A Personal Digital Reset

About once a year, I do a little digital reset to help make my online life a little more pleasant. I’m not advocating that anybody do the same as me, but I hope that sharing some of what I do might help inspire you to manage the technology in | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 3 years ago

A Personal Digital Reset

About once a year, I do a little digital reset to help make my online life a little more pleasant. I’m not advocating that anybody do the same as me, but I hope that sharing some of what I do might help inspire you to do manage the technology | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 3 years ago

Nineteen is When They Forgot

The slogan, for people who weren’t in Manhattan that day, is “Never Forget”. The people who were not here, who were never here, call it “9/11”. But the people I still check in with, the friends who trudged home covered in ash, never call it that. It’s | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 4 years ago

What Windows 95 Changed

Twenty five years ago today, Microsoft released Windows 95. It was undoubtedly a technical leap forward, but its biggest, most lasting impacts are about how it changed popular culture's relationship to technology. For context, when Windows 95 was released in August of 1995, only … | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 4 years ago

I’m Asking My Friends on the Left to Vote for Joe Biden

With authoritarianism at our door, the policies that progressives are driving for will be dependent on whether the fundamental institutions of democracy are protected at all. I believe every vote needs to be earned, and every candidate needs to be worthy of that vote on the stre … | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 4 years ago

A Federal Blue Checkmark, and Not Learning Lessons

People are wrong on the Internet every day; generally I don’t try to fuss about that too much. But when Sam Lessin, a former VP of Product Management at Facebook, publishes a wildly wrong recommendation about online identity in a credible media outlet, it’s worth correcting becau … | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 4 years ago

The American Death Cult

A significant percentage of conservative culture in America defines “freedom” as death. This is causing a lot more problems right now than even its usual horrible effects. Some explanation, for those who may not have context. Why do we need to have guns? To protect our freedoms! … | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 4 years ago

Beyond the Frontier

I almost can’t remember a time when I wasn’t aware of the work the Electronic Frontier Foundation was doing on behalf of all of us who care about the impact technology has on society and culture. They describe their work as protecting digital privacy, free speech, and innovation, | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 4 years ago

Live: Prince and the Revolution

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to watch the most definitive record of Prince and the Revolution at their commercial peak, as they neared the end of the Purple Rain tour that was on its way to becoming one of the biggest musical tours ever mounted. The Syracuse show | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 4 years ago

When Every App Crashes

Today, for about half an hour in the afternoon, pretty much every app that you might try on your iPhone would likely have crashed upon opening it. It's probably worth understanding why, but more importantly, worth understanding what that reality means. And here, I'm addressing pe … | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 4 years ago

Questlove's Prince Tribute

There could be no more fitting remembrance of Prince than Questlove going deep into his catalog and spinning some of Prince's greatest works into a multi-hour DJ set. Unless Quest did that five nights in a row. Which he did! It was an absolutely monumental marathon of nightly liv … | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 4 years ago

My thinking on Covid-19

(Warning: this will be upsetting; you will not want to read this if you are already stressed.) First, a disclaimer — I'm far from an expert, have no special knowledge, and only know the same things as everyone else reading the news. But I have to plan ahead and am decent | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 4 years ago

The People's Web

Every day, millions of people rely on independent websites that are mostly created by regular people, weren't designed as mobile apps, connect deeply to culture, and aren't run by the giant tech companies. These are a vision of not just what the web once was, but what it can be | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 4 years ago

Podcast of the Year: Function

Congratulations to Function with Anil Dash for being named podcast of the year! In a media landscape absolutely littered with sound-alike tech podcasts rehashing the same tedious iPhone rumors or parroting Facebook's latest defense of abusing your data, Function has stood out as … | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 4 years ago

A primer on South Asians and Desis

I often talk about South Asian people, or how I identify as being an American of South Asian descent. Many folks outside our communities don’t always know the details there, so I wanted to share some generally useful info, in hopes that it answers a bunch of questions that | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 4 years ago

The Sound Of Your Voice

Even though I watched the medium of podcasting being created since its inception, I'd always resisted a little bit participating myself. I think I just felt more at home in this format, blogging, as that's where I'd found my voice. Well, that might be a bit hard to believe now | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 4 years ago

The Web We Lost

Update: A few months after this piece was published, I was invited by Harvard’s Berkman Center to speak about this topic in more detail. Though the final talk is an hour long, it offers much more insight into the topic, and I hope you’ll give it a look. | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 4 years ago

Every Day, A Little Better

[CW: mental illness, self-harm] When my depression was at its worst, it felt almost like a constant, physical pain. Getting away from that crushing weight felt as urgent as pulling my hand away from a hot stove, but I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t even imagine a respite | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 4 years ago

Eighteen is History

There are kids now who are old enough to go fight in wars that were justified back when they still had their umbilical cords attached. For them, the attacks are only history; that's all they ever were.I can sort of understand it. I was born after Vietnam, after Watergate. | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 5 years ago

20 Years of Blogging: What I’ve Learned

This week marks the 20th anniversary of this blog. I thought the best way to observe the milestone, and to try to pass along some of the benefits I’ve gained from keeping a presence online all these years, would be to share some of the most important things I’ | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 5 years ago

20 Years of Blogging: What I’ve Learned

This week marks the 20th anniversary of this blog. I thought the best way to observe the milestone, and to try to pass along some of the benefits I’ve gained from keeping a presence online all these years, would be to share some of the most important things I’ | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 5 years ago

Can You Trust A Company In 2019?

Being trusted is a huge advantage for any company that can pull it off. But is it even possible for people to trust a tech company right now?Union Square Ventures is one of the best-known and most respected venture capital firms in the world. Every year, they get together | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 5 years ago

Putting the Soul in Console

Playdate, the upcoming indie handheld gaming console from venerable software publisher Panic, is really important. But if you don't know the history of where the little company behind this little device comes from, it might be hard to understand why this isn't just another random … | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 5 years ago

Putting the Soul in Console

Playdate, the upcoming indie handheld gaming console from venerable software publisher Panic, is really important. But if you don't know the history of where the little company behind this little device comes from, it might be hard to understand why this isn't just another random … | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 5 years ago

Putting the Soul in Console

Playdate, the upcoming indie handheld gaming console from venerable software publisher Panic, is really important. But if you don't know the history of where the little company behind this little device comes from, it might be hard to understand why this isn't just another random … | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 5 years ago

I Should Have Written a JOMO Book.

About seven years ago, inspired by Caterina Fake's seminal essay about fear of missing out, I wrote a bit about the Joy of Missing Out, and for a little while, JOMO became a thing.It showed up in those "100 trends to watch this year" roundups that come out at | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 5 years ago

I Should Have Written a JOMO Book.

About seven years ago, inspired by Caterina Fake's seminal essay about fear of missing out, I wrote a bit about the Joy of Missing Out, and for a little while, JOMO became a thing. It showed up in those "100 trends to watch this year" roundups that come out at | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 5 years ago

After the Rhythm Nation

With Janet Jackson's (woefully belated) acceptance into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, it's well past time for a broader reckoning with her place in popular culture, and especially the way she's challenged narratives in pop music. To me, her evolution, and unique place in cultur … | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 5 years ago

Every Single Video Prince Ever Made

Prince was an astoundingly prolific artist, releasing nearly 40 albums under his own name(s), and thousands of songs for himself and others. His concerts were legendary, spellbinding from arenas to intimate clubs, flooring audiences around the world. But videos? Prince was a lot … | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 5 years ago

A Murmuration of Starlings

That's all. | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 5 years ago

The price of relevance is fluency

“You can’t say anything anymore! You can’t even make jokes!” There’s a constant complaint from people in positions of power, mostly men, who keep making the ridiculous assertion that they’re not able to speak in public. What they actually mean is they no longer understand the | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 5 years ago

If your website's full of assholes, it's your fault (2011)

We’re twenty years in to this world wide web thing. Today, I myself celebrate twelve years of writing this blog. And yet those of us who love this medium, who’ve had our lives changed by the possibility of publishing our words to the world without having to ask | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 5 years ago

We’re (still) not being alarmist enough about climate change

What if we had another 9/11, and nothing happened? Living in New York City, the one fantasy sport that everybody plays is real estate; we all like to imagine what it would be like to be able to afford to buy a place. And sometime over the last year | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 5 years ago

We’re (still) not being alarmist enough about climate change

What if we had another 9/11, and nothing happened? Living in New York City, the one fantasy sport that everybody plays is real estate; we all like to imagine what it would be like to be able to afford to buy a place. And sometime over the last year | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 5 years ago

The price of relevance is fluency

“You can’t say anything anymore! You can’t even make jokes!” There’s a constant complaint from people in positions of power, mostly men, who keep making the ridiculous assertion that they’re not able to speak in public. What they actually mean is they no longer understand the | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 6 years ago

Seventeen is (Almost) Just Another Day

For the first decade after the attacks, I basically didn’t go anywhere near that part of downtown. A business meeting would take me a few blocks away, and I’d feel that tightness in my chest, that presence, and I’d just keep moving. But this morning, I’ll | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 6 years ago

A Much Faster Way to Charge your iPhone

Forgive me, for I am about to commit gadget blogging. I've been using an iPhone X since they came out, and almost from the start my battery has charged between two and three time the default speed of most people's phones. All you need is one new cable to do | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 6 years ago

Unfollowing Everybody

At this point, there's nothing novel about noticing that social media is often toxic and stressful. But even aside from those concerns, our social networks are not things we generally think of as requiring maintenance or upkeep, even though we routinely do regular updates on all … | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 6 years ago

The Cartoon Kit

Anything worth doing is worth doing meta. And Tom and Jerry is no exception. I've been trying to learn a bit more about the various eras of the Tom and Jerry cartoon, from the mega-racist Hanna-Barbera originals to the extremely stylized Chuck Jones episodes. Somewhere in the mid … | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 6 years ago

It's like Shazam — for your face!

Today's most fun new Glitch app is Record Player, which lets you upload a photo, then uses Google Cloud's Vision API to recognize the image and play it on Spotify. It works really well, but the real fun starts when you upload a selfie or a picture of yourself. I | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 6 years ago

12 Things Everyone Should Understand About Tech

Tech is more important than ever, deeply affecting culture, politics and society. Given all the time we spend with our gadgets and apps, it’s essential to understand the principles that determine how tech affects our lives. Understanding technology today Technology isn’t an indus … | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 6 years ago

The Missing Building Blocks of the Web

At a time when millions are losing trust in the the web’s biggest sites, it’s worth revisiting the idea that the web was supposed to be made out of countless little sites. Here’s a look at the neglected technologies that were supposed to make it possible. Though | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 6 years ago

On Being An American

I was born and raised outside of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. A few weeks ago, an editor of The Patriot-News, the local paper, asked me for my thoughts regarding the anniversary of the attacks. To put things in context, I was always very ambivalent about the culture of the area I gr … | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 6 years ago

Have the Hip Hop BBQ

I keep having to explain a principle I arrived at a few years ago when I realized the modern conservative movement is grounded almost entirely in a contrived sense of grievance, predicated on a false victimhood of its supporters. (That’s not to say some haven’t genuinely suffered … | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 6 years ago

Masters in Business

A few months ago, I got the wonderful opportunity to talk to Barry Ritholtz, who’s best known as a Bloomberg View columnist and for his excellent “Masters in Business” podcast, but whom I’ve known online for many years. We talked about a topic that’s incredibly important to | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 6 years ago

Every Last Jedi

This is a spoiler-filled first set of reactions to Star Wars: The Last Jedi. The ultimate courage of what Rian Johnson has done here, is that he fully embraced what it is to be a director who obviously grew up as true fan of Star Wars, and retconned the whole | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 6 years ago

Star Wars Minute!

In advance of the upcoming release of The Last Jedi, excitement is building for all things Star Wars, so I’m thrilled to share that I got to be a guest on the inestimable Star Wars Minute podcast. The show tackles the world’s most popular franchise one movie at | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 6 years ago

4th Day of November...

I struggled for a long time when the nice folks at the Heat Rocks podcast asked me which Prince album I’d want to talk about on their show. Oliver Wang and Morgan Rhodes run an amazing podcast, where every episode is a deep-dive into a classic album. Ultimately, because | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 6 years ago