What happens when powerful cloud-based analytics tools can be applied to footage from security cameras?Jay Stanley, a senior policy analyst for the American Civil Liberty Union's speech, privacy, and technology project, has explored the issue in a new 50-page report – and a new v … | Continue reading
A new infrastructure pattern is emerging called the KOST stack (Kubernetes, Operator, Spark, TiDB). This set of open-source technologies and framework provides a pattern that let’s a developer consume cloud computing resources of any mix (public, private or hybrid) with a relatio … | Continue reading
An interview with Rust creator Graydon Hoare.https://github.com/graydon | Continue reading
There are two popular mechanisms for attaching backing services to cloud native applications today: Operators and the Open Service Broker API. This post compares these technologies and explains how they can work together to address a wider range of development scenarios. | Continue reading
Container security is obviously a multi-layered affair. Many of the layers that you need to secure and monitor exist outside containers themselves. One of them is the host operating system and the kernel that powers it. The end result is the whole stack is secured, including regi … | Continue reading
MLflow from Databricks is an open source framework that addresses some of these challenges. The project aims to ease the pain involved in configuring environments, tracking experiments, and deploying trained AI models for inference. | Continue reading
As today’s innovators experiment with artificial intelligence (AI) in a myriad of applications such as intelligent virtual assistants, cybersecurity analysis, facial recognition, and market prediction, there’s no question AI is a data-intensive proposition. Most AI applications … | Continue reading
In his new book, Fall, the author of Snow Crash, Cryptonomicon, and The Diamond Age, looks to the digital afterlife, and beyond. | Continue reading
It's the 40th anniversary of VisiCalc, the first popular spreadsheet program, and the anniversary has prompted some new remembrances of the killer app that, true to its "power to the people" origins, got people playing with data – and, by popularizing personal computers, helped t … | Continue reading
A technology developed by YouTube to shard large MySQL databases across multiple servers, Vitess, has become the 16th hosted project of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Vitess was created for “people who love MySQL for its functionality, but have chosen not to use it becaus … | Continue reading
A new project initiated by the folks behind OpenEBS seeks to provide a code base that would allow Kubernetes users to move data freely across clusters. KubeMove includes a Kubernetes Operator and API. “Users want to simply move data from cluster A to cluster B,” said Evan Powell, … | Continue reading
Machine Learning (ML) gets a lot of hype, but its classical predecessors are still immensely powerful, especially in the time-series space. In this first part of a three-part blog post series, we'll offer a strong conceptual and mathematical understanding of how Holt-Winters work … | Continue reading
In a podcast hosted by The New Stack Managing Editor Joab Jackson, managing editor, Yu was able to continue her discussion on empathy and why it is so important in the software development sector. Jai Schniepp, product owner for cloud and Security at Liberty Mutual Insurance, als … | Continue reading
A project that began in 1995, but is still continuing, is sharing the history of Silicon Valley online with new generations of geeks. Stanford University's "Silicon Genesis" is a collection of over 100 oral histories and interviews with the people who created Silicon Valley's sem … | Continue reading
In ActiveState's "2019 Developer Survey: Open Source Runtimes" those saying they almost never spend time managing open source dependencies rose from 25% in 2018 to 38% in 2019. Even more don't think about license compliance as 73% almost never spend time on it. Overall concern dr … | Continue reading
Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 brings the full Linux 4.19 kernel to Windows. | Continue reading
This weekend we learned of a hack to Docker Hub that compromised 190,000 accounts, approximately 5% of users. Unfortunately, it's not a surprise that a hack of this scope happened. And now here it is. A Docker Hub database has been raided-- hashed passwords and access keys stol … | Continue reading
Some users of the Docker Hub container registry need to change their credentials, inspect their logs and reboot their autobuilds, as Docker has disclosed that an unknown party temporarily gained unauthorized entry to a Docker Hub database, and was able to access sensitive data fr … | Continue reading
As Kubernetes has become more popular, so has the recognition that the developer experience is less than ideal, requiring developers to gain a lot of expertise in operations to become productive. Cloud Code is part of Google’s plan, along with Cloud Build and Cloud Run, to make K … | Continue reading
On April 2, the Puget Sound Programming Python (PuPPy) users group in Seattle brought together a historic panel of software engineers to discuss the craft of creating and maintaining programming languages. On hand were Guido van Rossum (creator of the Python programming language) … | Continue reading
Cloud native application architectures help developers deliver amazing experiences to their customers around the world. They do this by taking advantage of billions in cloud provider investments, which provide nearly unlimited and on-demand resources spread across hundreds of dat … | Continue reading
Twistlock sponsored this post. If you listen to most folks talk about microservices, you’ll notice that they tend to discuss them as an either-or proposition: either you refactor your app to run on microservices or you stick with your monolith. It’s easy to understand why people … | Continue reading
When I first started out with programming, I struggled. It wasn’t the concepts, or the seemingly endless array of tools and platforms and libraries that needed to be learned. I had the aptitude, and maybe more importantly the liking, for the work. All of that was achievable. The … | Continue reading
LaunchDarkly sponsored this post. Feature Management creates a new kind of feedback loop for product development. We can see how the changes we make affect user behavior and business results. We can analyze behavior data to get a better sense of what works for users, and what doe … | Continue reading
The Apache Software Foundation’s latest top-level project, Airflow, workflow automation and scheduling stem for Big Data processing pipelines, already is in use at more than 200 organizations, including Adobe, Airbnb, Paypal, Square, Twitter and United Airlines. | Continue reading
Big changes are coming to the Go community in 2019. To learn more, we spoke with Steve Francia, who joined Google in 2016 to become its product lead for Go, and to handle developer relations for the popular programming language. | Continue reading
If you want to stick it out and do everything for free on your own, the stack is there for you to do it. You can run any number of Linux distributions, spin up Kubernetes from the command line, and then deal with the morass of ensuring all of your developers have compatible and s … | Continue reading
Testing is often the most arduous part of development — and something programmers are more and more responsible for in the world of DevOps and individual code ownership. As pieces of code become increasingly smaller and more distributed, there’s also a greater need to invest in a … | Continue reading
Semaphore sponsored this post, which has been brought to you by the Semaphore CI/CD platform. John Arundel is a consultant and co-author of “Cloud Native DevOps with Kubernetes: Building, Deploying, and Scaling Modern Applications in the Cloud” (with Justin Domingus). Wojtek Cich … | Continue reading
Simone Giertz may be the internet's favorite amateur roboticist, a familiar face to many for her series of funny YouTube videos. But her inspiring stories building technology have now turned into an even bigger story about bravery in the face of a major medical procedure.And she' … | Continue reading
At the re:Invent conference in December 2018, Amazon has launched AWS App Mesh, a managed service mesh platform for ECS, EKS, and Fargate. AWS App Mesh makes it easy to manage and monitor microservices. | Continue reading
How many times in the software industry have you heard developers fight over which programming language is better? How many times have you heard about that one pattern that will fix all of our problems moving forward? We as an industry are very tribal when it comes to our technol … | Continue reading
Agile is one of the most common development methodologies — and one of the most commonly mis-implemented. So it's not surprising that the world of online programmers responded strongly to the release of an informative new document from the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) offerin … | Continue reading
Last year, Red Hat formally launched the Operator Framework, a way to customize the APIs of Kubernetes for specific applications. With the Operator Framework, originally developed by CoreOS before the company was purchased by Red Hat, users can spin up an application, with all of … | Continue reading
Amoeba were able to generate solutions to a notoriously tough math puzzle known as the "traveling salesman problem" (TSP), and therefore, may someday help to form the basis for energy-efficient, biological computers that use biological components, such as DNA or proteins, for com … | Continue reading
Getting the performance and security benefits of HTTP/2 for sites and services meant making architectural changes because it upended principles like sharding that had been used to improve web site performance; that may be why only around 35 percent of websites currently use HTTP/ … | Continue reading
With open source software becoming more and more a requirement for job searchers, job seekers are finding that it is critical to becoming a part of this community. Many would rather see a GitHub profile than a CV. But currently, only about 10 percent of open source contributors … | Continue reading
There is a lot of information out there regarding Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD). Multiple blog posts attempt to explain in technical terms what these methodologies do and how they can help your organization. Unfortunately, in several cases, both methodo … | Continue reading
Improvements in artificial intelligence and advances in robotic technologies have finally made performance-enhancing exoskeletons a reality. They're already being used to rehabilitate injuries, while other suits can now even offer superhuman strength. | Continue reading
While git has long been used as a way to manage team-driven software prjects, it can also be used for other enterprise-level projects as well. | Continue reading
Portworx sponsored this podcast. T-Mobile knows a thing or two about how waves of traffic can put a strain on an e-commerce website. At least twice a year its site gets inundated by customers and potential customers — In October each year when the new phones are released, and aga … | Continue reading
In a microservices architecture, you have the flexibility to choose the best database for each service. | Continue reading
What is a dashboard? Something readily visible to everyone that needs it that shows how something is functioning or progressing. When used right — whether on a car, aircraft or DevOps team — a dashboard is simple to read at a glance and a very powerful way to know you’re heading … | Continue reading
Kelsey Hightower, a developer advocate at Google, was interviwed in a podcast hosted by Alex Williams, founder and editor-in-chief of The New Stack, recorded at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2018. | Continue reading
It’s that time of year when technology reporters tackle the ultimate big data question — what just happened? — as we take a step back and survey some of the technology stories from 2018. But as well-meaning futurists attempt a massive MapReduce on life itself, our quiet advances … | Continue reading
For the last 24 years computer science legend Donald Knuth has been delivering an annual Christmas lecture at Stanford University, where he’s a professor emeritus. Over the last few years, videos have begun quietly appearing on the web, letting the rest of the world watch, which … | Continue reading
Traditional infrastructure providers such as Cisco, VMware, HPE, Dell and Nutanix have always sold infrastructure solutions to IT departments. They never dealt with the application layer and lack the intellectual property and experience. | Continue reading
The state of open source in 2018, and especially, the IBM's Red Hat purchase, were discussed in this podcast with Rachel Stephens, an analyst with of RedMonk, and Michael Coté, director, marketing, at Pivotal Software, hosted by Libby Clark, editorial director, and Alex Williams, … | Continue reading