Dermatologist speaks out on unusual spike in clinic visits following wildfires 300 miles away: 'A horrendous quality of life'

"Pollutants penetrate deeper and trigger the immune system." Dermatologist speaks out on unusual spike in clinic visits following wildfires 300 miles away: 'A horrendous quality of life' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Proud homeowner shares stunning images of their gardening project three years in the making: 'You are living the life'

"Absolutely gorgeous." Proud homeowner shares stunning images of their gardening project three years in the making: 'You are living the life' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Cleaning expert shares why they stick to inexpensive alternative of popular bleach products: 'So not worth it'

To prevent any trips to the hospital, ditch the bleach products. Cleaning expert shares why they stick to inexpensive alternative of popular bleach products: 'So not worth it' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Photo of massive Arrowhead Stadium parking lot raises questions about city design: 'Extraordinarily bad land usage'

"It's a great case study as to how much space people take up, vs. how much space their cars take up." Photo of massive Arrowhead Stadium parking lot raises questions about city design: 'Extraordinarily bad land usage' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Man whose life was threatened by tick-borne illness has warning for neighbors: 'This is a risk that's present'

"I mean, it was scary." Man whose life was threatened by tick-borne illness has warning for neighbors: 'This is a risk that's present' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Recent DNA tests raise hope about existence of creature thought to have been extinct for decades: 'There's still a possibility'

"What's most important is the next steps that we take in the future." Recent DNA tests raise hope about existence of creature thought to have been extinct for decades: 'There's still a possibility' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Homeowner issues warning against 'useless' landscaping material after removing their overgrown front yard: 'The entire front yard is covered'

"It is horrible!" Homeowner issues warning against 'useless' landscaping material after removing their overgrown front yard: 'The entire front yard is covered' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

American billionaire bankrolls programs promoting misinformation from the grave: 'Such profound influence over our politics'

"These organizations conduct 'research' that is designed to sow doubt." American billionaire bankrolls programs promoting misinformation from the grave: 'Such profound influence over our politics' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Real estate giant Redfin adds game-changing new feature to its home listings: 'People do use this information'

"They are using it on some level to decide between one home or another." Real estate giant Redfin adds game-changing new feature to its home listings: 'People do use this information' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Proud homeowner sparks inspiration with stunning photo of yard after two-year transformation: 'Amazing work'

"It turned out better than I could have hoped for." Proud homeowner sparks inspiration with stunning photo of yard after two-year transformation: 'Amazing work' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Video captures woman's close encounter with grizzly bear at Yellowstone: 'It's absolutely astounding people still do this'

"Not very smart." Video captures woman's close encounter with grizzly bear at Yellowstone: 'It's absolutely astounding people still do this' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Renowned ocean biologist describes mind-blowing experience inside deep-sea submersible: 'It's an explosion of color'

"My job is to discover what is there." Renowned ocean biologist describes mind-blowing experience inside deep-sea submersible: 'It's an explosion of color' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Startup develops innovative solution to stop plastic pollution at home: 'We feel passionately about keeping the oceans free of microplastics'

The incredible innovation and far-reaching vision won them a major environmental prize. Startup develops innovative solution to stop plastic pollution at home: 'We feel passionately about keeping the oceans free of microplastics' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Homeowner uses everyday household item to transform bathroom's unsightly stained shower: 'I'm so proud of how it turned out'

Many people are discovering and sharing the variety of simple and environmentally friendly cleaning ingredients that are out there. Homeowner uses everyday household item to transform bathroom's unsightly stained shower: 'I'm so proud of how it turned out' first appeared on The C … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

IKEA announces plan to curb its pollution by 50% at end of decade: 'It's still going to be challenging and a lot of hard work'

The company has already made headway toward its goal, slashing pollution by 12% in the latest financial year. IKEA announces plan to curb its pollution by 50% at end of decade: 'It's still going to be challenging and a lot of hard work' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Former Shell employees resurrect dead well in 'monumental' move for geothermal energy: 'Big step change for humanity'

The well didn't contain gas, but it did burrow deep enough to reach the hotter layers of stone under the ground. Former Shell employees resurrect dead well in 'monumental' move for geothermal energy: 'Big step change for humanity' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Lucky shopper stunned after finding popular kitchen appliance for mere dollars at local thrift store: 'Can't pass that up'

"And it looks clean, so even better." Lucky shopper stunned after finding popular kitchen appliance for mere dollars at local thrift store: 'Can't pass that up' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Home builders tenaciously lobby against energy-efficient updates to building codes — here's why

"It's an ongoing campaign." Home builders tenaciously lobby against energy-efficient updates to building codes — here's why first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

First massive electric harbor crane sparks worldwide attention with its incredible ability: 'It is a versatile and powerful machine that can handle any type of cargo'

"The crane is not only unique in its performance and capabilities. It is also the first of its kind to operate fully electrified." First massive electric harbor crane sparks worldwide attention with its incredible ability: 'It is a versatile and powerful machine that can handle a … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Architect turns to centuries-old technique to revolutionize how we build houses: 'This will be a very attractive method'

"The challenge was to create a home using earth as the primary building material." Architect turns to centuries-old technique to revolutionize how we build houses: 'This will be a very attractive method' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Gardener shares 'creative' tip to save on common seed-starting materials: 'This is going to really help your plants'

"You learn something new every day." Gardener shares 'creative' tip to save on common seed-starting materials: 'This is going to really help your plants' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Technology provider announces robotics system to keep solar panels at peak performance — here's how it works

This technology could make it easier for homeowners to keep their panels spotless. Technology provider announces robotics system to keep solar panels at peak performance — here's how it works first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Gardener shares worrying photos of landscaping fabric harming tree: 'I don't doubt that [it] played a role'

"I see a lot of thick roots running along the surface of the dirt just under or intertwined with the fabric." Gardener shares worrying photos of landscaping fabric harming tree: 'I don't doubt that [it] played a role' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Woman stunned after finding dumpster full of perfectly good, unopened snacks: 'This is my dream find'

Dumpster diving is legal in her state — and, in fact, in every state. Woman stunned after finding dumpster full of perfectly good, unopened snacks: 'This is my dream find' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Officials devise unconventional plan to eliminate invasive fish species: 'There are 100 million of them'

Since the blue catfish don't have enough natural predators to control their population, they now threaten native species. Officials devise unconventional plan to eliminate invasive fish species: 'There are 100 million of them' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Risk assessment issues stark warning for major region amid rising temperatures: 'A huge wake-up call'

Solutions exist, but our window to avoid the worst is shrinking fast. Risk assessment issues stark warning for major region amid rising temperatures: 'A huge wake-up call' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Shopper shares warning after examining soil of newly purchased plant: 'Make sure to check'

"You never know." Shopper shares warning after examining soil of newly purchased plant: 'Make sure to check' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Shopper shares photo of 'dystopian' children's toy for sale at Costco: 'The point is brand indoctrination as young as possible'

When the toys themselves are ads, it can contribute to the hyperconsumerist churn of wasteful products. Shopper shares photo of 'dystopian' children's toy for sale at Costco: 'The point is brand indoctrination as young as possible' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

New report estimates millions of Americans are at risk of exposure to toxic 'bomb trains': 'It's going to happen again'

"It is time we stopped sacrificing people in the name of industry and economy." New report estimates millions of Americans are at risk of exposure to toxic 'bomb trains': 'It's going to happen again' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Renter shares stunning lawn update photos after quitting mowing for two months: 'It's a genuine meadow'

"That's so beautiful." Renter shares stunning lawn update photos after quitting mowing for two months: 'It's a genuine meadow' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Concerns over poor growing conditions and coffee bean shortages send prices to record highs: 'Crippling supplies amid ever growing demand'

The surging costs reflect crop shortages, and there are fears the changing climate will make things worse. Concerns over poor growing conditions and coffee bean shortages send prices to record highs: 'Crippling supplies amid ever growing demand' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Scientists develop self-healing material that could transform the plastic industry: 'We could solve many of the world's problems with a single material'

One expert believes this technology is versatile enough to become a part of a wide range of industries as well, like fashion, robotics, medicine, and vehicle manufacturing. Scientists develop self-healing material that could transform the plastic industry: 'We could solve many of … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Health officials to release millions of insects to fight outbreak of 'break-bone' fever — here's how they'll help

"Our projections show that within 10 years, we will be able to protect around 70 million Brazilians across various cities." Health officials to release millions of insects to fight outbreak of 'break-bone' fever — here's how they'll help first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

New multistate laws limit power of homeowners associations to dictate residents' vehicles — here's why that's important

The rules vary from state to state, but there is at least some ammunition for residents who want to make the most of zero-tailpipe pollution cars. New multistate laws limit power of homeowners associations to dictate residents' vehicles — here's why that's important first appeare … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Lawsuit filed against Samsung over appliance malfunction: 'Knew about the defect ... as early as 2013'

The alleged masking of the problem is troublesome, and the lawsuit charges Samsung with poor design, engineering, and manufacturing. Lawsuit filed against Samsung over appliance malfunction: 'Knew about the defect ... as early as 2013' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Biden eyes Japanese technology to revive high-speed rail project connecting major cities — here's why it's important

The much-anticipated line has been in development for more than a decade. Biden eyes Japanese technology to revive high-speed rail project connecting major cities — here's why it's important first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Zimbabwe declares national disaster amid grueling drought and barren croplands: 'No [one] must succumb or die from hunger'

The harvest is expected to bring in only a little more than half of what is needed to feed the nation. Zimbabwe declares national disaster amid grueling drought and barren croplands: 'No [one] must succumb or die from hunger' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Garden expert shares unlikely source of free compost that could be piling up in your backyard: 'The soil is first class'

"I never knew." Garden expert shares unlikely source of free compost that could be piling up in your backyard: 'The soil is first class' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Video captures shocking behavior as driver attempts to navigate off-road at state park: 'I hope you got and reported the plates'

"I called the cops but she left before the cops got there." Video captures shocking behavior as driver attempts to navigate off-road at state park: 'I hope you got and reported the plates' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

New study uncovers major progress made in slashing food waste in US: 'The national goal ... may, in fact, be possible'

"This is hands down the largest progress in reducing food waste we've ever seen reported." New study uncovers major progress made in slashing food waste in US: 'The national goal ... may, in fact, be possible' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Climber Alex Honnold's morning routine and his 'win-win' climate solution: 'Taking any step at all is better than doing nothing'

"If it smells weird, just eat it anyway." Climber Alex Honnold's morning routine and his 'win-win' climate solution: 'Taking any step at all is better than doing nothing' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Government official insists dirty power source cannot be replaced: 'It will never work'

An abundance of untapped, electricity-producing sun rays continue to shine on the country with great potential. Government official insists dirty power source cannot be replaced: 'It will never work' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Wild new HBO doc rips the curtain back on numerous controversies surrounding viral teen clothing brand: 'The Cult of Fast Fashion'

"Brandy Hellville & The Cult of Fast Fashion" has revealed the many controversies surrounding the popular fast-fashion brand Brandy Melville. Wild new HBO doc rips the curtain back on numerous controversies surrounding viral teen clothing brand: 'The Cult of Fast Fashion' first a … | Continue reading | 5 months ago

ATM produces surprising result when people swipe their card: 'Why should I spend on drinking water?'

"Im also improving the lives of people in my neighborhood.” ATM produces surprising result when people swipe their card: 'Why should I spend on drinking water?' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Tenant stunned by message from landlord forbidding them from using EV charger: 'You can do what you want'

"There is a legal right to an EV charger even for renters as long as you pay for it." Tenant stunned by message from landlord forbidding them from using EV charger: 'You can do what you want' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

State prepares enforcement action as medical waste incinerator faces mounting violations: 'What will it take?'

"We will not tolerate unlawful practices that threaten the health and well-being of Maryland residents." State prepares enforcement action as medical waste incinerator faces mounting violations: 'What will it take?' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Shopper surprised to find valuable contents buried in backpack at local thrift store: 'This is why I always check the bags'

You truly never know what you might find when you shop secondhand. Shopper surprised to find valuable contents buried in backpack at local thrift store: 'This is why I always check the bags' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Research team unveils groundbreaking technique to mass-produce crucial component of EV batteries: 'We have achieved enhanced battery stability'

Any advancements to the process of creating the batteries for electric vehicles could go toward making these cars more accessible and widespread. Research team unveils groundbreaking technique to mass-produce crucial component of EV batteries: 'We have achieved enhanced battery s … | Continue reading | 5 months ago