Before-and-after footage of river restoration project sparks hope for salmon: 'To help save these iconic species'

"The most beautiful part of it, to me, was that almost instantaneously the animals came back." Before-and-after footage of river restoration project sparks hope for salmon: 'To help save these iconic species' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

American multinational energy company set to pay a staggering $4M fine following widespread surveillance: 'Too many are failing to comply'

"Bad actors will cause greater federal and state regulation of the entire oil and gas industry as ozone levels rise and public health suffers." American multinational energy company set to pay a staggering $4M fine following widespread surveillance: 'Too many are failing to … | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Concerned student snaps photos of landscaping 'monstrosities' on university campus: 'It's sad'

"A college that large should have someone on staff who knows what the heck they're doing." Concerned student snaps photos of landscaping 'monstrosities' on university campus: 'It's sad' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Tesla just hit a major milestone with its Supercharger network — here's what it means for drivers

It's also a boost for those who have bought electric vehicles from other brands. Tesla just hit a major milestone with its Supercharger network — here's what it means for drivers first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

New report details how traditional HVAC systems are taking a backseat in the Northeast — here's why that's important

The trend stretches across the United States. New report details how traditional HVAC systems are taking a backseat in the Northeast — here's why that's important first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

New study uncovers impact of disappearing ice in Greenland: 'It is an important topic'

The study could help scientists better understand the climate system as a whole. New study uncovers impact of disappearing ice in Greenland: 'It is an important topic' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Homeowner searches for answers after neighbor destroys garden: 'To me the garden was priceless'

"I'm sorry that happened." Homeowner searches for answers after neighbor destroys garden: 'To me the garden was priceless' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

FDA approves first-ever gene-edited meat to be sold in stores: 'To improve the way that we feed people'

People have understandable criticisms of genetic engineering that need demystifying. It's crucial to demonstrate how precise and controlled gene editing is compared to previous methods. FDA approves first-ever gene-edited meat to be sold in stores: 'To improve the way that w … | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Fresh off dropping mic with two surprise car announcements, Rivian CEO dishes on R2's massive efficiency level-up, big pre-order numbers: 'Excitement that even exceeds our own expectations'

The R2 and the two surprise new R3 models boast features that will make Rivian SUVs among the most sustainable on the market. Fresh off dropping mic with two surprise car announcements, Rivian CEO dishes on R2's massive efficiency level-up, big pre-order numbers: 'Excit … | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Solar panel manufacturer announces ambitious plans for panel recycling: 'A very important step'

Solar power is vital to supply clean, pollution-free energy to citizens as we transition away from polluting dirty fuel. Recycling solar panels just makes the process even more sustainable. Solar panel manufacturer announces ambitious plans for panel recycling: 'A very impor … | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Lawmakers issue warning about dangerous scheme riddling energy sector: 'There is no incentive to ensure the accuracy'

The move to greener, more sustainable energy sources will be far slower if companies continue to get away with it. Lawmakers issue warning about dangerous scheme riddling energy sector: 'There is no incentive to ensure the accuracy' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Style expert shares hot takes on 'major shifts' happening in fashion: 'I absolutely love this current trend'

"All three of these shifts go hand in hand to make fashion more accessible, easier, and better for the environment, too." Style expert shares hot takes on 'major shifts' happening in fashion: 'I absolutely love this current trend' first appeared on The Cool Do … | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Homeowner at their wit's end with neighbor's invasive problem: 'Only things I can think of are probably not legal'

The plants just came back with a vengeance. Homeowner at their wit's end with neighbor's invasive problem: 'Only things I can think of are probably not legal' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Shopper sparks envy after sharing their 'epic' find at local thrift store: 'This thing probably cost me less than $10'

"I have been manifesting [one] for months." Shopper sparks envy after sharing their 'epic' find at local thrift store: 'This thing probably cost me less than $10' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Home expert shares simple methods that can lower your electric bill by 25%: 'It can really save you a lot of money'

"A little bit of sustainability can save you money." Home expert shares simple methods that can lower your electric bill by 25%: 'It can really save you a lot of money' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Your retirement account could be financing problems for your future — but a green 401(k) could help

"It's okay to continue with business as usual." Your retirement account could be financing problems for your future — but a green 401(k) could help first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Retrofitted cargo vessel powered by hydrogen fuel could revolutionize shipping industry: 'A clean solution is viable and profitable'

"We are thrilled to see a high-power container vessel being converted to zero-emission." Retrofitted cargo vessel powered by hydrogen fuel could revolutionize shipping industry: 'A clean solution is viable and profitable' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Mom shares her favorite uses for TicTac containers: 'Perfect for all that summer travel coming up'

"So many possibilities." Mom shares her favorite uses for TicTac containers: 'Perfect for all that summer travel coming up' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Record-breaking winter threatens local economies in Midwest: 'It's been a weird weather pattern'

The number of concurrent years of low ice aligns with consistently warmer global temperatures. Record-breaking winter threatens local economies in Midwest: 'It's been a weird weather pattern' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

A major compromise made by the Biden administration could have lasting implications — here's what you need to know

Trump has declared that he would roll the rules back entirely if he wins. A major compromise made by the Biden administration could have lasting implications — here's what you need to know first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

State rail authority mock-ups offer exciting glimpse into of future high-speed train project: 'Can't wait'

"There is a long process to be navigated from these initial concepts to the actual trains to be built." State rail authority mock-ups offer exciting glimpse into of future high-speed train project: 'Can't wait' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Homeowner prepares to challenge HOA's complaint about their lawn: 'Who knows what set them off'

"Could you possibly get petitions to update HOA rules?" Homeowner prepares to challenge HOA's complaint about their lawn: 'Who knows what set them off' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Residents of tech hub city suffer as resources grow scarce and prices spike: 'We now need to book water tankers two days in advance'

"My plants are dying and I'm taking alternate-day showers." Residents of tech hub city suffer as resources grow scarce and prices spike: 'We now need to book water tankers two days in advance' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Nature educator explains how small gardening project can have profound impact: 'Where do I start?'

"It'll bring so much joy and happiness and purpose in your life." Nature educator explains how small gardening project can have profound impact: 'Where do I start?' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Homeowner sparks concerns after sharing their plans to remove lawn for gravel yard: 'Just know that some maintenance is required'

"No matter what you do, you will have some." Homeowner sparks concerns after sharing their plans to remove lawn for gravel yard: 'Just know that some maintenance is required' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Frustrated employee shares photos of ironic product provided in office break room: 'What's the point then?'

"It looks like it may not be real..." Frustrated employee shares photos of ironic product provided in office break room: 'What's the point then?' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Homeowner frustrated after finding their garden was vandalized for second time in a month: 'Who in the world has time to rip out trees?'

"The worst my neighbors have done is call my place an abomination, which is disheartening enough!" Homeowner frustrated after finding their garden was vandalized for second time in a month: 'Who in the world has time to rip out trees?' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Scientists warn Amazon Rainforest is in more danger than previously thought: 'This tipping point is closer than other studies estimated'

It is difficult to map exactly what a collapse of the Amazon would mean, but it is certain it would be heavily disruptive to not only the world but also the millions of people who live there. Scientists warn Amazon Rainforest is in more danger than previously thought: 'This … | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Expert shares why common 'trouble' plant should be immediately removed from yards: 'If you see it … trash it'

"It's taken over huge areas of our woods." Expert shares why common 'trouble' plant should be immediately removed from yards: 'If you see it … trash it' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Photos showing neighbor's 'incredible' and lush front yard garden spark envy: 'How many years of gardening to get it to that level of lovely?'

"This is amazing!" Photos showing neighbor's 'incredible' and lush front yard garden spark envy: 'How many years of gardening to get it to that level of lovely?' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

CDC deploys overhaul of surveillance methods to monitor one infectious disease — here's why

"[It] is integral to being able to understand how disease frequency is changing, and if it's changing." CDC deploys overhaul of surveillance methods to monitor one infectious disease — here's why first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Researchers make unbelievable discovery of new 'alien-looking' ocean species 14,000 feet deep: 'A different type of ecosystem'

"Most of the Earth's biosphere, 99% of all livable space on our planet, is under water." Researchers make unbelievable discovery of new 'alien-looking' ocean species 14,000 feet deep: 'A different type of ecosystem' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Inexperienced gardener seeks advice after strange fungus grows in raised garden bed: 'I was scared to see this'

"I'll make plenty of mistakes, but this one hurt." Inexperienced gardener seeks advice after strange fungus grows in raised garden bed: 'I was scared to see this' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Homeowner shares photo of inadvisable landscaping mistake promoted by local company: 'This has definitely caused damage'

"Caught this one in a concrete ad for a local company." Homeowner shares photo of inadvisable landscaping mistake promoted by local company: 'This has definitely caused damage' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Hiker shares photos after stumbling upon aftermath of possible gender reveal deep in woods: 'Animals die from this'

The garbage not only polluted the environment but also created an extreme hazard for area fauna. Hiker shares photos after stumbling upon aftermath of possible gender reveal deep in woods: 'Animals die from this' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Scientists make concerning discovery while studying human placentas: 'That's not good'

"If we are seeing effects on placentas, then all mammalian life on this planet could be impacted." Scientists make concerning discovery while studying human placentas: 'That's not good' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Woman warns fellow national park tourist getting dangerously close to elk: 'Thank you for saying something'

"This could be fatal." Woman warns fellow national park tourist getting dangerously close to elk: 'Thank you for saying something' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Biochemists deploy AI to develop dairy alternative from pineapples and cabbage: 'It tasted exactly like milk'

For some, switching to plant-based foods is not viable because they simply don't like the taste. Biochemists deploy AI to develop dairy alternative from pineapples and cabbage: 'It tasted exactly like milk' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Company receives millions for its novel 3D graphene battery technology for EVs: 'We could go faster'

"The U.S. has an opportunity to gain the lead in technological breakthroughs necessary to overcome barriers holding back mass scale electrification." Company receives millions for its novel 3D graphene battery technology for EVs: 'We could go faster' first appeared on T … | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Renter returns home to 'awful' scene after landlord's yard maintenance: 'Cannot imagine doing this to my tenant'

Landscaping tends to stir the pot of conflict between tenants and landlords. Renter returns home to 'awful' scene after landlord's yard maintenance: 'Cannot imagine doing this to my tenant' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Woman transforms her home with one-of-a-kind finds from local thrift stores: 'Your vision is astounding'

"Well, call me inspired." Woman transforms her home with one-of-a-kind finds from local thrift stores: 'Your vision is astounding' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Reel mowers vs. gas mowers — why one option is better for your grass, your bank account, and the planet

Each option impacts our planet differently. Reel mowers vs. gas mowers — why one option is better for your grass, your bank account, and the planet first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Scientists develop promising prototype for self-sufficient floating farm system: 'The ocean's bountiful water supply is a clear solution'

The structure increased energy efficiency while reducing construction and maintenance costs, and it created more space for the crops. Scientists develop promising prototype for self-sufficient floating farm system: 'The ocean's bountiful water supply is a clear solution … | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Striking before-and-after photos of capital city's transformation spark hope: 'Change for the better takes time'

'It's wild how some people can look at the two photos and say the left one is better." Striking before-and-after photos of capital city's transformation spark hope: 'Change for the better takes time' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Travel agent shares mind-blowing hack to increase the longevity of your suitcases: 'This is such a great tip'

"Throw them in your luggage when you're home and unpacked." Travel agent shares mind-blowing hack to increase the longevity of your suitcases: 'This is such a great tip' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

First-of-its-kind skyscraper is transforming how its residents live: 'The technology is now with us'

"We're hoping that by leading by example, our industry peers will come along with us." First-of-its-kind skyscraper is transforming how its residents live: 'The technology is now with us' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

City transforms old streetlights into an incredible new resource for commuters: 'An elegant solution'

The solution comes from Ubitricity and Siemens. City transforms old streetlights into an incredible new resource for commuters: 'An elegant solution' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Startup develops next generation fast-charging EV battery using surprising material: 'New solutions can be found from waste'

"Natural resources are already very limited." Startup develops next generation fast-charging EV battery using surprising material: 'New solutions can be found from waste' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 6 months ago