On Digital Relationships: Once Upon A Time, I Was A Voxer

Manu is hosting this month’s IndieWeb Carnival on digital relationships, and I wasn’t going to try contributing to this until reading his own entry and realizing that it might be worth talking about how my first digital relationships also were analogue ones. Here’s just a little … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

On Digital Relationships: Once Upon A Time, I Was A Voxer

Manu is hosting this month’s IndieWeb Carnival on digital relationships, and I wasn’t going to try contributing to this until reading his own entry and realizing that it might be worth talking about how my first digital relationships also were analogue ones. Here’s just a little … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

Travels With

At the leading edge of this particular depression, I posted about an impotent wanderlust and tried to remember what traveling I’d done in the past. There’s some things missing in that litany, and I wanted to try finding what I could amongst the memory deficiencies. | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

The Proper Diagnosis

Before heading to bed I read this Adrienne LaFrance piece for The Atlantic about techno-authoritarianism, and maybe it’s only because I recently read Clara E. Mattei’s The Capital Order but 3,000 seems like an awful lot of words not to include a critique of capitalism, which is t … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

Thanks, I Hate It

In the back of my mind after the past several days of course I knew it was possible but I was trying very hard not to think about it. The mood dive has hit, and all I can see right now is how completely shit is my future, because a tiny bit of it starts next month with my energy … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

Journalism Is An Act Of Power

Robert Kingett last week wrote about the need for less objective journalism, and there’s just a couple bits I wanted to pull here, mostly about the idea that, yes, journalism is a thumb on the scales of power but so-called objective journalism is pressing on the wrong side. | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

It’s Okay Sometimes To Hate Being Actually Autistic

This morning I had to get up early in order to catch a medical transpo service to the Pulmonary Function Lab for a now-routine, annual or so, lung function test. When I’d finally remembered late last week to call to schedule the ride, I didn’t also schedule the return trip, becau … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

Sleepwalking In Place

I’m around halfway through The Dream-Quest of Vellitt Boe by Kij Johnson, and last night I slid into an hour and a half of insomnia because I started thinking about traveling. I’d started feeling a minor pang of wanderlust, itself complicated by two things. | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

On Disabled Autonomy

So, there’s a couple of things that got left out of my epic, long post about being denied adequate disability accommodations by both Safeway and the State of Oregon, or maybe one thing that got left out and one thing I wanted to elaborate. | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

Leaving Behind The Last Vestiges Of Gutenberg

It’s no secret that I do not especially enjoy the WordPress block editor, otherwise known by the last name of the originator of printing with movable type, and for awhile now I’ve had it completely disabled. My themes of late, then, have been non-block ones, and using the Jetpack … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

What Does ‘Full And Equal Enjoyment’ Mean, Exactly?

When last we spoke of it, my long-running public accommodations complaint against Safeway for disabling the mute function on their self-checkout kiosks had been “administratively closed” by the Oregon Bureau of Labor & Industries, an action taken sometimes when the bureau is over … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 7 months ago

I Said, ‘No Comment’

Less than a month after opening up comments and pings here, I’ve turned them all off again. I want to stress that this isn’t because of any particular comment or ping, nor is it about spam management. I’ve entered something of a flail and that usually bodes well for making a bunc … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 8 months ago

Flagging Motivation

For most of the past week or so, I’ve been preoccupied first with moving from TV Time to Trakt for tracking my television viewing (the former having apparently done away with public user profiles); then on once again rebooting my homepage, bringing it back to omg.lol from Carrd; … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 8 months ago

ActivityPub Is To The IndieWeb As A.I. Is To Silicon Valley?

Well before I even got out of bed this morning, I became enmeshed in a Mastodon discussion between the author of the ActivityPub plugin for WordPress and a longstanding expert in designing for community, and it’s worth summarizing here the major point made by the latter. | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 8 months ago

Samefoods Can Change

There’s this autistic (and maybe elsewise) idea of samefood, wherein one of our robust defaults is to do just what it says: eat the same food all the time. That doesn’t always or necessarily mean that these tastes never change, however. | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 8 months ago

Hotlinking To Save The Internet

Over on Mastodon, Robb’s been playing with 88x31s like we used to have on our sites and blogs in the old days, and in the process it raised something called hotlinking, otherwise known as inline linking, and that in turn brought to mind an early web story I don’t think I’ve ever … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 8 months ago

Blog Comments Are Not Social Media

Matthias Ott, riffing on a conversation between Matt Mullenweg (of whom, of course, I’ve heard) and Tim Ferriss (who seems precisely like the sort of ridiculous Silicon Valley influencer type about whom I’m glad I’ve never heard anything), has some thoughts about blog comments. A … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 8 months ago

Old, Older, Oldest

Chris at the new year has been adding old posts to his blog, inspiring Robb to do the same. The former’s earliest post in this process dates to May of 2002, while the latter found one from July of 2009. My interest here should be obvious, as this site is destined eventually to ho … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 8 months ago

A Brief Look At My 2023 In Books

I’m still using Goodreads for book tracking, primarily because I only follow authors and that’s how I get a fair number of my recommendations: the books enjoyed by authors I enjoy. Last year, I set my challenge at 50 books, and in the end I read 64, although this is misleading fo … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 8 months ago

Radical Acts Of Autistic Empathy

“Forget resolutions; let’s focus on being good people and helping others,” says Musings from a Tangled Mind. “Random acts of kindness, like holding the door open for someone or letting someone merge in traffic […] or being an ally where needed are the real currency of the soul.” | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 8 months ago

The Year For Blogging To Pump Up The Volume

In 1990, New Line Cinema released a box office failure starring Christian Slater as a teenage pirate radio DJ who inspires a surge of others to take to the air and find their voice. Come and gone nearly three years to the month before I first got online, Pump Up the Volume noneth … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 8 months ago

My Best Blog Posts Of 2023

This time last December, I wrote up my picks for my top ten blog posts here for the year ending. I’d written 75 posts that year. I’ve written 322 this year—more than I can process into another “top ten”. However, I did some browsing and have come up with what I consider my two be … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 8 months ago

The Personal And The Political

Mike Haynes asked about names, specifically what made bloggers “choose to use your real name or not”, while Robert happenstantially mentioned not really “posting a great deal of personal information”, and I thought about what I posted almost a year ago about my name and its statu … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 8 months ago

The Flaw In Webmention

One of my trepidations about turning on not just webmentions themselves but also their display on posts is that I don’t actually like likes as a concept, despite once upon a time mentioning how useful they are if and when I’m cognitively overwhelmed but want to send some sort of … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 8 months ago

Accidental Thoughts On Austerity

I don’t really do more general link posts here, figuring it’s just as easy for someone to subscribe to the RSS feed of my Linklog folder on Instapaper, but there are three disparate and unconnected things I read this week that I do feel like highlighting. | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 8 months ago

We’ve Got Some Issues

If you’ve spotted the widget in the sidebar, you already know the gist of what I’m getting into here. Since the switch to Shoreditch, a number of outstanding issues have lingered even as I’ve settled one or two. It’s worth goign into a little more details on each of those that re … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 8 months ago

Comments And Pings And Mentions, Oh My

This will be highly experimental and I reserve the right to retreat behind the wall again at any given moment and without notice, but I’ve begun preparatory work to open up all of comments, pings, and webmentions here beginning with the start of the new year. | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 8 months ago

Being Autistic Is Physiological

Sometimes I think about things that should be self-evident, and certainly are to me, that I wonder whether or not they are sufficiently self-evident to other people, especially those who are not themselves actually autistic. This happened again today, while I was at my regular br … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 8 months ago

Checkbox: Start Fresh

Despite the time of year, the title here shouldn’t suggest that this is some sort of New Year’s resolutions post. Rather, it’s about some of the latest design tweaks I’ve made since switching the blog over to the Shoreditch theme so that I could stop having to edit theme files an … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 8 months ago

Costello Department, Miss Reference Speaking

If you’re the sort of person who, like me, recently finished Brian Merchant’s Blood in the Machine, or perhaps Joanne McNeil’s Wrong Way, or even Brit Marling and Zal Batmanglij’s A Murder at the End of the World, and are looking for a movie to watch at Christmas, I’d point you i … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 8 months ago

Multi-Level Marketing In Autism

Ann Memmott last month wrote a useful post essentially debunking autism “levels” as not especially responsive to the lived experiences of autistic people at the very least because autism writ large and autistic lives individually are naturally heterogeneous when viewed through su … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 9 months ago

Ragged Right Edge

As of this morning, I’ve now encountered my fifth Kindle edition where the Enhanced Typesetting isn’t just enabling the left justification option, which it’s designed to do, but seemingly also somehow disabling Kindle’s default full justification option. At least one publisher ha … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 9 months ago

Starting Two Weeks With Apple Journal

For these final two weeks of the year I’ve been giving the Apple Journal app a test-run. I’ve not previously used any kind of journal app, although for more than a year, I think, I’ve jotted daily bullet points in Apple Notes that I use as a guide for therapy every Friday afterno … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 9 months ago

The One About The Thing

So, there’s no way to do this except with a very short post, despite trying very hard to avoid anything close to microblogging here, but I have three things to say about Sam Esmail’s Leave the World Behind. | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 9 months ago

Another Day At A Time

For the record, not long after I posted about my dryer, I did once again wedge something between the back panel and the wall, but it didn’t make much difference. If I wanted to warm up my clothes for the day or my bedclothes at night, I had to stand there with one hand against th … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 9 months ago

What The Autistic Nervous System Needs

My therapist and I last week, although I can’t recall how we got onto it although probably it was our discussion of resilience, talked briefly about two seemingly discrepant ways in which my autistic brain approaches and handles circumstances in which my answers basically seem to … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 9 months ago

Happy (Assigned) Birthday, Sorry About Your Present, And My Future

Today is the shelter-assigned birthday of Meru, who today in 2014 was taken in by Multnomah County as a stray. By their estimate, she was born in 2006 which would make her an (assigned) seventeen. In 2017 when she was eleven, I got her Willow for her birthday, who then went on to … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 9 months ago

Infernal Backlinks

This morning I encountered a confounding problem wherein I clicked the link to a post that appears in today’s On This Day and got the content of a different post, notwithstanding the post’s content being correct on the backend. Despite having just woken up, I quickly traced the i … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 9 months ago

Don’t Mention It

Well, as I suggested on Friday, I did decide to disable the Webmention plugin, and then later decided maybe I’d put it back, but between these two times I’d done something else indeterminate that made them not work anyway. | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 9 months ago

It Seemed The Taste Was Not So Sweet

After a rocky week or two behind the scenes that I was not doing a very good job of either seeing them as rocky or once seen understanding why, I’ve made a couple of changes to my blogging life. One of which should be fairly evident because you’re looking at it, but the other is … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 9 months ago

How Dry I Am Not

Five years ago, just after moving in, the dryer on the old, decrepit Frigidaire stacked unit started emitting a raucous rattle, almost like something either was stuck between the drum and the housing, or some part of the drum was rhythmically striking something jutting slightly i … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 9 months ago

Undercounting The Disabled

On the heels of thinking aloud about the diagnostic language gap, it probably makes a little bit of sense for me to get into the potential changes to the U.S. Census that could result in a vast undercount of disabled Americans, as described by Betsy Ladyzhets of newly-launched Th … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 9 months ago

The Swudge Must Flow

While I’ve long since stopped microblogging here in favor of doing so in more ephemeral venues, I’ve a need to get this on the record. After spotting Matt Haughey ponder attending a showing of *Wonka* dressed as Paul Atreides, it seemed to me there was only one reply. | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 9 months ago

It’s A WordPress Plugins Meme Post

As you might surmise from my post about blogrolls where I mention not having posted to that “default apps” meme, I don’t really do blog memes. However, after seeing Tracy list her WordPress plugins, following the lead of Nick and of Jan Boddez, and then seeing Alex follow on, I f … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 9 months ago

Holey Sheet

Another adventure in midlife adulting. Is it even still midlife when you’re 54? Last year my top sheet tore, almost certainly because my cat claws her way to get under the blanket and eventually weakened it enough so that normal movement ripped it wide open. | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 9 months ago

Administrativa Disbeliever

Back in August, I’d mentioned that I’ve been trying to get Safeway to reactivate the mute function on the self-checkout kiosks, because the incessant narrating chatter is a final sensory nightmare when grocery shopping already is a stressful activity as it is. Over a year and a h … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 9 months ago

The Infinite Sadness

We’re now fully enmeshed in the time of year where my metabolic imperative is to fatten up, and I’m trying very hard to not replace my rice bowl with a pasta bowl and my cold cereal with a toasted bagel and cream cheese because I don’t live in a cave and spend my days on the tund … | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 9 months ago

The Blogosphere Of Poems

Folks are starting to respond to Robin Rendle’s declaration “that we are a poem and not software”, and that perhaps the personal sites and blogs we make for the web ought to reflect this. | Continue reading

@bix.blog | 9 months ago