotton, promising a potentially breakthrough way to recycle clothing. The fashion and textile industries account for around 10% o … | Continue reading
A team at NASA unveiled a jaw-dropping new visualization of the Pillars of Creation space formation. Made famous after it was spotted in 1995 by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, the pillars, with their ethereal beauty form the heart of the Eagle Nebula. The new 3D visualization als … | Continue reading
A new study looking at the effects of gratitude or being grateful on mortality risk showed that independent of classic mortality indicators of cardiovascular health, smoking, and chronic disease burden, grateful people showed lower rates of early death than less grateful peers. T … | Continue reading
Among the possible origins for the asteroid Bennu, which recently became the first asteroid ever sampled by a NASA mission, a surprising indication is that it may have come from a water world. The development arose after researchers analyzed the mixture of rocks and dust from bod … | Continue reading
A genetically specific pesticide has shown to be lethal to the destructive Colorado potato beetle while leaving all other tested species, even the beetle’s close relatives, unharmed. Every year, this native of the Rocky Mountains causes $500 million or more in damages across the … | Continue reading
In South Africa, biologists and scientists have developed a novel way of disincentivizing poaching that will allow rhinos to keep hold of their horns. Previously it was widespread practice to capture and de-horn rhinos to disincentivize poachers from killing them, but the lack of … | Continue reading
In a fairly rare cosmic occurrence this month, two annual meteor showers will appear to ‘peak’ at the same time on the night of July 30th. Both will appear in the southern sky, and though they will radiate out from different constellations, it will be difficult to tell which shoo … | Continue reading
For two years, an international team has been exploring what astronomers refer to as the Cosmic Dawn—the period in the first few hundred million years following the Big Bang where the first galaxies were born. Using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), they’ve now discovered … | Continue reading
A UK ag-tech firm is pioneering bacterial batteries that they hope will allow farmers in the future to collect precise data about soil conditions with computing equipment powered by the soil itself. Designed to be installed and forgotten about, the batteries absorb power through … | Continue reading
Archaeologists examining finds dug up in a Spanish cave network in 1989 found skull fragments of a 6-year-old Neanderthal, which would have been exciting on its own, but the skull carried two major surprises. The first is that an analysis of the inner ear canal showed signs of Do … | Continue reading
China has become the first nation to gather samples from the Moon’s far side after the Chang’e-6 mission’s re-entry capsule touched down in Inner Mongolia yesterday. Containing 4.4 pounds of rocks and dust—known officially as ‘regolith,’ the sample-return mission has been hailed … | Continue reading
New technologies are often referred to as life-changing, but that phrase quite literally describes the work that 34 Lives is doing for those awaiting kidney transplants. The team’s innovative technology “revives” kidneys that might be otherwise rejected for consideration by trans … | Continue reading
20 million Americans who suffer from tinnitus may have an over-the-counter option available to them, one which improved symptoms in 84% of users. It may seem strange, but a small device that zaps your tongue with electricity whilst playing white noise through headphones is able t … | Continue reading
Two months after NASA crews reestablished diagnostic communications with Voyager 1, they just recently received scientific observational data as well. Transmitted via the last remaining instruments still operational aboard the furthest man-made object from Earth, the data provide … | Continue reading
Scientists are puzzling over a bright white rock, of the type never before observed on Mars. NASA’s Perseverance rover spotted the 14-inch-high boulder starkly standing out in a large field covered with dark rocks in a region named Mount Washburn, inside the massive Jezero crater … | Continue reading
A remarkable new genus of giant horned dinosaur has been unveiled at the Natural History Museum of Utah. First discovered in the badlands of northern Montana in 2019, it’s among the largest and most ornate ever found, with two huge blade-like horns on the back of its frill—a dist … | Continue reading
A robotic sorting system that mimics the human sense of touch to sort through litter achieved a 98.85% accuracy rate in recognizing various domestic waste items. The inventors believe this state-of-the-art automaton could eventually lead to better treatments for people with hand … | Continue reading
Engineering students at Johns Hopkins have created a silencer module for the campus leaf blowers, reducing the overall noise pollution of the devices by 37%, while they succeeded in almost completely removing the high-pitched whining that annoyed them the most. The design is pate … | Continue reading
Astronomers were thrilled when they received the news that they were expecting twins—stars that is, after their telescopes recorded dramatic jets erupting from a faraway star system. To preface the thrilling discovery, most of the Universe is invisible to the human eye because th … | Continue reading
One-third of the cable's supply will power Greek industry, another third will be exported to other European countries Bulgaria and Italy. | Continue reading
Meet Belle, a Kansas dog diagnosed her a birth defect that makes her look permanently surprised and wide-eyed. | Continue reading