AI Chip Leads Debate Training, Inference Accelerator Trends

Earlier in May during The Next AI Platform event in San Jose, we conducted live, technical interviews with a broad range of experts in various areas of | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Selling Distributed Public Cloud, One Rack at a Time

The most interesting thing about Hewlett Packard Enterprise has nothing to do with its many products in compute, storage, and networking, or even its | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Honeywell One Step Closer to Universal Quantum Computer

The quantum computing effort at Honeywell appears to be heating up. Over the last several months, the company has announced a series of new developments | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Designing the SKA Supercomputer Platform

When the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) is deployed in the next decade, along side it will be a supercomputer tasked to process the deluge of astronomical | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Rerouting the Conventional Datacenter FPGA

Earlier this week we focused on the entry of FPGA maker, Achronix, and their strategy to tackle the high end of this market with a datacenter-focused, 7nm | Continue reading | 5 years ago

FPGA Upstart Takes Careful Aim at High-End Market

When it comes to competition at the high end of the FPGA market, Xilinx and Altera (now part of Intel) are the two monolithic players, capturing the lions | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Those Without Persistent Memory Are Fated to Repeat It

We have published a number of stories lately that talk about the innovative uses of Intel’s 3D XPoint Optane persistent memory modules, which are a key | Continue reading | 5 years ago

The Silicon Photonics Key to Building Better Neural Networks

The commercial realization of artificial intelligence has companies scrambling to develop the next big hardware technology breakthrough for this | Continue reading | 5 years ago

GPUs Set High Water Mark for Financial Trading Algorithm

In the fast-paced world of algorithmic trading, speed is of the essence – not just for the execution of the trades themselves, but also for developing the | Continue reading | 5 years ago

The CPU Still Matters in the AI Stack

The CPU does not rule the computing roost when it comes to machine learning training, but it still has a role when it comes to machine learning inference | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Dug Sets Foundation for Exascale HPC Utility with Xeon Phi

While exascale systems, even at the single precision computational capability commonly used in the oil and gas industry, will cost on the order of $250 | Continue reading | 5 years ago

With Cray Deal, HPE Finally Enters the HPC Big Leagues

Hewlett Packard Enterprise has reached the top of the HPC sector in an unconventional way, but one that could prove truly transformative for its new | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Intel Gives Moore’s Law a Makeover

Intel’s struggles to get its 10 nanometer processors out the door has forced the company to do some serious soul-searching.  And while the brain trust | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Cray, AMD Tag Team on 1.5 Exaflops “Frontier” Supercomputer

The competition for the compute engines in hybrid HPC and AI supercomputer systems is heating up, and it is beginning to look a bit like back to the | Continue reading | 5 years ago

The Tension That Drives Innovation in Linux

With any operating system, there is a tension between leaving something that is stable and that works alone and adding new features to keep it relevant. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Doe on Collision Course with End of Moore’s Law

As the largest buyer of supercomputers of any government agency in the world, the US Department of Energy (DOE) has relied on the relentless improvement | Continue reading | 5 years ago

AI Forces Storage and I/O Rethink

Although artificial intelligence is relatively new to the HPC scene, it can arguably cast as the quintessential high performance computing workload. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

An Evolving View of AI Infrastructure

By all accounts, artificial intelligence is still in its early days.  And for a select group of people working in the field today, they’ve witnessed its | Continue reading | 5 years ago

FPGAs Open Gates in Machine Learning

Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have notched some noticeable wins as a platform for machine learning, Microsoft’s embrace of the technology in | Continue reading | 5 years ago

China Fleshes Out Exascale Design for Tianhe-3 Supercomputer

One reason China has a good chance of hitting its ambitious goal to reach exascale computing in 2020 is that the government is funding three separate | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Common Componentry Is the Key to Edge Architectures

The edge has caught the imagination of IT vendors, who envision a place well outside of the confines of the central datacenter but not quite in the cloud | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Is That Canary in the Datacenter Feeling Dizzy?

The market for servers used to be a lot more predictable in the past, with a portion of the tens millions of companies worldwide buying machinery in their | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Dell, VMWare Team Up to Tackle the Hybrid Cloud

As enterprises shift more of their workloads into public clouds and grow out their multicloud strategies – many are using three or more public clouds for | Continue reading | 5 years ago

AWS Is Now the Largest Systems Business in the World

Considering all of the hundreds of different moving parts, as gauged by different types of features and services, that Amazon Web Services delivers on its | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Supercomputer Mixes Streams with CPU, GPU, and FPGA

If this is truly the age of heterogeneous supercomputers, then the system installed earlier this month at the University of Tsukuba is its poster child. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Why Single-Socket Servers Could Rule the Future

Multi socket servers have been around since the dawn of enterprise computing. The market and technology has matured into 2-socket x86 and multi core | Continue reading | 5 years ago

And Now, an Entirely Different Kind of Quantum Computer

It is no accident that quantum computing is being undertaken by some of the biggest IT companies in the world. Google, IBM, and Intel in particular have | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Exascale Is an Opportunity to Advance the HPC Software Stack

Even though the race to the exascale computing is based entirely on an arbitrary milestone, it does serve to focus the attention of the HPC community to | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Stacking Up Cascade Lake Xeons Against AMD Epyc for HPC

In theory, customers running HPC simulation and modeling applications want to cram as much compute in as small of a space as they can. In practice, the | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Why HPE Abandoned Quantum Computing Research

Like all major server-focused tech companies, HPE has been keeping close tabs on where quantum computing might go in the future. And while some of the | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Japan Strikes First in Exascale Supercomputing Battle

RIKEN and Fujitsu announced that they have finished the design of the Post-K exascale platform, paving the way for production of the hardware, followed by | Continue reading | 5 years ago

The Long View on the Intel Xeon Architecture

Incremental change is the secret to the success of the human race, and it is also its most difficult aspect in some regards. We need to move things ahead, | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Google Turns to Partners in Cloud Tangle

Google hiring of longtime Oracle executive Thomas Kurian to take over for Diane Greene as the head its cloud unit was a signal that the hyperscale company | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Big Data in Little Spaces: Hadoop and Spark at the Edge

The advent of scalable analytics in the form of Hadoop and Spark seems to be moving to the end of the Technology Hype Cycle. A reasonable estimate would | Continue reading | 5 years ago

GPUs Setting the Pace for the Machine Learning Age

The emergence of machine learning has forced computer architects to realize the way they’ve been developing hardware for the last 50 years will no longer | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Prying Open the Lid on Intel’s Multichip Cascade Lake-AP

Imagine for a second that you are Intel. The few server CPU makers that remain in the market – AMD, IBM, Marvell, and Ampere – have more memory | Continue reading | 5 years ago

MemVerge Converged Storage Makes Clever Use of Optane Memory

Now that Optane Persistent Memory Modules, based on bit-addressable 3D XPoint memory, are finally available from Intel, everybody in the storage business | Continue reading | 5 years ago

UK’s ARCHER2 Supercomputer Aims Squarely at the CPU Bullseye

The government of the United Kingdom is plunking down £79 million to purchase and operate ARCHER2, the country’s soon-to-be national supercomputer on | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Facebook Might Find Nervana for Machine Learning Training

There is a rumor going around that a certain hyperscaler is going to be augmenting its GPU-based machine learning training and will be adopting Intel’s | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Quantum No Threat to Supercomputing as We Know It

In fact, a more salacious title might have said it will not be threat in most of our career spans, if in our lifetimes at all. For problems of high | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Relentless Competition Drives Down Ethernet Switch Costs

If you want to see what real competition might look like at some point in the future of the server racket, look no further than the Ethernet switch | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Singapore to Boost Its Supercomputing Capacity Ten-Fold

When it comes to supercomputing, Singapore is certainly not the first country that comes to mind. In the Asia/Pacific region to which it belongs, | Continue reading | 6 years ago

AI Infrastructure Needs Systems Level Thinkers

If we are talking about infrastructure it might seem obvious to take a systems-level view. But the introduction of AI and machine learning with all the | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Facebook’s Future Machine Learning Platforms

The hyperscalers and cloud builders of the world build things that often look and feel like supercomputers if you squint your eyes a little, but if you | Continue reading | 6 years ago

The Still Expanding Market for GPU Compute

At this point in the history of the IT business, it is a foregone conclusion that accelerated computing, perhaps in a more diverse manner than many of us | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Data Science Sparks the Gap Between HPC and Hyperscale

In a wide-ranging keynote address that ran nearly three hours at the GPU Technology Conference in San Jose, Nvidia co-founder and chief executive officer | Continue reading | 6 years ago

How to Benefit from Facebook’s New Network Fabric

In the modern distributed computing world, which is getting ever more disaggregated and some might say discombobulated, as every day passes, the | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Open Compute Takes Root Outside of Hyperscalers

When Facebook open sourced the hardware and datacenter designs of its very first homegrown datacenter in Prineville, Oregon nearly eight years ago, | Continue reading | 6 years ago