Relevance in Microblogs: Enhancing Tweet Retrieval using Hyperlinked Documents

Twitter serves over 1.6 billion searches each day, ranking tweets for display to the user in reverse-chronological order. However, finding relevant tweets can be a challenging task, since the relevance of a tweet is dependant both on its content and whether it links to a useful d … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

University of Glasgow at TREC 2012: Experiments with Terrier in Medical Records, Microblog, and Web Tracks

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University of Glasgow at TREC 2012: Experiments with Terrier in Medical Records, Microblog, and Web Tracks

In TREC 2012, we focus on tackling the new challenges posed by the Medical, Microblog and Web tracks, using our Terrier Information Retrieval Platform. In particular, for the Medical track, we investigate how to exploit implicit knowledge within medical records, with the aim of b … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

University of Glasgow at TREC 2012: Experiments with Terrier in Medical Records, Microblog, and Web Tracks

In TREC 2012, we focus on tackling the new challenges posed by the Medical, Microblog and Web tracks, using our Terrier Information Retrieval Platform. In particular, for the Medical track, we investigate how to exploit implicit knowledge within medical records, with the aim of b … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Thesis: News Vertical Search using User-Generated Content

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Thesis: News Vertical Search using User-Generated Content

The thesis investigates how content produced by end-users on the World Wide Web --- referred to as user-generated content --- can enhance the news vertical aspect of a universal Web search engine, such that news-related queries can be satisfied more accurately, comprehensively an … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Thesis: News Vertical Search using User-Generated Content

The thesis investigates how content produced by end-users on the World Wide Web --- referred to as user-generated content --- can enhance the news vertical aspect of a universal Web search engine, such that news-related queries can be satisfied more accurately, comprehensively an … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Bieber no more: First Story Detection using Twitter and Wikipedia

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Bieber no more: First Story Detection using Twitter and Wikipedia

Twitter is a well known source of information regarding breaking news stories. This aspect of Twitter makes it ideal for identifying events as they happen. However, a key problem with Twitter-driven event detection approaches is that they produce many spurious events, i.e., event … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Bieber no more: First Story Detection using Twitter and Wikipedia

 Twitter is a well known source of information regardingbreaking news stories. This aspect of Twitter makes it idealfor identifying events as they happen. However, a key problemwith Twitter-driven event detection approaches is thatthey produce many spurious events, i.e., events t … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Evaluating Real-Time Search over Tweets

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CrowdTerrier: Automatic Crowdsourced Relevance Assessments with Terrier

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On Building a Reusable Twitter Corpus

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University of Glasgow at TREC 2011: Experiments with Terrier in Crowdsourcing, Microblog, and Web Tracks

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Identifying Top News using Crowdsourcing

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Evaluating Real-Time Search over Tweets

Twitter offers a phenomenal platform for the social sharing of information. We describe new resources that have been created in the context of the Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) to support the academic study of Twitter as a real-time information source. We formalize an informat … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Evaluating Real-Time Search over Tweets

Twitter offers a phenomenal platform for the social sharing of information. We describe new resources that have been created in the context of the Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) to support the academic study of Twitter as a real-time information source. We formalize an informat … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

CrowdTerrier: Automatic Crowdsourced Relevance Assessments with Terrier

Information retrieval (IR) systems rely on document relevance assessments for queries to gauge their effectiveness for a variety of tasks, e.g. Web result ranking. Evaluation forums such as TREC and CLEF provide relevance assessments for common tasks. However, it is not possible … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

On Building a Reusable Twitter Corpus

The Twitter real-time information network is the subject of research for information retrieval tasks such as real-time search. However, so far, reproducible experimentation on Twitter data has been impeded by restrictions imposed by the Twitter terms of service. In this paper, we … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

University of Glasgow at TREC 2011: Experiments with Terrier in Crowdsourcing, Microblog, and Web Tracks

In TREC 2011, we focus on tackling the new challenges proposed by the pilot Crowdsourcing and Microblog tracks, using our Terrier Information Retrieval Platform. Meanwhile, we continue to build upon our novel xQuAD framework and data-driven ranking approaches within Terrier to ac … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Identifying Top News using Crowdsourcing

The influential Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) retrieval conference has always relied upon specialist assessors or occasionally participating groups to create relevance judgements for the tracks that it runs. Recently however, crowdsourcing has been championed as a cheap, fast … | Continue reading | 11 years ago