Q&A Scalyr's Steve Newman: Faster Log Queries, Scalable App Monitoring

You may not know Steve Newman‘s name, but chances are you’ve come into contact with his work. He was one of the brains behind Google Docs, the base technology of which Google obtained in its purchase of Newman’s Writely. After settling the technology into Google, he left Google t … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

A Look at Vim, a Text Editor for the Ages

When it comes to the most popular text editor on Linux systems, some history is hidden in plain sight. In text files scattered around the web — and through the occasional YouTube video — it’s possible to trace the early history of the Unix-based text editors that went on to becom … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Kubernetes Design and Development Explained

The Linux Foundation sponsored this post. This article is part of a series by speakers at the upcoming Open Source Summit, coming to Vancouver August 29-31. See below for more info. Kubernetes is quickly becoming the de facto way to deploy workloads on distributed systems. In thi … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Code N00b: How to Answer Stack Overflow Questions Without Being a Jerk

One of my just-graduated summer students is serious about moving forward with JavaScript, and so I pointed her toward resources for further learning. Among them, Stack Overflow, which I recommended wholeheartedly for help whenever she got stuck and couldn’t Google her way out of … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Anne Currie of Container Solutions Talks Ethics – The New Stack

Anne Currie Chief Strategist, Container Solutions, has been thinking about some of the deeper questions the software industry poses. These questions aren’t just about interconnected systems and the repercussions of everyone having access to the Internet. Rather, they’re about the … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

The people pushing for a decentralized web

Some ambitious tech pioneers are already taking steps towards building a new, decentralized web. As August began, the non-profit Internet Archive convened the Decentralized Web Summit in San Francisco, promising appearances by “the creators and builders of the original Internet a … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Can Containers Help Developers Save the World?

There’s no doubt the ethics of our jobs in tech are making more and more headlines. So much of the debate surrounds the area of big data — but what about the environment? Could containers systems like Docker and Kubernetes allow developers to reduce electricity and save the world … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Project Flogo: A Lightweight Runtime for Edge Computing – The New Stack

The rise of edge computing marks the beginning of the next wave for enterprise Internet of Things platforms. Major public cloud providers — AWS, Google, and Microsoft — have extended their IoT platforms to the edge. For customers, edge computing is an extension of the public clou … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

This Week in Programming: Lazy Programmers and Long Load Times – The New Stack

This last week, I reignited what has been one of my longest, ongoing freelance web design gigs — handling whatever whim I can possibly put into code for my father’s business. I’ve been doing it, at least according to my LinkedIn, since 2001, back when dial-up still ruled the rath … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Code N00b: Throwing the Book at ‘Em

Fairly often I am asked to recommend resources for learning computer programming and web development. There are multiple online resources I wholeheartedly endorse — Gordon Zhu’s Watch and Code for JavaScript, Smashing Magazine for more advanced front-end web dev tutorials, Free C … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Microservices Monitor Prometheus Emerges from CNCF Incubation

Software originally created by SoundCloud to monitor a complex set of dynamically-provisioned software services has graduated from an incubation program sponsored by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). Prometheus is the second open source software program to graduate fr … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

The Role of Machine Learning in Data Management – The New Stack

The proliferation of new modern applications built upon Hadoop and NoSQL creates new operational challenges for IT teams regarding security, compliance, and workflow resulting in barriers to broader adoption of Hadoop and NoSQL. Unprecedented data volume and the complexity of man … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Questions for Evaluating a Distributed Database

When I first started building TiDB with my co-founders, we encountered countless challenges, pitfalls, and critical design choices that could have made or broken the project. To build an enterprise-grade distributed database like TiDB from scratch, we have to constantly make diff … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Deep Learning Drone Detects Fights, Bombs, Shootings in Crowds

An international team of researchers from the United Kingdom and India have developed a drone surveillance system that would use computer vision and deep learning AI technology to automatically detect when violence occurs in public places, such as physical fights breaking out amo … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Brian Kernighan remembers the origins of ‘grep’

This month saw the release of a fascinating oral history, in which 76-year-old Brian Kernighan remembers the origins of the Unix command grep. Kernighan is already a legend in the world of Unix — recognized as the man who coined the term Unix back in 1970. His last initial also b … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Measuring Success in Game Development – The New Stack

I’m still on my personal mission to explore and understand the value of metrics as a fundamental part of tech. We’ve entered an age of instrumentation, and I feel like I’ve been left behind. I’ve seen metrics used to monitor complex systems, analyze behavior (including that of so … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Is the JetBrains’ IntelliJ the Real Android Monopoly?

This week the European Union fined Google €4.3 billion ($5 billion) for abusing Android’s dominant position in the mobile device market. The argument is the same one used against Microsoft 20 years ago — that “forcing” OEM manufacturers to bundle its browser gives it an undue adv … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Talking Up Kubernetes with Rancher – The New Stack

Shannon Williams has played a very hands-on role in launching software for over 20 years. Recently, after observing the power and potential of containerization, Williams co-founded Rancher Labs in 2014, after successfully creating Cloud.com (now owned by Citrix Systems). Since 20 … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

The Big Data Debate: Batch versus Stream Processing – The New Stack

While data is the new currency in today’s digital economy, it’s still a struggle to keep pace with the changes in enterprise data and the growing business demands for information. That’s why companies are liberating data from legacy infrastructures by moving over to the cloud to … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

What is Machine Learning

Remember the movie “The Imitation Game”? The tragic story of a brilliant man who decrypted secret German Enigma messages, indirectly shortened World War II, saved millions of lives, and was later charged for homosexuality, forced to undergo chemical treatment, and ended his life … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Miniservices: A Realistic Alternative to Microservices

Is your team even using microservices? Or maybe miniservices are better fitting your features and business needs? As event-driven architecture becomes more of a priority, miniservices are rising as a realistic alternative to microservices and the monolith. | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

3 Definitions of Cloud and Why They Matter

With “cloud” already an overloaded term, “cloud native” is the latest addition to the mix. The main concerns for your organization consist of assessing the options available to help further your IT strategy and how cloud-native alternatives factor in with other cloud-related deci … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Distributed Tracing, Istio and Your Applications – The New Stack

In the microservices world, distributed tracing is slowly becoming the most important tool for debugging and understanding your application dependencies. During my recent conversations in meetups and conferences, I found there was a lot of interest in how distributed tracing work … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Nvidia Opens GPUs for AI Work with Containers, Kubernetes – The New Stack

The rise of machine learning and artificial intelligence have put Nvidia on a roll. With GPUs becoming more important than ever, the chip maker is firing from all guns. Academic institutions, large cloud providers and enterprises are all relying on Nvidia’s GPUs for running ML an … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Could professional sports switch to robot referees?

Sophisticated data analysis is creeping into more human endeavors — and even into professional sports. But as data technicians struggle to convert human movements into measurements for binary decision trees, some bar stool philosophers are already asking whether there are areas w … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Apache Kafka’s Metamorphosis

The Apache Kafka distributed streaming platform is not changing but its typical use cases are. Commercial Apache distributor Confluent issued its third annual Apache Kafka Report, which surveyed over 600 users of the technology, a 71 percent increase compared to last year’s sampl … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

How Employers Can Help Their Developers: Time for Open Source Projects

The latest 2018 Open Source Jobs Report points to several ways employers can help developers. Based on a survey of over 750 hiring managers and 6,5000 people who use open source professionally, the Linux Foundation and Dice study indicates what developers want most from their emp … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Over 20,000 Container Management Dashboards Are Exposed on the Internet

Even though it’s highly discouraged to expose any kind of management dashboard directly to the internet, there are many users who continue to ignore this recommendation, and it seems that infrastructure admins are no exception. A recent study by cloud security firm Lacework found … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Are You a 10x Programmer? Or Just a Jerk?

The myth of the 10x programmer persists, but the shine is wearing off. Ryan Scott Brown, Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat speaking at the Serverless Conference, brought up the idea, in a talk about open source volunteers, that no matter how productive a developer is, the produ … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

The Good, Bad and Ugly: Apache Spark for Data Science Work

Apache Spark is an in-memory data analytics engine. It is wildly popular with data scientists because of its speed, scalability and ease-of-use. Plus, it happens to be an ideal workload to run on Kubernetes. Many Pivotal customers want to use Spark as part of their modern archite … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

AI starts taking white-collar jobs

Machines have already begun quietly replacing human workers. The issue may seem abstract when it’s somebody else’s job. But what happens when they come for yours? Amazon began automating its warehouses years ago, but now “Amazon’s Clever Machines Are Moving From the Warehouse to … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

4 Challenges to Building Scalable AI/ML Pipelines in the Cloud – The New Stack

Where the internet allowed computers to talk to each other over vast distances, cloud computing has allowed computers to think together, creating machines with virtually limitless storage and computing capacity. We can access this super-computing power for pennies on the dollar c … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

IBM 'BlockDrop' Research Speeds Neural Networks – The New Stack

IBM Research, with the help of the University of Texas Austin and the University of Maryland, has created a technology, called BlockDrop, that promises to speed convolutional neural network operations without any loss of fidelity. This could further excel the use of neural nets, … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

NetDevOps: The Next Frontier in Agile Enterprise Automation?

Agile transformation has gone from an IT norm to changing the way whole organizations work. Could DevOps be next? There’s no doubt that DevOps is a hot cultural and technical trend in most digitally focused companies. The purpose of DevOps is to break down the walls (both physica … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Has Agile Programming Lost Its Way? – The New Stack

Programmers are passionate about which development methodology is the best. Is it Agile? Waterfall? Feature Driven Development? Scrum? So everyone took notice when one of the 17 original signers of the seminal Agile Manifesto wrote a blog post last month headlined “Developers Sho … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

This Week in Programming: Is Code Necessary to Coding?

Some news everyone seems to be interested in this week is the general availability of Google’s “low-code environment App Maker,” which promises to make it “easy for your team to iterate from prototype to deployed app,” regardless of their lack of coding experience and formal trai … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Ballerina: An API-First Programming Language

Open source enterprise application integration software provider WSO2 has launched a programming language built around supporting application programming interfaces (APIs) as a first-class entity. The company debuted the language, called Ballerina, at the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Can makers save RadioShack?

Once an icon of geek culture, RadioShack crashed through two bankruptcies — bewildering everyone who still had fond childhood memories of their electronics and gadgets. But as new independently-owned RadioShacks start opening for business, will it be the maker movement that final … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Serverless 101: How to Get Serverless Started in the Enterprise

In the beginning, there was bare metal, and it was good. Single-tenant servers were fast, reliable and secure — beholden only to their master. Verily, though, also cumbersome to provision and scale. The need for agility and scalability begat VMs, and cloud providers brought unto … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

New Algorithm Will Help Supercomputers Simulate Whole-Brain Neural Connections

Artificial intelligence has made enormous leaps in recent years. We are seeing this technology incorporated in autonomous cars, collaborative robots and polyvalent deep learning systems that can master various boardgames on their own or reason their way around a subway map or a g … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Node.js Creator Blasts Node.js, Offers a Secure TypeScript-Based Alternative

Like Dr. Frankenstein aghast at the monster he’d built, Node.js creator Ryan Dahl voiced some deep misgivings about his server-side JavaScript runtime engine at the JSConf.EU conference earlier this week in Germany. Dahl created Node for improving the event-driven JavaScript I/O … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

The Best CI/CD Tool for Kubernetes Doesn’t Exist

There is no single, best set of tools for continuous integration/continuous development (CI/CD) with Kubernetes — each organization will use the tools that are best suited for its specific use case. For this reason, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) does not advocate f … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Will GDPR Pressure SaaS Vendors to Go On-Prem?

There has been a mad scramble to get data practices in order before and since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) took effect May 25. The intent behind GDPR seems like a reasonable set of regulations to protect the user. However, many, if not most of us, feel a little c … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

What can we learn from the ransomware attack on Atlanta?

It’s been 10 weeks since ransomware crippled the network of city workers in Atlanta, and it has almost fully recovered. But after all the news stories about the dangers of anonymous bad actors online, are we ready for next time? If this serves as our new cautionary tale about net … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Telepresence Brings the Kubernetes Cluster to Developers

Building software in the cloud can be a tough proposition. In previous days, enterprises maintained production and test environments, allowing developers to build against internal systems in the safety of a sandbox, while still having access to all of the services and systems tha … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

8 Ways a Service Mesh Eases Microservices Deployment – The New Stack

Microservices-based architectures are the future, but getting there can be hard. Modern application architectures are vastly more complicated than in decades past, leading to a host of specific challenges. This is where a service mesh plays a significant role. These days, adminis … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Off-The-Shelf Hacker: AI Comes to the Maker Market – The New Stack

Last week I strolled down memory lane talking about old parts and early hardware scavenging days. Who could have ever imagined that we’d have “old” five or six-year-old microcontrollers collecting dust in our parts bins? Technology continues to move at breakneck speeds. Firmware- … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago

Are we losing humanity with data-driven medicine?

As we head towards a big data world, should we take one last look around to see if anything valuable is getting left behind? Last week a Stanford medical professor asked what we’ll lose with data-driven medicine. In a special “health issue” of the New York Times magazine, Dr. Abr … | Continue reading

@thenewstack.io | 6 years ago