Art, and Algorithms vs AI

I've been studying the history of computer art for the past year. Some thoughts on the differences between algorithms and generative AI when it comes to art.… Continue reading Art, and Algorithms vs AI → | Continue reading | 2 months ago

A mibibyte of driving

Just a quick post about driving.… Continue reading A mibibyte of driving → | Continue reading | 2 months ago

High Tide

We spent the day exhibiting our plotter art at Twickenham's High Tide Festival.… Continue reading High Tide → | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Tap For Art!

Today’s mail delivery included more stickers – in addition to the collection from earlier in the week – and, these are particularly special. The first thing I noticed when I opened the envelope was the care and attention that was put into the manner in which they’ve been presente … | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Ampersand Fedi

We mostly make pen plotter art, but I've also designed some t-shirts. Here's a shirt I made for Fediverse fans.… Continue reading Ampersand Fedi → | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Switching PeerTube instances

The Fediverse usually makes it fairly easy to move your account around, here's how I moved my videos from one provider to another.… Continue reading Switching PeerTube instances → | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Glitchy love

A quick post about why I love using the Glitch and Fastly developer platform for running my web apps and demos.… Continue reading Glitchy love → | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Community breakfast

Since joining Community Pros of London last year, I've expanded my network and found a supportive community. I also discovered Fabrik, a space for communities in London and New York. … Continue reading Community breakfast → | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Podcast adventures

The backstory of my podcasting career, as well as some of my more recent appearances outside of my regular show.… Continue reading Podcast adventures → | Continue reading | 2 months ago

It’s alive…

The first results from my FluidNC-controlled plotter are promising, and now I need to tune it.… Continue reading It’s alive… → | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Hacking with plotters

I spent part of Saturday working on my latest plotter project, a series of modifications to a CoreXY pen plotter kit to upgrade it to run on the FluidNC firmware.… Continue reading Hacking with plotters → | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Activities with Forge & Craft

This year, we've been growing the profile of our Forge & Craft maker studio and getting out to different kinds of events. This is where we've been, and where we are going next.… Continue reading Activities with Forge & Craft → | Continue reading | 2 months ago

What happened to blogs, again?

I recently read a piece about the death of authentic writing on the internet, and it made me reconsider my own writing habits. Here’s why I stopped writing openly and regularly, and how I hope to fix that.… Continue reading What happened to blogs, again? → | Continue reading | 2 months ago

On the value added decay of daily life

A rant about annoyances in everyday life in the UK in 2024 (and the carelessness and profit-seeking behaviours of medicine dispensing and package delivery companies).… Continue reading On the value added decay of daily life → | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Energized Mood Flux

We went to Electromagnetic Field 2024 and it refreshed my soul and enthusiasm for tech, community, and people.… Continue reading Energized Mood Flux → | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Personal cards

About my new cards. I've tried to capture my skills, abilities and interests. They feature details from two different designs of my pen plotter artwork. … Continue reading Personal cards → | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Six (and a bit) months on Team Mastodon

I was officially part of the Mastodon core team for a good part of 2023; here’s a look at what I worked on and delivered for the project.… Continue reading Six (and a bit) months on Team Mastodon → | Continue reading | 9 months ago

Half-frame photography

Back in 2022 I backed a Kickstarter campaign for a half-frame film camera with switchable lenses - the Alfie TYCH. Now that it arrived, here are some of my observations.… Continue reading Half-frame photography → | Continue reading | 10 months ago

A peek into the studio

Glimpses of some art pieces in progress, using an AxiDraw pen plotter.… Continue reading A peek into the studio → | Continue reading | 11 months ago

DevRel in the era of “Community Everywhere”

I recently gave a talk about Developer Relations and "Community Everywhere" - where communities are gathering online, and why it is important to continue to connect with them.… Continue reading DevRel in the era of “Community Everywhere” → | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Tech in the tent

We went camping, but I still managed to do some making (with LEDs, RP2040, and MicroPython)… Continue reading Tech in the tent → | Continue reading | 1 year ago

When social networks are like Pokémon

… Gotta Catch ‘Em All! I’ve been trying out as many shiny new things as I can. There are a couple of reasons: I find that folks often ask me for opinions on new technologies; and, I have a view that unless I do try things, I may miss something that’s really interesting or that… C … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Bookmarks in the Fediverse

I've been getting involved and trying out Postmarks, social bookmarks for the #Fediverse. It's like 2003 again, but *better*!… Continue reading Bookmarks in the Fediverse → | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Still messing with Helperbot

More experiments in making, with the 3D printer and the pen plotter.… Continue reading Still messing with Helperbot → | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Experiments in digital making

Iterating on 3D printed designs generated from an imaginary 2D digital brain - Midjourney, Kaedim, and understanding printables.… Continue reading Experiments in digital making → | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Goodbye to my life on Twitter, 2007-2023

A eulogy to my life as shared via my main Twitter account, before X: 2007-2023.… Continue reading Goodbye to my life on Twitter, 2007-2023 → | Continue reading | 1 year ago

A 3D print, 8 years in the making

I finally printed a 3D scan of myself, that was taken 8 years ago! … Continue reading A 3D print, 8 years in the making → | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Liverpool Makefest 2023

A day at a very fun maker event, Liverpool Makefest 2023, meeting back up with long-time friends and watching young people learn about both making, and more sustainable practices.… Continue reading Liverpool Makefest 2023 → | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Running a 3D print catalogue with VanDAM

I've fallen down a rabbit hole of 3D printing in the past ~8 months, and as a result I have a lot of downloaded models. Enter VanDAM - a self-hosted database and UI for organising your 3D model assets.… Continue reading Running a 3D print catalogue with VanDAM → | Continue reading | 1 year ago

An interesting vision

I haven’t posted much about much lately (at least not in the form of blog entries), but given my interest in all things new technology and also, Apple, it feels like a good time to break that pattern. I’m continuing to podcast… My experience of the WWDC keynote I should get to wr … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

What I’ve been doing in 2022 (so far)

Preamble: my content It has been a while since I’ve written a general “what I’m working on” post, so I’m fixing that now. It has been a busy year — I last published a newsletter in March 2021, and I didn’t get back to writing — primarily technical writing– until the start of 2022 … | Continue reading | 2 years ago

I made a Wi-Fi controlled Owl lamp

A couple of years ago, I picked up a simple LED nightlight on Amazon, with the intention of hacking it into something else. The lamp could be powered with AAA batteries or a micro-USB connection, and contained multicolour LEDs that shone up into a perspex sheet in the shape of an … | Continue reading | 3 years ago

One year ago

One year ago, my brother left us. One year ago. Today. Christmas Eve. That evening, as a family, we were in the hospice with him, and I drove away mid-evening to go home and get some food, and shortly after I got home, I got the call. Many years ago, almost to the day, my… Contin … | Continue reading | 4 years ago

At the edge of history

On Saturday, I attended the Unite for Europe March in London. Together, for now It was the first time I’ve ever taken part in an organised protest or march, and it was probably also the first time I’ve ever felt strongly enough about an issue to feel motivated to do so. As I walk … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Minimum viable smartphone

Minimum viable smartphone - how I coped when I lost my iPhone in the back of a cab in Tokyo...… Continue reading Minimum viable smartphone → | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Signals, messages, clouds… pigeons?

… AKA, how a flock of pigeons is connecting my past, present and future technology interests. If I look back at the past 10 years or so of my career, I believe there’s a continuum of interest – from my passion for / community building around application messaging systems (MQ, MQ … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Why I am #HeForShe

I've worked in the technology industry for my whole professional life, and it has been an incredibly tough place for women to work - that's just not the kind of career or workplace I want to work in, because I'm constantly inspired and influenced by women around me, be that profe … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Three notions / plans for 2016

My own vague ideas about what 2016 should mean for me, have solidified.… Continue reading Three notions / plans for 2016 → | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Some random reflections on 2014

2014, looking back... a little bit of a year in review. What I've been up to at Twitter, in Open Source, and in life.… Continue reading Some random reflections on 2014 → | Continue reading | 9 years ago

On joining Twitter

I’ve been settling into my new role at Twitter over the past few months. I’m a Developer Advocate on the Developer and Platform Relations team, based out of a beautiful new London office we opened a few weeks ago. It has been fantastic so far, learning about the Twitter platform … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Latest interviews, and upcoming speaking schedule

Just a quick note to comment that I’ve added links to two recent interviews on the media section of my Speaking and Media page: The Cloudcast #133 – The Cloud Foundry Foundation, Cloudcast podcast, March 2014 (interview) [there are a few audio dropouts in this due to recording ov … | Continue reading | 10 years ago


In late 2011, I was contacted by a very charming, smart and persuasive French gentleman who spoke of clouds, platform-as-a-service, and polyglot programming. It took him and his team a couple of months to get me thinking seriously about a career change, after 10 great years at IB … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Getting inside Cloud Foundry for debug (and profit?)

I’ve recently started to play with some more of the internals of Cloud Foundry than I’ve been used to. This has been made much easier by the advent of bosh-lite, a system for deploying all of Cloud Foundry’s components using the bosh continuous deployment and configuration tool, … | Continue reading | 10 years ago