India Network

Continue reading | 6 years ago


Continue reading | 6 years ago


Continue reading | 6 years ago

Design Connect Studio

Continue reading | 6 years ago

Become a Ridiculously Insane Web Developer By Practicing These Techniques

Continue reading | 6 years ago

All time top digital marketing mafias to follow online

Continue reading | 7 years ago

Importance of Code to Text Ratio for SEO

The online web appears to be immensely simple – You design, code, write, and optimize the cream of the cake and assume you are ready. Many of the internet users are not even aware of these behind the page works and we don’t even expect everyone to know everything. That’s the reas … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Take your fashion business online

Continue reading | 7 years ago

What We Do

Continue reading | 7 years ago

How to convince clients to accept Whitespace in design?

Continue reading | 7 years ago

A peek into content writing process. Here’s how we write!

Continue reading | 7 years ago

Instagram is the new digital marketing avenue!

Continue reading | 7 years ago

Ace designs, ace concepts

We all conceptualize and then bombard our concepts to the ace designers | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Emotional connect

We catch every minute detail to pull the emotional string of your customer | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Breathe life into graphics

We create simplistic graphics and give ultrasmart effects to make them lively | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Show rather than tell

Less is more, hence, we have less words and more motion in the graphics | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Flawless transitions

You will not want to blink, cos’ we hypnotize eyes to create seamless transitions | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Work like an Insane Web Developer

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Our first video

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Earn Quality Organic Backlinks and Earn Them Hard

Publish content, sit back relaxed and expect some miraculously great results! Your website is going to be viral overnight. Heavy traffic will storm it, sharing all your posts and blogs across social media. No SEO required, no need of top rankings on SERPs. Just let your content l … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Targeted strategies

We increase traffic, engagement and fan following with targeted strategies. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Change is constant

We continually improvise the strategies to keep pace with the trends and top it. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

We optimize

Not just marketing, we optimize all your marketing channels to professionalism. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Make ’em Curious

Our stories are intruding which makes the audience curious to check you out! | Continue reading | 7 years ago

It’s all connected

We weave an interconnected channel and correlate all the digital marketing activities. | Continue reading | 7 years ago


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We don’t Repeat

Be it a font, colour or the complete template, we don’t repeat ourselves. We believe in baking new and crisp details, every time. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Responsive since birth

Our developers are used to newton’s laws of reaction, as the devices squeeze or enlarge, your website does too! | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Minimal Code

Just like our conversations, our codes are also clean, minimal and to the point, no extra and messy codes for excess cluttering. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

2x Knowledge

Team collaboratively works on every  project. Ingredients and expert comments from every department formulates your website. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Annoying kids

Just like the tiny tods in schools, we too ask questions until we’re satisfied and clear about every detail of the project. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Simplicity Investing

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Anchor Text and Its Effects on Search Engine Rankings

Goddess Search Engines are darn difficult to please. If you are into Search Engine Optimization, you would know the pain. Relevant keywords, meta tags, header tags, backlinks and after making many such offerings we manage to reach the top rankings on SERPs. And amongst these, the … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Infinista Clothes Donation Drive

Hola, We have to share how happy we are! Our tiny step towards brighter days finally took off on 22nd April, Sunday, with our new effort #OnTheBrighterSide. April’s drive was about Clothes Donation. We all had clothes which piled up in our cupboards and mom kept taunting about. W … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Learn to manage the hyper- Pen tool and do wonders, literally!

Many newly learned Graphic Designers are most scared to use the super tool, but the Pen tool in the illustrator is a boon and not a pain. Yes, it’s true, to get a hang of this tool requires a lot of brick breaking and practice. It has also been noted that designers feel, using th … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Emotional Marketing: It’s time to pull the right heartstrings

Ever felt a tug at your heartstrings while watching an ad? Did it prompt you to buy the product or recommend it to others? We bet you have encountered this many times. Emotions play a major role in forming our thoughts about brands and products. Articles and ads that ride high on … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

13 Sins a Rookie Graphic Designer isbound to make, you better not!

Without any ado let’s directly jump onto the mistakes, or rather let’s call it ignorant mistakes that designers tend to make which will surely hurt your ego, when you meet the critics later in your career. Don’t flatten any PS file, it will hurt! Don’t ever do that, who knows the … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

8 Steps to Master Social Media Marketing

Drafting a social media marketing plan, are you? We feel your pain! Coming up with an effective social media marketing plan isn’t an easy task. But, do we turn a blind eye towards it just because it seems difficult? Social media has become a vital marketing channel today and igno … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Infinista Concepts Listed in Feedspot Top 100 Social Media Blogs

February 8th, 2017 proved to be a remarkable day for Infinista Concepts as it was honored to be amongst the top 100 social media blogs and websites on the web. While the list includes some of the highly-regarded names in the digital world like Hootsuite, Social Media Examiner, So … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

How landing pages are your key to unlocking potential leads

With all the hard work done, your website is bound to drive more traffic. But it doesn’t end here. Converting these visitors into leads for your business is the next humongous task. Landing pages are the best way to generate leads. Using landing pages, you can target your audienc … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Pop-ups: Avoid making the helpful buggers too annoying

‘Do you want to learn blah blah blah? Subscribe to our newsletter now’. That’s what stares right in our faces when we are surfing through a website. Do we like it? Honestly, NO! Pop-ups fall under those desperate attempts made to get visitors hitched to a website. Many might say … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Build your blog audience through content marketing

People today, are making themselves immortal in a way! Wondering how? By hammering words on keyboard, typing their thoughts, and creating articles that are high on content for the web. Now, you may say that’s what writers have been doing since ages, just with the use of ink and p … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Instagram stats that will make marketers raise a brow

Instagram Statistics for Every Marketer Today, Instagram is one of the ruling applications in the digital market allowing people to share personal moments with the world. However, as opposed to the current scenario, the photo-sharing app’s server crashed too often when it was lau … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Level up your online reach through influencer marketing

High Time to Explore Influencer Marketing Influencer marketing is an online strategy wherein you get influential people to endorse your brand products and services. Through key leaders, you spread your brand’s name to large masses. This is an effective marketing tactic, since aut … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Growth Hacking: A Blend of Marketing Ideas to Expand your Business

Startups are emerging everyday and entrepreneurs are being born by the minute. Yet, growth hacking seems to be an ambiguous term for many. Growth hacking is nothing but formulating out-of-the-box marketing strategies for expansion of your startups. It is no rocket science but can … | Continue reading | 7 years ago


Baring teeth, head shaking side to side, a drawn looking face and eyes seeing red! These are the typical symptoms seen in an employee exiting the boss’s cabin after having a “session” with him. This session usually depicts the boss grilling the employee with hands flying in every … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

5 Tools Everyone in The Content Marketing Industry Should Be Using

Irrespective of the kind of business you are into, publishing content has become imperative in order to survive in the market. But however much good and well researched your content be, all the effort put in composing it can get poured down the drain if you do not have a well-des … | Continue reading | 7 years ago