Disaggregated storage has become the norm in large-scale infrastructure and we expect that in 2019 those who are pushing the limits with NVMe will have | Continue reading
Moore’s Law has underwritten a remarkable period of growth and stability for the computer industry. The doubling of transistor density at a predictable | Continue reading
TensorFlow, probably the most popular of the dozen or so deep learning frameworks, is typically used to develop neural networks on small or medium-sized | Continue reading
“We build the most powerful and efficient computer possible and make it available to scientists based on the quality of their proposals,” says Jack Wells, | Continue reading
A research collaboration between the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) is demonstrating the value of using | Continue reading
While there is no question that Amazon Web Services is the largest and most profitable public cloud on planet earth, and that it provides the best subsidy | Continue reading
There hardly seems to be a month that doesn’t go by without a different IT supplier being rumored to want to acquire network chip and system provider | Continue reading
Generative adversarial neural networks are the next step in deep learning evolution and while they hold great promise across several application domains, | Continue reading
The second 5 percent chunk of server shipment market share for chip maker AMD is probably going to come easier than the first 5 percent share, which was | Continue reading
Ayar Labs, a silicon photonics startup based in Emeryville, California, is getting set to tape out its electro-optical I/O chip, which will become the | Continue reading
Machine learning, arguably the most interesting and successful form of artificial intelligence, only worked because of the confluence of enormous amounts | Continue reading
In the deep learning inferencing game, there are plenty of chipmakers, large and small, developing custom-built ASICs aimed at this application set. But | Continue reading
Quantum computing is often portrayed as a way to solve esoteric problems that can’t be attempted with conventional computers. But that’s not how Airbus is | Continue reading
Anyone operating at network at scale almost has to, by definition, hack together their own network operating system. Having access to a software | Continue reading
For the first time in a very long time, and even including the Great Recession, chip maker Intel booked less revenue in the fourth quarter of the year | Continue reading
The secret to the longevity of any big corporation is a nearly constant process of reinvention. Those that can adapt to the times are the ones who | Continue reading
Support for unified memory across CPUs and GPUs in accelerated computing systems is the final piece of a programming puzzle that we have been assembling | Continue reading
For exascale hardware to be useful, systems software is going to have to be stacked up and optimized to bend that hardware to the will of applications. | Continue reading
Interest in neuromorphic computing has spurred research into new types of memory devices that can replicate the function of biological neurons and | Continue reading
Containerized high performance computing is fast becoming one of the more popular ways of running HPC workloads. And perhaps nowhere is this more apparent | Continue reading
Memcache has become the ubiquitous way of loading objects quickly for most of the world’s largest websites and for that matter, for plenty of smaller | Continue reading
It might be a bit early to call generative adversarial networks (GANs) the next platform for AI frameworks, but there is little doubt we will hear much | Continue reading
If you want to see what the future of iron to support machine learning looks like, then perhaps the best place to look at what the hyperscalers and cloud | Continue reading
I have been frequently asked when the OpenMP and OpenACC directive APIs for parallel programming will merge, or when will one of them (usually OpenMP) | Continue reading
One of Germany’s foremost scientific research centers, Jülich Forschungszentrum, will receive a €36-million infusion of government funding to advance | Continue reading
If relational databases had just worked at scale to begin with, the IT sector would be a whole lot more boring and we wouldn't be having conversation a | Continue reading
With a timeline to early production sometime in the next decade (if not longer), the business model for quantum computing has been nebulous from the | Continue reading
Architectural transitions for layers in the IT stack at hyperscalers can happen in a matter of years, and cloud builders and HPC centers can move at | Continue reading
The cloud has been helping lower the cost and improve the quality of technology infrastructures and business practices for more than a decade, but | Continue reading
We spent some time at the end of 2018 getting a handle on how parallel file systems in HPC need to evolve to meet the shifting demands in workloads driven | Continue reading
Arm chip designers who make processors for mobile devices, such as Apple, Samsung, and Qualcomm, that do not have pre-existing server businesses have been | Continue reading
The year ahead for high performance computing promises some interesting twists and turns. But we think two of the more defining developments for 2019, at | Continue reading
We predict new enterprise application development will pass a tipping point in 2019 and shift away from legacy virtual machines (VMs) and strongly toward | Continue reading
To effectively make use of the level of concurrency in forthcoming exascale systems – hundreds of thousands of compute elements with millions of threads – | Continue reading
A few months ago, we took an in-depth look at Intel’s quantum hardware strategy—from qubits to device manufacturability and commercial viability. But | Continue reading
IBM has come up with its newest and most advanced quantum computer to date, which the company claims is “the world’s first integrated universal | Continue reading
As the list of the most powerful supercomputers on the planet reveal, GPU accelerated high performance computing is alive in well across many technical | Continue reading
Hyperconverged infrastructure has been with us for a while now, and it looks like the technology is still a growing market, if analyst figures can be | Continue reading
It would not have been an Architecture Day, as it was earlier this week at the former estate of Intel co-founder Robert Noyce, if the chip giant did not | Continue reading
Every important benchmark needs to start somewhere. The first round of MLperf results are in and while they might not deliver on what we would have | Continue reading
It took a very, very long time, but if current conditions persist, we could see a server market that rakes in more than $100 billion next year. That is a | Continue reading
Innovation requires motivation, and there is nothing quite like a competitor trying to each your lunch to wake you up every morning to the reality of the | Continue reading
The history of digital computing is to provide increasing levels of abstraction to get programmers further and further away from directly manipulating the | Continue reading
The list of technologies that has been created because of the limitations of traditional, enterprise-grade relational databases is quite long, and yet | Continue reading
The husband and wife team of Abdurrahman and Tülay Ateşin are experimental scientists who unexpectedly became involved with supercomputers when they moved | Continue reading
For more than a decade, datacenter system administrators have been trying to figure out how to get their increasingly complex infrastructure under control | Continue reading
Barefoot Networks is on a mission, and it is a simple one: To give datacenter switches the same kind of openness and programmability that X86 servers have | Continue reading
What if a hyperscale rack designer decided not to locally optimize legacy form factors for thermal management, but instead to start over and design a rack | Continue reading