Picower Institute researchers find that a key protein linked to intellectual disability shapes electrical currents in neural connections. | Continue reading
Gift of $350 million establishes the MIT Stephen A. Schwarzman College of Computing, an unprecedented, $1 billion commitment to world-changing breakthroughs and their ethical application. | Continue reading
Cryptography techniques to screen synthetic DNA could help prevent the creation of dangerous pathogens, argues Professor Kevin Esvelt. | Continue reading
Lustgarten Foundation names MIT laboratory to improve understanding and treatment of a deadly disease | Continue reading
New experiments observing nanoscale crystal structures forming in real-time show biomineralization, nanoscale bubbles, and catalysts in action. | Continue reading
New MIT-hosted database is open to both examiners and the wider public, and seeks to reduce the number of wrongly-issued patents. | Continue reading
Taking a page from green plants, new polymer “grows” through a chemical reaction with carbon dioxide. | Continue reading
Machine learning system aims to determine if an information outlet is accurate or biased. | Continue reading
A decade later, CSAIL alumni reflect on their paper generator and reveal a new fake-conference project. | Continue reading
System can be rapidly reconfigured to produce a variety of protein drugs. | Continue reading
Experiments show shifting ripple patterns can signal times of environmental flux. | Continue reading
New type of database-analytics platform queries and maps billions of data points in milliseconds. | Continue reading
Program users can tinker with landing and path planning scenarios to identify optimal landing sites for Mars rovers. | Continue reading
Model learns to pick out objects within an image, using spoken descriptions. | Continue reading
MIT.nano building, the largest of its kind, will usher in a new age of nanoscale advancements. | Continue reading
Advances in computer vision inspired by human physiological and anatomical constraints are improving pattern completion in machines. | Continue reading
Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems alumnus and CSAIL lecturer Jehangir Amjad uses statistical methods to predict likely outcomes with limited data. | Continue reading
Model extracts granular behavioral patterns from transaction data to more accurately flag suspicious activity. | Continue reading
Model learns to pick out objects within an image, using spoken descriptions. | Continue reading
Machine learning system efficiently recognizes activities by observing how objects change in only a few key frames. | Continue reading
Researchers identify an essential protein that helps enzymes relax overtwisted DNA so each strand can be copied during cell division. | Continue reading
Breakthrough CSAIL system suggests robots could one day be able to see well enough to be useful in people’s homes and offices. | Continue reading
Model from MIT Lincoln Laboratory Intelligence and Decision Technologies Group sets a new standard for understanding how a neural network makes decisions. | Continue reading
MIT-developed tool improves automated image vectorization, saving digital artists time and effort. | Continue reading
Adaptable Interpretable Machine Learning project is redesigning machine learning models so humans can understand what computers are thinking. | Continue reading
Scientists find a theoretical optical device may have uses in quantum computing. | Continue reading
Neural network learns speech patterns that predict depression in clinical interviews. | Continue reading
MIT researchers develop inexpensive way to perform full lifecycle analysis of design choices as buildings are being planned. | Continue reading
Department of Energy funds Plasma Science and Fusion Center to advance fusion studies on the world’s largest stellarator. | Continue reading
Findings suggest new policy models and cost-cutting technologies could help nuclear play vital role in climate solutions. | Continue reading
“The reason 5G is so different is that what exactly it will look like is still up in the air. Everyone agrees the phrase is a bit of a catch-all.” | Continue reading
Passive solar-powered system could prevent freezing on airplanes, wind turbines, powerlines, and other surfaces. | Continue reading
Technique could be used to scale-up self-assembled materials for use as optical sensors, color displays, and light-guided electronics. | Continue reading
Study finds lost revenue can be millions of dollars annually, suggests ways to quantify haze-related reductions in solar panel output. | Continue reading
Matthew Vander Heiden seeks new cancer treatments that exploit tumor cells’ abnormal metabolism. | Continue reading
The dynamic programming language, which is free and open source, combines the speed and popular features of the best scientific and technical software. | Continue reading
Results are among the strongest evidence yet for “spooky action at a distance.” | Continue reading
Novel combination of two encryption techniques protects private data, while keeping neural networks running quickly. | Continue reading
In a novel system developed by MIT researchers, underwater sonar signals cause vibrations that can be decoded by an airborne receiver. | Continue reading
Neural plasticity and arbor growth decline with age, study in mice shows. | Continue reading
Screen of human proteins reveals some with antimicrobial power. | Continue reading
Graduate student Kelsey Moore uses genetic and fossil evidence to study the first stages of evolution on our planet. | Continue reading
Bright light from black hole in a feeding frenzy had been obscuring surrounding galaxies. | Continue reading
It’s nearly impossible to break a dry spaghetti noodle into only two pieces. A new MIT study shows how and why it can be done. | Continue reading
MIT’s John Belcher discusses the launch of the Parker Solar Probe, which will fly directly into the sun’s atmosphere. | Continue reading
Stimulating the brain’s caudate nucleus generates a negative outlook that clouds decision-making. | Continue reading