Speaking at the Obama Foundation Summit

I’ve been fortunate enough to get to speak at a lot of events over the years, in front of an amazing variety of audiences around the world. But I can honestly say I’ve never been more impressed by the reaction of an audience member than in the panel | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 6 years ago

Sixteen is Letting Go Again

A couple of times a week, I end up walking by the World Trade Center, either the new train station at the site, or one of the new malls that’s sprung up flanking the memorial. It’s a normal part of my day now, not a tentative and fraught | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 7 years ago

The Printer We Need

Printers: They don’t work. Here’s my wishlist for one that might. I am really enjoying my work at Fog Creek Software, so I don’t have time to start a company right now, but I do have an idea for a great little product and I hope you’ | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 7 years ago

Apple is about to do something their programmers definitely don't want.

Apple spent $5 billion on a beautiful new office, Apple Park. So it’s amazing they’re about to make an extremely costly, avoidable mistake: putting their coders in an open-plan layout. I work at Fog Creek Software, where our cofounder and former CEO Joel Spolsky has been blogging … | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 7 years ago

The bar is so damn low.

It’s always great to reconnect with old friends, and that especially holds true for old Internet friends. That must be why it was such a delight to spend some time chatting with Ana Marie Cox, as a guest on “With Friends Like These“. (And, as we reference in this | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 7 years ago

The Importance Of Interaction

Developer relations and tech evangelism is one of those fields that just doesn’t get enough respect. Having done the work for years myself, I think it’s a wildly under-examined field and very few businesses do enough to properly invest in this critical part of the tech ecosystem. … | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 7 years ago

We're just trying to be non-terrible!

This was so fun! I got another chance to host the Stack Overflow podcast, and this time did it in fine style with Jess Lee and Ben Halpern of the Practical Dev joining in for the festivities. Do give it a listen! | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 7 years ago

Dig, If U Will...

I was delighted to get to talk to Ben Greenman for an episode of “Dig If You Will The Podcast,” his series in honor of his book “Dig If You Will The Picture”. We go deep into Prince’s influence on transforming the music industry, and if you like it, | Continue reading

@anildash.com | 7 years ago