Fast.AI Deep Learnings Part I | Continue reading
Ranking Every* General in the History of Warfare | Continue reading
Google AI has finally released the beta version of AutoML, a service that some are saying will change the way we do deep learning entirely. | Continue reading
Have you ever wondered where most Biergarten in Germany are or how many banks are hidden in Switzerland? OpenStreetMap is a great open… | Continue reading
What is Debugging? | Continue reading
The Inception network was an important milestone in the development of CNN classifiers. | Continue reading
The Keras library provides an approachable interface to deep learning, making neural networks accessible to a broad audience. However, one… | Continue reading
Automated feature engineering will save you time, build better predictive models, create meaningful features, and prevent data leakage | Continue reading
With Puerto Rico dark, and almost uncommunicated, I expected that the country's Google Search patterns would change. | Continue reading
There is no reasoning, no process of inference or comparison; there is no thinking about things, no putting two and two together; there… | Continue reading
I remember the first time I heard about data science. | Continue reading
This is part 1 of the Data Deep Dive series which focuses on data as an asset, data marketplaces and how blockchain technology is making… | Continue reading
I try my best to read ML and AI related papers on a regular basis. It’s the only way to stay up-to-date with recent advancements. As a… | Continue reading
9 Steps to Building a Deep Convolutional Neural Net in Excel for Normal Humans. | Continue reading
Some Background | Continue reading
Learn to tackle this laborious process with a systematic approach! | Continue reading
Clustering is a Machine Learning technique that involves the grouping of data points. Given a set of data points, we can use a clustering… | Continue reading
This article shows you how we created an comic classifier using data science, deep learning, and elbow grease. We can predict the… | Continue reading
The AMI Particle | Continue reading
Read your way to better visualizations | Continue reading
Understand what NER is and how it is used in the industry, various libraries for NER, code walk through of using NER for resume… | Continue reading
Understand what NER is and how it is used in the industry, various libraries for NER, code walk through of using NER for resume… | Continue reading
A fun journey into the theory of Linear Regression with a Bayesian touch (Hush Hush: I use metric measurements in this post) | Continue reading
Please read part I before reading this. | Continue reading
Learn the Machine Learning "Magic" behind the Binge | Continue reading
Traditional statistical methods in the Neo4j graph database | Continue reading
Doing cool things with data! | Continue reading
Game Studios spend millions of dollars and thousands of development hours designing game graphics in trying to make them look as close to… | Continue reading
Elon Musk has been sounding the alarms about the existential risk of the human species due to Artificial Intelligence. He’s a brilliant… | Continue reading
How do casinos earn money? The trick is simple- you play long enough, the probability of losing money increases. Let us take a look at how… | Continue reading
Remote work is offered by a large part of software companies nowadays. However, this has mostly left out machine learning positions: Most… | Continue reading
Data science is just one of the modern data driven fields in our new data world. Another job that is even more prevalent than data… | Continue reading
Presented at Data Science Salon in Dallas by Brian Kursar, Vice President and Chief Data Scientist at Toyota Connected. | Continue reading
What do they see, when there is nothing to see? | Continue reading
Using the FeatureSelector for efficient machine learning workflows | Continue reading
Understanding CycleGAN for Image Style Transfer and exploring its application to graphics mods for games. | Continue reading
A NumPy implementation of the famed Convolutional Neural Network: one of the most influential neural network architectures to date. | Continue reading
A code tutorial in Tensorflow that uses Reinforcement Learning to take free kicks. | Continue reading
Meet the Thread Genius team at Sotheby's | Continue reading
As most people my age would do, I was trying to show my kids the original 1978 Superman film to introduce them to my favorite superhero… | Continue reading
After days of cursing and swearing I managed to get my Unity app running and rendering on a “headless” Linux box — machine without a… | Continue reading
We are used to jumping to conclusions really fast, without analyzing all sides. As such, when trying to understand the world, intuition… | Continue reading
For many of us, Bayesian statistics is voodoo magic at best, or completely subjective nonsense at worst. Among the trademarks of the… | Continue reading
How to automatically create machine learning features | Continue reading
Data science has a problem. Several problems, actually, but to begin at the beginning, let’s start with one: leadership. | Continue reading
Towards Cross-Platform User Interfaces and Deep Learning Compilers | Continue reading
Regardless of where you stand on the matter of Data Science sexiness, it’s simply impossible to ignore the continuing importance of data… | Continue reading
We will be seeing how Markov Chains can help us accomplish this task. | Continue reading