AI can estimate obesity rates by analysing satellite imagery of urban areas | Continue reading
Exclusive: Analysis shows Labour voters driving shift amid public concern over prospect of no deal, in finding likely to raise pressure on Jeremy Corbyn to shift stance | Continue reading
Some dogs may fail training for nervousness, lacking drive or being too friendly | Continue reading
It was developed to ensure soldiers stayed alert and didn't make mistakes due to tiredness | Continue reading
The global workforce has been reduced by neoliberalism to an alienated, lonely precariat obsessed with hyperindividualism, a twisted modern spin on human creativity | Continue reading
'It is shameful that a handful of states can prevent the majority from moving towards negotiations that would regulate or prevent the use of these morally reprehensible weapons' | Continue reading
A third of young people use sites that illegally convert videos from Youtube to MP3 files, but a major crackdown is underway | Continue reading
What powers do the police in England and Wales have when it comes to your phone, computer and social media passwords? | Continue reading
The fund manager backed a motion calling for the installation of a chairman above Elon Musk. Even though it was comfortably defeated, and might not have changed much had it been passed, the principle matters | Continue reading
Engineers are working to fix the hole | Continue reading
'Breakthrough' antidepressants work in same way as painkiller drugs and similarly reinforce addiction | Continue reading
Every Wednesday, Alex Johnson delves into a unique collection of titles | Continue reading
Search giant could be prosecuted for not showing positive enough stories, president suggests | Continue reading
In the face of growing public antipathy, zoos may be ushering a new era – from an £18m playground for giant pandas in Copenhagen to virtual reality animal watching in China | Continue reading
The vanishing updates appear to be the result of a bug | Continue reading
Health and beauty chain working to establish what may have been taken | Continue reading
Mind-set of those with unusual beliefs about everything from 9/11 to moon landings linked with support for creationism | Continue reading
'There are only two or three of us left' | Continue reading
Exclusive: As the world ignores the ignominious 500th anniversary of the buying and selling of slaves between Africa and the Americas, historians uncover its first horrific voyages | Continue reading
With the papal visit to Ireland less than a week away, Ed Kessler, head of the Woolf Institute, presents a new series on the notion of belief and what that means to people around the world | Continue reading
'It will be a very cold day in hell before an offensive statue will be forced upon us to be permanently erected on the grounds of the Arkansas State Capitol,' state senator says | Continue reading
'Water could very soon become a limiting factor for the industry' | Continue reading
Scientists say it is remarkable 'echoes of past life' have lasted 3.4 billion years | Continue reading
The synthetic marijuana alternative could be far more dangerous when mixed with opioids like fentanyl | Continue reading
Roots of superstition can be traced back to arrest of Knights Templar in Middle Ages, subsequently burnt at the stake and condemning us all to misfortune for the wrongs done to them | Continue reading
Research shows hallucinogen found in traditional medicine ayahuasca produces similar feelings to those felt by people during near-death experiences | Continue reading
Researchers hope to automate process and analyse images from around the world | Continue reading
In the fifth in our series on the lives of ordinary women behind extraordinary stories, this month's Forgotten Women examines how terrifyingly deep the international crisis of violence against indigenous women runs | Continue reading
If you're wondering how you're perceived by others, research actually provides some clues | Continue reading
... and you can learn how he does it, says academic-turned-Buddhist monk | Continue reading
'We now have the recipe for how to make these structures' | Continue reading
Plane Talk: The Boeing 787 was supposed to unlock long, thin routes. But its smaller, older siblings may be stealing the limelight | Continue reading
A threat is made up of capability and intent. The capability can be easily bought online | Continue reading
'Our user community has been very devoted to us and it’s awful to think that we have let any of you down' | Continue reading
We reward him so much for the singularity and purpose of his incredibly stupid mission that it has begun to drive him insane. When he tweeted out that he meant to take Tesla private at $420 a share, was he making a weed joke, or popping out a half formed business idea into the vo … | Continue reading
In a rare interview, veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh talks about his illustrious career and how he believes the official versions of some the biggest news stories of our time just don’t add up | Continue reading
Yale economists designed a simple strategy to generate 'outstanding returns' from bitcoin, ethereum and ripple | Continue reading
An ominous image and an apparently wind-up have led to fear and warnings across the world | Continue reading
'Young people are crying out for help and more needs to be done to prevent them from reaching crisis point' | Continue reading
Newly identified object is 12 times bigger than Jupiter | Continue reading
Revelation could have technological applications such as creating effective solar cells, say researchers | Continue reading
Movie-lovers can choose from alternative subscription services if MoviePass shuts down | Continue reading
New research claims that for some animals, such as a fly and a dog, time moves at a slower rate | Continue reading
Cambridge professor Caucher Birkar one of four winners of 'Nobel Prize of Mathematics' | Continue reading
Anyone potentially affected is being urged to take action | Continue reading
Increased risk of degenerative brain condition particularly apparent in those who did not drink any wine, though results require caution | Continue reading
Community cam-hunter squads now conduct electronic sweeps of public spaces | Continue reading