How to Build a Neuron: Exploring AI in JavaScript Pt 1

Years ago, I was working on a project that needed to be adaptive. Essentially, the software needed to learn and get better at a frequently…Continue reading on JavaScript Scene » | Continue reading | 8 years ago

12 Books Every JavaScript Developer Should Read

I’m a big fan of JavaScript books. Being a long-time learner of JavaScript, I’ve had the pleasure of reading a great many of the popular…Continue reading on JavaScript Scene » | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The Shocking Secret About Static Types

The popularity of TypeScript has really exploded recently. I like TypeScript, and I like static types. I don’t use TypeScript, but as type…Continue reading on JavaScript Scene » | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Live Reloading Browser Previews: Shotgun Episode 4

Shotgun is a new video screencast show that lets you ride shotgun with me while I tackle real programming challenges for real apps and…Continue reading on JavaScript Scene » | Continue reading | 8 years ago

JavaScript Factory Functions vs Constructor Functions vs Classes

Prior to ES6, there was a lot of confusion about the differences between a factory function and a constructor function in JavaScript.Continue reading on JavaScript Scene » | Continue reading | 8 years ago

3 Different Kinds of Prototypal Inheritance: ES6+ Edition

This article was adapted from “Programming JavaScript Applications”, expanded, and updated for ES6.Continue reading on JavaScript Scene » | Continue reading | 8 years ago

5 Common Misconceptions About TDD & Unit Tests

Most developers seem to agree that testing is good, but developers frequently disagree about how to test. In this article, I’ll break down…Continue reading on JavaScript Scene » | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The Hidden Power of ES6 Generators: Observable Async Flow Control

In 7 Surprising Things I Learned Writing a Fibonacci Generator in JavaScript, I covered one obvious use-case for ES6 generator functions…Continue reading on JavaScript Scene » | Continue reading | 8 years ago

7 Surprising Things I Learned Writing a Fibonacci Generator in JavaScript

Generator functions are a new feature of JavaScript introduced in ES6. To explore them deeper, I decided to write a fibonacci generator…Continue reading on JavaScript Scene » | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Tech Hiring Has Always Been Broken. Here’s How I Survived it for Decades.

Sahat Yalkabov recently ranted about how broken tech hiring is driving him away from coding interviews. He echoed many of my own…Continue reading on JavaScript Scene » | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The Recruiter Plague: How Recruiters Have Broken Tech Hiring

To all the recruiters reading this, I’m sorry. I’m sure you’re a fantastic human being. Please don’t take this personally. It’s not aimed…Continue reading on Medium » | Continue reading | 8 years ago

10 Priceless Resources for JavaScript Learners

A career in software means a dedication to lifetime learning. We’re all learning to code, whether we just started, or we’ve been at it for…Continue reading on Medium » | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Getting Started With the Terminal, Git, and Node

Most JavaScript developers make heavy use of the bash terminal, git, and Node. Chances are, you won’t get far on your JavaScript journey…Continue reading on Medium » | Continue reading | 8 years ago

How One Jira Ticket Made My Employer $1MM/Month: 7 Metrics that Actually Matter

“You only get what you measure, so be careful what you measure.”Continue reading on Medium » | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The Software Developer’s Library: A Treasure Trove of Books for People Who Love Code

A treasure trove of books for people who love code. Curated by Eric Elliott.Continue reading on Medium » | Continue reading | 8 years ago

How I Became a JavaScript Rock Star

Years ago I came to San Francisco to join an exciting company building software for bands. Tools that make digital life easier for…Continue reading on Medium » | Continue reading | 8 years ago

What’s Better than a College Degree? Mentorship.

According to the 2016 Stack Overflow survey of over 56,000 coders, mentorship programs correlate with higher pay than a college degree. I…Continue reading on Medium » | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Want to Code? A University Degree Might be a Huge Waste of Time

A lot of people think they need a university degree to get a job as a software engineer.Continue reading on Medium » | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Learn to Code: 13 Tips that Could Save You Years of Effort

When you’re new to coding, it can be hard to know where to start, and it’s easy to get sucked down paths that could waste a whole lot of…Continue reading on Medium » | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Master the JavaScript Interview: What is a Pure Function?

Pure functions are essential for a variety of purposes, including functional programming, reliable concurrency, and React+Redux apps. But…Continue reading on Medium » | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Which Tech Should You Learn Now?

JavaScriptContinue reading on Medium » | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Looping Over Child Components in React: Shotgun Episode 3

Shotgun is a new show that lets you ride shotgun with me while I tackle real programming challenges for real apps and libraries. The show…Continue reading on Medium » | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Shotgun Episode 2: Writing Tests that Don’t Break

Shotgun is a new show that lets you ride shotgun with me while I tackle real programming challenges for real apps and libraries. The show…Continue reading on Medium » | Continue reading | 8 years ago

JavaScript Questions Episode 1

You have questions? We have answers.Continue reading on Medium » | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Shotgun: JavaScript Video Experience

When I started out on my path to coding, I learned primarily from books.Continue reading on Medium » | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Sell What Your Product Can Do, Not What It Is

A couple of days ago, I watched this session with Des Traynor, a cofounder of Intercom. He gives lots of startup advice, and I warmly… | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Sell What Your Product Can Do, Not What It Is

A couple of days ago, I watched this session with Des Traynor, a cofounder of Intercom. He gives lots of startup advice, and I warmly recommend you … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Improve the payment experience with animations →

Michaël Villar: The goal of animations should not solely be entertaining the user, but rather, they should be helping the user better understand what’s going on and how to use your product most effectively. If you disable animations, the flow should feel broken; if it is not, thi … | Continue reading | 10 years ago