I’m a backpack loaded up with things and knickknacks too. Anything that you might need I’ve got inside for you. — Backpack from Dora the… | Continue reading
When dealing with large data, even simple operations can take hours. Progress bars can help make them more manageable! | Continue reading
Just “plugging in” a data scientist in your databases won’t deliver the expected results. First, you need to ensure your data is actually… | Continue reading
When dealing with large data, even simple operations can take hours. Progress bars can help make them more manageable! | Continue reading
Generating style-specific text from a small corpus of 2.5k sentences using a pre-trained language model. Code in PyTorch | Continue reading
Maybe so. Maybe not. | Continue reading
Four principles from software engineering to improve scientific reproducibility | Continue reading
By Zak Brown, Lead Data Scientist at S&P Global Market Intelligence | Continue reading
Amsterdam’s Real Estate Market is experiencing an incredible ressurgence, with property prices soaring by double-digits on an yearly basis… | Continue reading
An analysis of an Hacker News thread, using Python, Hacker News API and Goodreads API, and the definitive top 20 book suggestion list! | Continue reading
At a total of slightly over 1 billion frames per second it is arguably the fastest 8-bit game console cluster in the world. | Continue reading
How can two data experts disagree so much? | Continue reading
Identifying Tumors with Transfer Learning and CNNs | Continue reading
Recurrent neural network cells in GIFs | Continue reading
A tutorial on how to build an Apache Spark cluster using Docker. | Continue reading
You’ve heard a lot about student debt, but what about technical debt? | Continue reading
A few months ago, I was having a conversation with my co-workers, and noticed something a little strange that’s since changed the way I… | Continue reading
We fell for Recurrent neural networks (RNN), Long-short term memory (LSTM), and all their variants. Now it is time to drop them! | Continue reading
First part of the series focusses on Facebook Sentence Embedding | Continue reading
This is a supplementary material for the backpropagation demo here, detailing the calculation steps for its implementation. | Continue reading
Demystifying AI Game Opponents | Continue reading
Categorizing addresses using patterns in transaction activity | Continue reading
A simple application of Probabilistic Programming with PyMC3 in Python | Continue reading
Graph analysis is not a new branch of data science, yet is not the usual “go-to” method data scientists apply today. | Continue reading
How blockchain technology will empower the user with control of the data they generate and help enable greater privacy and data security. | Continue reading
How I discovered that your writing style can link you to alternate accounts | Continue reading
I’m a physicist who works at a YC startup. Our job is to help new grads get hired into their first machine learning jobs. | Continue reading
How to build an efficient training and pipeline in Tensorflow without getting lost in the woods | Continue reading
An intro to self supervised learning | Continue reading
This meme has been all over social media lately, producing appreciative chuckles across the internet as the hype around deep learning… | Continue reading
People often think a given model can just be put into deployment forever. In fact, the opposite is true. You need to maintain your models… | Continue reading
In today’s article, I am going to show you how to master machine learning skills by participating in Kaggle data science competitions. We… | Continue reading
Get started with XGBoost quickly and simply using the UCI Parkinson’s dataset and SKLearn. | Continue reading
Can there ever be a Goldilocks option in the conflict between data security and research disclosure? | Continue reading
A tutorial + code on writing a bayesian image classifier on MNIST dataset. | Continue reading
In today’s article, I am going to show you how to create intelligent opponents with Alpha-Beta Minimax algorithm. We will create an agent… | Continue reading
Gradient descent is an optimisation method for finding the minimum of a function. It is commonly used in deep learning models to update… | Continue reading
If you landed on this post, you probably already know what a Gaussian Mixture Model is, so I will avoid the general description of the… | Continue reading
The world is moving towards MOOCs compared to traditional teaching methodologies due to rising costs of education. Can they be a suitable… | Continue reading
I recently read this article on how to create a heat-map from your Google Location History data. Trying it out myself, I got some amazing… | Continue reading
Deep learning is everywhere right now, in your watch, in your televisor, your phone, and in someway the platform you are using to read… | Continue reading
TLDR; | Continue reading
Big data frameworks and deep learning seem like two natural companions, however getting the two to work together remains a difficult… | Continue reading
One of the main questions throughout human history and the study of the brain is this: how do we perceive the world the way we do? | Continue reading
In today’s article, I am going to show you how to classify images with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) deployed on the Google… | Continue reading
A General-Purpose Framework for Defining and Solving Meaningful Problems in 3 Steps | Continue reading
Data stories about Late show with Stephen Colbert | Continue reading
Where to train deep learning models online for the lowest cost and least hassle | Continue reading