I’m Livin’ On Baby Food

Mike Doughty, Sebastian Steinberg, Mark degli Antoni at Crystal Ballroom It’s a very strange experience, seeing a band at the height of their career and then at a reunion show two decades and change later. On-stage, early Soul Coughing had Doughty matching the sheer physical and … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 1 day ago

And Then There Were Ten

Cooper, 2013-2024 Earlier this week, Ross Andersen for The Atlantic considered the current state of comparative thanatology, or the question of how similar or dissimilar is the understanding of death from one species to the next. The current state mostly is the same as it’s been … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 days ago

The Body Shaming Of Liberals

The more progressive side of things has done a somewhat decent job educating others about the shaming of other people’s bodies, to the point where body positivity and acceptance is even leveraged in advertising campaigns. As last month’s Democratic National Convention showed, how … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 9 days ago

Play ‘Wichita’ For Slowdog!

It’s happening. Or, one thing is happening. Whether or not the other thing happens along with it is up to you. Tomorrow marks the start of the completely surprising and unexpected—in the sense that they’d all long since and forever said not only would it never happen but also, re … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 10 days ago

Shoplifters Of The World Unite

For nine months now, I’ve been telling people about what I describe as “an objectively perfect movie”, one I’ve now seen four times since finally streaming it in January. It’d been sitting on my Letterboxd watchlist for at least a couple of years, and I only can assume I stumbled … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 12 days ago

Stoicism Won’t Save Us

I’ve been having some trouble for a few days now parsing the latest from Jonathan Malesic, intended as some sort of warning against something I missed him writing about before, which he terms “liberal nihilism” and defines as “self-imposed helplessness in the face of the supposed … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 14 days ago

What’s The Right Side In A Debate?

In the Associated Press report on the Harris-Walz campaign accepting the proposed terms for the September debate between Kamala Harris and Mine Furor, most of the interest appears to be focused on the fact that the opposing microphone will be muted when a candidate is speaking, w … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 14 days ago

Imminent Death Of The Blog Predicted!

While prophecies of the end of Usenet or the wider internet never came true, notwithstanding the latest variant that it’s already dead, this blog is coming to a close. Since most people likely read via RSS, this final post serves as your notice. | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 6 months ago

Imminent Death Of The Blog Predicted!

While prophecies of the end of Usenet or the wider internet never came true, notwithstanding the latest variant that it’s already dead, this blog is coming to a close. Since most people likely read via RSS, this final post serves as your notice. Recently it occurred to me: I thin … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 6 months ago

So About This New Blog

This past Monday, I put Bix Dot Blog on an indefinite and somewhat indeterminate hiatus. That blog is where I’ve not only been posting but also slowly (so very, very slowly) been trying to restore over twenty years of blogging from across more than a dozen different sites and ser … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 6 months ago

Absolutely ‘Yes’ On The Gas-Powered Leaf Blower Ban

As an actually-autistic Portlander, I hope that no one drops the ball on this proposal, and that city and county officials withstand the pushback against it. I need this noise to stop. For what it’s worth, I’ve been able to sit outside a coffee shop here in St. Johns half a block … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 6 months ago

The Talisman

Sometime after midnight on Wednesday morning, I had my first-ever lucid dreaming experience, and then later that morning my second. Each began with a cellphone that had been broken in half at its midpoint. The first dream began in a Disney warehouse. The second I can’t really rec … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 6 months ago

One Of Those Hiatus Posts

I’ll try not to belabor the issue, but obviously I am having some issues when it comes to what I want to be doing with my blogging, as well as starting to deeply consider the fact of having it, and the restoration project, on a domain that should Automattic ever decide my time in … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 6 months ago

One Of Those Hiatus Posts

I’ll try not to belabor the issue, but obviously I am having some issues when it comes to what I want to be doing with my blogging, as well as starting to deeply consider the fact of having it, and the restoration project, on a domain that should Automattic ever decide my time in … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 6 months ago

Am I Blogging Or Not?

The sort of existential crisis I’ve been having lately about blogging happens to be coincident with the controversies over Automattic’s various deals to provide data for purchase, sometimes for the purposes of A.I. training with sketchy and somewhat hidden methods of opting out, … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 6 months ago

Am I Blogging Or Not?

The sort of existential crisis I’ve been having lately about blogging happens to be coincident with the controversies over Automattic’s various deals to provide data for purchase, sometimes for the purposes of A.I. training with sketchy and somewhat hidden methods of opting out, … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 6 months ago

Why Do I Blog, Anyway

It started with an offhand mention on Mastodon that I’m tired of my blog design, again and already, then turned into a whole other thing on Bluesky because I do wonder whether unease with technical things like this isn’t actually about other things entirely. | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 6 months ago

Why Do I Blog, Anyway

It started with an offhand mention on Mastodon that I’m tired of my blog design, again and already, then turned into a whole other thing on Bluesky because I do wonder whether unease with technical things like this isn’t actually about other things entirely. It’s weird but I have … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 6 months ago

System Failure

There’s a moment in Lost when Desmond is down in an access tunnel beneath the Swan station trying to turn a failsafe key while a recorded voice on a loop warns of a system failure. That loop was stuck in my head for a time this evening as I struggled to remember its source, becau … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 6 months ago

System Failure

There’s a moment in Lost when Desmond is down in an access tunnel beneath the Swan station trying to turn a failsafe key while a recorded voice on a loop warns of a system failure. That loop was stuck in my head for a time this evening as I struggled to remember its source, becau … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 6 months ago

Can I See Baseball This Season?

Hot on the heels of my various posts about wanderlust and past travels, today as I watch a Red Sox exhibition game against the Northeastern Huskies to begin Spring Training, my thoughts turned to Seattle, whose Mariners open the season at the end of March at home against Boston. | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 6 months ago

Can I See Baseball This Season?

Hot on the heels of my various posts about wanderlust and past travels, today as I watch a Red Sox exhibition game against the Northeastern Huskies to begin Spring Training, my thoughts turned to Seattle, whose Mariners open the season at the end of March at home against Boston. … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 6 months ago

Aphantasia, Meet Anauralia

Just a couple of weeks ago, I referenced what I called my aphantasiac monologue, an attempt to describe how i only can conceive of sounds, much as I only can conceive of pictures. Basically the idea that in addition to not having a mind’s eye so, too, do I lack a mind’s ear. | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

Aphantasia, Meet Anauralia

Just a couple of weeks ago, I referenced what I called my aphantasiac monologue, an attempt to describe how i only can conceive of sounds, much as I only can conceive of pictures. Basically the idea that in addition to not having a mind’s eye so, too, do I lack a mind’s ear. Turn … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

My Aphantasiac Monologue

Whenever I bring up memory it inevitably also implicates my aphantasia, but this Musings post reminds me of that other mental process that causes much surprise at how different brains work: the so-called “internal monologue”. So, I do have an internal monologue, but much like wit … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

The Disablement Of Spacetime

At the end of a long and trying day that did not go in any way that especially resembled how I’d hoped it would go, disability access designer Nick Colley posted some thoughts to Mastodon about an overlooked aspect of designing for disability. | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

The Disablement Of Spacetime

At the end of a long and trying day that did not go in any way that especially resembled how I’d hoped it would go, disability access designer Nick Colley posted some thoughts to Mastodon about an overlooked aspect of designing for disability. When considering accessibility we sh … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

We Should’ve Had A Web Of Personal Data Servers

Recently I’ve been exploring, once again, options for book tracking that aren’t Goodreads, prompted in part by this very long read about the site. Whenever I do this, it quickly becomes obvious that there simply isn’t one site or service that replicates everything Goodreads provi … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

We Should’ve Had A Web Of Personal Data Servers

Recently I’ve been exploring, once again, options for book tracking that aren’t Goodreads, prompted in part by this very long read about the site. Whenever I do this, it quickly becomes obvious that there simply isn’t one site or service that replicates everything Goodreads provi … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

From Alaska To Bajor In Search Of Identity

Like many other people my age, I’ve been rewatching Northern Exposure ever since the digital release a few months back more recently was followed by Amazon picking up the streaming rights. Yesterday, it was the episode “Crime and Punishment”. | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

From Alaska To Bajor In Search Of Identity

Like many other people my age, I’ve been rewatching Northern Exposure ever since the digital release a few months back more recently was followed by Amazon picking up the streaming rights. Yesterday, it was the episode “Crime and Punishment”. Karma catches up with Chris for a Wes … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

The Forgotten Trip

Late last month and early this month, I got a bit morose about the idea that I’ll never be able to travel again, a thing that’s also all wrapped up in the aphantasia and SDAM which preclude me from being to re-live old travels. As if to emphasize all of this, yesterday my Timehop … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

The Forgotten Trip

Late last month and early this month, I got a bit morose about the idea that I’ll never be able to travel again, a thing that’s also all wrapped up in the aphantasia and SDAM which preclude me from being to re-live old travels. As if to emphasize all of this, yesterday my Timehop … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

They Pull Me Back In

First the disclosure: I’ve read neither the Mike Masnick post nor the Jaron Lanier and Allison Stanger article that prompted it, so I’m not actually here to respond directly to either of these things. It’s just that 47 U.S. Code § 230 is being discussed again, and I wanted very b … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

They Pull Me Back In

First the disclosure: I’ve read neither the Mike Masnick post nor the Jaron Lanier and Allison Stanger article that prompted it, so I’m not actually here to respond directly to either of these things. It’s just that 47 U.S. Code § 230 is being discussed again, and I wanted very b … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

Walking And Talking

One problem with only having had the refurbished Apple Watch since last August is that I don’t really know how long I’ve been keeping up with the daily walk for exercise, let alone how to calculate the longer period going back into the early pandemic that then got intermittently … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

Walking And Talking

One problem with only having had the refurbished Apple Watch since last August is that I don’t really know how long I’ve been keeping up with the daily walk for exercise, let alone how to calculate the longer period going back into the early pandemic that then got intermittently … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

The Heresy Of The Status Quo

There’s a thing I was going to add to my post about self-censorship yesterday that I never got around to: the dust-up over Threads saying that it will not algorithmically recommend to users so-called “political” posts from people they don’t already follow, in the way that it does … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

The Heresy Of The Status Quo

There’s a thing I was going to add to my post about self-censorship yesterday that I never got around to: the dust-up over Threads saying that it will not algorithmically recommend to users so-called “political” posts from people they don’t already follow, in the way that it does … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

My Aphantasiac Monologue

Whenever I bring up memory it inevitably also implicates my aphantasia, but this Musings post reminds me of that other mental process that causes much surprise at how different brains work: the so-called “internal monologue”. | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

On Shadowbanning Yourself

There’s a little discussion going on today amongst bloggers I either follow on Mastodon or who are in my local feed. The topic is self-censorship, and because I don’t tend to engage in it myself, I’ve a few things to say because I knew in advance where the discussion would end up … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

On Shadowbanning Yourself

There’s a little discussion going on today amongst bloggers I either follow on Mastodon or who are in my local feed. The topic is self-censorship, and because I don’t tend to engage in it myself, I’ve a few things to say because I knew in advance where the discussion would end up … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

Tell Me: How Do You Experience Memory?

Over the past week and a half here, I’ve written three posts relating numerous experiences from my past. In therapy today, I wondered how a random third-party would feel after reading those posts if I told them I have some degree of severely deficient autobiographical memory. | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

What Can I But Enumerate Old Themes?

So, as mentioned, I’ve been making a custom theme using Underscores that would ape the look and feel I achieved under Blogstream but without all the unnecessary jankiness the latter theme had under the hood. As of tonight, you are looking at the result. There are, however, some c … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

What Are We Talkin’ Bout?

There’s been much ballyhoo about Tracy Chapman appearing at the Grammys to perform her hit “Fast Car” with Luke Combs. As I said on Mastodon, I feel like people simultaneously are making both too much and too little of it. Does it matter that it was a bit of a unifying experience … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

The Relationship Between Form And Theme

Over the course of my aborted college career, I couldn’t seem to write a normal paper. For a sociology class where we’d read about social drama and had to write a paper on it, I realized that I’d recently been involved in an incident on campus whose narrative perfectly fit the st … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

Lessons From A Japanese Girlfriend

Last night I dreamt that I was on what appeared to be a vacation with my Japanese girlfriend to her parents’ home in Japan. To be clear, I do not have nor have I ever had a Japanese girlfriend, nor have I ever been to Japan. All I recall was tidying up some of my stuff that had f … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

Once More Unto The eReader Breach, Dear Friends, Once More

Back in the summer of 2022, after several years of a Kobo Clara HD as my eReader of choice, I’d made the switch back to a Kindle Paperwhite. I’m not going to bother rehashing the reasons, as you can read about them in a more general post about simplifying and one about this speci … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago