Vim for Rails developers: Lazy modern configuration

Vim is very customizable, it has thousands of plugins suitable for everyone’s needs. Each of us uses some of them. Furthermore, it has a good number of files you can use to configure some aspects of the editor and it would be very nice to keep all this stuff under a version contr … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

A review of Crafting Rails Applications

As usual, my considerations grouped by chapter: Creating our own renderer # Very interesting way of starting a book. The author presents a gem used throughout the book called enginex. | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Pry Everywhere

I’m generally sceptical about alternatives of tools that work just fine like IRB. And I really like IRB. So why Pry? And why everywhere? Because Pry features blew my mind. When I wrote about IRB customization, I was doing what I always do when I like a tool: customize it in order … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

A review of The RSpec Book

As usual, my considerations grouped by chapter: Introduction # The book starts with an introduction to the reasons behind BDD. It’s a cool introduction, short and clear. It’s very useful if these topics are new for you. | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Multiple files upload with carrierwave and nested_form

I wrote this post just to show how it’s possible to get a perfectly working form with multiple files upload within a few minutes. If you need to implement multiple file attachments to a given object with only one form quickly, this example could help you. | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Vim for Rails developers: Recursive macros and Ack.vim

Programmers are lazy. We all are. I think Rails programmers are lazier than others. I mean, Rails is an opinionated software, that’s why we all love it. It has made many choices for us, so we can think about our problems. | Continue reading | 13 years ago

A review of The Rails 3 way

This book doesn’t need an introduction. Obie Fernandez has done an incredibly awesome work with this book, many of us already knew it. Generally, my reviews start with a tiny description of the reviewed book, then go on with considerations grouped by chapter and finish with a gen … | Continue reading | 13 years ago