Quotes from veteran software engineers

The software industry is the most fashion-conscious industry I know of. | Continue reading

@darkcoding.net | 9 years ago

Raw sockets in Go: Link layer

Continuing our dive into the Internet Protocol Suite from Go (See part 1 Raw sockets in Go: IP layer), we are going to the link layer, so we can see the IP headers. | Continue reading

@darkcoding.net | 9 years ago

Continuous Delivery: my notes

Continuous Delivery, by Jez Humble and David Farley is about three big ideas to get your code into production more reliably: Make a deployment pipeline: commit -> unit test -> acceptance test -> … -> deploy -> release Automate everything. | Continue reading

@darkcoding.net | 9 years ago

Release It: Write software for production

We need to design software to run in production. | Continue reading

@darkcoding.net | 9 years ago

What a visit from Reddit looks like

My credit card generator was recently on the front page of reddit. | Continue reading

@darkcoding.net | 9 years ago

Learning assembler on Linux

For entertainment, I’m learning assembler on Linux. | Continue reading

@darkcoding.net | 10 years ago

Dump Go Abstract Syntax Tree

Go has good support for examining and modifying Go source code. | Continue reading

@darkcoding.net | 10 years ago