Hypersonic X-43A Takes Flight

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@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

The most luminous galaxy is eating its neighbors

The most luminous galaxy ever discovered is cannibalizing not one, not two, but at least three smaller galaxies, which could explain its extreme brightness. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Earth Enveloped in Airglow

Earth Enveloped in Airglow | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

NASA Retires Kepler Space Telescope, Passes Planet-Hunting Torch

After nine years in deep space collecting data that indicate our sky to be filled with billions of hidden planets – more planets even than stars – NASA’s Kepler space telescope has run out of fuel needed for further science operations. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Third ASPIRE Test Confirms Mars 2020 Parachute a Go

On Oct. 3, NASA's Mars 2020 mission management and members of its Entry, Descent, and Landing team met at JPL in Pasadena, California, and determined that the strengthened ASPIRE parachute had passed its tests and was ready for its Martian debut. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Parker Solar Probe Breaks Record, Becomes Closest Spacecraft to Sun

Parker Solar Probe now holds the record for closest approach to the Sun by a human-made object. The spacecraft passed the current record of 26.55 million miles from the Sun's surface on Oct. 29, 2018, at about 1:04 p.m. EDT, as calculated by the Parker Solar Probe team. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

2 Rectangular Icebergs Spotted on NASA IceBridge Flight

Operation IceBridge, NASA’s longest-running aerial survey of polar ice, carried a flight over the northern Antarctic Peninsula on Oct. 16, 2018. During the flight, IceBridge senior support scientist Jeremy Harbeck spotted two rectangular icebergs floating among sea ice just off o … | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

NASA Low-Boom Flight Demonstration Overview

NASA brings you images, videos and features from the unique perspective of America's space agency. Get updates on missions, watch NASA TV, read blogs, view the latest discoveries, and more. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

How to weigh a black hole using NASA’s Webb Space Telescope

Astronomers will use NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to measure a black hole’s mass. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Mars Virtual Reality Software Wins NASA Award

A mixed-reality software that allows scientists and engineers to virtually walk on Mars has received NASA's 2018 Software of the Year Award. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Chandra Operations Resume After Cause of Safe Mode Identified

The cause of Chandra's safe mode on October 10 has now been understood and the Operations team has successfully returned the spacecraft to its normal pointing mode. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Chandra enters safe mode

The cause of the safe mode transition is currently under investigation. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Update on the Hubble Space Telescope Safe Mode

NASA continues to work toward resuming science operations of the Hubble Space Telescope after the spacecraft entered safe mode due to a failed gyroscope (gyro) on Friday, Oct. 5. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Winners of Project Mars Competition Selected

Winners of the Project Mars International Film and Art Competition have been selected from more than 570 entries received that visualize NASA’s work to expand the frontier of deep space exploration. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

‘Pulsar in a Box’ Reveals Surprising Picture of a Neutron Star’s Surroundings

Scientists studying what amounts to a computer-simulated 'pulsar in a box' are uncovering particle behaviors that may help explain how neutron stars emit gamma-ray and radio pulses with ultraprecise timing. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Flying Observatory Detects Atomic Oxygen in Martian Atmosphere

An instrument onboard the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy detected atomic oxygen in the atmosphere of Mars for the first time since the last observation 40 years ago. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Beyond Earth: A Chronicle of Deep Space Exploration

This book is a chronicle of our attempts to send these robotic travelers beyond Earth orbit, to the Moon, to other planets and their moons, to the Sun, to comets, to minor planets, to dwarf planets, and ultimately beyond the solar system. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

NASA: Dive into a 360-View of Hurricane Maria

This 3-D visualization of Hurricane Maria reveals the processes inside the 2017 storm that would fuel its intensification from a category 1 to 5 storm within 24 hours. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

NASA unveils “sustainable campaign” to return to moon, on to Mars

In December of 2017, President Donald Trump signed Space Policy Directive-1, in which the president directed NASA “to lead an innovative and sustainable program of exploration with commercial and international partners to enable human expansion across the solar system and to brin … | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Kepler Put in Sleep Mode as Telescope’s Pointing Performance Degrades

NASA’s Kepler team has received data showing that the spacecraft’s ability to point precisely has degraded. In order to preserve high-value science data collected during its latest observation campaign, the Kepler team has placed the spacecraft in a stable, no-fuel-use sleep mode … | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Dust Storms on Titan Spotted for the First Time

NASA's Cassini spacecraft has detected dust storms on Saturn's largest moon, making Titan the third Solar System body where such storms have been observed. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Around the World in Four Days: NASA Tracks Chelyabinsk Meteor Plume

The explosion of the Chelyabinsk meteor in February 2013 injected hundreds of tons of dust high in the atmosphere. NASA satellite and model data show the dust snaking around the entire northern hemisphere in just four days. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Hubble Uncovers Never-Before-Seen Features Around a Neutron Star

An unusual infrared light emission from a nearby neutron star detected by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope could indicate new features never before seen. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

The Search for Life in the Universe (2003)

This essay first appeared in 2003 in NASA's Astrobiology magazine. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) Spots 2 Lunar Transits in Space

On Sept. 9, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory saw two lunar transits over the course of just six hours. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Orion's parachute system [pdf]

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@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

NASA, SpaceX Agree on Plans for Crew Launch Day Operations

NASA’s Commercial Crew Program and SpaceX are finalizing plans for launch day operations as they prepare for the company’s first flight test with astronauts on board. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

NASA’s Lunar Outpost Will Extend Human Presence in Deep Space

NASA’s Lunar Outpost will Extend Human Presence in Deep Space | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Martian Skies Clearing Over Opportunity Rover

Clearing skies allow Opportunity rover engineers to plan for the future. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Ultima in View: New Horizons Makes First Detection of Kuiper Belt Flyby Target

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has made its first detection of its next flyby target, the Kuiper Belt object nicknamed Ultima Thule, more than four months ahead of its New Year's 2019 close encounter. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Celebreating Katherine Johnson's 100th birthday

NASA brings you images, videos and features from the unique perspective of America's space agency. Get updates on missions, watch NASA TV, read blogs, view the latest discoveries, and more. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

A Piercing Celestial Eye Stares Back at Hubble

This dramatic image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope shows the planetary nebula NGC 3918. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Remarks by NASA Deputy Administrator Gregory (2003)

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@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

New Hubble image shows 15,000 galaxies, about 12,000 of which are forming stars

Astronomers have just assembled one of the most comprehensive portraits yet of the universe’s evolutionary history. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Why Won’t NASA’s Parker Solar Probe Melt?

This summer, NASA's Parker Solar Probe will launch to travel closer to the Sun, deeper into the solar atmosphere, than any mission before it. Cutting-edge technology and engineering will help it beat the heat. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Flight Tests to Prove Commercial Systems Fit for Human Spaceflight

The first test flights for new spacecraft designed by commercial companies in collaboration with NASA to carry astronauts to and from the International Space Station from the United States are known as Demo-1 for SpaceX and Orbital Flight Test for Boeing. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Mars Terraforming Not Feasible with Current Technology

Transforming the inhospitable Martian environment into a place astronauts could explore without life support is not possible without technology well beyond today’s capabilities because Mars does not retain enough accessible carbon dioxide that could be put back into the atmospher … | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

NASA: 60 Years and Counting

We celebrate NASA’s first 60 years of achievement | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Space Station Experiment Reaches Ultracold Milestone

The International Space Station is officially home to the coolest experiment in space: NASA's Cold Atom Laboratory is now producing clouds of ultracold atoms. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

NASA Interns Develop and Release Star Tracker Navigation Simulating Software

Interning at NASA puts students at the center of innovation and discovery. For two students at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, this meant having the incredible opportunity to not only leave their mark on one of NASA’s most unique testing facilities, bu … | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Apollo 11 Behind-The-Scenes Audio Revealed

NASA's collaboration with The University of Texas at Dallas has been completed to convert 19,000 hours of Apollo-era audio recordings to current digital formats. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Five Teams Win a Share of $100,000 in 3D-Printed Habitat Competition – NASA

NASA and partner Bradley University of Peoria, Illinois, have selected the top five teams to share a $100,000 prize in the latest stage of the agency’s 3D-Printed Habitat Centennial Challenge competition. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Hubble Sees a Smiling Lens (2015)

In the center of this image, taken with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, is the galaxy cluster SDSS J1038+4849 — and it seems to be smiling. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

60 Years of NASA, Celebrating Where Art and Science Meet

To celebrate NASA’s 60th anniversary, the National Symphony Orchestra presented a performance of Claude Debussy’s “Clair de Lune” accompanied by a video of the Moon. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Hubble and Gaia Team Up to Fuel Cosmic Conundrum

Using two powerful space telescopes astronomers made the most precise measurements to date of the universe’s expansion rate. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

NASA Armstrong Historic Logos and Patches Gallery

NASA brings you images, videos and features from the unique perspective of America's space agency. Get updates on missions, watch NASA TV, read blogs, view the latest discoveries, and more. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Planet-Shifting Collision Shaped Uranus’ “Rolling” Rotation

Scientists have always wondered how Uranus got tilted so much that it spins on its side, and now research on the planet’s early formation gives us new insight. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago

Parker Solar Probe: Humanity’s First Visit to a Star

NASA brings you images, videos and features from the unique perspective of America's space agency. Get updates on missions, watch NASA TV, read blogs, view the latest discoveries, and more. | Continue reading

@nasa.gov | 6 years ago