Is Safari Now a Bad Web Browser?

Nicolas Magand: Today, after nearly 20 years of loyalty to Safari, I’m considering switching to another default browser on my personal computer. I mean, why is it so hard to watch a YouTube video without hiccups, and why can I only choose from a selection of 4 search engines, inc … | Continue reading | 1 day ago

Six Colors Turns Ten

I’m doing exactly what I dreamed of doing ten years ago. I got to be home when my son was in middle school and when both my kids were in high school. I get to collaborate on projects with all sorts of great people, including Dan, Myke Hurley and Stephen Hackett, and the entire In … | Continue reading | 2 days ago

I Finally Climbed Flyboys

Topping out on Flyboys, an 1800ft climb. That is not me in this photo. This past Saturday I went up Flyboys, an 18 pitch, 1800 ft, climb in Mazama, Washington. I lead every pitch with my climbing partner Caitlin handling the belaying. It was pretty awesome. Maybe even epic. Flybo … | Continue reading | 3 days ago

The Canary Has Been Dead for a Long Time Now

Jason Snell at Six Colors: Apple’s permissions features are out of balance: In an attempt to protect Mac users from getting themselves into trouble, Apple introduced numerous permissions pop-ups into macOS Catalina. In the years since, the company has accelerated its approach, ad … | Continue reading | 1 month ago

10 Commandments of Guitar Playing

For the guitar players out there, I'd like to share Captain Beefheart's 10 Commandments of Guitar Playing. Never point your guitar at anyone Your instrument has more clout than lightning. Just hit a big chord then run outside to hear it. But make sure you are not standing in an o … | Continue reading | 1 month ago

2024 Youth Regional Championships

YouTube: 2024 Youth Regional Championships | Vertical World Climbing Team. My fav climbing gym just put up a little video from the regional campionship they had this past weekend. It was a fun event, where my daughter got to participate and I got a chance to lead belay a bunch of … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Retrobatch 2.1

Retrobatch 2.1 is out, and it's a free update for 2.x license holders. Here's what is new and awesome: A new Look up Table (LUT) node! (This is my favorite). The LUT node can be used to quickly and easily alter the color and tone of your images. LUTs can be used to create a wide … | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Acorn 7.4.4 Released

Acorn 7.4.4 is out, and it's a free update for anyone with an Acorn 7 license. As previously mentioned, I'm not incrementing Acorn past the 7.4 number ('74 was a good year for me). But that doesn't mean I'm not adding new features, and this release has some. H … | Continue reading | 7 months ago

40 Years of the Macintosh

Today marks the 40th anniversary since the introduction of the Macintosh. I can't let it go by without saying something. After all, my current livelihood would be impossible without it. I've been developing apps for the Mac for most of its life now. That's crazy. And … | Continue reading | 7 months ago

Retrobatch 2

Retrobatch 2 is out! In case you're not aware, Retrobatch is a node based batch image processor, which means you can mix, match, and combine different operations together to make the perfect workflow. It's kind of neat. And version 2 is even neater. Here's the quick s … | Continue reading | 10 months ago

Five Watt World on Fender Japan

five watt world has a great 18 minute video on the history of Fender guitars made in Japan : Fender Japan: A Short History One of my favorite guitars, a '62 Stratocaster reissue, was made in Japan. It's always been exceptionally good for what I paid for it, and I can stil … | Continue reading | 10 months ago

Stu Maschwitz on ProRes Log Video Recording With iPhone 15 Pro

Stu Maschwitz: Log is the “Pro” in iPhone 15 Pro: The iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max feature log video recording. This is a big deal, but there’s already some confusion about it. Where consumer devices and pro video overlap, that’s where the Prolost Signal gleams brightest in the nigh … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

How Herman Martinus Stays Motivated as a Solo-Creator

Herman Martinus: How I stay motivated as a solo-creator: When you're working solo, however, there isn't a specific thing you have to do. No pre-set route to take. If I decide to not do any work today, no-one will notice. But if I continue doing so for too many days things … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Acorn 7.4.3 Released

Acorn 7.4.3 is out, and it's a free update for anyone with an Acorn 7 license. This release is mostly about bug fixes, but I snuck in a couple of little things, one of which has been asked for a bunch of times over the years: the ability to know the number of pixels you'v … | Continue reading | 12 months ago

Cat Hicks on Craft

This piece "On Craft" by Cat Hicks really resonated with me: There is this thing I guess for me here, craft as communication and collaboration and creation, versus craft as weapon. Craft as fixing a table for everyone who will sit at it later versus craft as judging whose work ge … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Rogue Amoeba: Poorly Thought Out Alerts

Quentin Carnicelli on Rogue Amoeba's Poorly Thought Out Alerts: Since the very first computer platform was created, there has been a power struggle between platform owners and developers. As developers, we wish for a stable platform. It’s understood that it must evolve, but i … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Make Your Renders Unnecessarily Complicated

siirrandalot on YouTube: Make Your Renders Unnecessarily Complicated: Had this idea 10 years ago, finally got around to it. Took a good couple of months too. Maybe I'll have to come back in another 10 years in order to properly simulate diffraction and lens flare... What hap … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Oh… So That's How Hash Tables Work

Leo Robinovitch: A simple hash table in C: "I implemented a simple hash table in C when solving a problem in CS Primer. Solving it helped me gain better intuition around hash functions, pointers, and memory segments like the stack and the heap." I'm a mostly self taught progr … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

WWDC 2023

I spent a few days down in Cupertino / San Jose for WWDC 2023 earlier this week. I didn't have a ticket, but since a bunch of my friends were going to be around I didn't want to pass up the opportunity to see everyone. While it obviously didn't have the feel of previo … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

BBEdit Turns 30

BBEdit from Bare Bones Software just turned 30(!) years old today. That's uh… that's really old. I'm pretty sure that's at least 10,000 years old in software years. I still remember discovering BBEdit 2.5 back in my college days, and was instantly hooked. I can ev … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Screenshot Nerd Snipe

Someone on the Flying Meat Forums managed to accidently nerd snipe me this morning with regards to taking timed screenshots: "One missing feature is a timer to e.g. capture after 10 seconds. This would allow for capturing when hitting the keyboard shortcut isn’t always practical, … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Acorn 7.4 Is Out

A new update to Acorn is out, version 7.4. I've added clone tool improvements, you can now assign a corner radius to bézier curves and star shapes, the color picker now allows you to use float values for the RGB values (so you can get super, super accurate with your colors), … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

LEGO Career Goals?

This is a fun YouTube Short that follows LEGO designer Nico Vás around the LEGO office. It looks like a really neat place to work. Also, for some reason I keep fixating on Vás' case he keeps his laptop in. Why do I feel like I need one of these as well? Sort of: semirelated: … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

VoodooPad 1.0 Was Released 20 Years Ago Today

Twenty years ago today, March 27, 2003, I released VoodooPad 1.0. It was my first "real" Cocoa project. I was learning Objective-C pretty much on the fly back then and still working a day job. I had no idea it would launch my full time career into being an indie Mac programmer. H … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Official SQLite via WASM in the Browser

I knew SQLite had been ported to WASM, but I wasn't aware the SQLite project is maintaining an official version. SQLite continues to amaze me. | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Lite XL, a Super Fast Editor Written in Lua

Lite XL: A lightweight, simple, fast, feature-filled, and extremely extensible text editor written in C, and Lua…. We are currently around 3MB in size and takes about 10MB in RAM (can be lower). No Electron / WebView involved. The whole thing is just Lua running on a rendering e … | Continue reading | 1 year ago


Riffusion takes an audio file, converts it to a spectrogram (much like Capo can do) and then passes it through Stable Diffusion to make new spectrograms, and then back to an audio file. It's like AI art, but for music. I'm blown away by this, especially the sample where i … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Black Friday Pick-Me-Apps

I really don't normally do sales like this, but this time around I thought - hey, why not? This one looks good. Acorn 7 is part of a Black Friday bundle where you can pick and choose from a number of wonderful Mac apps at 50% off, or all of them for almost 80% off: Pick-Me-Ap … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Recording Yourself 24x7, and Then Processing the Info

Rober Dam: I record myself on audio 24x7 and use an AI to process the information. Is this the future? I bought a couple of Chinese microphones, I wear them and turn them on all day recording everything I speak, at the end of the day the files are processed with OpenAi’s Whisper … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

20 Years of Rogue Amoeba

In 2022, Rogue Amoeba is going stronger than ever. Every day, our audio tools help countless Mac users create podcasts, enhance video calls, and so much more. […] But as the date of our twentieth anniversary approaches, it’s nice to take a few minutes to review the past and refle … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

The Chouinard Family Restructures Patagonia to Help Flight Climate Change

Outside: Yvon Chouinard No Longer Owns Patagonia. Effective immediately, 100 percent of Patagonia’s earnings not reinvested in the business will be distributed to the Holdfast Collective to help “protect nature and biodiversity, support thriving communities, and fight the environ … | Continue reading | 2 years ago

This Is Why I'll Be Getting an Apple Watch Ultra (Eventually)

This is what happens to an Apple Watch when you're hand jamming up some of the stellar granite at Index, and you forget to take off your watch. Or you're just climbing in general and don't want to take off your watch because you religiously close those rings. I'm … | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Changes for the 2nd Edition of Charles Petzold's "Code"

Charles Petzold: Whenever a 2nd edition of a book is published, people ask “I already have the 1st edition. Do I need to get the 2nd?” It’s a legitimate question and I’ve asked it myself. Reading a 2nd edition after the 1st is not trivial: It’s a commitment of both additional mon … | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Another Interesting Filter Combo for Acorn 7.3

I got the idea for these two filters a long time ago and even sketched out some prototypes a way back. But now that a convolution filter has made its way into the next release, I figure it's time to push these two out into the world as well. They are pretty simple - and reall … | Continue reading | 2 years ago

A Geeky Filter for Acorn Arriving in 7.3

I've started working on Acorn 7.3, and for some reason I got the itch to add a custom convolution filter to it. I've been thinking about adding one for years, and have had some requests for it as well, but it's a bit advanced and maybe not that necessary? But I really … | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Shortcuts Support in Acorn 7.2

Lost in my FM 20th Anniversary post, was any mention of a new version of Acorn. But the day Flying Meat turned 20, I also released Acorn 7.2, which includes support for Shortcuts and some other new features. But behold - now you can use the power of Shortcuts on MacOS 12 to autom … | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Twenty Years of Flying Meat

Oh hey, look at that: gus@srv:~/. $ whois | grep -i creation Creation Date: 2002-06-20T22:24:19 On this day twenty years ago I registered the domain. I had no idea what I was doing back then, only that I loved coding, I loved sharing what I worked o … | Continue reading | 2 years ago

What goes into making an OS to be Unix compliant certified?

Continue reading | 2 years ago

Tomoya Ikeda - Macintosh Artist

Continue reading | 2 years ago

MallocNanoZone=1 Makes for Hard Debugging

Continue reading | 2 years ago

Female Excellence in Rock Climbing

Continue reading | 2 years ago

When Led Zeppelin Was in Seattle

Continue reading | 2 years ago

10 Forgotten Image Formats

Continue reading | 2 years ago

Apple's Unleashed Event

Continue reading | 2 years ago

Ben Thompson on Apple's App Store Conundrum

Continue reading | 3 years ago

Acorn 7.1 Is Out, and a Little Story on an Annoying Bug

Continue reading | 3 years ago

Allen Pike on the Persistent Gravity of Cross Platform

Continue reading | 3 years ago

The Beauty of Bézier Curves

Continue reading | 3 years ago