Image Classification Using Transfer Learning and Data Augmentation

Fast.AI Deep Learnings Part I | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Napoleon Was the Best General Ever, and the Math Proves It

Ranking Every* General in the History of Warfare | Continue reading | 6 years ago

AutoKeras: The Killer of Google’s AutoML

Google AI has finally released the beta version of AutoML, a service that some are saying will change the way we do deep learning entirely. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Loading Data from OpenStreetMap with Python and the Overpass API

Have you ever wondered where most Biergarten in Germany are or how many banks are hidden in Switzerland? OpenStreetMap is a great open… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

A basic intro to debugging

What is Debugging? | Continue reading | 6 years ago

A Simple Guide to the Versions of the Inception Network

The Inception network was an important milestone in the development of CNN classifiers. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Deploying deep learning with Java

The Keras library provides an approachable interface to deep learning, making neural networks accessible to a broad audience. However, one… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Why Automated Feature Engineering Will Change the Way You Do Machine Learning

Automated feature engineering will save you time, build better predictive models, create meaningful features, and prevent data leakage | Continue reading | 6 years ago

What Was Puerto Rico Googling During and After Hurricane Maria?

With Puerto Rico dark, and almost uncommunicated, I expected that the country's Google Search patterns would change. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Applications of Reinforcement Learning in Real World

There is no reasoning, no process of inference or comparison; there is no thinking about things, no putting two and two together; there… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Show HN: Professional data science mentorship

I remember the first time I heard about data science. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

The Fundamental Problem of the Data Economy Nobody Is Talking About

This is part 1 of the Data Deep Dive series which focuses on data as an asset, data marketplaces and how blockchain technology is making… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

History of Convolutional Blocks in Simple Code

I try my best to read ML and AI related papers on a regular basis. It’s the only way to stay up-to-date with recent advancements. As a… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Excel Wizard tries teaching cutting-edge AI to average humans

9 Steps to Building a Deep Convolutional Neural Net in Excel for Normal Humans. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

A Quick Introduction to the “Pandas” Python Library

Some Background | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Guide to Reading Academic Research Papers

Learn to tackle this laborious process with a systematic approach! | Continue reading | 6 years ago

The 5 Clustering Algorithms Data Scientists Need to Know

Clustering is a Machine Learning technique that involves the grouping of data points. Given a set of data points, we can use a clustering… | Continue reading | 6 years ago and Artificial Intelligence

This article shows you how we created an comic classifier using data science, deep learning, and elbow grease. We can predict the… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Adaptive Meta-Heuristically Intelligent Particle (AMI-P)

The AMI Particle | Continue reading | 6 years ago

5 DataViz Blogs to Follow

Read your way to better visualizations | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Using NLP to extract interesting entities from Resumes

Understand what NER is and how it is used in the industry, various libraries for NER, code walk through of using NER for resume… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Named Entity Recognition (NER) for Resumes

Understand what NER is and how it is used in the industry, various libraries for NER, code walk through of using NER for resume… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

How Bayesian statistics convinced me to hit the gym

A fun journey into the theory of Linear Regression with a Bayesian touch (Hush Hush: I use metric measurements in this post) | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Build your own mini Apache Spark to understand how it works

Please read part I before reading this. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Netflix and Chill: Building a Recommendation System in Excel

Learn the Machine Learning "Magic" behind the Binge | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Graphs and ML: Linear Regression?

Traditional statistical methods in the Neo4j graph database | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Analyze a Soccer Game Using Tensorflow Object Detection and OpenCV

Doing cool things with data! | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Using Deep Learning to improve FIFA 18 graphics

Game Studios spend millions of dollars and thousands of development hours designing game graphics in trying to make them look as close to… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Why many important minds have subscribed to the existential risk of AI

Elon Musk has been sounding the alarms about the existential risk of the human species due to Artificial Intelligence. He’s a brilliant… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

The house always wins: Monte Carlo Simulation

How do casinos earn money? The trick is simple- you play long enough, the probability of losing money increases. Let us take a look at how… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

How to Get a Remote Machine Learning Job

Remote work is offered by a large part of software companies nowadays. However, this has mostly left out machine learning positions: Most… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

3 Questions to Help You Prepare for a Data Engineering Interview

Data science is just one of the modern data driven fields in our new data world. Another job that is even more prevalent than data… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Data Science at Toyota Connected

Presented at Data Science Salon in Dallas by Brian Kursar, Vice President and Chief Data Scientist at Toyota Connected. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Rorschach tests for deep learning classifiers

What do they see, when there is nothing to see? | Continue reading | 6 years ago

A Feature Selection Tool for Machine Learning in Python

Using the FeatureSelector for efficient machine learning workflows | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Turning Fortnite into PUBG with Deep Learning

Understanding CycleGAN for Image Style Transfer and exploring its application to graphics mods for games. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

A from-scratch implementation of the convolutional neural network

A NumPy implementation of the famed Convolutional Neural Network: one of the most influential neural network architectures to date. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Using Deep Q-Learning in FIFA 18 to perfect the art of free-kicks

A code tutorial in Tensorflow that uses Reinforcement Learning to take free kicks. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Art

Meet the Thread Genius team at Sotheby's | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Secret identities wouldn’t fool modern face recognition

As most people my age would do, I was trying to show my kids the original 1978 Superman film to introduce them to my favorite superhero… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

How to Run Unity3d on Amazon Cloud or Without Monitor

After days of cursing and swearing I managed to get my Unity app running and rendering on a “headless” Linux box — machine without a… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

The curse of “intuition” in Data Science

We are used to jumping to conclusions really fast, without analyzing all sides. As such, when trying to understand the world, intuition… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

A Zero-Math Introduction to Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods

For many of us, Bayesian statistics is voodoo magic at best, or completely subjective nonsense at worst. Among the trademarks of the… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Automated Feature Engineering in Python

How to automatically create machine learning features | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Data Science Leaders: There are too many of you

Data science has a problem. Several problems, actually, but to begin at the beginning, let’s start with one: leadership. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Code2Pix – Deep Learning Compiler for Graphical User Interfaces

Towards Cross-Platform User Interfaces and Deep Learning Compilers | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Statistical Techniques Data Scientists Need to Master

Regardless of where you stand on the matter of Data Science sexiness, it’s simply impossible to ignore the continuing importance of data… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Natural Language Generation

We will be seeing how Markov Chains can help us accomplish this task. | Continue reading | 6 years ago