Falling into poverty appears to make people become less intelligent and become old before their time, according to a new study. Researchers found life on the breadline for 20 years was “strongly associated” with “worse cognitive function” and premature aging. And they suggested t … | Continue reading
Known as “the man with the golden arm”, James Harrison is estimated to have saved the lives of 2.4 million babies after giving blood almost every week for 60 years. The 81-year-old Australian has donated more than 1,100 times since turning 21. Because his blood has unique disease … | Continue reading
A fleet of Nasa spacecraft have finally helped solve a long-standing mystery about the Earth's magnetic field. Scientists have used the data from the four spacecraft that are part of a Nasa mission to finally understand the energy in the swirling magnetic fields that surround the … | Continue reading
Traffic police in China are to begin using facial-recognition technology to identify jaywalkers and automatically issue them fines by text. Authorities in Shenzhen already publicly name and shame people who flout the southern city’s strict road rules, using CCTV cameras equipped … | Continue reading
Almost all the ice covering the Bering Sea has melted, scientists have confirmed, throwing communities living around its shores into disarray. The region’s ice cover normally persists for at least another month, and this year it has vanished earlier than any other year except 201 … | Continue reading
Scientists just found a very huge, very young supermassive black hole. As far as we know, it shouldn't be able to exist, and it just might re-write our understanding of the early universe. It is the most distant black hole ever seen by scientists. And it is so far away that we ar … | Continue reading
The world’s largest ever cryptocurrency fundraising effort has been put on hold after the popular messaging app Telegram scrapped plans to broaden its initial coin offering (ICO). | Continue reading
Facebook has fired one of its engineers over allegations that the worker used his position at the company to access personal information for the purpose of stalking women online. The stalking claims first surfaced after Jackie Stokes, founder of the cybersecurity firm Spyglass Se … | Continue reading
It has inspired long running myths – notably that it hides a stash of Victorian pornography – is home to 10 storeys of books, has given rise to some dark tales of famous literature and has dominated the skyline of one of the nation’s most historic university cities for almost a c … | Continue reading
If Hollywood producers are hunting for dramatic subject matter to make a sequel to The Social Network – David Fincher’s brilliant 2010 film about Mark Zuckerberg’s founding of Facebook – they will find plenty of promising material in the social media giant’s | Continue reading
For nearly 100 years, scientists have dreamed of turning the lightest of all the elements, hydrogen, into a metal. Now, in a stunning act of modern-day alchemy, scientists at Harvard University have finally succeeded in creating a tiny amount of what is the rarest, and possibly m … | Continue reading
The simple truth is that strip clubs allow men to buy access to women’s bodies. That cannot be good for gender equality. | Continue reading
Rocker Warren Zevon is often credited with coining the mantra that’s been embraced by everyone from partying college kids to early-morning exercise evangelists: “You can sleep when you’re dead.” Or as Bon Jovi put it, “Gonna live while I'm alive, I'll sleep when I'm dead.” It’s a … | Continue reading
The booming price of bitcoin over the last year has created a buzz around cryptocurrency that goes far beyond technology enthusiasts and free market libertarians. It has also helped draw attention to a number of other virtual currencies looming in its shadow, most notably ethereu … | Continue reading
Last week Jeremy Corbyn delivered one of his trademark denunciations of the greed and short-sightedness of British capitalism. “Being a company director, and in particular a chief executive, requires more [than just commercial success],” he told an audience of young socialist act … | Continue reading
The world’s largest active geyser has erupted for the third time in less than six weeks. Steamboat Geyser, in Yellowstone National Park, erupted at around 6.30am local time on Friday morning, geologists said. The eruption is the latest event in a rare period of activity at the ge … | Continue reading
In a world first, scientists have revived the brains of around 200 pigs and kept them alive outside their bodies for 36 hours. Brains rescued from a slaughterhouse had their circulation restored with a system of pumps, heaters and artificial blood. While the researchers were cert … | Continue reading
She was a mysterious serial killer known as the "The Woman Without a Face" and detectives across Europe spent more than 15 years doing their utmost to bring her to justice for at least six brutal murders and a string of break-ins. Yesterday, however, they were forced to admit tha … | Continue reading