Week Notes – Aug 27 to Sep 08 2024

I skipped a week to write here because of the long weekend of Sep 02nd (aka Labour Day here in Canada). 🌲 So, it was a lovely long weekend, and we had friends over. We went to Gatineau Park to visit the Mackenzie King Estate. We walked the trail to the waterfall and enjo … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 7 days ago

What I read in August 2024

This month I was surprised I read this much! Some books I devoured in a couple of days. I wasn’t too much in the mood for non-fiction, I just wanted some escapism. I finished 2 series: “Uptown Girls” and “Scott Pilgrim” and started two more that I want to continue reading. Great … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 16 days ago

Teams saying "No"

I’m reading the book “Team: Getting Things Done with Others” by David Allen and Edward Lamont. I’m on chapter 12 and it discusses how teams should say “No” more often and understand the real team’s capacity. I’ve had years in the company I work for when there were always “more” t … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 18 days ago

Multiple Library Cards and Libby

I just saw this post: On Getting Multiple Library Cards | Notes by JCProbably and I do the same thing! Yeah, I read a lot as well, and I get 95% of my books through my Public Library. And 99% of them are in digital form, which I get on my Kobo reader. All this is possible with t … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 19 days ago

Week Notes – Aug 19 to Aug 26 2024

🎽Something happened that my left hip started hurting to the point where I couldn't run and even walking was painful. I took some days to rest from running/walking and did lots of slow stretching to recover. Also, soaking in a hot bath helped relax my tense muscles. I went … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 20 days ago

750 Words

During a therapy session recently, I realized I have not been journaling deeply. Meaning, using writing to tap into my deeper thoughts. Journaling or writing practice has been one of the building blocks of my wellbeing and I’ve always preferred to do it by typing. And I don’t see … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 21 days ago

Overwhelmed by information

Every day I carve out time to read on my Kobo. It can be during breakfast in the morning, 15-20 minutes during my lunch break, 10 minutes in a medical office waiting for an appointment. But most of my reading I do at night, after work, that's when I can have 30 minutes to 1 hour … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 25 days ago

Week Notes – Aug 12 to Aug 18 2024

🍂 I can sense the change of seasons with days now around 20°C, shorter daylight hours, and darker mornings. Fall is approaching, and it’s my favorite season! I avoid hiking in the summer due to bugs, so I always wait for Fall to begin my hiking adventures. ⛸ I enrolled fo … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 28 days ago

Food Diary and a new health journey

I’ve been registering all my meals and symptoms in a small notebook (10 cm x 14 cm) since Friday. Yes, in a paper notebook, small enough for me to carry around with my Kobo. I leave the pen attached to the notebook’s spiral so it’s easy for me to take notes of symptoms any time o … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 1 month ago

Week Notes – Aug 06 to Aug 11 2024

🍎 I had my first appointment with a Registered Dietitian this week. It's been at least 7 years since I've last seen one and I feel I need better guidance on my diet now. I've been having more GERD symptoms lately, and I also noticed I've been mindlessly snacking all the t … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 1 month ago

Deleting my "Now" Page

The "Now" page is an idea from Derek Sivers that started a movement around 2015. I thought it was cool, but in reality, I was never good at keeping it up to date. I mean, sometimes I'd rather just write a post about what is going on in my life. Also, the "now" aspect of it remind … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 1 month ago

Introducing myself #Blaugust2024

So, I decided to join the Blaugust 2024! It's my first time. I love that there are weekly themes and prompts ideas to write. I've already discovered some cool participating blogs! I will introduce myself this week, then. Hi, my name is Ariadne. I'm a woman in my mid 40's and I … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 1 month ago

Week Notes – July 30 to Aug 05 2024

🏡 I took 2 days off this week right before a long weekend so I had an extra long weekend! I used that time to just relax at home. Lots of drinking tea and reading. Some light walks here and there. I also stayed away from my computer for the most part. My focus was only re … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 1 month ago

What I read in July 2024

I was all about fiction this month! I explored a gorgeous graphic novel, read a book with octopuses, and continued reading a bunch of series. The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Nayler, 420p: It’s full of thoughtful and conceptual ideas exploring our unknowability towards others but … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 1 month ago

Week Notes – July 22 to July 29

📅 This week I went back to using Cal Newport’s Time Block Planner at work. I felt like I needed an hour-by-hour grid, with enough space to redraw the plan as I go through my day. So, I’m using the Rocketbook for high level planning (month and week plans), my notes and mee … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 1 month ago

40 years ago Metallica released 'Ride the Lightning'

This weeked marked the 40th anniversary of Metallica’s album “Ride the Lightning”! I decided to listen to it again from start to finish and was pleasantly surprised to rediscover that “For Whom the Bell Tolls” and “Fade to Black” are both on this album. These two songs are among … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 1 month ago

Week Notes - July 16 to July 21

🏖️ We went on a day-road-trip this weekend to Kingston. We walked around the waterfront, which is lovely in the summer! It was a sunny, gorgeous day. We packed some waffle sandwiches and had lunch by the waterfront in Kingston. It was breezy and nice by the lake. We also … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 1 month ago

Testing a Todoist setup without linking next actions to projects

Inspired by these thoughts, I’ve been testing a Todoist setup in which the main principle is not linking next actions to projects. I’ve used Todoist before using a lot of filters, having lots of projects, priority flags, etc. It became too complicated to manage for me. You see, … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 1 month ago

Week Notes – July 09 to July 15 2024

🌞 I’m enjoying Summer this year! Having lived most of my life in Brazil, summer was my least favorite season because summers there are brutal! I think this here in my corner of Canada summer has been manageable. Of course, having a house with central AC helps a lot. We do … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 2 months ago

Minimalism and considering Todoist again

I’ve encountered the minimalism movement back in 2013 and since then I’ve been rethinking my lifestyle, my possessions, my habits, the tools I use, etc. I’ve come a long way. I had a huge life declutter in the year before moving to Canada and that completely changed my relationsh … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 2 months ago

Week Notes – July 01 to July 08 2024

🎳 I went bowling! It was a team building event at work and it was fun. It was the Five-pin bowling which seems to be a Canadian thing only. The ball is smaller and there are no fingerholes in it. Now I know! 🚶‍♂️ I didn't run much because of a nasty blister on my … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 2 months ago

Running shoes and blister problem

I got a nasty blister on the underside of my left pinky toe. I don't know exactly how it developed but I think it was during my long walk/run downtown last week. I was wearing a thicker pair of socks (that I don’t usually wear for running) and I’m assuming those socks, and the he … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 2 months ago

Week Notes – June 25 to June 30 2024

💤 With Summer here the days are super long, and that always affects my sleep patterns. I had some days that I was feeling the effects of sleep deprivation, because I had a tough time sleeping by 9:30pm (which is my usual bedtime). There is sunlight up until 9pm or more! I … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 2 months ago

What I read in June 2024

The Rogue of Fifth Avenue (Uptown Girls #1) by Joanna Shupe, 400p: I liked this historical late 19th century romance set in New York. The characters were great: a lawyer with a wealth client base and an heiress ahead of her time who wants to change the status quo and help people. … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 2 months ago

Week Notes – June 18 to June 23 2024

🐢 I took it terribly slow this week. I focused on reading and resting. I didn’t play any video games and I didn’t watch anything. I worked a bit on our ancient map puzzle. ☀️ Summer is here! We had a heat wave and humidex reached 40 °C for most of last week. Then it raine … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 2 months ago

Week Notes - June 10 to June 17 2024

✨ I went to Scintillation this weekend! I took the train to Montreal (which I love) and spent 3 days immersed in conversations about books, stories, plots, writing. I had a great time! I added some books to my TBR list, such as: "The Princess Bride" by William Goldman, "The Lifec … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 2 months ago

Chat about Tech, Sci-Fi, and Feeling Like a Dinosaur

I’m going to Montreal today for a small literary conference called “Scintillation”. I took a Lyft today to go the train station and the Lyft driver was super friendly, we started chatting, and I mentioned I liked sci-fi and fantasy. I talked about my favorite books of all time, c … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 3 months ago

How I setup Nirvana for GTD (June, 2024)

This is a walkthrough on how I currently have my Nirvana setup. Nirvana is a to-do app built for the Getting Things Done® methodology. I’ve been using it for years now. I’ve written a lot about switching back and forth to Nirvana, but I don’t think I’ve ever published a full set … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 3 months ago

Week Notes – June 03 to June 09

👟 Running 7Km is my new normal now. It’s a huge improvement from last year! 🤗 I can comfortably run this distance. But I only ran once this week, the other days were all walks because we had this constant start-stop rain going on most days. Jun 04, 2024 = 7.17K … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 3 months ago

I feel hacked

The Internet. What a wonderful thing. Access to all kinds of information at our fingertips. Connecting people all over the world. Social media is here to allow sharing of ideas and information. Great ! The Internet evolved to be so ubiquitous that we are connected 24/7, even thou … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 3 months ago

Week Notes – May 27 to June 02

📖Reading: I started a Book Club read which is a Norse-Mythology-Viking inspired fantasy. The tone is not really appealing me: it is a dark and gritty world with bloody vengeance themes. Maybe I won’t finish it. I’m also reading Scott Pilgrim and a couple of romances. &#x … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 3 months ago

What I read in May 2024

A Closed and Common Orbit (Wayfarers #2) by Becky Chambers, 365p: I love Becky Chamber's writing style. And this one is a delightful read following the coming of age of two characters from the first book. One is a former sentient ship AI that was transferred to a synthetic humano … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 3 months ago

Slower Days and Strategies For Busy Days

I'm enjoying some slower days at work. There has been only one big procurement project with tight deadlines to deliver a budget. All the other budgets I've been working on are for internal projects, buildings that are already under construction and the deadlines can be easily neg … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 3 months ago

Week Notes – May 20 to May 26

😊 This week just flew by! I thought about how well I'm feeling now if compared to the weeks after I got COVID back in March. My energy levels are back to pre-pandemic levels and I'm sure getting my iron infusion has helped a lot. 📝 I am still not sure what got int … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 3 months ago

Failed experiment with Todoist

This week I decided I had some time and headspace available to experiment with Todoist for my GTD (Getting Things Done) system. Why?? Back in 2019-2020, I had used Todoist and enjoyed it. But then there was a big update that altered some features and screwed up my existing setup … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 3 months ago

Week Notes – May 13 to May 20

🏝️ I got 2 days off work and had an extra-long weekend with Monday 20th being a holiday here! 🥳 I didn’t have anything planned, I just took the time to relax and slow down. Reading, journaling, playing Stardew Valley, long walks, yoga and running. That’s about sum … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 3 months ago

Week Notes – May 06 to May 12

📒I stopped time blocking hour by hour with Cal Newport's planner, and I'm doing a more "focus of the day" type of planning with the Rocketbook week spread pages. I'm liking it. It gives me a different perspective. Stil testing how it goes. 🚄I finally booked my tra … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 4 months ago

Things I have to remember to plan my day

This is a note to self about planning my day: Lunch & Shutdown: Schedule the Lunch break and the Shutdown blocks. Email time: Add blocks to handle emails. Meeting Buffers: Insert buffer times before and after meetings for preparation and follow-up. Breaks: Add breaks/snack time. … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 4 months ago

Week Notes – Apr 28 to May 05

📒I've been using my Rocketbook for a week or so now, and I'm enjoying it! I didn't like the pen that comes with it (a 0.7mm black Frixion) and got 0.5mm Frixion Synergy pens in assorted colors and I love them. I've always liked smooth paper, so it wasn't hard for me to ad … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 4 months ago

What I read in April 2024

Bookshops & Bonedust (Legends & Lattes #0) by Travis Baldree, 339p: I loved going back to this cozy fantasy world with a younger Viv. We can see how her experiences in this book lead to her choices in the first book. Viv is injured on a fight, and she must stay in this small town … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 4 months ago

Week Notes – Apr 22 to Apr 28

🥳The horrible COVID headaches are gone! 📒I got a reusable notebook: Rocketbook Fusion and some blue and colored Pilot Frixion Synergy pens in 0.5mm. It comes with a black 0.7mm and I prefer writing in blue. I really like the feel of writing on it, it's exceptional … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 4 months ago

How I take daily notes at work and thinking about reusable notebooksoks

I have a system I've been using since 2019 for taking notes at work. I use an Arc notebook that I got from Staples that has refillable pages. It's a customizable system, so I can remove pages and insert them elsewhere in the book by simply pulling out the sheet. It’s really nice … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 4 months ago

Week Notes – Apr 15 to Apr 21

🤯I've been having less and less headaches since I got Covid-19 48 days ago. I think it's timely progress! 🩺It's been a bit more than a month since I got the iron infusion for my anemia. I started to feel less tired this weekend, which I think is a sign it’s doing … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 4 months ago

GTD Journey: It's all about working with lists and embracing Nirvana

So, when I started Rethinking My To Do list this week, I was feeling disconnected. I was craving for something different. I’m not sure why, but I was bored. And I didn’t want to look at my to-do list. So, avoiding it only intensified my disconnection. I thought I needed a new to- … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 4 months ago

Rethinking My To Do list

There’s something going on with how I’m engaging with my To Do list (currently using Nirvana). I’ve been craving for something more interesting. I’ve had this feeling before, and when that happened, I tried out Microsoft To Do but it never stuck with me. I’ve decided to do some … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 5 months ago

Week Notes - Apr 08 to Apr 14

⚒️It was a busy week at work. I went to 2 different construction sites for meetings and a site visit. I didn’t have much time to write this week. I focused on getting exercise and rest after work. 📚I skipped my local Bookclub meeting this week because I haven’t finished … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 5 months ago

Week Notes – Apr 01 to Apr 07 2024

🏃‍♀️It got cold, and we had some snow in the middle of this week. But it cleared up over the weekend and I went for a 7km run outside. It was 15C, nice and sunny day. 🤑We finally filed our taxes today! Project completed :) ❤️The post COVID headaches are still hap … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 5 months ago

2024 Q1 Projects Completed - Recap

At the end of each quarter, I like to take stock of myself and list the projects/goals I have concluded and achieved. Since Q1 2024 is over, I will list here the projects I completed during this period: Complete the 30-Day Yoga Journey 2024 - Yoga with Adrienne (Jan, 2024) Get … | Continue reading

@noisydeadlines.net | 5 months ago