AT&T program “Listen Understand Act” claims racism is a uniquely white trait

Thread by @realchrisrufo: SCOOP: AT&T Corporation has created a race reeducation program with materials claiming that "racism is a uniquely white trait" and teaching employees: "White people, you are the problem." ...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

We took a tour of the port. Here's a thread about what I learned

Thread by @typesfast: Yesterday I rented a boat and took the leader of one of Flexport's partners in Long Beach on a 3 hour of the port complex. Here's a thread about what I learned. First off,... | Continue reading | 3 years ago

What I've learnt talking to 2,500 companies about remote work – a thread

Thread by @chris_herd: What I've learnt talking to 2,500+ companies about remote work [ a thread ] 💻🏠🌍 🏢 HQ’s are finished: companies will cut their commercial office space by 50-70% The will allow every worker to...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

The Backstory of the Drupal PCI Compliance White Paper

Thread by @rickmanelius: A decade ago, I wrote a White Paper that 10x’d my credibility an open source community that I was otherwise unknown in. Crazy part? I wasn’t an expert on the subject (but I...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Mapbox Workers Union claim retailation of organizers by executives

Thread by @MapboxUnion: After our election, @Mapbox execs promised that there would be no retaliation against organizers. That was a lie. The retaliation has already started at Mapbox. Organizers are being fired on...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Did people treat me differently after I sold Twitch?

Thread by @justinkan: Did people treat me differently after I sold @Twitch? Absolutely. Here's what $970,000,000 taught me about life, fake friends, and making new ones: A common intuition about wealth and success ...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

“Code Is Just”

Thread by @shahidkamal: 1982: I wrote Alien Attack, my first game, on an Atari 400, in BASIC. It had a custom character set for the alien (one at a time) and your spaceship. I advertised it... | Continue reading | 3 years ago

New findings in SARS-CoV-2 origin

Thread by @SpyrosLytras: So, this excellent preprint came out a few hours ago and I have to say we’re getting closer to understanding where SARS-CoV-2 came from and where similar pandemic CoVs might be! researchsqu...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Imaginging how a National Vaccine Passport implementation could go wrong

Thread by @Foone: This is one reason I'm not THAT bothered that the US hasn't rolled out an official digital vaccine certificate system, because I have worked for the government before and I know it would be a...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Facebook Inadvertently Affecting Elections in Iceland

Thread by @asta_fish: So, we have this peculiar situation here in Iceland that essentially means that @Facebook is inherently influencing our upcoming parliamentary elections with a "computer says no". And this has...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Ben Collins answers: “Where did this ivermectin obsession come from?”

Thread by @oneunderscore__: A quick thread: A lot of people have asked me this week: Where did this ivermectin obsession come from? Who could possibly benefit from it? Most importantly, why did my antivaxx aunt sta...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Anatomy of a Bigot

Thread by @AunindyoC: Anatomy of a bigot (short thread): Your father works as a cashier in a small export firm. Your mother is a home-maker. You have two sisters and a younger brother. Your dadi moved in...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Big Box stores are a bad deal for cities

Thread by @stacyfmitchell: 1. It turns out that big-box stores are an even worse deal for cities and towns – worse than anyone, even their opponents, once thought. 2. In the 1990s and 2000s, grassroots groups...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Herd Immunity Threshold

Thread by @mgmgomes1: Don't know how common this feeling is among mathematical epidemiologists but as someone who has worked on population dynamics of infection & immunity for 20 years I felt hopeless to see herd i...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Explaining Vaccine Effectiveness

Thread by @mugecevik: There is a lot of concern/confusion about vaccine effectiveness against the delta variant. How effective are the vaccines against Delta & how to interpret real-world observational data? So muc...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Epic reveals Google's offers for app makers like Activision Blizzard

Thread by @jowens510: Epic has sent out its unredacted antitrust complaint against Google, which reveals some things that were not revealed before, such as ... Google has a secret initiative originally called "Proj...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

A Story About the Skyrim Intro

Thread by @NPurkeypile: So, I have a story about the Skyrim Intro and how hard game development is. That intro is famous now, but back then, it was just that one thing that we had to... | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Belarusian Cyber-partisans hacked the Belarusian police and Interior Ministry

Thread by @TadeuszGiczan: A short thread about what is perhaps the most successful cyber attack in the history of any nation state conducted by a group called “Belarusian Cyber-partisans”. Last month they hacked th...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

My scooter was stolen. I was able to use the Apple Find My and UWB to recover it

Thread by @dguido: My scooter was stolen last week. Unknown to the thief, I hid two Airtags inside it. I was able to use the Apple Find My network and UWB direction finding to recover the scooter... | Continue reading | 3 years ago

The Ransomeware Economy

Thread by @FabiusMercurius: 🕸️Inside the Ransomware Economy🕸️ Ryuk is the biggest Saas unicorn u've never heard of. $150M ARR. 3 yrs old. Maybe it’s taboo to learn business strategy from a cybergang. But the ransom...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

France controls 15 African nations and 180M+ people

Thread by @gladstein: 1/ My essay "Fighting Monetary Colonialism with Open Source Code" is live. France controls 15 African nations and 180M+ people through the CFA franc currency. The details are shocking. Can Bit...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

An analysis of US-China relations

Thread by @Dragondescendan: This is my analysis of the major issues that are currently emerging in the US and the future trend of China-US relations. If the US does not actively seek to improve its relations...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Germans ruling parties allow intelligence services to access devices

Thread by @ruhrscholz: German ruling parties (@cducsubt, @spdbt) have agreed on the "Law on the Adaptation of the Protection of the Constitution", a law which allows all 19 German intelligence services to access it...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Disclosed slides from Apple/Epic trial on competing app stores in China

Thread by @benedictevans: What happens when there are competing smartphone app stores? China is a case study. 700m+ Androids without Google services. Result: complexity… and higher commissions. What happens when yo...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

My first company sold for a billion, my 2nd lost $75M in 36 months

Thread by @justinkan: My first company @twitch sold for a billion dollars. My second one lost $75 million in 36 months. People love talking about success, but today I'm going to talk about failure. It's time to...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Now I get Twitter ads for mom's toothpaste

Thread by @RobertGReeve: I'm back from a week at my mom's house and now I'm getting ads for her toothpaste brand, the brand I've been putting in my mouth for a week. We never talked about... | Continue reading | 3 years ago

A long rant about Ruby, its value, its innovations, and its (sad) fate

Thread by @zverok: 1. A long rant about Ruby, its value, its innovations, and its (sad) fate. Should've probably been a blogpost, but let it be just some random tweets. 2. I do believe that Ruby is...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

“developer experience” is two 2 categories

Thread by @jeanqasaur: When we talk about "developer experience," we really need to separate dev tools into two categories: ones that simplify things away and ones that help developers engage with complexity. DX ne...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

To-Do List Junkie

Thread by @awilkinson: This is a story about how I lost $10,000,000 by doing something stupid. Ten. Million. Dollars. Literally up in smoke. Money bonfire. That’s enough to retire with $250,000+ in annual income. H...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Deep-tech AI startups vs. Big-tech AI research labs

Thread by @nasrinmmm: I've interviewed many graduating PhD students lately who are considering industry jobs, and almost all of them said they had never thought about AI startups before talking with me,so I thought...… | Continue reading | 3 years ago

GitHub Sponsors and VAT

Thread by @rafaelcodes: I have closed my GitHub sponsors account. It's a bit of a shame, I find the program promising as it picks people up where they report issues. And it has shown that it... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

X and Wayland Are Like Petrol Cars vs. EVs

Thread by @who_t: A car analogy: X and Wayland are like petrol cars vs electric vehicles (EVs). And, funnily enough, they're roughly at the same stage in the progress bar. 1/12 A lot of infrastructure work is requir...… | Continue reading | 4 years ago

There is no connection between the stock market and reality

Thread by @DanPriceSeattle: There is no connection between the stock market and reality. A thread: 1. Airlines spent 96% of free cash flow on stock buybacks for a decade, then cut 90,000 jobs as soon as...… | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Attempt to manually recover data from corrupted 5.25“ Apple II floppy

Thread by @bzotto: Thread: An attempt to reconstruct, manually, the data on a corrupted 5.25" Apple II floppy disk which contains a game I wrote when I was in elementary school. I think it can be done!...… | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Thread by Chris_herd on Remote Working

Thread by @chris_herd: I spoke to 5 global enterprises about remote work last week Here’s what they told me about their plans for the future [ a thread ] 💻🏠🌎 💰 Office space: All of them have... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Parler website is back up

Thread by @AdamSculthorpe: Parler website is back up. With a DDos-Guard IP, exactly as I predicted the day it went offline. DDoS Guard is the Russian equivalent of CloudFlare, and runs many shady sites. RiTM (Russi...… | Continue reading | 4 years ago

South Korea vs. UK re-entry during Covid

Thread by @koryodynasty: 1/ I thought I'd write about my experience re-entering South Korea, where I reside, during this global pandemic. It wasn't a 5 minute job like in London Heathrow where I was out in...… | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Thread by Prof Joshua Landy on Glenn Greenwald

Thread by @profjoshlandy: Here’s the thing about Glenn @ggreenwald: he’s been wrong over and over about Russia. Does he ever apologize, retract, adopt a posture of epistemic modesty? No, he just moves the goalposts...… | Continue reading | 4 years ago

What happens when your domain registrar closes down business and goes bankrupt

Thread by @nixcraft: Long thread: What happens when your domain registrar close down biz and goes bankrupted: NET4 India is in insolvency case, and it went out of business. The director is in jail for fraud. Over...… | Continue reading | 4 years ago

The pandemic response in much of the West versus more successful countries

Thread by @yaneerbaryam: I have been working on pandemic outbreaks for 15 years. There is a misunderstanding of the difference between the response in much of the West, versus successful countries (including New Ze...… | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Former Uber engineer shares “biggest engineering disaster” story

Thread by @StanTwinB: Alright folks, gather round and let me tell you the story of (almost) the biggest engineering disaster I’ve ever had the misfortune of being involved in. It’s a tale of politics, architecture ...… | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Amazon reviews for scented candles, before and during the pandemic

Thread by @kate_ptrv: I couldn’t just walk past this Tweet, so here is some fun #dataviz Scented candles: An unexpected victim of the COVID-19 pandemic 1/n First, I downloaded a random subsample of US-based custome...… | Continue reading | 4 years ago

History of Floppy Disk Piracy and Anti-Pirating Techniques

Thread by @drtune: Anecdote: For 15 years floppy disk copy protection was fun cat+mouse hackery (Apple2, C64, Amiga; I was friends with the XCopy guys+I did 'Cyclone' hw copier) with lots of clever/complex tricks (s...… | Continue reading | 4 years ago

A Data Scientist's Deep-Dive That Could Change History

Thread by @APhilosophae: The following information is provided via an anonymous data scientist and another anonymous individual who wrote a script to scrape the national ballot counting time series data of off the ...… | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Anomaly in US Ballot Counting Time Series Data?

Thread by @APhilosophae: The following information is provided via an anonymous data scientist and another anonymous individual who wrote a script to scrape the national ballot counting time series data of off the ...… | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Time Series Analysis of the Election

Thread by @APhilosophae: The following information is provided via an anonymous data scientist and another anonymous individual who wrote a script to scrape the national ballot counting time series data of off the ...… | Continue reading | 4 years ago

There is a Democratic blue swoosh running through the heart of the South

Thread by @latifnasser: The US election is tomorrow.  If you, like me, are tired of horse-race-style reporting, and need to zoom out, I wanna tell you a story. It’s about an ancient force influencing the election. ...… | Continue reading | 4 years ago

“Putting something in hardware” (ASIC) usually does not make a program faster

Thread by @CasualEffects: @AmazingThew Something life changing I learned early at NVIDIA is that "putting something in hardware" (creating an application-specific integrated circuit, ASIC) usually does not make a p...… | Continue reading | 4 years ago