Weaveworks offers a new tool for managing fleets of Kubernetes clusters. | Continue reading
The different approaches for running stateful workloads on Kubernetes. | Continue reading
The headlines about an acute shortage of data scientists have been featuring prominently in the last few years. In a world obsessed with finding the next big innovation with big data, there just don’t seem to be enough data scientists to go around to satisfy an organizational cra … | Continue reading
Kubernetes in 2020 has become synonymous with the term cloud native and is also often used as a vehicle for vendors and IT organizations alike to claim they are transforming or modernizing their workloads. But what are they actually transforming? What is Kubernetes itself actuall … | Continue reading
Bill Nichols, a senior member of the technical staff at Carnegie Mellon's Software Engineering Institute has studied programmer habits and announced his surprising results in a recent blog post, entitled "The End to the Myth of Individual Programmer Productivity." | Continue reading
A severe authentication bypass vulnerability discovered by Aspen Mesh in the open source Istio service mesh software has been remedied, and users are urged to update their working deployments as soon as possible. Aspen Mesh software engineer Ryan Sutton first noticed the issue wh … | Continue reading
AN interview with longtime open source advocate Bruce Perens. | Continue reading
The developers of ubiquitous git software version control system have announced they are now beginning the transition to move away from the SHA-1 hashing algorithm. | Continue reading
How one engineer used Terraform to manage a complex home network. | Continue reading
For anyone that has enjoyed using CoreOS Container Linux, mark May 26, 2020 on your calendar, as that is the day this Linux distribution will reach its end of life and will no longer receive updates. | Continue reading
distributed systems and microservice architectures present real challenges for engineers following local development paradigms. | Continue reading
Since 2015, ECMAScript — the formal specification of the JavaScript language — has been getting annual updates that come out every June. These updates include all proposals that have reached stage 4: finished proposals that have been signed off by all the ECMAScript editors, ship … | Continue reading
An amateur hardware enthusiast wants to prove it's possible for people to build their own ebook readers. | Continue reading
The WireGuard virtual private networking (VPN) protocol is coming to the Linux kernel, much to the delight of Linux creator Linus Torvalds. | Continue reading
NASA gears up for its next unmanned voyage to Mars | Continue reading
The streaming data management platform operates on top of Apache Kafka with a web interface and features for creating and querying real-time data and creating and monitoring Kafka topologies. To fully master the Kafka Streams API generally requires developer skills such Java, Sca … | Continue reading
How to deploy containers on CentOS using Podman, a Docker alternative. | Continue reading
Fixes for the Y2K bug come back to haunt some companies in 2020. | Continue reading
How to tune Kubernetes to get the most out of your production workloads. | Continue reading
Open source will help The U.K. create economic value post-Brexit. | Continue reading
Portworx sponsored The New Stack’s coverage of KubeCon+CloudNativeCon North America 2019. Now that organizations are starting to rely on Kubernetes and containers in general, performance becomes a major focus point for admins, particularly for public-facing high-use services, suc … | Continue reading
Cloud native computing and edge computing represent two independent but important aspects of modern infrastructure. Cloud native computing is the second wave of cloud computing that delivers the best return on investment in cloud. Edge computing acts as a conduit between the clou … | Continue reading
This Week in Programming compiles all the most relevent cloud native programming news for the week. | Continue reading
A look at ChubaoFS, the CNCF's new cloud native file system. | Continue reading
As the internet celebrated its 50th birthday last month, the website for Popular Mechanics went all in, running a series of special articles in an event they’d dubbed “Internet Week.” It includes a collection of the 1990’s “most cringe-worthy internet guides,” and their list of “ … | Continue reading
For a quarter of a century, Stanford’s great computer science professor emeritus has been delivering a special “Christmas Tree” lecture each December. Now approaching his 82nd birthday, Donald Knuth emerged again on Dec. 5 for the 25th annual installment — and took the time to re … | Continue reading
CI/CD and DevOps haven't fully come to the Linux kernel development process. So how does the Linux kernel development team release so much, so fast? | Continue reading
Kubernetes, Istio, knative and an internally developed specification for “hardening” containers are now the default software development platform across the military. | Continue reading
Helm 3.0 ditches the combersmer Tiller cnfiguration manager in favor of Custom Resource DEfintions and Role Based Access Control. | Continue reading
There have been some recent discussions assessing the history of ASCII art — along with some thoughts about its future. ASCII art is basically images created only through text characters, specifically the 128 characters specified in the American Standard Code for Information Inte … | Continue reading
The Linux 5.5 kernel is to arrive in early 2020, and we’re starting to get a clear picture as to what this kernel is to bring to the open source platform. Although you might not find any deal maker or breaker additions, this kernel does have some really interesting features and i … | Continue reading
one economics writer explored 47 years worth of bids on "The Price is Right," the longest running U.S. game show in history, where contestants guess the prices of consumer items. Behavioral economist Jonathan S. Hartley at Harvard's public policy and public administration school … | Continue reading
New data released from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation‘s Mandarin-translated survey of the cloud-native community show that the respondents from China are, in general, less far along in their deployment of containers and Kubernetes. They are also much more likely to deploy … | Continue reading
Biotechnology startup Grail is building its own infrastructure to support the kind of data science work it’s doing at the same time it’s building its models. It recently open sourced two big data-focused serverless projects – Bigmachine and Bigslice – as it doubles down on Go as … | Continue reading
Time series data is special — not just in the unique data that it captures, but also in the ways we interact with that data. Maybe you’re starting to use time series data from sensors in your company’s thermostats (to finally prove that Dad is turning down the temperature at nigh … | Continue reading
Unit 42, the threat intelligence team at Palo Alto Networks, has released research on a proof of concept for what the company claims might be the most severe Docker copy command ("docker cp") vulnerability yet to be discovered. This new vulnerability allows an attacker to take fu … | Continue reading
A new project from service mesh provider Solo.io demonstrates the possibilities of automating service mesh operations, using the telemetry created by the service mesh itself.The project, Autopilot is a framework creating an automated series of operations that can be triggered by … | Continue reading
The phrase “You are Not Expected to Understand This” is probably the most famous comment in the history of Unix. And last month, at the Systems We Love conference in San Francisco, systems researcher Arun Thomas explained to an audience exactly what it was that they weren’t suppo … | Continue reading
For SaltConf19, SaltStack has open sourced an umbrella project, Plugin Oriented Programming (POP), whse main feature is to allow organizations to manage often numerous amounts of plugins across often vast on premises and cloud configurations, | Continue reading
Aws' Fargate managed container service is growing faster than Kubernetes adoption, a Datadog service has found. | Continue reading
Why Kubernetes Has Emerged as a Key Ingredient in Edge Computing. | Continue reading
There are three broad areas that require more attention from data teams to build effective data lakes: data ingestion, data layout, and data governance. | Continue reading
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon sponsored this post, in anticipation of KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA, Nov. 18-21 in San Diego. Kublr’s CEO Slava Koltovich and CTO Oleg Chunikhin are certainly well-placed to discuss the role of Kubernetes, both as a container orchestrator, its role in ope … | Continue reading
Using synchronous communications, like REST, across an entire system makes it behave like a monolith. ironSource describes a different approach. | Continue reading
Kubernetes is an open source container management platform designed to run enterprise-class, cloud-enabled and web-scalable IT workloads. It is built upon the foundation laid by Google based on 15 years of experience in running containerized applications. Though their popularity … | Continue reading
“In the mid-to-late 1980s, the Amiga was the undisputed champion of the demo scene,” remembers Ars Technica. “Its custom chips, multiple graphics modes, and 16-bit processor ran rings around PCs.” Some wistful geeks are keeping its memory alive in their hearts, and this was the y … | Continue reading
Cloud computing services, such as AWS S3, are ushering in a new criteria for standards of object storage. | Continue reading
The reasons behind Platform9's move from Amazon Web Services to Packet. | Continue reading