On Donald Knuth's 2017 Christmas Tree lecture: 'curious' combinatorial geometry

In 1962, 24-year-old Donald Knuth started writing “The Art of Computer Programming“ — and he’s still working on it. Revered among programmers, the book is “widely considered to be among the best scientific writings of the century,” according to one web page at Stanford (where Knu … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Semmle’s Insights Signal a Gestalt Shift in Security

Semmle’s QL product is an analytics engine that not only pulls data from different databases together, but creates structured data out of code. It not only translates code into data, it also includes the data libraries for each of the languages in their query engine, allowing the … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

DeepMind's new milestones on the road to Artificial General Intelligence

This month researchers revealed that a computer had taught itself how to beat everyone else in chess — in less than 24 hours. As our computing power continues to improve, it’s now prompting technology watchers to ask: Are we on the cusp of major breakthroughs in artificial intell … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

The wedding and the 3D printer

New open source technologies continue to change our world in unexpected ways. So maybe it was inevitable that they would eventually find its way into one of our society’s most personal of rituals — and one of its most expensive: the wedding ceremony. Erin Winick, an associate edi … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

This Week in Programming: Like Winning the Lottery

Dear developer, we are pleased to inform you that you have won the lottery. You entered the drawing some time back in the late 20th century, just by being born, being interested in computers and being capable of programming them. At least that’s how now-defunct Posterous co-found … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Memory-Centric Architectures: What’s Next for In-Memory Computing

Major corporate initiatives, including digital business transformation, omnichannel marketing and real-time regulatory compliance, take a variety of forms, including web-scale applications, IoT projects and mobile apps. Each of these activities requires organizations to support r … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

How Firecracker Is Going to Set Modern Infrastructure on Fire

One of the most exciting announcements from last week’s AWS re:Invent was Firecracker — an open source project that delivers the speed of containers with the security of VMs. It’s the same technology that Amazon uses for AWS Lambda and AWS Fargate, and it has the potential to dis … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Kubernetes Pioneer Tim Hockin on What’s Real and What’s Not

In this Semaphore-sponsored, Tim Hockin, one of the originators of Kubernetes, is interviewed. | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Solving Kubernetes Configuration Woes with a Custom Controller – The New Stack

Since Kubernetes normally reconciles your desired state for you, a typical user might assume that updating a ConfigMap or Secret will make applications load the new configuration. Since this is not the case, it is very easy for a user to update a ConfigMap or Secret and not repla … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Post-apocalyptic computing with Jeri Ellsworth’s home-brewed chips

There’s nothing geeks admire more than good old-fashioned do-it-yourself “bootstrapping.” So Jeri Ellsworth, the Oregon woman who, among other things, has been home-brewing her own microchips, is a bit of a tech hero to us. We found out about Ellsworth from an Ontario-based softw … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Meet 'Yanu', an AI-powered cloud-based robot bartender

As our technology advances, it's bringing improvements to an array of everyday activities. But what happens when a cloud-based AI takes over the bar at your local airport?That's the vision of Robolab, an Estonia-based robotics startups which just raised over $1 million for Yanu, … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Will Kubernetes Sink the Hadoop Ship?

YARN limits users to Hadoop and Java focused tools while recent years have shown an uptake in post Hadoop data science frameworks including microservices and Python-based tools. So what if a user doesn’t want to give up on Hadoop but still enjoy modern AI microservices?The answer … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Aqua’s ‘Guardrails’ for Securing Serverless Containers, Functions

Aqua recently released Aqua CSP v3.5, its cloud-native security platform, adding protection for serverless containers and serverless functions.. | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Untangle Dependencies in Java Module Systems

From a consumer perspective it is best to depend on single functionalities but from a producer’s perspective, this is an unmanageable approach.We'll show you the easiest way manage Java dependencies. | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Time to Break Out of Your VMs. For Containers, Home Is Where the Bare Metal Is

There’s no denying that hardware virtualization was one of the greatest data center innovations of the last 25 years, and you’ll find VMs running in a majority of global 2000 enterprise data centers today. But that doesn’t mean you should run your containers on VMs. VMware CEO Pa … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Managing State in Serverless

For Confluent product manager Gwen Shapira, serverless technologies, as they are used by developers, are like a fixie bike. “Hipsters love these bikes because they are simple, but then you hit a hill and you understand why you need gears,” Shapira says. Here's some of her tips, f … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Linux Foundation Launches a Foundation for the Ceph File System

Just in time for this week's OpenStack Summit in Berlin, the Linux Foundation has launched the Ceph Foundation, which will "organize and distribute financial contributions in a coordinated, vendor-neutral fashion for immediate community benefit," according to a Linux Foundation s … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

The 44-year-old operating system bug

This month computer enthusiast Foone Turing stumbled across what he describes as a bug that's survived for over 44 years — one that left him with a file that was impossible to copy. | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

The past, present, and future of 'Asteroids'

Next year will mark the 40th anniversary of the classic arcade game "Asteroids." But the internet has already seen some fond tributes and remembrances to a videogame that's earned it place in the early history of computers -- and in the lives of the young geeks who went on to bec … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

What It Means to Be a ‘Serverless Native’

Stackery sponsored this post. We’ve all heard of digital natives: those born in the 1990s or later who don’t remember a time before the internet, streaming music and movies, online shopping and generally having all of the world’s information at their fingertips. I’ll try to avoid … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

3 Reasons Why API Management Is Dead

Last month at our inaugural Kong Summit, I declared on stage that API management is dead. As incredulous as you are reading this now, the crowd was just as curious about what I meant. There are three reasons why I believe that API management as we know it today will cease to exis … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Why Netflix Rolled Its Own Node.js Functions-As-a-Service Runtime

The New Stack spoke with Yunong Xiao, a software engineer at Netflix and design/architecture lead for the Netflix API Platform, about the company’s experience rolling their own in-house Functions as a Service capabilities. | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Tiny JavaScript games from the JS13k games competition

A unique competition offers JavaScript programmers a chance to stretch their skills while also having some fun. This year nearly 300 games were submitted for the 7th Annual js13kGames competition — each one with a file size less than 13kB. | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Reddit CTO: Stick to Boring Tech When Building Your Startup

So you have a great idea for the next great startup. What technologies and processes do you use to make it happen as painlessly as possible? More importantly, how will you make sure it scales as your business takes off? There are technologies that help your system scale quickly, … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Brown M&Ms and maintaining someone else's code

The thing that never gets mentioned is how, once you’re good enough at (Whatever Programming Language) to actually be hirable, you’re not going to get hired to build new stuff. | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

The geeks who use alternate keyboard layouts

When you look at the life of programmers, they spend a lot of time on their keyboards. But there are hundreds of thousands of people who’ve abandoned the traditional “Qwerty” layout — and are searching for something better. In May the BBC noted the Dvorak layout “has a cult follo … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

TLS token-binding standard gains a foothold on the Web

Token Binding is an extension to TLS (the secure protocol used for https connections) to provide stronger web authentication and longer, more robust sessions. It’s one of the foundations of the FIDO2 and W3C WebAuthentication standards, and it’s being deprecated in Chrome just as … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

How Atlassian Uses Feature Management to Continuously Deliver

LaunchDarkly sponsored this post. To remain competitive with other developer tools and collaboration platforms, Atlassian pushes teams to constantly improve existing functionality and release new features on a regular basis. So dev and ops teams are using feature management as a … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Honeycomb’s Charity Majors: Go Ahead, Test in Production

Continuing to question the traditional wisdom that software changes should be tested in their own sandbox environment,  Charity Majors, CEO of observability software provider Honeycomb.io, spoke to the audience at Gremlin's chaos engineering conference last week, ChaosConf about … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

The troubled legacy of Terry Davis, “God's lonely programmer”

He led a life that was strange yet inspiring. A young Terry Davis graduated from Arizona State University 26 years ago with a 3.63 GPA. His SAT score was 1440. He started his IT career at Ticketmaster in 1990 working on the company’s VAX operating system, but began struggling wit … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

How database indexes really work

InfluxData sponsored this post. I have a growing love of databases that leads me to ask a lot of questions about how they work, and my recent obsession is database indexes. Previously, I knew that if I wanted a particular column or field to be faster than the rest of them, I inde … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

The Future of Inner Source

As the number of computers, mobile phones, IoT devices, and sensors continues to grow so is the number of applications. Every company no matter their industry or size are rapidly becoming a software provider. Even traditional hardware or manufacturing companies turn to software t … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Netflix, LinkedIn and Gremlin Engineers Talk Chaos Engineering

LaunchDarkly sponsored this post. At LaunchDarkly, we host a monthly Test in Production Meetup in the Bay Area where we ask teams to show how they test in production and share learnings and best practices around doing it safely. We recently sat down with engineers from Netflix, L … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Use Service Virtualization to Trim SaaS Testing Costs – The New Stack

With service virtualization, you’ll actually be able to curb costs while also getting more testing coverage around your application. SmartBear's Daniel Giordano explains. | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Is Burning Man an Idealized Silicon Valley? - The New Stack

As gorgeous photos from this year’s Burning Man festival flood our social media feeds, way-weary burners may start to ask what it all had meant and if the annual festival holds some greater significance for the larger tech community. Fortunately, several thinkers have already com … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

As gorgeous photos from this year’s Burning Man festival flood our social media feeds, way-weary burners may start to ask what it all had meant and if the annual festival holds some greater significance for the larger tech community. Fortunately, several thinkers have already com … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Serverless Performance and Coldstarts

Stackery sponsored this post. There are many reasons to go serverless — but there are also many reasons not to. For example, in some cases, it’s not the cheapest alternative. You also often can’t move all our services to it. The fact that physical and virtual hosting has been tri … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Serverless Analytics: Metrics, Collection and Visibility

Analytics in serverless systems comprise three components: What data and metrics to collect How to collect data How to interpret and use the data. Let’s take a look at all three. What Data to Collect in Serverless Systems Nate Taggart, CEO and co-founder of the serverless managem … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

On its 30th anniversary, remembering the early days of IRC

We’ve just reached the 30th anniversary of the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) — making it one of the longest-lived communication protocols still in use on the internet today. It’s a time for not only sharing some memories, but also marveling at the traits that gave IRC its great longe … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Kubernetes vs. Docker Swarm: What’s the Difference? – The New Stack

Today, containerization has transformed how we deploy software and work with microservices. As the trend of working with Linux-based, virtual containers for developing applications continues to evolve, it has brought in higher demands for their management and deployment. Kubernet … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Ballerina: A Programming Language for Cloud Native Computing – The New Stack

WSo2 sponsored this article. The Ballerina programming language was born from a frustration of how to program an enterprise service bus (ESB), software designed to connect different enterprise applications. “We were working on improving our language for ESB configuration for a lo … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Brendan Eich on creating JavaScript in 10 days, what he'd do differently today

Millions of developers use a programming language today that was created in just 10 days during the hustle and bustle of the dotcom boom. JavaScript creator Brendan Eich revisited the roots of his language in some newly-released online videos, and explained how all the seeds he p … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Brendan Eich on creating JavaScript in 10 days, what he'd do differently today

Millions of developers use a programming language today that was created in just 10 days during the hustle and bustle of the dotcom boom. JavaScript creator Brendan Eich revisited the roots of his language in some newly-released online videos, and explained how all the seeds he p … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

3D Printed Diffractive Neural Network Processes Data at Speed of Light

There’s a lot of machine learning wrapped up into many of the bits of convenient technology we take for granted today: spam filters for our email inboxes, detecting fraud and counterfeits, as well as in data management. Of course, a lot of this machine learning magic happens invi … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Why Serverless Is Being Adopted at a Faster Rate Than Expected – The New Stack

Cloud Foundry sponsored this post. Serverless computing enables businesses to decrease production cycles, increase agility and move faster as they digitize. And it’s on the upswing. In fact, in our June 2018 report Where PaaS, Containers and Serverless Stand in a Multi-Platform W … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

CloudFlare JavaScript Workers and the Multicloud

Server-side JavaScript isn’t new; it’s been around as long as running JavaScript in clients like web browsers. The popularity of Node.js is making JavaScript on servers popular again, especially for constructs like Service Workers that don’t have any user interface. Service Worke … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Decagon AI Predicts New and Dangerous Drug Interactions – The New Stack

The miracle of modern medicine is that there’s a pill or some kind of dosing treatment to help manage a whole variety of physical ailments: infections, high blood pressure, diabetes, pain and hair loss. But there’s a dangerous side to this apparent abundance: these powerful pharm … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Netflix Builds a Pipeline for Polyglot Programming (2017)

Once Netflix was a Java shop, and its focus on one programming language allowed the company to streamline its pipeline so developers to speed code to production as quickly as possible. But programmers at the video streaming service have been increasingly using languages other tha … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago