The effect, called Pauli blocking, has been predicted for 30 years. Scientists just proved it for the first time. | Continue reading
Discover antimatter, the strange stuff often found in science fiction | Continue reading
Something is keeping the universe's fastest-moving particles from entering the center of our galaxy. | Continue reading
The new theory contradicts earlier predictions that these 'shortcuts' would instantly collapse. | Continue reading
Researchers thought the mineral was impossible to find on Earth's surface. | Continue reading
Medieval structure hidden beneath Fountains Abbey revealed. | Continue reading
An odd fast radio burst has been seen exploding over and over. | Continue reading
The polynya, or gap in the ice, is a bad sign. | Continue reading
A new study suggests that plants that are stressed by drought or physical damage may emit ultrasonic squeals. | Continue reading
The explosive new mission launches on November 23. | Continue reading
His jaw had been shattered in two. | Continue reading
Is the ivory-billed woodpecker really extinct? | Continue reading
The sun lobbed four enormous blobs of plasma toward Earth, and we will soon see their effects. | Continue reading
The gargantuan Bernardinelli-Bernstein comet will strafe Saturn's orbit in 2031. Scientists are stoked. | Continue reading
A forensic artist created the 3D reconstructions based on genetic data. | Continue reading
What happens if you put in too much? | Continue reading
Most people have a dominant nostril. | Continue reading
Firefighters wrapped the base of the General Sherman — the world's largest tree by volume — in aluminum. | Continue reading
To answer this question, we have to go back in time. | Continue reading
The crystals neatly sidestep some of physics' most iron-clad laws. | Continue reading
The change will take thousands of years, but we only have a century to stop it. | Continue reading
The spiders were preserved in amber. | Continue reading
The scientists that found Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein are an unlikely pair. | Continue reading
The candidates make the Giza pyramids and Stonehenge seem young. | Continue reading
It's not a fast radio burst, pulsar or low-mass star. So what in the heavens is it? | Continue reading
Feeling blue? That color isn't as common as you may think. | Continue reading
The massive fossil will be on display in Paris from Sept. 16 to Oct. 15. | Continue reading
Here's how the young are fighting back. | Continue reading
Some people can wiggle their ears, some can fold their tongues ... this man can dilate and constrict his pupils on demand. | Continue reading
Nearly 2 miles thick in places, the ice sheet hides a landscape of canyons, mountains, fjords and gem-like lakes. | Continue reading
If you want to come back from a trip through a wormhole, you'll need some weird gravity. | Continue reading
Do we live in a multiverse? Maybe, maybe not. | Continue reading
Starlink satellites might soon be involved in 90% of close encounters between two spacecraft in low Earth orbit. | Continue reading
Underground heat is cooking the Thwaites Glacier from below, and could push it closer to collapse. | Continue reading
Meet Beornus honeyi — but you can call him Beorn. | Continue reading
The particles used were spooky virtual particles, conjured from a disturbance between two electromagnetic fields. | Continue reading
The metamorphoses the creature undergoes are so dramatic, it took scientists a century to figure out its different forms belonged to the same zoological family. | Continue reading