Why Do I Need GTD?

The core principle is GTD is to get everything out of our heads and into a trusted system where everything is written down and organized by a certain set of principles. | Continue reading

@bitsnbytes.blog | 6 years ago

Designing my Own Workbench

For a long while now, I’ve been dealing with less-than-ideal work surfaces in my wood shop. I’ve got a blanket over my table saw so I can work there (when I’m not using it). IR… | Continue reading

@bitsnbytes.blog | 6 years ago

Diving Deep on Coupling

If we take a line of code as a single component, then what defines how it is connected to the lines around it? For a start: the local variables it uses, methods it calls, conditional statements it … | Continue reading

@bitsnbytes.blog | 6 years ago

Diving Deep on Cohesion

Does the component do exactly one thing which is easy to describe and conceptualize? Does it have relatively few, easy-to-understand connections to the other components around it? | Continue reading

@bitsnbytes.blog | 6 years ago

Coupling and Cohesion

Coupling is the extent to which two components are interconnected… Cohesion is the extent to which all the parts of a component serve a unified purpose. | Continue reading

@bitsnbytes.blog | 6 years ago

Ayn Rand's “crow” epistemology applied to programming

The concept of unit economy is behind everything we do in our daily work as programmers.  Not too surprisingly, abusing a reader’s unit economy is the foremost way to make your code unreadabl… | Continue reading

@bitsnbytes.blog | 6 years ago