We Talk About Engagement, Why Can’t We Talk About This?

In this ever-changing world of work, I'm going to go out on the proverbial limb and vote for stability | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

What Inclusion Looks Like

In the UK, soccer is by far the most popular sport. But in the best, most elite boys’ schools (Eton, Harrow, Winchester, etc) they tend not to play soccer, but rugby instead. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Want Happier Customers?

You’ve always worked hard, you’ve always been a good kid, and now you want to get on. You want to avoid wasting time and you want to avoid being crushed. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Nobody wants to be informed by a glorified ATM machine that they have six months to live

Why? Because it’s human. There’s no way a robot or a low-paid intern or an algorithm intern could fake Austin’s voice, so nobody bothers to try. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Now you know why you hate some of the kids you grew up with

It’s a quirky thing: People compare themselves to their neighbors just as much in super-affluent neighborhoods as they do in regular neighborhoods. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Why Your Ideas Die

The thing about working for big orgs is that they have lots of layers.And these layers are there for many reasons, but one reason they’re NOT there for is saying “yes”. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Q&A with Brian Solis – Lifescale: How to Live a More Creative, Productive and Happy Life

In Lifescale I’m sharing a personal journey to understand, work through and solve the challenge of my own digital distractions and even addiction to share that journey with readers. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Why Words do Matter

In the absence of a well-defined language, behaviors and outcomes are unclear. And, after all, there is no reason for organizational culture to exist if it doesn’t drive better operational outcomes. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Consciousness Is The New Battleground

A lovely article in The Spectator states the obvious: that if you want to live long and happily, for heaven’s sake, keep your brain occupied. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Mission Possible

There’s an old saying in the film business: a movie is only as good as the reasons for making it. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Alchemy: The Surprising Power of Ideas that don’t make Sense by Rory Sutherland

Here’s a very simple question. Imagine you are present at a board meeting where a group of people put forward a tightly-costed, well-argued proposal for the design of a new railway station | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

The Key To Organizational Success

It’s not just about solving the problem at hand, it’s also about first dealing with the complexity, silos and bureaucracy parts of any large company… | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Why your ego can be your worst enemy

This is why it’s become quite common nowadays for CEOs to forgo the executive suite, and work in normal cubicles, the same as everyone else. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

The Miracle of Sudden Insight

One of the greatest gifts we have are these sudden, life-changing, life-defining moments of clarity. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

The number one secret to great leadership

People are comfortable with facts and data in business, and very uncomfortable with the squishy stuff. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Why Innovation = Influence

This is another way of saying, it doesn’t matter how good your idea is if you can’t get buy-in from other people and if other people don’t like you or take you seriously. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Why it’s not enough for the customer to love your product

What really gets people fired up is Ideas - Narrative - Meaning. Giving people the opportunity to tell, or be part of a great story. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Memories Are Meaning

Learn more about Memories Are Meaning from Gapingvoid, the leaders in workplace culture consulting and making work more meaningful! 305-763-8503 | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Do you want to have it all?

In many production and services businesses, there’s the old saying, “Cheap. Fast. Good. Pick two.” | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Do you want to be part of something larger?

for all that independent spirit, they also like being part of something larger… in terms of meaning, and in terms of the system. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

What Mortality Does To The Mind.

You start thinking about the people around you, and the people who will still be around once you’re gone, and what you are leaving behind. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Be Careful What You Wish For

Most entrepreneurs are happy to claim that they’ll do “whatever it takes” to win. It appears that Ms. Holmes actually meant it. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

What makes life worth living?

You pay to be alive. In full. And you pay for it in the coin commonly known as “suffering”. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Why the messenger gets shot

Apparently, you can say “don’t shoot the messenger” all you want, it’ll make no difference.The research is in, people shoot the messenger, anyway. The poor dears can’t help it. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Make Your Meetings A Safe Space For Honest Conversation

Here’s a novel idea: that “safety” and “productivity” are interrelated.I.e. the less psychologically stressed people feel in a meeting, the easier it will be to get something productive out of it. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Seeing The World Anew

The advertising business is notorious for only hiring young people. To have a job in the creative department over the age of fifty is pretty unheard of. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

The one thing best performers always do

When they get to the top of Everest, the usual thing is to stay half an hour and then head on down, before it gets too dark and or before the weather changes for the worse. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

How to leverage the laws of nature to build better outcomes.

Competition, against ourselves or against others, is what gets the best results from us.But so does collaboration.How does that work? | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

You really do need to pick yourself

Watch the NFL playoffs, and think about how little in control of their destinies the average player is. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Let’s dance with infinity

We love this blog post from Seth. He’s totally right, the digital age does allow us to“Dance with infinity”, i.e. hope our product reaches an infinite number of people, which if we worry about for too long, can be unhealthy.    | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Want to know how to manage yourself?

The benefits of working remotely are pretty easy to grasp. Being able to work from home, not having to commute, not having to sell your house and move cross country to start a new job | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Does Your Work Matter?

Meaningful work is the stuff we actually care about. Busy work is the peripheral stuff like filing emails, form filling, re-documenting your work, justifying something for the third time | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Emotions Come First Every Time…No Matter the Consequences

Organizations are made up of people. And people will always, always, always put their own personal baggage ahead, over the priorities of the organization | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

How To Frame A Crisis

empathy has a lot to do with how you frame a problem. And how you frame a problem often decides whether it gets taken care of or not. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

What does CNN, FOX and Haagen Dazs have in common?

Although we love it and can afford it, most of us adults eat ice cream only now and then. A few pints a month, tops. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Do you really want to be successful?

People think that the reason organizations are successful is because they’re bigger, meaner, and or smarter than the other guys. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

‘Soft Skills’ are the ones you really cannot learn

Lots of things can be taught, especially if we’re talking skills, but 'soft skills' are something you either have or don’t. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Inclusion: It’s about norms, not policy

The world is a very scary place. Being human is a very scary undertaking. There’s a lot that can go wrong out there. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Why Employees Lose Their Motivation

in modern business parlance, motivation accounts for roughly 40% of a project’s success. Without motivation, you’re basically running at half-tank. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Your boss didn’t take the Culture Design 101 Class…and it’s okay

Everybody has been talking about Digital Transformation for so long, it's starting to feel a bit quaint. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Why you can make $1.2 million a year and still feel broke

“I feel like I’m wasting my life,” he told me. “When I die, is anyone going to care that I earned an extra percentage point of return? | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Want Some Great Advice?

A very successful business woman once said, “The people in your business matter far more than what specific business you’re in.” | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

How to transcend the daily drudgery

This is why there’s religion. This is why there’s Star Wars. This is why there’s politics. This is why there’s Crossfit. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

You wouldn’t ask Mozart what notes he’d use would you?

When you hire a world-class carpenter, you let him get on with it, his way. You don’t stand behind his shoulder, telling him which screwdriver to use. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

There are only two ways to go

The fact is, we need both. Sometimes we need to be alone in order to get “deep work” done, other times we need something more open and sociable. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

The Financial Upside of Being an Optimist

Learn more about The Financial Upside of Being an Optimist from Gapingvoid, the leaders in workplace culture consulting and making work more meaningful! 305-763-8503 | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

The Only Way to Win

So, if business is your game and you’re hoping to beat the odds, expect more ethnic and neurodiversity | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago

Why people question your competency?

Learn more about Why people question your competency? from Gapingvoid, the leaders in workplace culture consulting and making work more meaningful! 305-763-8503 | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 5 years ago