Wednesday, August 14 This morning I spent about three hours or so hiking from the Pawnee Buttes Trailhead over to the buttes themselves. Almost 4.5 miles round trip, possibly a bit more as I made a detour on the way back to check out another rock formation. It was cool when I sta … | Continue reading
Monday, August 12 After an appointment with the VA I decided to not wait till tomorrow to drive the VRRV with Yagi onboard to the Pawnee National Grasslands for some boondocking. I should have waited. I got to the area just in time for rain to start. I found a spot, not the optim … | Continue reading
As of today, lane filtering is legal in Colorado: LINK Well, this ought to be interesting....I like the concept of being able to filter and avoid being the "meat sandwich" between two cars but..... Will cagers know it's now legal for motorcycle riders to lane filter? I foresee a … | Continue reading
Hope you had a Happy Colorado Day! Just hung out at the campsite the last two days, some minor chores related to the VRRV but basically just reading and reeling. I did do a ride with Yagi yesterday to see how many rigs had shown up, only three. Reeling: wasting one's time looking … | Continue reading
Sunday, July 28Lazy day, but did do a quick ride to The Castles to get them all in a pic: closeup of the far castle No more moose sightings to report. Monday, July 29 Lazy morning mostly. A short recce walk around the camping area vicinity to see if the moose was still around and … | Continue reading
After Martha left for home this morning, I rode out on Yagi, my TW200 to check out nearby roads for scenery and to map possible future campsites. I ended up motoring up CR 307 till it met with US Hwy 285, along the way, you pass three rock formations known locally as "The Castles … | Continue reading
Martha and I drove over to Fairplay to check out its museum with particular emphasis on the Burro Days event happening this weekend. Most of the events, such as the International Burro Race (who knew there was such a thing?) happen Saturday/Sunday but we won't be attending those. … | Continue reading
Tired of the crowding we'd seen and experienced, and with mounting evidence of even more inbound fifth-wheeled/SxS-laden campers, we displaced away from Taylor Park this morning. In turns out, this area is a widely known and reported on as an area for OHV explorations. Too popula … | Continue reading
Martha and I took the Honda CR-V the 45 miles or so to Crested Butte, CO this morning. Our first stop was the Brush Creek Trailhead, which is a few miles from the city of Crested Butte itself. The skies were overcast while we were on the trail and the distant mountains and hills … | Continue reading
I left the Westcreek area on Sunday, the day was going to be rainy and cold. Besides, Martha had called the night before and reported the battery once again dead in the 2014 Honda CRV that we use as a towed vehicle when camping. I was home by noon or so and determined the alterna … | Continue reading
I finished the replacement of the stator and pulser assemblies on Yagi, my TW200 on Wednesday of this week. The work went pretty smoothly though slowly as it was something I wanted to get right the first time. I almost misrouted the wire harness connected to the stator but caught … | Continue reading
Lately, self-recovery has become a topic of much interest to me, due mostly to the problems I had with my TW200: Yagi, a couple of weeks ago. LINK. This morning, I decided to actually try and use the "Come Along Tool" or Cable Winch Puller Tool that I've been carrying in the VRRV … | Continue reading
Last time I camped in this section of the Pike National Forest, I'd found a dump site while motoring about on Yagi, my TW200. While at the site looking for clues as to who'd done the dumping, a Forest Ranger came by and we chatted for a bit. He mentioned there was an outfit calle … | Continue reading
First there was the ignition system wiring issue with Yagi, my Yamaha TW200. (See previous post) Then on Wednesday of this week, as I was tying down Scarlett, my Ural Patrol sidecar rig onto the trailer, I found the front tire flat! I re-inflated it before I departed the house bu … | Continue reading
July 6 updated: Took Yagi on a 30 mile ride and no issues with the ignition seen! I discovered a drained battery though when I returned home, apparently the stator isn't charging the battery while riding. Some more twisting of wires, two of them, and apparently one was the one re … | Continue reading
Thursday, June 27 I did a little bit of target shooting in the morning along with more policing up of spent brass left by inconsiderate shooters. Then, in the afternoon, I had been pootling around with Yagi, my TW200, down forest trails when she suddenly stopped running. Hmmm. I … | Continue reading
This morning, as we were finishing breakfast inside the VRRV; Martha spotted the local camp host nosing around just outside the camper: pic by Martha The bear detected movement through the window I think, as I moved to it to grab my camera. The bear then moved smartly away from o … | Continue reading
Martha and I left the overcrowded Metro Denver area at 10AM and by 12:30 PM were setting up camp on the southern end of Rampart Range Road in the Pike National Forest. The day was already hot when we left the neighborhood with an expected high of 98°F (36.6°C). It was much cooler … | Continue reading
Yesterday, I rode Scarlett, my 2014 Ural Patrol to the summit of Berthoud Pass on US Hwy 40 to see what conditions were like there. No snow issues anymore, still some snow as you'll see but not where it impacts vehicles. The day was quite cloudy and it would feel chilly when the … | Continue reading
Sunday, June 9 We got a severe thunderstorm warning and shortly afterwards got hit by heavy rain and marble-sized hail (some almost golf ball-sized)! Buildup from the gutter drain pipe out front During the peak of the hail storm: Thing 2's Toyota Pickup Truck got lots of hail dam … | Continue reading
I finished prepping Umarang the VRRV for storage and drove her to Buckley Space Force Base this morning. I rigged a single solar panel to keep the house battery charged and then rigged a second cable from the house battery to the chassis battery to keep it charged up. There'd bee … | Continue reading
Wednesday, June 5 Lazy day today after a brief recce of the North Sand Hills Recreation Area. The recce reminded me how unsuited it is for my camping requirements. The access road is sandy and the access to campsite locations even sandier. The trails are very sandy and Yagi, my T … | Continue reading
This morning, once things warmed up at bit (56 degrees), I rode my TW200 on CO Hwy 14 about 25 miles to the State Forest State Park's Moose Visitor Center. Buckhorn Sheep came by to visit A view of the campsite from CR 15a State Forest, yep that's the name of the forest, a bit un … | Continue reading
Sunday, June 2 As mentioned in the previous post, I spent the morning working on the configuration of items on the roof of the VRRV. After a quick lunch, I rode out on Yagi, My TW200, and took Manhattan road AKA Larimer County 69 down towards the small settlement of Rustic, CO. I … | Continue reading
It's good that I went camping this week, apparently there was a big hail storm Thursday night in the Metro Denver area. Got an email from the storage yard people where I normally store the RV and there was apparently damage to multiple rigs there! About the Sony telephoto lens th … | Continue reading
Thursday, May 30 Pretty lazy day, spent mostly lounging and reading. Campsite visitor View from a nearby hill Spooky shelter now surrounded by water. This is near the campsite. A view from a different hill, note the overcast skies Found this dead hummingbird while doing a police … | Continue reading
Wednesday, May 29 A very nice and sunny morning leading to an overcast afternoon with gusting winds. Got some major minor tasks done with a bit more riding of Yagi, my TW200 thrown in for good measure. The gate to Deadman Road remains closed though I see work trucks go to and fro … | Continue reading
I left the overcrowded cesspool that is the Denver metro area, and took the long way north towards Fort Collins. The city of Fort Collins has become quite crowded too it seems. Fortunately, I did not have to go deep into it to get onto Colorado Highway 14 and westward towards Red … | Continue reading
We got back home on Wednesday, May 15 after 8 hours on the road. No issues during the drive, just boring and tiring. I like keeping the mileage covered in one day to 300, but alas, we were close and both of us had, 478 miles it was. Colorado welcomed us with the … | Continue reading
Monday, May 13 We left the Petrified Forest National Park early yesterday morning, around 7AM, ready to move further east along the I-40 Super Slab. By 1PM we'd arrived in the vicinity of the Cedro Peak Loop Road. We encountered way too rough of terrain conditions trying to get o … | Continue reading
We left the Sedona area this morning and less than three hours later were pulling into the RV parking lot near the south entrance to the Petrified Forest National Park. After setting up the VRRV for an overnight stay, we unhooked the Honda CR-V and left to go into the park so Mar … | Continue reading
I spent the morning riding my TW200, Yagi, through the Broken Arrow Trail that is located within the city limits of Sedona. At the trailhead off of Morgan Road, you can park and hike on the trail or there is an OHV version of the trail as well. It proved slightly technical in spo … | Continue reading
A hiking day today for us. After breakfast, we headed towards Sedona and parked at the Bell Rock Trail parking lot. Note to self: if you wait till after 9AM, the lot is full and its warm by then! Fortunately, we got there by 8AM I believe. It would end up being almost three miles … | Continue reading
Thursday, May 9th After breakfast, we drove to the town of Cottonwood, where they had a Harbor Freight and I bought a second 100 watt solar panel. (more on this later in this post). Afterwards, we drove over to the Tuzigoot National Monument to check things out: View from lowest … | Continue reading
We drove about an hour and a half from near Williams, AZ to dispersed camping in the Coconino National Forest about 15 miles from Sedona, AZ. We had originally explored the area near the junction of I-17 and AZ Hwy 179 but after leaving the URRV at a candidate spot, we found a be … | Continue reading
Mellow day today, windy and sunny. We drove into town and just wandered about the main street area which is part of the famed Route 66 highway. There was a sign claiming: Last town to be bypassed by the construction of I-40. Interesting claim to fame I thought. First, a visit to … | Continue reading
We left BlazeOurWay's Lori and Chris Z's awesome hospitality today. We're starting our eastward portion of this camping trip, and drove just a few hours to dispersed camping south of Williams, AZ. Wouldn't you know it? The site we picked has excellent cellular internet access! So … | Continue reading
I finally broke down, and got the Gen 3 star link internet dish this week. A few notes: I bought mine through the Home Depot in Kingman, Arizona, since I could get the military discount through them. The setup and activation of the unit when sold via third parties is poorly done … | Continue reading
We got to Meadview, AZ, Saturday, April 27 and have been Moochdocking at BlazeOurWay's (Lori and Chris Z.) home. This is their new base of operations after having been living fulltime in their Overlander Rig: Stewie for the last two years or so. Yesterday, Sunday, April 28 Some m … | Continue reading
While Martha went to do some shopping in Henderson, I rode out this morning on Yagi, my TW200 to check out Lava Butte. It lies outside, the borders of the Lake Mead National Recreation Area. The beginning of the trail, shortly after it becomes a dirt road from the trailhead off o … | Continue reading
A somewhat short driving day today as we drove to be close to the Las Vegas, NV area. Since we gained an hour once we were in Nevada, we were setting up camp by Noon. There's several rigs here but the sites are pretty dispersed so far. Not enough rig to make for crowded condition … | Continue reading
Monday, April 22 We left the Torrey, UT area at 8:32 AM and by 1:00 PM or so we were south of Cedar City, UT setting up camp at a BLM dispersed camping area. Nice spot, and no neighbors which was the best part. Even the wind, which wasn't that strong, was warm under the bright su … | Continue reading
Saturday, April 20 Martha and I drove the Honda CR-V (Wanda) down UT Highway 12, a designated scenic byway, towards the Escalante National Monument. A brief stop at "The Hogback" for the above shot. The rest of the photos for this post are screen captures from the footage shot by … | Continue reading
This morning we drove down to the vicinity of the visitor center for the Capitol Reef NP and checked out the Petroglyph Panel. Our view of nearby Torrey and the rock wall overlooking the town: This is a section of rock wall where petroglyphs are evident. They're pretty cool, thou … | Continue reading
Sunny day with some noticeable but not bad winds. Martha and I drove over to the Capitol Reef NP's Visitor Center located just off the US24 Highway about six miles east of Torrey, UT. After getting her Park Passport book stamp and a map, we drove onto the Scenic Highway deeper in … | Continue reading
Martha and I displaced at 8:30AM from near Westwater, UT and by Noon were near the town of Torrey, UT, on the western side of the Capitol Reef NP along the US 24 corridor. We found a nice spot near the town though a bit windy, conditions were otherwise optimal. Shortly before 3PM … | Continue reading
A good day of car touring with a bit of hiking among large and scenic rock formations! We had an 11AM reservation to enter the Arches National Park and were let in by 11:15, not too bad a wait at the fee gate. The reservation system does seem to cut down on the crowding of the mo … | Continue reading
Sunday, April 14 Martha and I left the overcrowded cesspool that is the I-25 Corridor of the Colorado Front Range at 8:30 AM, heading west on the I-70 super slab. We made good time, had good weather, and though quite slow on the uphill portions of the mountain areas, the VRRV did … | Continue reading