Dreaming of ‘Peak You’?

We all dream of that moment arriving. That moment when your career reaches “Peak You”. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Find Your Voice

The first part is having something to say. The second part is figuring out how to say it, without getting hurt. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Count Your Blessings

When Granny told you to “count your blessings”, she wasn’t just sharing a nice folksy way to virtue signal | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Your secret fear

when we realize that instead of writing that novel or hanging out with our kids , we chose instead to spend our time staring into our evil, little screen. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

The art of forgiveness

David Ogilvy once said that in order to have business partners, one must learn how to forgive. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

A dialogue with the ultimate truth

if you make art for long enough, you realize that asking these questions is a big part of it as well. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

We can’t all be Elon Musk…and that’s ok.

If only we were all swashbuckling world-changers, living on the edge, at the intersection of badass and crushing it. But sadly, that’s not you. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

How To Be An Empathetic Leader

, companies with a high empathetic culture are for more productive than non-empathetic businesses, with far higher employee retention rates. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Be the star of your own show

Eventually one has to stop comparing oneself to other people, what I call “comparing your inside with someone else’s outside”. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Enjoy just being alive

It’s good to have dreams. After all that’s what being American is all about. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

You’ve Won The Cosmic Lottery

We’re great believers in the idea that gratitude plays a big part in being happy and successful, and that gratitude precedes the latter two | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

This Is How Things Evolve

human beings are hyper social creatures, who learn mostly by copying others. And when we copy something, it is never 100% accurate, so mutations occur. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

It’s all about timing

You haven’t failed. You just haven’t arrived. Yet. Sometimes, failure is real. But most of the time, it’s just an illusion, a narrative, we give ourselves. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Build A Bridge

Sure, you’ve got a vision. Sure, you’ve got a plan. But what you also have, is a bunch of employees looking over a cliff. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Strength brought under control

On the Sermon on The Mount (Matthew 5:5), Jesus declares: “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Share What You Love

Show me a great product (Microsoft’s or otherwise), and I’ll show you a person who uncovered an amazing secret somewhere | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

The worthwhile fight

It’s being able to fight for what you believe in. It’s being able to vote for what you think is right. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Architect Your Own Destiny

What does “Architect your own destiny” actually mean? It basically means, “Become the master of your own destiny.” | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Camaraderie Rules

if there aren't a clear set of beliefs that define how and why you do what you do, then you're probably not as effective as you could be. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

This Is What I Do

Eventually, if you’ve managed to live long enough, you get to the point where there’s no more waiting to see what you become once you’ve grown up. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Stuck between order and chaos?

The phrase, “The Fog of War” was made famous during the Gulf Wars. It’s a big part of being a soldier; of course it is. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

What makes you happy in the long run?

Turns out it isn’t the shiny objects that make us happy in the long run, but the normal, everyday stuff. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Is serious business fun?

Working for a company that’s changing the world (or at least, the part of the world that interests you the most) is fun. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

How to drive digital transformation

When you’re young, the thought of mediocrity is terrifying. Imagine- an endless road of “Meh”. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Creativity: The key to problem solving

Creativity not as an art form or means of self expression, but as a way of solving a problem. That’s what it’s really for. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

The Four Critical Things That Scale

So what don’t people have enough of? So what does scale? That’s easy: Mattering. Making a difference. Inspiration. Hope. Creativity. Being in the zone | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

A top down failure

great cultures don’t just come from on high, by decree. That nobody loves their fellow employee, just because the CEO (or Emperor) tells to them to. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Pay attention to the little stuff

As you get older, it’s not the stuff on your highlight reel that makes you happy, but the normal stuff you do every day. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

With Oxytocin All Things Are Possible

great teams are built on two very important ingredients: Trust and a shared sense of Purpose. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Unlock the key to happiness

Gratitude is having an abundance mindset. When you think abundantly, the world is your oyster; there is limitless opportunity and possibility for you. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Why Money Follows Emotion

We have a saying here at Gapingvoid: “Nothing happens until somebody feels something”. In other words, the transaction comes after the fact | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

What does real leadership mean?

Not everybody has to be a boss. Not everybody has to be an entrepreneur or a CEO or a billionaire or a celebrity. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Live Bravely

It is also true that positive behaviors spread. Acts of kindness and generosity lead to more acts of kindness and generosity. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

So who calls the shots?

So who calls the shots? They guy with the money, or the guy with the talent? That depends on who needs who the most. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Nobody’s Perfect

Jerry Colonna is famous in startup circles as a business coach. A former VC, he gave it all up to help people. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

A dialogue with purpose

So, when one is fighting the business culture war, one question you need to ask is, how in line is our culture with our mission, our purpose? | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Stop worrying about the robots, and start worrying about people.

You spend a couple of decades, your hear a lot of people in business with all these very fancy plans. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Feeling ordinary?

Numinous, as in, having a strong religious or spiritual quality. Touched by a divine presence, as it were. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Have you had your Shawshank moment yet?

The thing is, Andy knew it was going to take a long time, that a quick solution was out of the question, that there were no shortcuts | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Experiencing self-doubt?

You know what the best thing about being an entrepreneur is? That you never have to experience self-doubt, the way people with normal day jobs do. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Word of Mouth

Bill Bernbach famously said, “the best advertising is word-of-mouth”, and this was from the best advertising creative guru in the country at the time. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

A different kind of empowerment

Empowerment is one of those many flavored words. You can put an identity in front of the word and it can take on rich nuance and meaning. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

A shared sense of purpose

When you look back on the business you’ve created, what will be the thing you’ll be proudest of? It won’t be the money. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Does tech liberate or enslave us?

Like everybody else ‘round here, you probably spend far too much time in front of a screen. At first, it freed us. Then later, it enslaved us. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago


So you’ve probably wondered recently, why is the idea of company culture suddenly such a big deal in management circles? | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Welcome to the hustle

So, if young adults no longer have the kind of money to support a life of conspicuous consumption our generation did, what takes its place? | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Accept the pain and do it anyway

The critics in the papers might object to you owning your own destiny, but they don’t have your back. Nothing you do is real to them | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago

Eight Behaviors for self-management

The better the boss, the less she has to act like one. No, it doesn’t just happen on autopilot. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 6 years ago