I don't care what the critics say; I loved it. I mean, I really loved it. I never laugh at comedy films anyway. It takes a lot to get me to laugh aloud, and most… | Continue reading
from Instagram: http://bit.ly/2Jcj6yM The other week I ate handfuls of Belgium chocolate almost without noticing. It wasn't mindless or accidental. It was deliberate and avoidable, but I chose to do it. And then I paid… | Continue reading
from Instagram: http://bit.ly/2GQQkp3 I would just like to say that I am creating something. A lot of the time I feel like the | Continue reading
I'm obsessed. There will be some type of happiness study done some time down the road, and they will discover that scent can trigger lasting happiness. Because when I smell Orange Sanguine, I feel like… | Continue reading
Today I bought a pillow. I returned a CC cream, a lipstick, and a makeup primer. Primers are a scam. I found a new perfume that reminds me of an old perfume. I showered. I… | Continue reading
I have a memory similar to today's shit story (the memory was recorded here). Both involve dogs and white carpeting and the ever popular 'rhea. Today we awoke to a blizzard. Yes, snow outside. And… | Continue reading
I heard someone today say that wasted creativity isn't benign. That when we don't flex our creative muscles, not only do they atrophy, but it metastasizes into shame. Into hopelessness. Into unworthiness. It made me… | Continue reading