The cycling season is not over yet. | Continue reading
Just in time before it gets cold and rainy again next week, I took advantage of today to go for a short bike ride. Upstream along the Fulda, over to the Eder and then to where the Eder flows into the Fulda. This was the short (49 km) of the two versions I had planned for this. Th … | Continue reading
Yesterday, we rented a shared car and drove 50 km to the Edersee near Kassel, where we hiked a bit. There’s a castle up on one hill and the view was spectacular! It was definitely an active weekend. 😊 | Continue reading
And now another month, and soon the summer, has come to an end. Time to take a (this time very) brief look back at August. | Continue reading
Instead of doing another Freeletics workout this week, I took advantage of the great weather outside and challenged myself with some uphill biking. It definitely pushed me to my limits, but it was worth it! And it worked, even though my bike only has eight internal gears. | Continue reading
Some IP from the US seemed to crawl my Gitea instance (running on the same small VPS as my blog and other self-hosted services) non-stop, which caused high CPU usage. I already wondered why the terminal was lagging so much and why Gitea had such a high CPU usage. | Continue reading
I finally did, what I planned to do for a long time: Biking from my first to my second flat. I did it in three days. 214 kilometers with 1750 meters uphill. | Continue reading
While I like Komoot and use it to navigate and record all my tours, whether that are bike tours or hiking trips, it sucks that there’s no option to export all your data. There’s also no official API to easily implement such functionality. | Continue reading
I admit it, I should rename the subtitle of my blog from “Thoughts of an IT expert” to “My bike tour log”. Even though it was 29° C outside today, I wanted to do another bike tour after work. 42 km through the surrounding area of my hometown. I discovered new places and noticed t … | Continue reading
In my last bike trip report, I mentioned that I would review the Wahoo bike computer I ordered once I had a chance to try it out. Well, as it turns out, I sent the Wahoo back and found a solution that works better for me. | Continue reading
Today, after the daily standup (without standup though), I went to pick up my girlfriend’s exam paper. But instead of using car sharing or the bus, I decided to go there by bike. This time with my older city bike. Faster than the bus, cheaper than car sharing. And it was a nice b … | Continue reading
On Thursday, I made another bike tour. Not in the low mountains, but in the south of the North German Plain. With more distance compared to the last time, I had way less incline and that makes a big difference. | Continue reading
And now July is over. Time to take a quick look back. | Continue reading
Telegram was always my favorite messenger, as it provided a fast and user-friendly experience on multiple devices. But one and a half years ago, I already started doubting my decision to rely on Telegram. | Continue reading
A week ago, we returned from our summer vacation: This year, just like four years ago, when there weren’t many other options due to COVID, we went for 1.5 weeks to my grandmother’s vacation apartment in Lübeck-Travemünde. | Continue reading
Walking in the sunny park is like balm for the soul. 😌 | Continue reading
After my bike tour on Monday, I first felt the usual exhaustion, but later that evening and night, more symptoms joined and showed me, that I, again (third time already this year), caught some infection. Nothing too bad, but it forced me to relax and recover the last two days. | Continue reading
Today was my first workday after summer vacation, and with the weather being pleasant – not too hot, and no rain – I decided to finish work a bit early and go for a 39-kilometer bike tour through the surrounding area. | Continue reading
Before going to sleep, a quick walk around the block. 🌔 | Continue reading
It took me so long to find the cause of a memory leak in GoBlog. I thought it was smart to use a cache for prepared database statements. But I didn’t read the documentation and didn’t know that prepared statements need to be closed when they are no longer needed to free up the al … | Continue reading
I have a question for the IndieWeb community: What can we do against Webmention spam, except filter it out, when it fails validation? I receive hundreds of invalid Webmentions a day, and even using a filtering DNS server doesn’t seem to help much. But I also don’t want to waste n … | Continue reading
Another day, another bike tour. Today’s tour is the first part of my planned trip between my both flats. The first half of the tour was easy regarding elevation, the second parts challenging. But I made it, and I didn’t even have to get off the bike to walk instead of biking. … | Continue reading
I couldn’t sleep anymore, so I decided to do a little bike tour. It’s so quiet in the morning and I saw some new places in this town and its surrounding. Tomorrow I plan to do a longer trip again. | Continue reading
Another month has passed and with it the first half of 2024. So on this cool (after a few hot days) evening, it’s time to take a look back at the past month. | Continue reading
It seems like I finally fixed a memory leak in GoBlog yesterday, that sometimes made my blog crashing. How? I used Anthropic’s new Claude 3.5 Sonnet to write me a new HTTP compression middleware that compresses HTTP responses using zstd or gzip when possible. I needed to instruct … | Continue reading
Yesterday, I finally took my new bike for a longer ride. Instead of 30 km like the last time, this time I chose another way about 36 km the other way along the river. And instead of getting on the train back home, I went both directions with pure muscle power. | Continue reading
Wouter Groeneveld wrote about his new website theme. His old one was too minimal for his taste, and so he decided on a more fancy theme. | Continue reading
One of the things I hate, yes, I really hate it, is cigarette smoke. I get angry when I smell the smoke of the neighbors who are smoking directly in front of the entrance door of our apartment build, while we are trying to let fresh air in. But situations like smelling smoke at t … | Continue reading
On Thursday, or better, let’s say yesterday on Friday, was New Bike Day for me. I finally got my new bike, which I bought after doing a lot of research. | Continue reading
Even though I wonder how they finance it (reading their post suggests, there will be a paid option later), DuckDuckGo’s AI Chat is probably a good privacy-friendly way to try out the different LLM models for chats. You don’t have to register, you don’t have to pay, you don’t have … | Continue reading
It’s nice to see a cloud provider lower prices, which seems very uncommon, as all the prices (cloud, domains, …) usually go up all the time. And it’s also my provider of choice, which means I will have to pay less for my virtual server in the future! 😄 | Continue reading
It seems like my interests fluctuate a lot. I have a topic that interests me, do a lot of research, learn many new things, get excited. And then suddenly another topic pops up, which at the same time reduces my interest in the previous topics. | Continue reading
I took this photo yesterday in the evening. The pond in the park is always so picturesque. 🖼️ | Continue reading
May is now also over and we are getting closer and closer to summer and the middle of 2024. Time to take a quick look back. | Continue reading
The hosted Miniflux finally contains my newly contributed feature to save descriptions for feeds. The exported OPML also contains them, and that’s why I’m finally able to show some context on my blogroll. | Continue reading
This morning I was in a bit of a bad mood and got the idea that I needed to do some exercise again. I had taken a break for a week due to a cold. I also wanted to get out a bit because the weather was good. Then it was a spontaneous but perfect decision to go for a bike ride agai … | Continue reading
Robert Alexander built a pretty cool Blogroll Network Map. Based on scraped blogrolls, it builds and visualizes a map of blogs. It contains almost 500 feeds, a lot to explore for boring days! | Continue reading
Unexpectedly, I found a seemingly not so new app (it was first released in 2022) that I wish I had known about earlier. Google’s app Reading mode. | Continue reading
You know, I’ve found a pretty effective way to reduce my addiction to certain websites: blocking them at the DNS level using NextDNS. It’s a trick I picked up after realizing I was spending far too much time on Hacker News (my addiction to that is gone for quite some time already … | Continue reading
I had Tor support in GoBlog for over three years now, but I decided to disable it on my blog (and the GoBlog blog) for now. Several times, Tor randomly started using a lot of memory on my VPS and even crashed my block one or two times. It could have been the Go library used to in … | Continue reading
Feeling extra special at 25 with this amazing strawberry cake made by my girlfriend. Grateful for her love and culinary skills on my birthday! 🍓✨ | Continue reading
From my father, there’s still an old Commodore 64 he used when he was young. I kept it since I thought I might try some retro-computing. But now (some years later) in the process of cleaning up my flat and throwing out things I no longer need, I tried to connect it to the TV, but … | Continue reading
New month, new monthly review. This time for April. And a short review, because not much exciting has happened. | Continue reading