On Finding a Zen Moment

If it weren’t for that 1 tumbler of coffee in the morning #zen moment… Those of you know who know me really well, would finish that sentence by saying “you would be admitted in th… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 6 years ago

On Being Whole Again

“In every atom, there is a reflection of the whole.” ― Jay Woodman Do we need to have seen darkness….to appreciate light? Do we need to have seen light….to understand darkness? How does… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 6 years ago

On Being Lost

I am typically running around like a nut case trying to get through the day. Today evening, after a long day, I made a conscious effort to be mindful and be in the moment. I made some chai for the … | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 6 years ago

Richness isn’t Measured by Wealth

Richness isn’t measured by wealth. Because, the most precious thing in the world is to have at least one friend that will make you “anda gunda” (lots) of mushroom soup with loads … | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 6 years ago

On Finding Warmth and Cheer

Whether you are standing underneath the mistletoe with your sweetheart, Whether you are rushing home to be with your loved ones, Whether you are gathering near the overloaded holiday dinner table, … | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 6 years ago

Select Quotes from Blog Posts

Visit the post for more. | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 6 years ago

On Compromise

While I enjoy the company of friends and family, I am also a loner. I like my quiet time. I like to hang by myself and read a book or work and listen to music….just by myself. However, those … | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 6 years ago

Life through a 8 year old’s eyes

It is very refreshing to live with a 8 year old. Because, he opens the window and lets me see the world in new light through his 8 year old eyes. Also, because, when I am in the middle of nowhere, … | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 6 years ago

On Running for the Hills

I don’t know about getting wiser with age. I do know that I am becoming more anti social with age. I used to be more social. I used to be more tolerant despite being able to see through situa… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 6 years ago

On Unchaining Yourself and Breaking Free

In India, elephants don’t just roam royally in jungles and zoos. You will find elephants in temples and festivities as well. They are considered to be very auspicious and wise. Grandpa TVS to… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 6 years ago

Tis the Season – For a Cup of Cocoa

Tis the season…for hot cocoa for the boys. A little cup of cocoa Author: Unknown A little cup of cocoa, I’m sending ’round your way. I hope that you’ll enjoy it, on some col… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 6 years ago

On Flying

When I was a little girl, I had this recurring dream. I was a bird. Sometimes, I flew over green and fields. Sometimes, I flew over lakes and rivers. I flew with a sense of freedom. This uncanny se… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 6 years ago

A time to be born, and a time to die

As always, I was doing my nightly reading late yesterday night and came across this beauty from the Book of Ecclesiastes: To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the hea… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 6 years ago

On Giving your Word

“theerththak karaiyinilae therku moolaiyil shenbagath thoattaththilae paarththirundhaal varuvaen vennilaavilae paanigiyoadenru sonnaay vaarththai thavarivittaay adi kannammaa maarbu thudikkud… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 6 years ago

Somebody’s Fruit

When I was in middle school, I had the most fun and passionate English Teachers who taught poetry and prose. One of those poems was this: Somebody’s Mother Speaking of mothers, Mommy told me … | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 6 years ago

On making a House a Home

Appa told me that for centuries a woman is the one that makes a house a home. So, today evening, after a rather tough and busy week, as the boys and I try to get through our weekend to-do list, I f… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 6 years ago

Every Parent is a Kshatriya (Warrior)

Have you heard the story about the bee, Parashurama and Karna from Mahabaratha? One day while Parasurama was resting on the lap of Karna, a poisonous bee stung Karna. But he kept calm bearing all t… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 6 years ago

To risk making a fool of yourself

“To write something, you have to risk making a fool of yourself. – Anne Lisa Rice And it’s not just writing. To create anything, means having to risk being rejected, admonished, critici… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 6 years ago

It is just a note. It is not just a note.

Since I was out for almost a week, Ari left me a welcome back note at the dinner table on the first evening I got back home. It is just a note. It is nothing. It is not just a note. It is everythin… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 6 years ago

On Time

I had one of those serendipitous moments today. It didn’t come easy. I struggled for many decades because I didn’t even know what were the right questions to ask. It only came because, … | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 6 years ago

On finding Peace and Strength

Sometimes, I find a shaded spot under a tree. I sit down for just a bit. I let the sun peak at me through the leaves on the tree. I let the cool breeze nourish my body and soul. I remember the days… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 6 years ago

On Fate and Freewill

Fate brings us together with thousands of people during our lifetime. Only few of those people stay on our journey for a lifetime. The rest come into our life for our mutual learning, healing and/o… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 6 years ago

The Story of Us

Appa told me many decades ago that if one person doesn’t pull their weight in any crucial relationship …then that relationship is bound to fail or become dysfunctional. He urged Kumar a… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 6 years ago

Leverage is the Name of the Game

After all these years, I think I am finally beginning to learn how this game is played. You say “Oh! I have been having a headache all day”. And, magically, pooha umpa appears on the ki… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 6 years ago

On Plethora of Choices

“Choice Theory explains that, for all practical purposes, we choose everything we do.”  ― William Glasser Sheena S. Iyengar is one of the world’s experts on choice. Her research focuses on: w… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 7 years ago

On Moments that become Meaningless

Sometimes, you wait for a moment to arrive. You work so hard for it. So hard. You move. You move heaven and earth. You rock. You rock even hell. You try. You try everything possible. And, then, fin… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 7 years ago

On Coffee

Starbucks represents something beyond a cup of coffee. –  Howard Schultz I wake up some mornings and sit and have my coffee and look out at my beautiful garden, and I go, ‘Remember how … | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 7 years ago

On Turning Points

In any case, while it is all very well to talk of ‘turning points’, one can surely only recognise such moments in retrospect. Naturally, when one looks back to such instances today, the… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 7 years ago

On Showing the Ropes

Amma was just the nagger. Appa was always the one. He didn’t expect me to do anything he didn’t do himself. I vividly remember this one science test (on the topic of bonding and cement)… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 7 years ago

On Brothers

There is a saying in Tamil that my buddy Charles reminded me of a few years ago. It goes like this – “Thambi odiyan padika anjan.” It means – “If you have a brother, t… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 7 years ago

On Vanity

Vanity of vanities is a superlative expressing the supreme degree of futility and emptiness. VANITY OF HUMAN TOIL – From Book of Ecclesiastes, Chapter 1 Vanity of vanities, vanity of vanities… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 7 years ago

The Story of the Lucky Bamboo and the Container that Holds it

When you leave, you leave so much behind. I was fortunate enough to met him in person only a couple of times. I insisted he at least briefly stop by one the parties we hosted during the holidays. D… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 7 years ago

Exchanging Notes

The house is unusually quite because 1 is down. Adi is out of town. Ari and I are having a fun game that he started about 1/2 hr back. We are exchanging notes on lil post it notes. He is using my d… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 7 years ago

Yo Austin – Give Them a Brake

Yo #Austin – Quit complaining about road construction on Mopac, 183 and on I-35. Quit it. Right now. Long time ago, Appa worked in a car company. The company had imported German machines to d… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 7 years ago

On Women’s Equality and Rights

At Austin Hindu Temple, hanging with the Goddess of Education, Goddess of Bravery, Goddess of Wealth alongside other Gods. As you can tell, women’s equality and rights is in my heritage and p… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 7 years ago

While He is Away

It has been one heck of a week. Between Kumar’s travel and mine, the boys schedule and my schedule, it truly has been one of those weeks that I am glad is over. I knew what he must have done.… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 7 years ago

On Soaking in a Summer Day

Today, the boys and I headed out to a spring and natural water pool. It was a long drive. It was also a hot day. When we reached our destination, the beautiful sight of bluish green water awaited u… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 7 years ago

Meaningful Mantras

In my younger days, I used to think mantras (or slokas, prayers) were all meaningless. I still recited them out of awe and respect for Appa who taught me with such passion and love. However, now, a… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 7 years ago

On Withdrawal Symptoms

Don’t panic on my behalf and assume I am withdrawing from my coffee addiction. I am still loading up on my coffee to retain my sanity. This post is about metacognition and to raise addiction awaren… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 7 years ago

Whatever Will Be, Will Be

These railroads are shrouded in fog in Austin all today. Kind of mysterious. Just like our future…..shrouded in mystery. Que Sera, Sera, Whatever will be, will be The future’s not ours,… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 7 years ago

To Be in the Moment

One of my friend’s reminded me today that the present (moment) is the biggest present (gift). So, as the fog and rain continue to steal my soul and heart this week…I have been playing a… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 7 years ago

Let me Lead a Purposeful Life

Poets who touched our hearts….there are many, aren’t there? I love Keats, Shelley, Wordsworth, Tennyson, Byron and Frost…they all live with us…..with the beautiful poetry th… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 7 years ago

True Freedom in Life

Too many people spend money they haven’t earned to buy things they don’t want to impress people they don’t like. – Will Rogers When I was child, I had this recurring dream o… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 7 years ago

The VibHuti – The story behind the white streak on my forehead

In many cultures across the globe, ash has a special spiritual meaning. VibHuti (or Holy Ash), also called Thiruneeru or Vibhooti, is a word that has several meanings in Hinduism. Generally, it is … | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 7 years ago

Let us remove the IN from the word Intolerance

Everybody has the right. Everybody has the right to think what they want to. Everybody has the right to do what they want to. It doesn’t matter who they voted for. It doesn’t matter wha… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 7 years ago

5 Love Languages

We think everybody is like us. We want everybody to be like us. Not everybody is like us. Each person is different. Each person is unique. Everybody wants to be loved in their own unique way. I rea… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 7 years ago

Playing Dress Up

Ari has been reading a book on codes and detectives. He wanted me to play dress up. So, there we are….well, sort of dressed up. | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 7 years ago

Reading List Interchange

Usually, I am the one to pound Adi’s email inbox with must-read articles. Nowadays, he forwards the most interesting stuff about latest research,findings and articles. Here is one that caught… | Continue reading

@ambalbalakrishnan.com | 7 years ago