US Government's new export controls are wreaking havoc on China's chip industry

@jordanschnyc: THREAD: The US government's new export controls are wreaking havoc on China's chip industry. New rules around "US persons" are driving an "industry-wide decapitation." The following is the translation...… | Continue reading | 2 years ago

If you use Wikipedia you've seen pop-ups like this and like me may have donated

@echetus: If you use Wikipedia, you've seen pop-ups like this. If you're like me, you may have donated as a result. Wikipedia is an amazing website, and the appeals seem heartfelt. But I've now learnt the money...… | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Asahi Lina on her experience writing a driver in Rust

@LinaAsahi: There's a lot of weird debate about whether Rust in the kernel is useful or not... in my experience, it's way more useful than I could've ever imagined! I went from 1st render to a stable...… | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Spies vs. Spies: Research Company Counters Espionage Op Targeting Whistleblowers

@HindenburgRes: Trevor Milton, billionaire founder of $NKLA, is currently on trial for fraud. Shortly after his hydrogen truck company was exposed, an army of hackers and spies started targeting his critics and whis...… | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Europe is in danger of rolling electricity shortages

@BurggrabenH: Let's talk electricity. Europe is in danger of rolling electricity shortages from what I call a crisis of confidence. I will explain why, back it with data & kindly ask YOU to share it as...… | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Our neighbourhood grocer recently made a WhatsApp group

@usemoogle: Our neighbourhood grocer recently created a WhatsApp group with about a hundred people (without asking us) 😯 By the time I noticed, 60-65 people had exited the group 😂 But this is not to shame the...… | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Nomad drained of $150m due to a coding mistake

@samczsun: 1/ Nomad just got drained for over $150M in one of the most chaotic hacks that Web3 has ever seen. How exactly did this happen, and what was the root cause? Allow me to take you... | Continue reading | 2 years ago

What is ignition, and how is it different from cloud-init?

@andrew_randall: Some Linux distros (e.g. @FedoraCoreOS and @flatcar) use Ignition instead of cloud-init for machine initialization. ⚡️What is ignition, and how is it different from cloud-init? Kudos to @RedHat for ...… | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Tips on how to run focus groups for early-stage founders

@macfarbt: 8 tips on how to run focus groups for early-stage founders working on Product-Market-Fit. An incomplete guide 😉 Just wrote these for a sharp CEO I advise in the @LoyalVc portfolio. 1. Set expectations: - ...… | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Blackrock isn't just all about buyin' everyone's houses, don't you know?

@crabcrawler1: Blackrock isn't just all about buyin' everyone's houses, don't you know? In this thread, I'm going to talk about it. At my own pace. I didn't know how to make an image to represent this...… | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Personal MBA

@SystemSunday: If you want to give yourself a personal MBA (in 6 months), read these books: Hi, I’m Ben. I received an MBA from Cornell. I’ve also read 300+ business books. Trust me: You can get... | Continue reading | 2 years ago

“Spluvix Games was founded by high school buddies John and George ”

@zarkonnen_com: I'm reading and watching stuff about 80s and early 90s game development, and it's stuff like this: "Spluvix Games was founded by high school buddies John and George in George's parents' basement. In ...… | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Kermit the Frog in various movies, generated by DALLE2

@HvnsLstAngel: “A still of Kermit The Frog in Blade Runner 2049 (2017)” #dalle “A still of Kermit The Frog in The Matrix (1999)” #dalle “A still of Kermit The Frog in Spirited Away (2001)” #dalle “A...… | Continue reading | 2 years ago

How to get rich without getting lucky (2018)

Thread Reader helps you read and share the best of Twitter Threads | Continue reading | 2 years ago

I've decided to never close any tabs again

@random_walker: I mis-clicked on one of my 150 open tabs and it happened to be a tab that's been open since 2019 with a paper that has a solution to the exact research problem I've been... | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Dalle-2 has a secret language. “Apoploe vesrreaitais” means birds

@giannis_daras: DALLE-2 has a secret language. "Apoploe vesrreaitais" means birds. "Contarra ccetnxniams luryca tanniounons" means bugs or pests. The prompt: "Apoploe vesrreaitais eating Contarra ccetnxniams luryca ...… | Continue reading | 2 years ago

In praise of the humble Sheffield stand

@BrixtonHatter: In praise of the humble Sheffield stand: the best, most practical & most efficient bike parking solution. Simple, cheap, easy to install & suitable for the vast majority of bikes, allowing riders to ...… | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Do you run a discord server? Your private channels are probably not as private

@joshfraser: Important PSA: Do you run a @discord server? Your private channels are probably not as private as you think. A thread. 👇 1/15 I recently discovered you can glean insights into the internal workings of...… | Continue reading | 2 years ago


@Gankra_: everyone's always on about the Virtual Boy as the origin of virtual reality or whatever but this completely erases the far older history of "Wink-o-Vision" which clearly defined all the standard conventions...… | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Pairing in the Tech Interview

@DaliaShea: One of the companies I interviewed with ended up restoring my faith in technical interviews. Before the interview, they had me check out a GitHub repo in my language of choice, get familiar with the code...… | Continue reading | 2 years ago

To some extent the internet incentivizes the production of meta-games

@DoublyList: To some extent the internet incentivizes the production of meta-games. Which are games outside of the game itself. Consider commenting on an internet forum like HackerNews, The game is trying to contrib...… | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Former Reddit CEO Yishan Wong on the difficulties of running a social media site

@yishan: I've now been asked multiple times for my take on Elon's offer for Twitter. So fine, this is what I think about that. I will assume the takeover succeeds, and he takes Twitter private. (I have...… | Continue reading | 2 years ago

A real quick and dirty tutorial on how to use Universal Radio Hacker

@InfoSecDJ: Alright, you wanted me to do it, so here goes. A real quick and dirty tutorial on how to use #Universal #Radio #Hacker or #URH to do something useful. You can find the tool here:… | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Why Russia is losing this war

@kamilkazani: Why Russia is losing this war? First I'll discuss why Russia *is* losing. Then I'll give my version of how it could happen. The key to understanding lies in the Soviet/Russian military doctrine. It giv...… | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Employee burnout now recognized by WHO as a “syndrome”

@BusinessInsider: Employee burnout is now recognized by the World Health Organization as a "syndrome." Think pieces on burnout often blame the mass shift to remote work or that it’s a worker problem. But these lies ...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

The gold market is simply not liquid

@FlorianMKern: Zoltan Pozsar is one of the world’s most respected money market specialists and predicted the repo crisis in September 2019. Here he is getting it wrong, as he misses key aspects about the gold market...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Let's discuss what's happening in Russia

@kamilkazani: Let's discuss what's happening in Russia. To put it simply, it's going full fascist. Authorities launched a propaganda campaign to gain popular support for their invasion of Ukraine and they're getting...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

World War III has already started – Gary Kasparov

@Kasparov63: We are witnessing, literally watching live, Putin commit genocide on an industrial scale in Ukraine while the most powerful military alliance in history stands aside. It's impossible not to be emotional...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Michael Kofman on why the Russian military should not be underestimated

@KofmanMichael: Long thread about how I think the first 96 hours have gone, still very early/incomplete impressions. The initial Russian operation was premised on terrible assumptions about Ukraine’s ability & will ...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Kamil Galeev on why Putin's victory is not guaranteed

@kamilkazani: Why Russia will lose this war? Much of the "realist" discourse is about accepting Putin's victory, cuz it's *guaranteed*. But how do we know it is? I'll argue that analysts 1) overrate Russian army 2)...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Starlink transmissions become beacons for airstrikes

@jsrailton: Re: @elonmusk's starlink donation. Good to see. But remember: if #Putin controls the air above #Ukraine, users' uplink transmissions become beacons... for airstrikes. Some background 1/ 2/ #Russia has de...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Tips for defending against Russian cyber ops

@bettersafetynet: I've had 3 calls so far today (it's not even 10) about defending against Russian cyber ops I'm tired of having the same call... so... here's what I've told everyone. This is the playbook you...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

You have no freedoms without freedom to transact

@punk6529: 1/ There are no other constitutional rights in substance without freedom to transact Being meaning to write this for 6 months, but the Canadian response to the trucker protests is illustrating this so viv...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

“The president of MIT told me that tenure was not about research or merit.”

@cesifoti: Want to read an insane tenure denial story? I was denied tenure at MIT in 2018. I was the only Hispanic faculty at my department, had 13k+ citations, 2 books, & papers in Nature, Science, &...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Find paper. click button. read paper. have paper. (2011)

@json_dirs: find paper. click button. read paper. have paper. auto-update .bib-liographies. share annotations. talk. build knowledge together. remember this is the floor of what's possible, constantly crushed by inf...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

How (and Why) Joe Danger Relaunched

@NoMansSky: Joe Danger is relaunching on iOS today 🥳 Remastered with improved visuals, high frame rate, ProMotion and Gamepad support Still one of the best looking games on iOS 😍 It's all because of a fan mail...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

A merger of state and privatized power asserts a monopoly on virtue and truth

@wesyang: Conservatives and libertarians must reckon with the fact that a jurisprudence and governing philosophy that sought to aggrandize the rights of private actors to rule without any outside interference is foun...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Microsoft recently acquired Activision for $68B. But why?

@chrisxmunn: Microsoft recently acquired Activision for $68B. But why? Is their strategy an attempt to BUY the entire internet? Let's dive in & see what they're up to👇 Some background In 1998 the U.S Government sued...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Y Combinator is not worth it, a thread

@theryanking: YCombinator is not worth it, a thread: These days, I get asked by founders all the time: “Should I do YC (YCombinator)?” My answer used to be: “Probably not worth it, but if you really...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Ideas from 2021

Thread by @david_perell: 21 ideas from 2021: 1. The Mind Creates Reality: The American Psychological Association once invited William James to give a talk on the first 50 years of psychology research. He simply sai...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Four years ago today the FCC rightly repealed net neutrality regulations

Thread by @NathanLeamerDC: Four years ago today the FCC rightly repealed #netneutrality regulations. And guess what? The Internet works fine. But never forget the hyperbolic predictions. Thread below CNN called thi...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

The economics of AAA game dev

Thread by @ZenOfDesign: Nope. The economics of the $60 price tag for what are now nine figure budgets are too risky, and the margins become too thin. Corporations exist to make money, yes, but if you...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Why Stephen Hawking's voice sounded so robotic

Thread by @Schandillia: [QQT: VOICE] 1/20 In 1980, a professor at MIT with a background in electrical engineering and communication sciences published a paper. In this paper was the source code for something that w...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

I've been accepting every spam NFT Discord invite I've received

Thread by @FoldableHuman: For days now I've been accepting every spam NFT Discord invite I've received, and it's getting dire Then there's World of Wojak which is just Wojaks and also promising to maybe throw a...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

VisiCalc: the 20KB computer program that changed the world

Thread by @stackbit: You’ve never heard of Dan or Bob. But you should have. They built a company, VisiCalc, that led to Apple first big success and changed computers forever. Here’s their story. The year is 1976...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Transaction Fees Alone Cannot Secure the Bitcoin Network

Thread by @TraceEvader: 1/ For those who have not read @danheld article titled “Bitcoin’s Security is Fine” you would do yourself a great service by heading over to… and reading it now....… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Glass: The most underrated medieval technology?

Thread by @dkedrosky: Glass: the most underrated medieval technology? (thread) 1/ Europeans had been making glass since the Late Bronze Age (and Egyptians even earlier), but despite considerable advances in the Hel...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Washington State vaccination QR codes

Thread by @LeviBroderick: Enjoying the recent drama regarding Wash. state COVID vaccination QR codes? Missed out and want to know? Join me as I take you on an unofficial history. 🧵... Disclaimer: I was not involved...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago