Tenant concerned after discovering what landlord is plugging into their home's electrical system: 'Costing you a fortune'

"Does this not constitute floor space or possibly false billing?" Tenant concerned after discovering what landlord is plugging into their home's electrical system: 'Costing you a fortune' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Shopper's unbelievable thrift store find sparks debate about outerwear's authenticity: 'It's still a score, fake or not'

Regardless of the legitimacy, this thrifter saved a lot of money on a nice, warm vest. Shopper's unbelievable thrift store find sparks debate about outerwear's authenticity: 'It's still a score, fake or not' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Researchers develop groundbreaking innovation in battery technology: 'Holds immense potential to be scaled up for industrial usage'

Battery innovations are in the works at labs around the world with the goal of delivering record-setting performance at low cost. Researchers develop groundbreaking innovation in battery technology: 'Holds immense potential to be scaled up for industrial usage' first appeared on … | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

America pushes forward with harnessing 'limitless' supply of energy beneath our feet: 'The US can lead the clean-energy future'

The U.S. is betting big on this energy source to be a huge player in the electricity network. America pushes forward with harnessing 'limitless' supply of energy beneath our feet: 'The US can lead the clean-energy future' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Father-son duo creates one-of-a-kind home with unconventional materials: 'The house is full of memories of us building it'

In a world of suburban development and factory-made homes, building a home in this fashion is a significant environmental achievement. Father-son duo creates one-of-a-kind home with unconventional materials: 'The house is full of memories of us building it' first appeared on The … | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Albertsons reduces food waste by thinking about what happens at home: 'That's where the power of the opportunity is'

"Everybody has to eat. ... Food's sort of the great equalizer." Albertsons reduces food waste by thinking about what happens at home: 'That's where the power of the opportunity is' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Homeowner stunned after encountering issue between HOA and Tesla home solar installation request: 'This leaves me in a frustrating position'

"I just think you talked to someone who might not have enough information." Homeowner stunned after encountering issue between HOA and Tesla home solar installation request: 'This leaves me in a frustrating position' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Three nonpartisan climate solutions that receive conservative support: 'Don't think we agree on anything? Think again...'

Eyebrows always rise when I tell people I'm a conservative environmentalist, but the reality is that there are many of us. Three nonpartisan climate solutions that receive conservative support: 'Don't think we agree on anything? Think again...' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Activists push for game-changing legislation that could dramatically clean up our communities: 'Cut the amount of trash in half'

"I don't think there's any other program in existence that reduces litter more than [this]." Activists push for game-changing legislation that could dramatically clean up our communities: 'Cut the amount of trash in half' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

New documentary series offers optimistic glimpse into Earth's future: 'As long as humanity has existed, so has hope'

"Showing what the future can be is critical to getting there." New documentary series offers optimistic glimpse into Earth's future: 'As long as humanity has existed, so has hope' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

One of world's biggest mining companies expands horizons with innovative solution: 'An absolute revolution for the industry'

If successful, this nature-powered process could reduce the need for coal in steelmaking. One of world's biggest mining companies expands horizons with innovative solution: 'An absolute revolution for the industry' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Homeowner warns against planting common garden herb after learning this lesson the hard way: 'By far my biggest gardening mistake'

"You need to ruthlessly cut it down every so often. It will grow back stronger each time and stay in control." Homeowner warns against planting common garden herb after learning this lesson the hard way: 'By far my biggest gardening mistake' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Customer shares frustration online with photo of absurd toothbrush packaging: 'Never seen anything more unnecessary in my life'

When choosing a product like an electric toothbrush, it's a good idea to consider the whole life cycle of the item. Customer shares frustration online with photo of absurd toothbrush packaging: 'Never seen anything more unnecessary in my life' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

EV driver shares frustrating photo of diesel truck's deceitful tactics used at charging station: 'Even hung the plug on his truck bed stake hole'

"Why [do] people feel so threatened by electric vehicles... ugh." EV driver shares frustrating photo of diesel truck's deceitful tactics used at charging station: 'Even hung the plug on his truck bed stake hole' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Government implements first-time policy that will alter tap water for millions of Americans: 'This action will prevent thousands of deaths'

"President Biden has made tackling PFAS a top priority, investing historic resources to address these harmful chemicals and protect communities nationwide." Government implements first-time policy that will alter tap water for millions of Americans: 'This action will prevent thou … | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Experts issue report on distressing migration trend of monarch butterflies: 'Greatly concerns all of us'

Losing the unique and iconic monarch butterfly would be a tragedy, to be sure. But this isn't just about one species. Experts issue report on distressing migration trend of monarch butterflies: 'Greatly concerns all of us' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Experts disappointed by lost opportunity following landmark legislation 2 years after passage: '[It] should have tripled it'

"We have completely changed direction on our energy policy." Experts disappointed by lost opportunity following landmark legislation 2 years after passage: '[It] should have tripled it' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Beauty influencer calls out wasteful trend in makeup promos: 'I haven't even thought about that'

"The pr teams need to actually think about who they are sending it [to]." Beauty influencer calls out wasteful trend in makeup promos: 'I haven't even thought about that' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Companies collaborate to develop ground-breaking transportable nuclear power plants: 'Offers a near-term solution to transition remote locations off of diesel'

Nuclear energy would provide near limitless electricity in hard-to-power areas. Companies collaborate to develop ground-breaking transportable nuclear power plants: 'Offers a near-term solution to transition remote locations off of diesel' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Researchers find concerning contaminant within human eyes: 'Shedding light on their potential implications'

These minuscule particles have been found almost everywhere. Researchers find concerning contaminant within human eyes: 'Shedding light on their potential implications' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Homeowner shares progress photos of ongoing battle reclaiming yard from monstrous invasive plant: 'It's only now starting to really look close to death'

"That happened to me too." Homeowner shares progress photos of ongoing battle reclaiming yard from monstrous invasive plant: 'It's only now starting to really look close to death' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Visitor shares photo of upsetting aftermath of party in national park: 'I think this counts as vandalism'

"People don't travel from around the world to Yosemite to see your BS and trash." Visitor shares photo of upsetting aftermath of party in national park: 'I think this counts as vandalism' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Grim new study sheds light on factor driving surge in medical costs: 'An urgent human health problem'

"We are coming to reckon with the reality." Grim new study sheds light on factor driving surge in medical costs: 'An urgent human health problem' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Fashion expert shares anger with photos showing booming 'crisis' in Ghana: 'Seeing this made my heart hurt'

"What is the balance when it turns into celebrating consumerism with consequences as profound and insidious as a waste crisis?" Fashion expert shares anger with photos showing booming 'crisis' in Ghana: 'Seeing this made my heart hurt' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Two energy industries at odds over America's busiest oil field: 'We think nuclear energy ... is the way of the future'

"We just don't feel like siting all the nuclear waste in the middle of our biggest oil and gas resource is a good idea." Two energy industries at odds over America's busiest oil field: 'We think nuclear energy ... is the way of the future' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Startup transforms plastic waste into highly efficient freezers for local businesses: 'Enabling them to sustainably improve their income'

Since its founding three years ago, Kuza Freezer has already delivered more than 350 of its units. Startup transforms plastic waste into highly efficient freezers for local businesses: 'Enabling them to sustainably improve their income' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

New study reveals rising temperatures could change your favorite wine: 'Regions are clearly threatened'

Researchers said that while producers can adapt to the changing climate to a certain extent, it may not be enough to stay in business. New study reveals rising temperatures could change your favorite wine: 'Regions are clearly threatened' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Garden expert demonstrates simple hack for 'unlimited supply' of perennials: 'Free plants [are] always a good idea'

"You can multiply your plants and grow an unlimited supply ... from a single stem." Garden expert demonstrates simple hack for 'unlimited supply' of perennials: 'Free plants [are] always a good idea' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Tourist bitten after foolishly luring in coyote at national park: 'What did you think was gonna happen?'

"That poor coyote shouldn't be anywhere near that dangerous man!" Tourist bitten after foolishly luring in coyote at national park: 'What did you think was gonna happen?' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Biotech startup raises $100 million to tackle agricultural problem using fungi: 'There's so much we don't know about this incredible group of organisms'

Healthy soil is crucial for growing crops for the food supply. Biotech startup raises $100 million to tackle agricultural problem using fungi: 'There's so much we don't know about this incredible group of organisms' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Homeowner shares easy one-step trick to make use of old candle jars: 'No need to throw any away'

"What a great tip." Homeowner shares easy one-step trick to make use of old candle jars: 'No need to throw any away' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Government faces major backlash over decision to grant new oil drilling rights: 'Grossly irresponsible'

"Instead of cracking down on oil and gas giants like Shell, they're greenlighting a new drilling frenzy." Government faces major backlash over decision to grant new oil drilling rights: 'Grossly irresponsible' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Company unveils state-of-the-art technology for collecting revolutionary weather data: 'Our product has undergone intense scrutiny'

"There is a significant gap in observations in this region, which fundamentally limits our understanding and forecast skill." Company unveils state-of-the-art technology for collecting revolutionary weather data: 'Our product has undergone intense scrutiny' first appeared on The … | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Shopper shares tip to help reduce guilt over ordering takeout: 'This is so obvious but such a good idea'

"You might be starting the next movement here!" Shopper shares tip to help reduce guilt over ordering takeout: 'This is so obvious but such a good idea' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Company invents high-tech drone to fight global marine trash problem: 'We are part of the solution'

"It's exciting to know our technologies will have a significant impact." Company invents high-tech drone to fight global marine trash problem: 'We are part of the solution' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Tax disclosure form raises questions about one of the world's largest PR firms: 'Out of step with their ... commitments'

"What we've seen consistently is a mismatch between what [it] says and what's actually done." Tax disclosure form raises questions about one of the world's largest PR firms: 'Out of step with their ... commitments' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Professional cleaner issues PSA about common cleaning method: '[It's] just smearing the dirt around'

"Like a layer of dirt paint." Professional cleaner issues PSA about common cleaning method: '[It's] just smearing the dirt around' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Shopper shares photo of mid-century modern furniture piece found at secondhand store: 'It's gorgeous as is'

Mid-century furniture pieces are a hot commodity these days, but getting your hands on one isn't cheap. Shopper shares photo of mid-century modern furniture piece found at secondhand store: 'It's gorgeous as is' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Research group achieves major breakthrough with new EV battery tech: 'Significantly improved quality'

If the concept can be scaled and rolled out across worldwide battery manufacturing centers, the result could be lower-cost, safer power packs and electric vehicles. Research group achieves major breakthrough with new EV battery tech: 'Significantly improved quality' first appeare … | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

The US government wants to transform nuclear bomb test sites — and six companies have offered to help

With some creative thinking and resolve, we can flip the script on humanity's destructive past. The US government wants to transform nuclear bomb test sites — and six companies have offered to help first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Tesla confirms production milestone at Gigafactory Texas that could impact future of electric vehicle manufacturing: 'The goal is to keep it that way'

The news from Gigafactory Texas is encouraging, and it could mean more electric vehicles will hit the consumer market soon. Tesla confirms production milestone at Gigafactory Texas that could impact future of electric vehicle manufacturing: 'The goal is to keep it that way' first … | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

New homeowner shares frustration over invasive HOA: 'She ran off when she saw my wife'

This is an unfortunate intervention that far too many people living in HOA communities have experienced. New homeowner shares frustration over invasive HOA: 'She ran off when she saw my wife' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

New certification could change the face of the chocolate industry: 'Consumers are benefiting, farmers are benefiting'

"They're like light-years beyond what you just normally buy in the grocery store." New certification could change the face of the chocolate industry: 'Consumers are benefiting, farmers are benefiting' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Architects use ancient practice and modern technology to create remarkable living structure: 'Pushing the boundaries of regenerative design'

"We wanted to use the powers of computing and fabrication systems and other ideas about how we could prototype this to nudge nature or help train nature to do the things it does naturally." Architects use ancient practice and modern technology to create remarkable living structur … | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Gardener seeks advice after planting ill-suited combination: 'It's my first year'

"I have made an error." Gardener seeks advice after planting ill-suited combination: 'It's my first year' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Shopper shares confusion over deceptive video game purchase: 'I do feel kind of ripped off'

"Only realized when I was home." Shopper shares confusion over deceptive video game purchase: 'I do feel kind of ripped off' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

Patient disturbed by scene witnessed at dentist's office: 'This would be enough for me to find a new dentist'

"You just forgot you signed up to be an extra on Black Mirror." Patient disturbed by scene witnessed at dentist's office: 'This would be enough for me to find a new dentist' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago

African rhinos still face concerning threat despite conservation efforts: 'The pressure again has been felt'

"There isn't an overnight solution." African rhinos still face concerning threat despite conservation efforts: 'The pressure again has been felt' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 5 months ago